Year XI - n. 57 August–October 2018 Figlie di San Paolo - Casa generalizia Via San Giovanni Eudes, 25 - 00163 Roma [email protected] - www.paoline.org Listen to the voice of God in the voice of youth because they will tell us what they expect of the Church. Bishop Raúl Biord Castillo of La Guaira, Venezuela Foto: Štěpán Rek Summary DEAREST SISTERS... PAULINE PANORAMA The Circumscriptions Italy: Inauguration of Regina Apostolorum Hospital’s Multi-Purpose Hall Celebrating the Sunday of the Word in Prison Bolivia: International Book Fair Congo: Inauguration of an FSP Apostolic Center in Matadi Germany: Frankfurt Book Fair Great Britain: Ecumenical Award Pakistan: “Jesus calls you to serve” Peru: Recounting the Bible to Children Philippines: Cardinal Sin Catholic Book Awards Romania: 25 Years of Pauline Presence Our studies Pastoral Communication Through Films Bridging the Digital Divide in Nigeria THE SYNOD ON YOUNG PEOPLE Synod in Full Swing MOVING Ahead WITH Thecla Woman Associated to Priestly Zeal SHARING OUR STORIES My Vocation AGORÀ OF Communications Virtual and Real: An Anthropological Change? Calendar of the General Government THE PAULINE FAMILY Korea: 1st Formation Course on the Charism of the Pauline Family Italy: 22nd Course on the Pauline Charism Italy: Good Shepherd Sisters: 80th Anniversary of Foundation IN THE SPOTLIGHT Window on the Church Sacred Music: 18th Edition of Anima Mundi Digitization of the World’s Oldest Library Peace Journalism Takes Center Stage in the Vatican Window on the World Library of the Future Wales: Book Town The Most Beautiful Book Store in the World Window on Communications Religion Today Film Festival 2018 Theme of World Communications Day 2019 Happy Birthday, Twitter! CALLED TO ETERNAL LIFE 2 forth, rediscovering Pauline prophecy and “TogeTHER WITH YOUNG PEOPLE, renewing its missionary thrust so as to find LET US BRING THE GOSPEL To all” new modes of proclamation and open fron- tiers of every type, both geographical and of his is the theme of thought” (cf. Draft of the Work Instrument in World Mission Day T preparation for our 11th General Chapter). 2018. It was an occa- sion to rediscover what Today, the ends of the earth are always it means to be a Pauline more navigable: “The digital world–the social missionary and, above networks that are so pervasive and readily all, to feel our need to available–dissolves borders, eliminates dis- participate always more tances and reduces differences. Everything fully in the Church’s mis- appears within reach, so close and imme- sion ad gentes. All our diate. And yet lacking the sincere gift of our Dearest Sisters... communities are “missionary” because we lives, we could well have countless contacts are all called to have “a heart bigger than the but never share in a true communion of life. To oceans and seas” (UPS, p. 455)–a heart that share in the mission to the ends of the earth throbs in unison with the heart of Jesus, Paul demands the gift of oneself…” (Pope Francis, and the Church (cf. AE, p. 57ff.). Message for World Mission Day 2018). Pope Francis says: “My mission is not just a part of my life or just another moment in it. It is something I cannot uproot from my be- ing…. I am a mission…. We have to regard ourselves as sealed, even branded, by this mission…” (EG 273). How many missionary sisters does our Congregation have throughout the world to- day? That is to say, how many FSPs have left their own countries for the sake of the Gospel or to serve our communities in contexts that are not their own? A brief look at our Stato Personale (Personnel Status Book) reveals that we have more than 170 missionary sis- May Jesus, the missionary of the Father, ters, but even that is not enough. In the last help us to dedicate our time, our energies three years, about 20 of those missionaries and our very lives to the cause of the Gospel. have returned to their own countries due May we communicate in every situation the to advanced age, illness, etc., and in some passion for Christ that burns in our hearts: places we do not have enough local voca- “Whoever wants to preach must be the first tions to make up for their departures. We to let the Word of God move him/her deeply have a great need, especially in this time, for and become incarnate in daily life” so as “to the generosity of our younger sisters to sus- communicate to others what one has con- tain the Pauline mission in places in which templated” (EG 150). our communities are particularly needy and lacking in young members. I am thinking We continue to be interrogated by the in- here of Europe, Latin America, Australia and vitation of Paul VI to be faithful to the man- some of the nations of southern Africa. date entrusted to us, because “people can be saved by other routes thanks to the mercy of But we are also missionaries when we re- God, even though we might not proclaim the main in our own countries and make a gift Gospel to them; but will we be saved if we of our life there; when our ever-young hearts fail to announce it as the result of false ideas throb, burn and yearn like the heart of Paul, or out of negligence, fear or shame–what St. to be all to all so that the world might believe. Paul called ‘blushing for the Gospel’?” To take the Gospel to the ends of the earth is the purpose of our vocation. We are called to grow as “communities configured by mission,” to be “a Congregation that goes Sr. Anna Maria Parenzan 3 ITALY ITALY INAUGURATION OF REGINA APOSTOLORUM CELEBRATING THE HOSPITAL’S MULTI-PURPOSE HALL SUNDAY OF THE WORD IN PRISON The new multi-purpose Hall of Regina Several Daughters of St. Paul of the Gener- Pauline Panorama Pauline Apostolorum Hospital, owned by the Daugh- alate community, Rome, celebrated the Sunday ters of St. Paul and located in Albano Laziale of the Word (30 September) with a visit to Regi- (Rome), was inaugurated on 10 October 2018. na Coeli prison, where they spent some mean- The work of renovation and adaptation has re- ingful time with the inmates. In his Apostolic sulted in a splendid multimedia room to serve Letter, Misericordia et Misera, Pope Francis the hospital’s various functions, including the explains that the annual celebration of this Day training of health personnel and the many en- is meant to “renew the efforts of the Christian tertainment activities of the patients. community to make the Sacred Scriptures bet- The spacious room lends itself to versatile ter known and more widely diffused. It should uses since it is equipped with new darkening be a Sunday given over entirely to the Word of and air conditioning systems, a play of lights God, so as to appreciate the inexhaustible rich- along the side aisles, and also projector and es contained in that constant dialogue between audio-video amplification. the Lord and his people.” A large group of hospital personnel, The solemn Eucharistic Celebration at Re- both external and internal, as well as many gina Coeli, enlivened with music and dance, friends, participated very enthusiastically in opened with the enthronement of the Word the event. Present at the cutting of the ribbon of God. FSPs of different nationalities, along were the Hospital’s General Director, Sr. Anna with several prisoners, carried to the altar bas- Maria Gasser, its President, Sr. Anna Maria kets overflowing with Gospels in Italian, En- Parenzan, its Medical Director, Dr. Maria Tere- glish and Spanish. At the end of the Mass, the sa D’Agostino, and Fr. Olinto Crespi, ssp, who inmates received a copy of the sacred text, blessed the new locale and also the big crowd accompanied by the words: May the Word of of well-wishers. God be a light for your path. In her heart, each sister resolved to make a greater commitment General Director Sr. Anna Maria Gasser to disseminating the Gospel not only through underscored the significance of the inaugu- her words but above all through the witness ration from the perspective of continuity: “The of her life. Hall was named after Sr. Thecla Merlo, the Co-foundress of our Congregation,” she said, “and the name remains unchanged because it was she who wanted it. Her intention was that BOLIVIA it be a place for formation, study, meetings INTERNATIONAL BOOK FAIR and–why not?–also socializing and entertain- ment. By means of these renovations, we can restore to the Hall all these functions, which are so important to the life of every Pauline community and therefore also to the life of the Hospital.” The inauguration of the multi-purpose Hall was followed by the inauguration of the first part of the restructuring taking place in stages in the Department of Medicine and Oncology. 4 Bolivia’s 23rd International Book Fair, enti- of Matadi’s Christian flock also expressed their tled The Wonderful Law of Peace, was held admiration and joy for the cultural presence in La Paz. 160 publishing houses participat- and evangelization activities of the FSPs. The ed in the event, which featured China as its event did not resemble a simple book shop guest-exhibitor this year. opening but had the flavor of a new founda- Aware that the Fair is a place of evangeli- tion. In fact, it is a special response on the part zation, the Daughters of St. Paul were pres- of our sisters to the insistent invitation of Jesus ent at this beautiful and significant event, as Master to reach other Congolese peripheries they are every year, with a stand big enough to proclaim to everyone the joy of the Gospel.
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