sfy ’;-'... r-'-r J. 7 p|lB'‘tflBRT.TWO WEDNESDAY, JUtY ft, 19«8 fll^biT B tpr E vrnltis Most I^ a^ ^ ter Stores Open Tonight Until 9 0*Clock If..-,. DaWd H. Jolmaon, aon of Mr. Webster House Damages Minot owd and Hra. Arthur Johnam of P r o je c t ^68 Alioiit T 62 Conatance Dr., U attending l« li luBlor itoMiim wtH Open Sundays Bumper atickem for Proj­ In H u ^ Fites Army Raaerve Officers’ Training ect M will be on sale near t> Q» pabHc d a h a g Oorpa summer camp, at Indtan- r >7^1 The Weather ad in til After acbool During August Cal dor’s tomorrow night dur­ Three minor fires raqtonsd Mh j town Oh > lOlltary ReservatiaR, ing shopping houm. Volun- Osarlng. oool. Low naar M. > to the Annville, Pa. Cadet Johnson, a toRtton by the Town Fire Da-. The Noah Webster Houae on tssm from Kennedy Day paitsnsnt yaaterday. Tomorrow mostly sunny and Am/uAy, liancbeater studoit at Worcester Polytechnic 8. Main St, West Hartford. wiU Camp, benefactor of Project !> ■is.los 4 Institute, Worcester, Maaa., U a A track at Fountain VUlaga m ' pisasant. High about M. of Dtaaibled Amerioan be open to the public every n , will handle a table out- Vetanon, will have a aocial member of Alpha Tau Omega aide the atore. Proceeds will on W. lOddla Tpka., uNd to r Manehe$tmf^ City of VtOago Charm and Alpha Phi Omega fraterni­ Sunday from 2 to 4 p.m. during meeUnc tortffit at 6:30 at tbe enter the Brotherhood In Ac­ gaihaga, backed too olcsa to ^yiO ^ll^pC Ztll, NO. 257 (TWENTY PAO ii—TWO SBOltONS) tem e'o f Xra. Ragnnand Ha(«- ties. He ia a IMS graduate of August. tion fund. The BIA commit­ flamaa in the dumping area, and MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, AUQUHT 1, 1968 sa 9h«o ITI PRICE TEN CENTS a n Woodland B t. Menoheater High School. Tlie Sunday openings, which tee win aponsor e Charity wooden paita on the body of the are sponsored by the Noah Web­ Bell in the State Armory on track caught Are. Only miner Patrlda M. McOaim, daugh­ Nation Named Ttnce ster Houae Foundation, are be­ Saturday, Sept 21, to eld that damage was reported. ter of Hra. June S. McCann of ing held in conjunction with a fund. A butmng permit was iasusd This is the aiaehiiie that chMs ths work lor yen and makiM Pkidnmt 808 flpring St., has been nanir PORT LOUIS, MhurlttaB — $150,000 fund drive with which to a resident on PtxNqwet St. patties taste better . It’s easier lor yon when ytanirva PiadioMt Crime Busters ed *0 the dean’s Hat for the The nes»ty indspsndent Mand of the foundation hopes to refur­ utle at the house. AU proceeds whose ttoe got momeptaitly out portion contronod patties .... anengie IS e to r elm di;. s v S S e .4 Billion Housing Act ZANBVIUJD, Ohio (AP) - semester at Union College, Maurttlus was named by ITth nish the house and provide for will be donated to the founda­ of oonfrol and firemen arrived oentuy Dutch saflon in honor its fidl-tlme opening. each lor Chopped Sirloin. Jesse James and Dlok t n a y Bathourville, Ky. tion. ’ThoM wtahing to purchase at the scene to quench a email have Joined forces to combat of HMsan’s Prtatee Maurice. "Noah Wehater: On Being the book or donate to tbe fund grass are. Paul M. Leone, aon of Mr. and crime In this eastern Ohio The sysaoh renamed it He da American,” a book of hla select­ drive either money, hooka or A almllar incident a t a car city of $9,000. ROCKtitLLtH Mm. Santo Leone of 21 West SL, Franee In mg; than it rasumed ed writing, edited and wMh an authentic fumlahtaigB may con­ wash on Hartford Rd. Involved President baa been named to the dean’s its permanent mune under the Introduction by Homer D. Bab- tact The Noah Webster House a olttsen wMh a burning pem it Joase Jamas BUvsy,' S$, Hat at Notro Dame University BrKlah. R Is about two-ttdrda bidge Jr., preatdent of the Uni­ Foundatlan, P.O. Box 1788, West and a Mbaequent hnah Ora, WAKmOTON (AP) - PiMl. has neglected some of Its hous­ would bs the most gsnerous was added to the city's rook­ for the paat year. ttieslae of Rhode Xriand. versity of Oonneoticut, ia on Hartford. wMcb was quickly exilnguUhed. diet JoiuiHD algaod today the ing needs. government subsidy ever enact­ ie police roster Wednesday. BMMt ttt-nm tidng houMiig got In But now, hs said, he bsltovaa ed for soofa a purpose. Dstsotlve Dick Tracy has tb« nktlon’a history . The mew- providing decent abelter tor all The ptxigram’s cost, however, been with the force alnoe ure to the aiwt of tbe Presi- Americans to "the conunltment to eoepeoted to tnorasse greatly May 21, 1948. denUi foel to wipe out eub- of both parties . dnd of all from the initial $78 mUUon au- ataialertt U.8. bousing In 10 America ..." thoriaaUan. yesn. While Congreee has author­ The measure also includes At tbe signing ceremonies in ised the first stages fOr tbe new money authorisatloRs for front of thg curving new hesd- Preeldent’s program, future many existing pirograms seek­ LBJ Scores qusrtere of-the Depsrtmeftt of Congreaaae must vote the actual ing to deal wlm problems of Mty Houshig and Urban Develop­ mOiiBy to make It a reality. slums and the li^vsririisd. ment, Johnaon said the new law If Congress sfaoukl stffi be fac­ Among these are recent subal- Impact of "can be a Ibgna Carta to Bber- ed with war and taflatian, she dtoa, low-rent puUlc housing ur­ eto our dtlea.’’ months from now, appropria­ ban renewal, and model eltlea The Preeldent aald tbe three- tions to carry the measure and a pkoka^ of aid to he!^ set Steel Boost year, $0.4 billion program through Us ssoond smd third up whole new towns. WASHXNOTON (AP) —Presi­ marks tha start of The final yean may wen be out back to The legislation also wrspe In dent Johnaon says the nation stage of a federal, oommltment disable Johnson’s Igyear goal fkr-nacMng new provtolMia set­ to houaing that began in the ad- oas> expect a massive attack by of 6 milUan new andlr^bU ltat- ting tq> a govonanent Insurance the enemy in 'l^etnsun and poa- mlnlatration of Prealdent ed bomea corporation to hrip make poU- Franklin D. Rooeevdt. alMe "dire eoonomlo oonse- The key new feature of the cies avallab^ to homeowners quences" at home over a ateel WHITE SALE U .& Choke] Ml C hock With leaden of Oongresa and hill would help poor families and buaineasmen In riot-poten- price boost the Cabinet behind Mm, John­ PattteaaT buy homes snd its $800 million Ual areas and to eatabHsb a na­ The President says be to dis­ lea* son aald the nation In the paat outlay over the next three yean tional flood insnrance program. at W * Ib. The Houaing and Urban De­ couraged over the InfUtraticm tore in 4 Ib. velopment Dejiartment estt- and t i ^ buUdiq> by North Viet­ tola tS U mates new subsidy plans should nam in the South and lack of re­ sponse, so fi< to the U.8. bomb­ » > All Tim help 800,000 families buy homes in the three years covertri ta ing restraint With Emotion and Cagh B ut he express^ hope the en­ Qaality CANNON. the bUl and enaUe 800,000 to 4 : CHOPPED SIRLOIN rent suitable apartments. emy will match the restraint Under the home ownership and that the attack, which he f t ■: iINDfK ■ iCAN ■ StZZLr GOOD said appears Inunhient against ■look U aiM Swwrd Fish plan, the govenmtent would Luxurious Long Wearing Americans Respond eiibefdtoe the monthly mortgage major south vletnames cities Tender cure Oeraed Beef payments* by paving all of the "could be aborted.’’ W h h lh « He cautioned Hanoi tbat the Fraaka frani lag Prise interest charges above 1 per JuicM U.S. might have to act prMnptly Percale Sheets Muslin Sheets Bfneke, Osote-Weigel To Biafra^s Plight (See Page Nineteen) with additional nUlitaiy meas­ Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller tells a news conference Lockad In ures If they "put our men in 72” X 108” or Our NEW YORK (AP) — Ameri- meet the Biafrans’ desperate in New York today he believes the Republican na­ 72” X 108” or Our Rtf. I,sgs danger." Reg esns srs respomllng with emo- need for proteins, and medical .Galling an impromptu news Harris Poll Has 2.97 Bastic Fitted Twia 'zM Bump Btsaks sad Hop—snd cash—to the plight M tional convention will 'be an open one. The New Elastic Filled Twin 2.29 1.69 supjdles, bave been airlifted conference in the Cabinet Ro<»n SIi M bs children reported stai^dng on of the White House late Wednes­ York goverhor, seeking the GOP presidential nomi­ 81” X 108’' or 81” X 108” or Our the other aide of the world. into Biafra’a KLOOO-squaie-mile 4,000 Troops Reg ThcM deEdons patties at S lj§D lb. avnacs SS# cul de sac, surrounded by hos­ day afternoon, the President to- nation. said he did not think the convention would Elastic Fitted Fall Elastic Fitted Fall 2.29 This Urns tbe victims of war -UT*- ^ 4 Mast at Bethlehem Steel 2.49 ( 1.89 are toe people of Blafra, a tinry tile territo^, in a cloak-and- Rocky Leading each.
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