,_. ' v\lltlled items '."- ' n each Kroger sad. If we do •ffer you your , . ble, reflecting I entitle you to '· vertiled price ·, upon will be K ITEMS AND , THROUGH Volume 73 No.29 . Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem North Carolina Friday, May 4, 1990 • ,J ~. - • • •• ' TON-SALEM '\' "< •• •• ... ' ' ····· . -. ·- ....... ~.. ' lUANTITIES. ::Struggle for:.fA.partheid Must Be for Yourself Because It Is Right, Angelou Says By Steph Mohl Angelou and Alton Pollard, an assistant see South Africans as ourselves." the massacre, 72 South Africans were killed Pollard told the story in order to say that 'old Gold and Black Reporter. professor of religion, were the principle She said, "If your love is for justice (then) and 200 were injured by police during a "as students you do make a difference." speakers. begin at home inside yourself and it will peaceful demonstration. · "Next year we hope to have more pro­ "You must struggle against apartheid not "Eventually it will be the young South Af­ s~ead around the woi'ld." . "Thirty years ago these people died in the grams like this to prom ole awareness about for tMse who will benefit from it, but for ricans who will decide to free themselves . _. Finally, Angelou said, "If you decide nameofjustice,"Pollardsaid. yourself because it is. right," said Maya so whatever we do we must consider that we not only South Africa but all over," said you're against apartheid, learn as much as Pollard continued, "Power and principal- SAA member Allison Orr. "It is our respon­ .Angelou, the Reynolds Professor of Ameri .. are doing it for ourselves," said Angelou, you can about South Africa." ity cannot stand against those who have right can Studies, at an anti-apartheid rally April . who became well-acquainted with Nelson sibility as students to be aware of what's Pollard, who is going to South Africa this on their side." . happening in the world." .27 in front of Wait Chapel. and Winnie Mandela while spending time in summer, said, "To be in solidarity with each . He also talked about the Wake Forest stu­ ·· About 100 students, faculty members and South Africa. other, we must first know ourselves." 1 'derits who made a statement during their sit­ Rev. Moltalepula Chabaku, a Methodist administrators attended the rally, sponsored Angelou told listeners to "look at South He told the story of the Sharpeville Mas- in 25 y_ears ago with students from Winston­ minister who is from South Africa, was not by Students Against Apartheid (SAA). Africa not as somewhere very far away, but sacre, which occurred 30 years ago. During Salem State University. able to attend as scheduled. Arrested Student Files Complaint By Rocky Lantz pects "cordial negotiations" between McLem­ Managing Editor ore and the university. McLemore declined to comment on any as­ John F. McLemore, the black third-year law pect of the issue. Elliot could not be reached. student who was arrested Oct. 27 after refusing to show his student identification in Reynolds Gym Policies Need to Be Changed Gynmasium, has initiated talks with university officials. In the. letter to Hearn, Elliot says his and McLemoreisbeingrepresentedbyRobertM. McLemore's major concern is that the policies Elliot, an attorney with the North Carolina Civil and practices that led to the arrest will be elirni­ Liberties Union. The NCCLU defends the civil natedtoimproveracerelationsattheuniversity. liberties and the rights of citizens of the state, "I understand that the university has advo­ Elliot says. catedsomechangesinthegymnasiumpolicy,as In aletterdatedApril18 to President Thomas well as sensitivity training of its security offi­ K. Hearn Jr., Elliot says: "We are interested in cers," Elliot says in the letter. "Clearly if these discussing the possibility of a resolution of this proposalsareimplemented,itwillbeastepinthe case with the university administration.In doing right direction. so we feel that several concerns must be ad­ "However we feel that in order to address the dressed. problem itself, and not simply its symptoms, "First, needless to say, John was truly humili­ much more needs tO be done." ated by the treatment by security officers, much Connor said the University Security officers of which occurred in frontofhis fellow students. will attend racial sensitivity training sessions on ... John has suffered from this experience, and is campus May 10 and 11 conducted by the North entitled to mdividual compensation." Carolina Human Relations Commission. · Sandra C. Connor, the vice presidentforpublic The officers will also attend sessions con­ affairs, said McLemore has not flied a lawsuit ducted by the commission this summer at the against the university. University of North Carolina at Wilmington, I She said Leon H. Corbett Jr., the vice presi­ Connor said. dentforlegalaffairs, wroteale~r-~ElliotApril ShesaidasystemoftradingstudentiD.satthe '24 and that C6rrett and Elliot will ineet next gym entrance for arm bands may be imple­ week. mented next semester so students can be identi­ Connor said she does not know whatcompen­ fied easily once they are inside the building. tgc sation McLemore is seeking. She said she ex- See Complaint, Page 4 Examination-Related Stress Takes Toll on Study-Minded Students i9c By Steph Mohl illnesses during exams than during any other Taylor also said students are more suscep­ more, she said. Alan Cameron, a counselor at work is the best way for students to prevent l'!oduction Assistant period. Taylor said she believes stress-related tible to colds, the flu and other similar illnesses, the counseling center, defmed stress as a stress. illnessesarethereasonmorestudentsaretreated because they are not getting enough sleep and, person's response to any kind of change. He However, for many students it is too late in Do you have a headache? Is your stomach during exams, although the health service does consequently, their bodies are "run down," said everyone has different kinds of stressors the semester for this advice, so Taylor and [09 upset? Have you been irritable and depressed not have statistics about the problem. Taylor also talked about the body's physio­ and reacts differently to them. Cameron suggested ways to help students lately? If so, you are probably suffering from Examples ofstress-related illnesses are stom­ logical responses to stress. Cameron emphasized that there is no "quick overcome exam-time stress. too much stress - more specifically, exam­ ach complaints, nausea, diarrhea, headaches When the autonomic nervous system is put answer" for dealing with stress. Taylor recommended four practices: eat time stress. and insomnia, Taylor said. Other problems into "overdrive" it causes an increase in heart ''The best answer to alleviating stress is to healthy foods, exercise regularly, use relaxa­ Mary Ann Taylor, the directoroftheStudent include skin rashes, constipation and breathing rate and blood pressure, a decrease in body prevent it before it can get too bad," he said. tion techniques and avoid alcohol. 19c Health Service, said more students suffer from irregularities. temperature, faster breathing, a dry mouth and Taylor said she agreed that keeping up with See Stress, Page 3 SG Committee Number of Applications [29 Begins Permanent To Wake Forest Declines By Mike McKinley Escort Service Editor in Olicf By Derek Taylor Old Gold and Black Reporu:r The number of high school seniors rgc applying to Wake Forest for the fall 1990 semester dropped by 800, ac­ The service providing escorts at night will be operated by students instead of university security officers next cording to statistics released by admis­ sions office. The undergraduate col­ 'PE year, saidsophomoreDavidlnabinett, the chairman of the lege received 5,400 applications and OR. Student Government's Public Safety Advisory Commit­ accepted about 1,650, a 30-percent tee. acceptance rate. Inabinett said security officers were having a difficult The drop in applications represents a time meeting the demand for escorts. 13-percent decrease over last year. "Our committee distributed bookmarks with the escort Martha Allman, the associate director service phonenumberon them, and the number ofcalls for of admissions, said: "Last year was a theescortservicerosedramatically,"Inabineusaid. "The blip. Wearebackontrack(from 1988). from last year. security officers were having a difficult time handling the Last year was the debate and a lot of Allman said the school admitted number of calls, and many people were having to wait as press. We are ... back to normal from 1,650 students to fill about 830 open­ long as 30 minutes for an escort" last year." ings in the freshman dormitories. The The Public Safety Advisory Committee decided to Allman said the decline in appli­ school also expects about 25 day stu­ c run request that the escort service be by students, an idea cants, a nationwide phenomenon, was dents to enroll. that was already passed by the SG Legislature last year, less at Wake Forest than at some other She said that the ratio of males to lllabinett said. schools in the South. females fortheentering class should be Inabinett said provisions will be made in the budget to The statistics also reveal that the 54 percentand46percentrespectively, pay students for being escort drivers. He said a university­ mean SA Taverageofthoseaccepted is the same as last year's class. Allman owned Jeep Cherokee probably will be allocated to the 1,239, a 14-point improvement over said that 65 percent of the freshmen escort service, pending the arrival of a used patrol car to Eric: Rice last year.ln 1985, the mean SAT score will be from outside North Carolina. take the place of the Jeep in the security forces. Exam Cram was 1,159, and the score in 1988 was More than 350 transfer students The escort service will run in conjunction with library 1,192. submitted applications to the college, hoursandwillprovideridesacrosscampusandtosatellite Freshman Mollie Glosson enjoys the beautirul day while studying sociology on the Quad. The mean SAT score of the appli­ and Allman said she expects 100 of housing and student apartments, Inabinett said.
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