*/rt ^»iQJl.Atf£a?^ijiI THE NOTRE DAME JANUARY 15, 1954 HOW THE STARS GOT STARTED... Onctefm Eddie Sautcr and Bill Fiiiegan, leaders of America's most AMERICAS NEWEST, MOST COLORFUL DANCE BAND excilingly-differenl dance band, mel in 1939 as struggling young arrangers. Ed had studied trumpet and drum f at college; worked up to arranging for "name" bands; Bill had studied in Paris, won a spot with Tommy Dorsey. After 13 years of pooling new ideas, they formed their own band. It clicked! start smoking Camels yourself! Smoke only Camels for 30 days and find out Ru- why Camels are first in mildness, flavor and popularity! See how much pure pleasure a cigarette can give you! OAMEIS PCiRfE WITH MORE PEOPU THAN ANY OTHER CIGARETTE I Thanks to Pep Rally Boosters Look to Gilbert's For Your Editor: Jim Deline and myself would like to express our belated thanks to all those who helped us in our pep rally work this fall. To Mr. O'Brien's band boys for giving unselfishly of their time, to Dick Cotter for a fine job as master of cere­ Naval monies, to those in Charlie Callahan's sports publicity office, and to many others — too numerous to enumerate— goes our gratitude. Officer^s Co-Chairmen, Blue Ciixle Pep Fran Romance Rally Committee Jim Deline Uniform Fine serges. Expressly selected for their excellent worsted con­ /If. struction. Guaranteed long wearing. Regulation Navy Blue uniform. Pay for it from uniform Book SUofi allowance after your arrival at We Sell Truth base. New Catholic Books, Missals, and Prayer Books. Religious Articles. 110 East LaSalle Ave., So. Bend CAMERAS GILBERT'S FOUNTAIN PENS 809-817 So. Michigan St. South Bend's Largest Store For Men! You Always Get a Square 128 W. Washington Deal at Breen's SPAGHEHI RAVIOU WATCHES DIAMONDS CHICKEN STEAKS RADIOS SHAVERS We Cater to Bamqust* •"» R W TURBOW and Pturtus \pPTOMETRIST EXPERT WATCH RH>AIRING The new tradition at Notre Dame I— OPTICAL REPAIRS is... I Frames Repaired, Replaced Flamingo Restaurant I Broken Lenses Duplicated BREEN'S I "Bring In The Pieces" Jeweler Open Sundays \ EYES EXAMINED 325 So. Michigan St. 610 NORTH MICHIGAN 207 W. Washington 3 blks. N. of South Shore Statim Oliver Hotel Phone 4-5777 Ph. 7-3630 January 15, 1954 'Sign' Urges Catholics To Help Alien Youths Ifs a Landslide! Arrow American Catholics are urged to show the thousands of foreign students in the United States "that Christians don't 'Oxfords'Voted Style Kings just talk love of their fellow men but practice it" by inviting such students Large majority of collegians into their homes for a friendly visit, according to an editorial in the Decem­ favor trim good looks of ber issue of r/ie Sign, national Catholic Arrow "Gordon Dover Button-down" magazine. Calling the foreign student "the new kid in the neighborhood on a global scale," the editorial deplores the fact that many such students "are going back home A\'ithout benefit of a single friendly contact with an American Catholic." "Who are these foreign students?" the editorial asks. "Dangerous To Lose Confocf" "Some of them are Latin Americans or others from Catholic areas. For them it can be disastrous to lose contact sud­ denly with Catholics and become im­ mersed in the secularist atmosphere, as one does on some American college cam­ puses," The Sign points out. "Others are Catholics from pagan countries," the editorial adds. "They must feel a very special lonesomeness for contact with others of their faith. "But in a way," The Sign says, "the most important group of all and the non- Catholic and non-Christian students from non-Christian lands: Japan, India, Indonesia, Egypt, and so on. For most "Lasting good looks" was the main reason cited of these, their student years in America for the overwhelming popularity of Arrow will be their only contact with Christian Oxfords. These fine shirts . which retain their civalization." fresh good looks all day long . are available at all Arrow dealers — in white or colors. What To Do About If The Sign calls special attention to foreign students who are under contract ARROW to enter government service when they »»- TRADE ® MARK return to their homelands. Americans, the editorial points out, have an obliga­ SHIRTS • TIES • UNDERWEAR • HANDKERCHIEFS • SPORTSWEAR tion to see to it that such students "bring back with them to their govern­ ment service a new understanding of Western Christian civilization." The editorial asks:]'"What can you do See the new Arrow Shirts at about it?" '^"' "Well, the chances are pretty good that you aren't very far from some col­ lege, Catholic or secular. At a non-Cath­ olic college, call up the Newman Club chaplain. At a Catholic school, contact the student counselor. Tell him you'd like to invite a foreign student to your home. "It needn't be as an overnight guest or even for dinner," the editorial con­ cludes. "The main thing is to meet the Michigan at Washington — On the Comer foreign student and show him a gesture of friendship. You'll find a ready re­ sponse and a satisfying experience." The Scholastic the national champs aren't supposed to lose ... or tie, for that matter. Where To, WNDU? ^;tg Eumor has it that WNDU (or, as Pat McCartan says, "Radio Notre Dame") &SSMi^^i!k: ^m^m^mmn has lost its lease and has to get the heck out of the Fieldhouse. The buming ques­ by Ken Murphy tion of the hour, therefore, is who •will rent out to the local wave-length jam­ Top of the Week mers? Can't you just see the ad in tha No column last WEEK . paper? WANTED: Storage space for one slightly-used radio station. The Auld Long Grind You'll have to bear with us if this column is a little Query of the Week worse than usual, but the keys are a little dusty, the car­ What major league baseball player of riage a little rusty, and yours truly a little musty. Yessir, the past season was on the Notre Dame it was a long, hard vacation and almost a relief to get back all-opponent football team of 1949? If to the quiet blizzard of Indiana — almost, but not quite. you think you have the solution, send We imagine there were many parties over the recess your answer in 25 words or less to yours and dances galore and many good times. But probably most truly. Winner gets a free ride across the of all, there were multi-conversations which went something Bog via dog-sled. like this: SCENE — A beverage-dispensary some­ Slaying Two Birds With One Cup where in the forty-eight. 'Course there had been a small iire Back in September (that was before the blizzards set in) we were a bit dis- ACT—One, Two and Three. in Washington Hall one night, but gi-untled that the one-armed cofFee-ban- CAMERA, LIGHTS, ACTION— that Avas put out in a hurry. dit in the AB Java-joint was dispensing Ask him how the wife and kids are. "Hiyuh . errrr . good t'see ya." 2) its boiling hot coifee in cold-drink cups. Just ignore him completely. "Oh, hiyah . uhhh . how are ya." 3) But now that Hoosierland's winter has Offer to buy him a drink. "Long time, no see." 4) set in in its own inimitable fashion, we Go to the movies. "Hmm? Oh, yeah . sure is." 5) find that the defrosted cold cups serve "Yep!" two purposes. Not only do they tend to "Mmhmm." warm your innards, but they also make "You . ahhh still go to college?" Polls Again pretty good hand-warmers. The place "Yeah," (sensing Avhat is coming still is shy one juke box, though. next), Noticed by the paper the other day that the Associated Press is still tiying "Notre Dame." On The Town "Ummmm" . (followed by a long to conduct polls. This one was for the pause, then a slight cough) . "say, a" top team of 1953 and boy, we were We read other things besides news­ . (real confidential like) . "tell me, pretty burned up to read that the New papers once in awhile. For instance, we what happened to Notre Dame this York Yankees had beaten out Maryland ran across a pretty good ad in the year?" for the number one ranking. I'll bet you JVettf Yorker the other day. that if Maryland ever got the Yankees EL MOROCCO—A fashionable photog- Now, when one of these pains in the on a football field they'd "moider 'em." i"apher's studio, open evenings for the neck popped up, there was one of several convenience of those who have to sleep alternatives one could pursue: We were one of those fortunate during the day. 1) Explain to him very patiently that, enough to watch the Orange Bowl game to the best of your knowledge, noth­ on TV last Snooze Year's Day and we ing had "happened to Notre Dame can truthfully say that Maryland cer­ Bottom of the Week this year." tainly lost like national champs. 'Course . but there is one this WEEK. -.Advertisement i - HIS FACE IS SO r \ <NEW YOU (i)=:-ff-ipi'o -vou COULDVE -BUT THAT ^fARLWS^OSDICK ELASTIC, HE CAN MOLD WEREN'T ME THOUGHT OF AVOIDED Loose WOULD BE IT INTO ANV SHAPE YT BECAUSE I USE OANDSUnrTOO, ILLEGALiT- by AL CAPP OH.''- WCM CAN FOSDICK WILDROOT WILDROOT'COIAM CREAM-OIL, iANVBACE'?'- SAME -MY ^4AME T^LL WHO IS WHO?—^ OIL TO KEEP GOES FOR VOU, IS IRVJIJC- :IS FOSDICK- MV HAIR KJEAT— WITH LANOLIN, CHIEF W:--GET • BOTTHEOTHEI? 80T MOT (^^HU) 1 COULD'VE WliOAOOT CREAM- •IS At*VPAC6 GREASyf yOURS AyoiDEp OU^CHAMJE.T^ ^-THE WORLD'S isAMfiSSf/ ARREST P TRICICIEST C(?)M1NAL- ?^_ ^ '#/»^>>l 'fin ^1^ 'J'~^ MIM HKIdrootGreM-OHisNinerica'sfavoritelMirtoiiic.
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