THE strathallia N THE MAGAZINE OF STRATHALLAN SCHOOL PERTHSHIRE V o l u m e Fo u r N u m b e r S e v e n School Notes and Notices WING to difficulties occasioned by the bury During the three years Dr. Pasfield O war, the provisions laid down by was at Strathallan he did good work as music our Founder and late Principal, Mr. Harry master and latterly as housemaster, and Biley, for the future constitution of the the recently constituted Musical Society School have not been carried out as expedi­ owes its inception to his enthusiasm. In tiously as would have been possible in his place we welcome Mr. B. Mordecai, normal times. Two Old Strathallians des­ Mus.Bac., of the University of North Wales. tined to take a prominent part in the M usic is somewhat, of a “ Cinderella ” in management of the School as members of many boys’ schools, and at Strathallan an the Board of Governors, Major D. J. Bogie, attempt is being made to improve its status still a prisoner of war in Germany, and in the school curriculum. In this connection Lt.-Colonel J. B. Maitland Cowan, who has we welcome the new members of the School a staff post with the Airborne Forces, are Orchestra— both staff and boys— and express at present unable to hold office. At the risk the hope that some of the Junior Schoolboys of some repetition, we would remind our who are learning to play musical instruments readers that Mr. lliley’s plan provided for will, in due course, attain positions in the the liquidation of the old Company— Stratli- Orchestra. We have obtained recognition allan School, Limited— and the transfer of of a course in music leading to presentation its assets to Trustees who would collaborate of candidates in this subject at the Leaving with a Board of Governors. The main diffi­ Certificate Examination, but such a course culty, owing to the absence of so many Old will be available for comparatively few boys. Strathallians on active service, has been to We pass now to this session’s scholastic form a representative board to ensure the achievements. The School Certificate form welfare of the School. Nevertheless, since who took the Scottish Senior Leaving the issue of the previous number of the Certificate in March, 1944, maintained a “ Strathallian, ” a further step forward has creditable standard with 15 passes out of been taken and, at the Annual General •21 entries. In the Autumn Term, potato Meeting this year, the necessary resolution lifting caused a certain amount of dis­ for the liquidation of Strathallan School, organisation in the ordinary school routine; Limited, was passed. Hence the transition considerable enthusiasm, however, was dis­ of Strathallan from a private to a public played by the boys, and seemed to reach its school has been accomplished, and we are zenith on pay day. The local farmers now under the jurisdiction of a Board of expressed their grateful thanks to the School Governors. No change is contem plated in for the work done. Following the policy the internal organisation of the School, but instituted two years ago, four candidates the new constitution provides the oppor­ were presented for the Cambridge Higher tunity for Strathallan to continue to play a School Certificate in the Science group of worthy part in the education of the youth subjects, and we offer our congratulations to of our nation. L. M. Barrett, J. B. Clark, E. S. Dawson, We wish Dr. W. R. Pasfield, music master and V. G. Milne, on their awards in this from January 1940, to December 1943, examination. J. B. Clark gained an exhibi­ every success in his new appointment as tion in Natural Science to St. Catharine’s Director of Music at King’s School, Canter- College, Cambridge, and, in addition, has ISO STRATHALLAN SCHOOL MAGAZINE been awarded a State Bursary—a very The Musical and Dramatic Societies com­ fine achievement. His predecessor in the bined to give a concert in the Gymnasium award, R. Wylie Gregory, who went to St. in aid of the local “ Salute the Soldier ” Catharine’s in 1942, has completed a splendid campaign for Forgandenny, and the results academical record by obtaining First Class — both musical and financial—were highly Honours in the Final Mechanical Science gratifying. Tripos after only two years’ study at the We must record four occasions on which University. Me was also awarded a special the School was privileged to hear speakers prize and made a scholar of his College. Old from the Ministry of Information, all of Strathallians in the Medical Faculty at whom expressed themselves as delighted Glasgow University have a good record too with the very appreciative audiences they this session, as no fewer than five—A. M. had on their visits to the School. Miss Lai Gordon, F. R. Hood, I). C. Jackson, J. L. Po Kan gave us an insight into the life of Steven, and C. M. Turner—successfully the Chinese, whilst Lady Fletcher took us passed the final M .B., Ch.B. examination at with her on a visit to Russia. We listened the first attempt. with no small admiration to Mr. Van der The start of the rugby football season was Bijl, airman and scholar, who spoke to us rather delayed by harvest activities, but the on Czechoslovakia, and we were enthralled 1st XV. soon got into its stride and, under by the exploits of counter-espionage told to the captaincy of John Hall, proved to be us by Col. Rhys-Davies, D.S.O. one of the School’s most successful sides. We are indebted to Miss Flora McGlynn, As can be gleaned from the Sports Notes, L.R.A.M ., the assistant music mistress, who there were many thrilling battles, but only provided a delightful Sunday afternoon con­ one game—that against George Heriot’s cert during the Christmas Term. Miss School—was lost. The 1st Cricket XI., McGlynn and the Misses Lilias Adams, however, had a disappointing season. Most Margot Keillor, and Rita Scott gave delight­ of the school fixtures had to be cancelled on ful pianoforte and violin selections, and we account of an outbreak of German measles, hope that this may be only the first of a and the games played were mostly against series. R.A.F. and Army elevens. The opposing We hope that the session 1944-45, which teams iisually included one or more players will see a further increase in the number of with first-class experience, and made large pupils, will prove an even better session than scores against the boys. The Middle and that just completed. G. S. Lowden, as last Lower schoolboys’ enthusiasm for cricket year’s captain, set a very high standard in seems to be on the up-grade, and perhaps the execution of his duties, and was the <an improvement in the match-winning cap­ recipient, by unanimous consent, of the abilities of future first XI.s will be the Houston Medal. The School is fortunate in result. Sports Day, bereft of its peace-time having last year’s vice-captain, A. M. Nicol, glamour, saw many exciting events, and J. to carry on. A. McIntyre proved a worthy Sports Cham­ pion. The sequel to the events on Sports The members of the School Authority Day occurred later in the term when the a re : — Captain of Nicol House presented the House School Captain: A. M. Nicol. Championship Flags to the new winners, Vice-Captain and Captain of Buthven: Simpson House. J. Thomson. The various School societies, the A.T.C., Captain of Freeland: D. Iv. Common. A.C.F., and Scouts, have been centres of Captain of Nicol: J. N. Armour. great activity during the session. We would Captain of Simpson: G. T. Lamond. like to mention the excellent camps held Captain of Iiugby: I. W. M. Hendry. during the Summer vacation for the A.C.F. House Prefects: 1). Shannon, J. M. at Kinross, and for the A.T.C. at Crail and Burnett, W. L. Templeton, .1. G. Errol. Not to be outdone, a party of twenty Sandeman. Scouts camped at the foot of the Ochils Sub-Prefects: D. B. Fraser, I. W. W. near Bridge of Earn, and enjoyed a, glorious Fingland, J. D. Barr, G. W. Pate, week under canvas, with Mr. Shaw in charge. W . W . Law. STRATHALLAN SCHOOL MAGAZINE Musical Society President: J)r. W . R . Pasfield. King’s School, Canterbury. Dr. Pasfield Committee: L. M. Barrett, \Y. R. was presented with two recorded works as Caldwell, J. A. Davidson, AT. S. a token of the Society’s gratitude for the Madan, (J. W . Pate, S. M. Ritchie, time and energy which he put into the John Thomson. running of what we like to term his Society. URING the Christmas Term the Society Few meetings of any importance took D enjoyed a variety of interesting pro­ place during the rest of the session. The grammes. Of chief note was the recital of majority of these consisted of pianoforte organ music given in St. John’s Kirk, Perth, solos by Mr. Mordecai, the new President. by Dr. Ernest Bullock, C.Y.O., F.R.C.O., At the end of the Easter Term, the Society, which the Society attended and thoroughly under the direction of Mr. Mordecai, gave enjoyed. The other programmes were given a concert of light music, which was much by Messrs. B. Finn and S. W. Hughes, appreciated. In the Summer Term, in members of the Society, and, of course, co-operation with the Dramatic Society, a Dr.
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