THE TUFTS DAILY Where You Read It First Thursday, April 7,1994 Vol XXVN, Number 45 A NICE VIEW Ted Koppel to deliver speech at commencement ceremony by JESSICA ROSENTHAL New York as a full-time corre- ing conventions that have taken Daily Editorial Board spondent at age 23 and has been place since 1964. Furthermore, he ABC news anchor Ted Koppel with the network for 30 years. He anchored ABC News’ coverage will deliver the main address at is therecipient of numerous awards of the 1980 Democratic and Re- commencementonMay 22.TIME and honors, including five George publican National Conventions magazine has called Koppel “the Foster Peabody Awards, eight and ABC election night coverage. most indispensable news broad- duPont-Columbia Awards, seven Koppel is a native of caster on television.” Overseas Press Club Awards, 21 Lancashire, Englandand has aB.A. University President John Emmys, two GeorgePolk Awards, degree from Syracuse University DiBiaggio said that Koppel “is and two Sigma Delta Chi Awards, and an M.A. in mass communica- excited about coming and thinks the highest honor the Society of tions research and political sci- highly of Tufts.” Professional Journalists bestows ence from Stanford. Koppel started anchoring for public service. Other degree recipients ,, The library roof provides an excellent view of Boston. Nightline, the first late-night net- He received the first Golden DiBiaggio said that “this will work news program, 14 years ago Baton in the history of the duPont- be a very impressive commence- during the Iran hostage-crisis.A Columbia Awards for a week-long ment.” The university will award Munroe speaks about press release states that he is con- Nightline series from South Af- six other honorary degrees this sidered “the best news interviewer ricain 1985. Koppel andNightline year. on air.” were cited for “the most extraordi- One of these recipients will be UNICCO’s practices In addition to delivering the nary television of the year,’‘ the T. Berry Brazelton, a pediatrician A According toBartMunroe, vice main commencement address, press release states. and the author of 24 books on by JOHN O’KEEFE Koppel will receive an honorary Daily Editorial Board president and general manager of Before Nightline, Koppel pediatrics and child development. Tufts is currently embroiled in the schools and colleges division doctor of humane letters degree. worked as an anchor, foreign and He will receive an honorary doc- a controversy over the proposed of UNICCO, the cleaning com- “Ted Koppel is an educator in his domestic correspondent, and bu- tor of science degree. subcontracting of campus custo- pany also subcontractsajanitorial own right. His nightly broadcasts reau chief. He was ABC News’ Brazelton appears regularly on dial work. Since the announce- staff at Harvard University, Provi- help millions of us make sense out chief diplomatic correspondent the Lifetime cable television sta- of the national and global issues ment of the proposal, there have dence College,and Simmons Col- from 1971 to 1980, and for two see KOPPEL, page 18 been numerous, unsubstantiated lege, among others in the region. that influence our daily lives,” years beginning in 1975, he an- allegations and speculations re- Munroe said that UNICCO has DiBiaggio said. chored The ABC Saturday Night garding the performance of the had successfulexperiences clean- “Years from now, TV news- News. janitorial workers who currently ing residencesand other buildings men are likely to invoke the name His diplomaticassignments in- serve as subcontractors for Tufts. at these institutions. of Ted Koppel the way they now cluded coverage of former Secre- Operations administrators have “Primarily we are in the busi- speak of the good old days of tary of StateHenry Kissinger, with proposed using subcontractors ness of cleaning collegecampuses. Edward R. Murrow,” the Boston whom he traveled over 250,000 Globe reported. from acorporation known as Uni- Our employees feel that they are miles during the days of versity Cleaning Company as much a part of the institution as Nightline is a half-hour week- Kissinger’s shuttle diplomacy. (UNICCO) to clean all buildings they are of our company,” Munroe night show that does in-depth re- While he covered the State and residence halls on the said. porting on major stories in the Department, Koppel co-wpte the Medford, Boston, and Grafton .Some students and -current news through a combination of best-sellerln the National Interest campuses. UNICCO which cur- Buildings and Grounds (B&G) live interviews and reports from with his colleague Marvin Kalb, rently cleans the Tufts Adminis- custodians have expressed con- correspondents in the field. formerly of CBS News. Addition- tration Building (TAB) and the cerns about security and theft in “Nightline has grown so power- ally, Koppel was ABC’s Hong Science &Technology Center at 4 the dormitories, noting that sub- ful, that it’s assumed that any top- Kong bureau chief from 1969 to CoIby St., cleans colleges and uni- contractors often have a high rate shelf newsmaker will do Ted first,” 197 1, and before that was the Mi- versities throughout New England, of employee turnover. Munroe dis- according to The Dallas Morning ami bureau chief for a year. New York, and as far south News. Koppel had a major reporting as see mIcco, page 11 Dai/y file Phoro Washington, DC. Koppel joined ABC News in role in all 16 presidential nominat- Ted KODDel DiBiaggio talks about custodial Heilman gives talk on issues,, multiculturalism, funds Schindler ’s survivors by JESSICA ROSENTHAL by KATHY POLIAS edly, they have become “stylized Daily Editorial Board Senior Staff Writer and ritualized.” He described them University President John Hillel sponsored a talk given by as being his “legacy,” and he has DiBiaggio discussed the current Samuel C. Heilman, Ph.D. on developed great pride in his par- issue of subcontractingthe custo- Tuesday night. Heilman is a re- ents managing to stay alive while dial staff, multiculturalism, and nowned author and a Professor of having to face incredible danger financial aid in apress conference Jewish Studies and Sociology at and suffering. Heilman said that yesterday. the City University of New York. the stories of their experiences DiBiaggio said that “thereason He was born in Germany after fall “somewherebetween truthand that the university has proposed World War II, the son of Holo- fiction”because it is so difficultto subcontractingis primarily finan- caust survivors. His parents were believe that human beings would cial, althoughitisinpartrelated to among the 1,100 Jews who were be treated so horribly. quality as well. It is acombination saved from being transferred to a Heilman related one story of the two, but it is primarily bud- concentration camp in Czechoslo- shared with him by his mother. He getary. But, we can do somewhat vakia by a German Nazi business- told of his mother and many other better through the contractingpro- man named Oskar Schindler, who women arrivingat aconcentration cess.” took them under his wing as labor- camp in Auschwitz after being He explained the financial ers. Schindler is the subiect of the “stuffed in cattle cars.” Heilman movie Schindler ’s List: see HEILMAN, page 13 nologycenter and the Tufts Ad- Heilman described his experi- ministration Building [TAB]. ‘‘I ences growing up with survivors would invite you to visit either one of the Holocaust. He first identi- ofthose two buildings to make an fied two kinds of suriivors -- those I Inside assessment in that regard,” he said. who try to repress their memories, Viewpoints ....................... P. 3 See why homosexuality is accepted He did say that the university “has and those who frequently share with otherstheir remembrances of by God, how to respect dining staffers, been happy with the quality” of the atrocities they suffered. and go to the Holocaust.Museum. work in these buildings. He said that his parents were of the DiBiaggio added that “there is second type. Throughout his life, Weekender...; ..............p. I-IV the distinct possibility, because it his parents have shared Holocaust Believe it or not, spring has sprung!! is the same union that represents stories with him. He said that they Not only that, but Joe Pesci fails again, both, that the employees will be told them as folktales, “in which while Belle Epoque shines. employed by the subcontractors.” my parents were the central char- “This is an issue of collective acters and which always ended, bargaining, which is carried on Spor.................................. P. 7 ‘And we were saved’.’9 The women’s softball team wins yet -.- privately. Therefore, we can’t re- - Heilman explained that because again, and Tufts sailing tenaciously President John DiBiaggio held a press conference yest&&. see DIBJAGGIO, page 9 he has heard these stories repeat- page-two THE TUF’TSbAJLY Thursday, April 7,1994 Letters to the Editor dorms are residences.These offices cannot of others. Expanding UNICCO services is Subcontracting be compared to the students’ home. They not appropriate.It is inhumane for the Uni- are dissimilar environments and this must versity to want to replace Building and would be inhumane be taken into account. Grounds custodians for cheaper labor. These To the Editor: We as residents feel comfortable with employees of Tufts are human beings and I would like to say that it is wrong for the familiar faces of our dorm custodians deserve equal treatment from their em- Executive Vice President Manos and Vice and oppose the services of a private sub- ployer. B&G custodians have given our President of Operations John Roberto, contractorto come into our homes. Replac- school years of service and well-deserve through their comparison with the cleaning ing the present custodians with UNICCO’s their present salary and benefits (I’ve met services of the TAB building and the Sci- workers should not be only decided by the some custodianswho have worked here for ence and Technology Center, to conclude administration and the B&G representa- as many as 20 years).
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