PAGE 3 PAGES 8-9 PAGE 16 Spoken words Cathedral opens Our Faith-Our Hope attract a crowd new space lets the light in TheTHE NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF TORONTO A A SECTION OF THE ANGnLICAN JOURNAL g l www.tiorontoc.anglican.ca n MAY 2012 Youth program builds better lives Church gives local teens place to go after school BY HENRIETA PAUKOV WHEN David Edney tells the young people who gather in the basement of St. Paul, Lindsay, to “Write your own history,” he is not asking them to sit down with pen and paper. He is telling them that they have the ability to break the negative cycles in their lives. “A lot of these kids come from homes where Dad’s a drunk or a drug user, or mom’s a user, and the cousin’s doing this and that,” says Mr. Edney, who is the youth pastor at the church. “And they are in this cycle: Dad uses be - cause his Dad used and now there is an expectation in this young man’s or woman’s life that they are going to use because that is just how it is. And we tell them: ‘Hey, you don’t have to be in this cycle; you can break this cycle.’” Youth pastor David Edney, seated left, and young people relax in the basement of St. Paul, Lindsay. On Tuesday evenings, the teens play games Mr. Edney and a group of vol - or do homework, listen to a youth sermon and enjoy a hot meal. PHOTO BY MICHAEL HUDSON unteers at St. Paul’s are commit - ted to equipping the kids with the 9 p.m. Kids can play games or do amazing meals that a lot of us service. “Our Sunday worship is News about the program, necessary tools, including “God their homework; there’s a youth were raised on and that a lot of off to a great start and just grow - which is officially called Bottom and his word.” They have trans - service, as well as free dinner. these kids don’t have the opportu - ing deeper in God’s word,” says Line, has spread simply by word formed the basement into a youth “We have a couple—Paul and nity to have, like a home-cooked Mr. Edney. “We don’t tell cute of mouth. “And I think just being centre that welcomes 30 to 40 Phyllis Carpenter—who run our roast beef meal.” Bible stories; we discuss the real - in the community,” adds Mr. Ed - kids, aged 10 to 18, on Tuesday kitchen,” says Mr. Edney. “They Thursday nights, young people ity of life and the reality of Jesus, ney. “We play ball hockey in our nights. Programming starts right have become surrogate grandpar - gather for worship practice and and how he changes your life and after school and runs until about ents to these kids. They give them Sunday mornings for a youth who you are.” Continued on Page 2 New iPad is top prize in video contest Call goes out for videos about coming back to church BY STUART MANN Church, Brampton. than 30 seconds and sent in by people.” She hopes the contest will gen - Aug. 1. In addition to winning an The version that the group is THE diocese’s Back to Church erate excitement in parishes and iPad, the top entry will be posted giving away is a 32GB iPad with Sunday working group is holding get people thinking about inviting on the diocese’s YouTube channel 4G and costs $750. It includes a video contest, with a new iPad their friends and family members and shared through its Facebook many features, including an ultra- as the top prize. to church. “What we’re trying to and Twitter pages. sharp screen and a camera that “We want people to send in do is change the DNA in parishes, Ms. Douglas-Bowman says the records high-definition video and their videos, showing why people so that we really become an invit - iPad is the perfect prize for the still images. should come back to church,” ing people.” contest. “We’re asking people to Ms. Douglas-Bowman says the says the Rev. Stephanie Douglas- The contest is open to any per - produce something for use in so - working group hopes the contest Apple’s latest iPad comes with an Bowman, chair of the group and son, group or church in the dio - cial media, and the iPad is a cov - ultra-sharp screen. the associate priest at Christ cese. Videos should be no longer eted tool, especially for young Continued on Page 2 BISHOPS COMING TO TORONTO – SEE PAGE 7 2 The Anglican N E W S May 2012 Teens given safe place Continued from Page 1 parking lot every Friday and peo - ternoons and evenings. “Kids can ple can see that kids hang out come and play the Xbox and just there and they wonder what’s go - chill,” he says. “It’s a safe place ing on.” Most importantly, he be - where they can hang out.” lieves that the youth centre fulfils They are also thinking about a deep need for the kids. “Jesus is developing a cooking program showing up and changing their and planting a community garden lives and they want more of it and near the church. Mr. Edney says their friends want it,” he says. that through gardening, the kids Mr. Edney and the other youth will learn about responsibility, workers have more plans for the work ethic, and care, “because program. Starting in July, St. when we tell them that we can Paul’s youth centre will be open break cycles, they say that’s good, as a drop-in centre on Friday af - but show me.” Young people from the community help themselves to dinner at St. Paul, Lindsay. PHOTO BY MICHAEL HUDSON -ARY''RIFlTH"! -"! *$ TO PLACE AN AD IN New iPad up for grabs -ACLAREN #ORLETT,,0 "ARRISTER3OLICITOR/NTARIO "LOOR3TREET%AST THE ANGLICAN, Continued from Page 1 !TTORNEY#OUNSELOR AT ,AW.EW9ORK 3UITE 3OUTH4OWER call Carol at 4ORONTO /.-72 905.833.6200 x25 will remove some of the fear that ally terrified of the word evangel - "USINESS,AW 7ILLS 4RUSTS%STATES 4EL or email Anglicans have about asking ism, but inviting people back to &AX [email protected] their friends to church. “We hope church can come pretty natural - WWWMACLARENCORLETTCOM% MAILMGRIFlTH MACORLAWCOM people have fun making the ly.” videos. There are lots of really The diocese has been holding good stories out there. We’re en - Back to Church Sunday for the ĂVST.BZBUQN couraging people to be creative.” past three years, and more than "TDFOTJPO&WFOTPOH #$1 She says inviting people to 4,500 people have come back to QMVTTVQQFSBUBOEUBMLBU church goes right back to the first church as a result of an invitation. disciples of Jesus Christ. “It has This year, it will be held on Sept. 4065) been part of our Christian prac - 30. 46%"/ tice right from the very begin - For more information about the ning. It’s one of the easiest forms video contest, visit www.toron - :&"30/ of evangelism. Anglicans are usu - to.anglican.ca/ipad. XJUI$IBSMFT,FOZJ 4PVUI4VEBOCFDBNFJOEFQFOEFOU Send your parish news to editor @toronto.anglican.ca JO+VMZ TFQBSBUJOHJUTNBJOMZ $ISJTUJBOMBOETGSPN*TMBNJD 4VEBOUPUIFOPSUI"TUIFĐSTU BOOJWFSTBSZBQQSPBDIFT XFMPPLBU UIFCPVOEBSZEJTQVUF UIFXJEFTQSFBEQPWFSUZw BOEUIFHPPEBOEFWJMPGPJM 0/,+!6%30%23 4U0MBWFT$IVSDI #ALLFORTICKETSANDINFO #MPPSBOE8JOEFSNFSF WITH7ALTER/STANEKnh4HE0OLKA+INGv TIME'RAMMY!WARD7INNER 3T0HILIPS!NGLICAN#HURCH %TOBICOKE 3T0HILLIPS2OADNEAR2OYAL9ORKAND$IXON2OAD 4ELEPHONE 3UNDAY -AY PM 4HE0HILIP!ZIZ#ENTRE&OR(OSPICE#AREISA COMMUNITYBASEDHOSPICEIN4ORONTOPROVIDING RESPITE PRACTICAL PHYSICAL EMOTIONALANDSPIRITUAL CAREFORADULTSCHILDRENLIVINGWITHALIFELIMITING 6W-RKQ·V'L[LH(%!$' "+" 6W-DPHV·(# ' 6W(-%R!K$Q'·V1%R&*UZ,D\ ILLNESSTHEIRFAMILIES &H P H#W H(U \&, & &UH P#(%&")#DWRULXP & HP #H WH( U&, &\ &U H#(%&")#PDWRULXP & H P#H W(H U&, &\ &U H#(%&")#PDWRULXP !SAHOSPICEBUILTINTHEMEMORYOF0HILIP!ZIZWHO .(,-+'XQGDV6WUH H W-,-(DVW +&$'3DUOLDPH Q(--+W6WUH H W- $(",-)().LQJVWRQ5RDG EMBRACED#HRISTIANVALUESOFCOMPASSION UNCONDITIONAL LOVE HOPEANDHEALING WEPROVIDECAREFORADULTS 0LVVLVVDXJD21/<%$,,$,,." 7)RU+R)Q(W-R)210;5 7)R+U)R(Q-W)R210/6 CHILDRENANDFAMILIESFROMALLCULTURESANDFAITHS 3KRQH#)( 3#)(KRQH #)(3KRQH *OINOURVOLUNTEERTEAM MAKEADIFFERENCEWITHUS Z0Z0Z0V,W-M%R)K#Q(V,GL[$1LH$ FRP)' 0Z0Z0Z,V-%WMD'P H,VFDW-#KH GU+DO&R)Q(FD 0Z0Z0Z,V-W%)MR#K(Q,V(Q)RU+Z0D\2F)R+P" 9OURTIME COMPASSIONANDCOMMITMENTCANHELPMAKE SOMEONESJOURNEYMOREMANAGEABLEANDMEANINGFUL &&)!).+*+)* +-$ ,)!! + #ALL XFORFURTHERINFORMATION&ULLTRAININGPROVIDED &)("0$-#-# !)&&)0$(", +/$ , 6OLUNTEERWITHTHE0HILIP!ZIZ#ENTRE WWWPHILIPAZIZCENTRECA WILLIS PHILIPAZIZCENTRECA May 2012 N E W S The Anglican 3 Church helps youth get the word out Poets cover range of issues at inaugural event BY REBECCA WILLIAMS throughout the night. “We have designed this pro - GETTING more than 100 people gram to appeal to youth who under the age of 30 to hang out at might not otherwise be attracted a church on a Friday night may to a church-based youth pro - seem like a large feat, but to get gram,” said Rosemary MacAdam, them to do that and feel they can a youth leader at the church. “We Organizers Mathew Boyd-Learn, Mo Ali, Patrick de Belen and Rosemary MacAdam enjoy the evening. talk openly about issues and top - wanted it to be relevant to the PHOTOS BY MICHAEL HUDSON ics that affect them—well, some mostly working-class and first- might think that’s impossible. generation youth of colour in this St. Margaret, New Toronto, immediate community. Spoken proved it’s not impossible: youth word’s close connection to hip-hop just need the right platform. On and rap appeals to many youth.” March 23, the church held a poet - The program is the brainchild ry slam to kick off its Spoken of Mathew Boyd-Learn, another Word Program.
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