JULY 2019 G I L F O R D E T A L . 2417 Seasonal Cycles of Along-Track Tropical Cyclone Maximum Intensity DANIEL M. GILFORD Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick, New Jersey SUSAN SOLOMON AND KERRY A. EMANUEL Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts (Manuscript received 24 January 2019, in final form 19 April 2019) ABSTRACT This study investigates relationships between observed tropical cyclone (TC) maximum intensities and potential intensity (PI) over the seasonal cycle. To directly compare observed and potential intensities, one must account for month-to-month variability in TC tracks and frequencies. Historical TC best track data and reanalysis PI calculations are combined to develop an along-track record of observed maximum and potential intensities for each storm in the satellite-era (1980–2015) across four ocean basins. Overall, observed maxi- mum intensity seasonal cycles agree well with those of along-track PI. An extreme value theory application shows that at least 25 storms must be observed in a given month to have high confidence that the most intense wind speeds of historical TCs follow along-track PI seasonality. In the North Atlantic and Southern Hemi- sphere regions, there are too few observed storms outside their traditional TC seasons, limiting PI applica- bility across the seasonal cycle. Small intraseasonal along-track PI variabilities in these regions are driven by TC thermodynamic disequilibrium and sea surface temperatures. Thermodynamic disequilibrium drives seasonal cycles of eastern North Pacific along-track PI and observed maximum intensity, which minimize in August and maximize in June and October. Western North Pacific along-track PI and observed maximum intensity seasonal cycles are relatively flat, and have a local minimum in August because of reduced ther- modynamic efficiency, which is linked to anomalously warm near-tropopause outflow temperatures. Powerful 2 (.65 m s 1) western Pacific TCs historically occur in every month except January, due to a combination of tropopause region and SST seasonal influences. 1. Introduction studied in multiple contexts, including climatology, trends, interannual variability, and ‘‘superintensity’’ The development and refinement of potential in- (e.g., Emanuel 2000; Persing and Montgomery 2003; tensity (PI; Emanuel 1986) has provided the scientific Wing et al. 2007; Zeng et al. 2007; Holland and community with a useful theory for understanding how Bruyère 2014; Kossin 2015; Sobel et al. 2016). environmental conditions affect upper limits on tropical A recent study by the authors (Gilford et al. 2017, cyclone (TC) intensity. But the relevance of these the- hereafter GSE17) showed that the seasonal cycle of oretical limits for the intensities of real-world tropical western North Pacific (WNP) TC PI is relatively flat cyclones is an active area of research. Relationships (seasonally damped) compared to the TC PI season- between observed and potential intensities have been alities of the North Atlantic (NA), eastern North Pacific (ENP), and Southern Hemisphere (SH) main develop- Denotes content that is immediately available upon publica- ment regions. Climatological WNP sea surface temper- tion as open access. atures (SSTs) were shown by GSE17 to be perennially warm (.288C), permitting TC outflow in the WNP to Supplemental information related to this paper is available at reach the tropopause level in every month of the sea- the Journals Online website: https://doi.org/10.1175/MWR-D-19- sonal cycle. As a result, WNP outflow temperatures 0021.s1. follow tropopause seasonality: they are cold in the boreal winter and warm in the boreal summer (Yulaeva Corresponding author: Daniel Gilford, [email protected] et al. 1994), which damps PI seasonality by 30%–40% DOI: 10.1175/MWR-D-19-0021.1 Ó 2019 American Meteorological Society. For information regarding reuse of this content and general copyright information, consult the AMS Copyright Policy (www.ametsoc.org/PUBSReuseLicenses). 2418 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW VOLUME 147 through thermodynamic efficiency (see Table 4.2 and Fig. 4.5 in GSE17). In contrast, SST seasonality dominates the NA TC PI seasonal cycle largely through thermodynamic disequilibrium between the atmosphere and ocean—accounting for nearly three- quarters of the region’s seasonal PI range—and to a lesser extent through thermodynamic efficiency. SSTs also exert strong control on the TC PI seasonal cycles in the ENP and SH regions (driving .75% of their seasonal ranges). But how relevant are these PI sea- sonal cycles for TC intensities observed in the real world? Emanuel (2000) was the first to empirically show that every observed TC of at least hurricane strength had an equal probability of attaining any lifetime maximum intensity (LMI) up to its along-track climatological- FIG. 1. Seasonal cycles of tropical cyclone frequencies in each TC mean potential intensity (i.e., the multidecadal monthly development region, for storms in the best track data archive that 2 mean PI analyzed at the storm’s location). This result reach a lifetime maximum intensity of more than 32 m s 1 (hurri- implies that changes in climatological PI—such as a cane strength). Each storm’s month of occurrence is assigned as the long-term trend associated with climate change (Sobel date of its Vmax (see text). Regions are the North Atlantic (red), eastern North Pacific (green), western North Pacific (blue), and et al. 2016)—should be accompanied by like-changes Southern Hemisphere (black). in observed intensity, and the highest percentiles of observed LMI distributions should consistently scale with PI. improved correlations between observed maximum The relationships between observed and potential intensities and PI. Kossin et al. (2010) showed that the intensity on interannual time scales were assessed by magnitudes and interpretation of PI trends and vari- Wing et al. (2007). Their study showed that there are ability depend on whether or not track differences are significant correlations between interannual observed considered. To account for monthly track migrations LMIs and potential intensities in the NA and WNP re- and compare with observed TC intensities, we develop gions over 1950–2005. This result indicated that PI the- an along-track dataset of tropical cyclone PI for each ory is an important predictor for actual tropical cyclone storm in the satellite era (1980–2015). The resulting intensities not only climatologically, but also year-upon- dataset is also compared to MDR-averaged PI from year. The goal of our study is to extend the findings and GSE17, to assess the usefulness MDR-averaging in the methodologies of Emanuel (2000) and Wing et al. (2007) seasonal cycle context. to the seasonal cycle context, to learn whether there Another challenge that must be addressed when in- are historically observed manifestations of the intensity vestigating maximum intensity seasonal cycles is the well- seasonal cycles assessed in GSE17. known seasonality in TC frequencies (e.g., Landsea 1993; GSE17 examined PI seasonal cycles averaged over NHC 2017,cf.Fig. 1). In this study we use a property of each ocean basin’s main development region (MDR; see TC along-track observed and potential intensity distri- Table S1 in the online supplemental material), which butions—namely the uniformity of normalized wind have been traditionally used in TC studies. Monthly (observed maximum intensity divided by potential in- MDR averages in this context implicitly assume that tensity) distributions described in Emanuel (2000)—to intermonthly excursions in TC tracks are small relative determine which individual months in each basin have to the intermonthly variability of environmental condi- enough historical storms to permit an assessment of tions that influence PI. MDR-averaging further as- PI theory’s veracity. Although several studies have sumes that TCs develop and strengthen within the corroborated the Emanuel (2000) result that observed confines of the defined regions. Observations show, in TC intensities should scale with PI (Zeng et al. 2007; contrast, that there can be substantial month-to-month Swanson 2008), to our knowledge none have yet ex- differences in tropical cyclone tracks. As tracks mi- amined this question in the seasonal cycle context. grate, storms will sample different regions of PI (Wing The study is organized as follows. Section 2 considers et al. 2007; Kossin and Vimont 2007), which could bias the seasonality of observed TC frequencies and tracks, comparisons with actual intensity. Wing et al. (2007), and details our development of an along-track dataset of for instance, found that accounting for track variability tropical cyclone observed and potential intensities. This JULY 2019 G I L F O R D E T A L . 2419 section also highlights the importance of normalized ‘‘observed maximum intensity’’ (defined below, see wind distributions for comparisons between actual and section 2b). The intraseasonal variation of TC fre- potential intensities (cf. the appendix). The seasonal quency is well known, generally showing a peak in a cycles of along-track observed and potential intensities basin’s late summer/early fall and a minimum in the in each ocean basin are presented and analyzed in winter and spring (e.g., Landsea 1993; Nuemann 1993). section 3. We summarize study results in section 4 and Seasonal frequencies are strongly influenced by ver- discuss their implications. tical wind shear, which can limit both the development and strengthening of TCs in the winter months (e.g., Merrill 1988; DeMaria and Kaplan 1994; Aiyyer and 2. Data and methods Thorncroft 2006; Hendricks et al. 2010; Tippettetal. 2011; Wang et al. 2015). a. Best track observations We implement a statistical framework in the appendix We use a best track archive (available at ftp:// to determine how the seasonality of storm frequencies texmex.mit.edu/pub/emanuel/HURR/tracks/) to deter- constrains the ability to observe storms with maximum mine the seasonal cycles of observed TC intensity and intensities near the potential intensity.
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