KxKx forfor SensorsSensors AtAt aa GlanceGlance KxKx forfor SensorsSensors isis anan integratedintegrated VEEVEE Enable, Combine, Integrate and Action your data Enable,Enable, Combine,Combine, IntegrateIntegrate andand ActionAction youryour datadata andand AnalyticsAnalytics solutionsolution forfor ingesting,ingesting, validating,validating, estimatingestimating andand analyzinganalyzing The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is the concept of connected objects and TheThe IndustrialIndustrial InternetInternet ofof ThingsThings (IIoT)(IIoT) isis thethe conceptconcept ofof connectedconnected objectsobjects andand massivemassive amountsamounts ofof streamingstreaming devices, everything from manufacturing equipment, automobiles, jet engines to smart devices,devices, everythingeverything fromfrom manufacturingmanufacturing equipment,equipment, automobiles,automobiles, jetjet enginesengines toto smartsmart (real-time)(real-time) andand historicalhistorical datadata fromfrom meters. Many analysts predict that there will be over 20 billion connected devices by meters.meters. ManyMany analystsanalysts predictpredict thatthat therethere willwill bebe overover 2020 billionbillion connectedconnected devicesdevices byby sensors,sensors, devices,devices, andand otherother datadata 2020. 2020.2020. sources.sources. TheseThese devicesdevices areare equippedequipped withwith sensorssensors thatthat capturecapture informationinformation aboutabout thethe device,device, service,service, weather,weather, location,location, vibration,vibration, motion,motion, andand outputoutput quality.quality. ForFor example,example, aa manufacturingmanufacturing plant’splant’s sensorssensors taketake measurementsmeasurements tenstens ofof thousandsthousands ofof timestimes perper secondsecond acrossacross multiplemultiple dimensions,dimensions, andand withwith smartsmart meters,meters, utilitiesutilities areare havinghaving toto handlehandle thousandsthousands ofof timestimes moremore datadata thanthan beforebefore withwith analoganalog meters.meters. TheThe KxKx AdvantageAdvantage •• OneOne platformplatform forfor sensorsensor datadata processing,processing, storagestorage andand analyticsanalytics •• PoweredPowered byby aa bitemporalbitemporal datadata modelmodel withwith richrich analyticsanalytics •• SupportsSupports anyany sensor,sensor, frequency,frequency, tagstags andand attributesattributes withwith nanosecondnanosecond precisionprecision •• ScalesScales toto supportsupport millionsmillions ofof sensors,sensors, andand trillionstrillions ofof recordsrecords •• EventEvent processing,processing, calculations,calculations, aggregations,aggregations, alertingalerting andand reporting RichRich real-timereal-time analysisanalysis ofof thisthis datadata presentspresents significantsignificant opporoppor opportunittunittunitiesiesy for forfor optimizing optimizingoptimizing reportingreporting businessbusiness operations,operations, customercustomer engagement,engagement, andand offeringoffering newnew new servicesservices services andand and products.products. products. •• DeployDeploy onon premisespremises oror inin thethe cloud,cloud, acrossacross multiplemultiple storagestorage technologiestechnologies UseUse CasesCases •• Historians Historians •• SensorSensor datadata processing,processing, analysisanalysis andand managementmanagement •• FaultFault andand anomalyanomaly detectiondetection andand predictionprediction •• Settlement Settlement andand reconciliationreconciliation •• DataData martsmarts andand datadata accessaccess •• Surveillance Surveillance andand monitoringmonitoring Ingestion, Vaalidation and EstimatinEstimationo Situational A w areness a nd VisibiliVisibilitt y Validates and estimates raw sensor data according to business Improves situational awareness of assets, networks and rules to deliver high quality granular and aggregated data for services by analyzing, correlating and visualizing data from analytics, operations and billing. Uses vector and parallelized devices, sensors and events in real time, generating alerts and VEE algorithms to support real-time sensor analytics triggering business process actions. applications. Provides real-time visibility to data quality conditions. Extreme P erferf ormormaa nce and ScScaa labililabilitt y Provides the performance you need at any scale, from aAnalytics andA Atctionable InsigInsighth thousands to hundreds of millions of sensors, devices and Analyzes data from sensors, transactions, combined with other nodes, with any measurement frequency. data such weather, location, to identify non-standard events, make forecasts and predictions. Supports thousands of concurrent time series queries involving trillions of rows of data, and analytic performance that is Bitemporal data models and time-series analytics provide orders of magnitude faster than alternatives. traceability, transparency, and auditability. Scales vertically and horizontally, on premise, cloud, and any Makes data and analytics available to authorized users, storage technology. systems and customers through mobile, web and APIs on demand. Support hundreds of thousands to millions of sensors / tags and measurements per second per compute core. SecurtSecuriti ya and Enterpriser G Gra edde Hardened for the enterprise with reliability, availability and security built in. About Kx Kx has been the software leader for complex analytics on massive-scale streaming Kx in Action data for over two decades. The Kx technology is an established and trusted Visualize and Explore Data Industry Solutions standard for trading, surveillance and research in financial services. Kx has • Kx Dashboards • Automotive emerged as the elegant, integrated solution to the analytic needs of the Utilities, • Kx Analyst • Capital Markets Telco, Semiconductors and High Tech Manufacturing industries scaling effortlessly • Manufacturing to the IoT data challenges. Control, Deploy & Monitor • Utilities • Semiconductor Kx is a division of First Derivatives plc. Listed on the London Stock Exchange • Control for Kx • Telco [FDP:LN] First Derivatives is a specialist software and consulting organization with • Stream for Kx • Space a uninterrupted track record of customer success and profitable growth since it was • Kx for Monitoring listed in 2002. Head Office London New York Singapore Sydney Toronto Tokyo 3 Canal Quay, Cannon Green Building, 45 Broadway, One Raffles Quay, 22 Pitt Street, 31 Lakeshore Road 20th Floor, Newry, 27 Bush Lane, NY 10006 North Tower, NSW 2000 East, Suite 201 Shin-Marunouchi BT35 6BP EC4R 0AN USA #30-03, Australia Mississauga, On, Center Building, N. Ireland United Kingdom +1 (212) 447 6700 048583 +61 (02) 9236 700 L5G 4V5 1-6-2 Marunouchi, +44 (0)283 025 2242 +44 (0)207 337 1210 Singapore Canada Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo +65 6592 1960 +1 289 329 0636 Japan 100-0005 +81(0)36 634 9799 Kx® and kdb+ are registered trademarks of Kx Systems, Inc., a subsidiary of First Derivatives plc. Contact us at [email protected] or visit www.kx.com.
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