QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY VOl. 110 JULY 1984 No. 465 Quart. J. R. Met. SOC.(1984), 110, pp. 573-590 551.465 Eddy-mean-flow interaction in a barotropic ocean model By J. C. MARSHALL Atmospheric Physics Group, Imperial College, London (Received July 20 1983; revised 31 January 1984. Communicated by Dr F. W.Taylor) SWRY The role of eddies in the maintenance of idealized, antisymmetrically forced double gyres is studied using a barotropic ocean circulation model. A diagnosis in terms of q, the quasi-conserved absolute vorticity , enables an understanding of the effect of the eddies on the time-mean flow. The unstable model Gulf Stream, partitioning counter-rotating gyres, is the confluence region where q contours from widely differing latitudes become concentrated, interwoven and irreversibly deformed. Here there is a strong enstrophy cascade, large eddy fluxes and eddy flux divergences, and significant driving of mean flow by the eddies. This barotropic instability of the internal jet results in a lateral transfer of vorticity sufficient to balance the net forcing of the subtropical gyre by the wind-stress curl. The separation of the eddy flux into non-divergent ‘advection’ and divergent ‘conversion’ contributions, using the eddy enstrophy equation as a dynamical reference, makes transparent the sense of the local eddy q flux and its systematic effect on time-mean flow. 1. INTRODUCTION The high resolution models designed to resolve the oceanic geostrophic eddy field have given new insights into its role and interaction with the large-scale gyres. Classical wind-driven circulation theory, for example Munk (1950), relegated eddy variability to a means of providing a pathway to small-scale dissipation confined to western boundary currents. In contrast, the eddy-resolving models emphasize the importance of the eddy field as a transferring agent redistributing properties within and between gyres, rather than as a mechanism of overall vorticity loss. Harrison (1981), for example, has high- lighted the possible role of the meandering Gulf Stream in the redistribution of vorticity offsctting the imbalance in the wind-stress curl vorticity source, cyclonic to the north of the stream and anticyclonic to the south. One is reminded of the poleward transfer of heat by the atmospheric geostrophic eddy field, the mid-latitude synoptic systems, to offset the net warming of equatorial regions and the net cooling of polar regions. The oceanic eddy field could thus play an analogous role in the large-scale ocean circulation to that of synoptic systems in the large-scale circulation of the atmosphere. Although these analogies are helpful in thinking about the eddy field in the context of the gyre-scale circulation, the intuition gained from meteorological experience can also be misleading. The ocean, unlike the atmosphere, is zonally blocked by coasts which can support a zonal pressure gradient, leading directly to a geostrophically balanced meridional velocity. The success of the interior Sverdrup balance (Sverdrup 1947) in explaining the position, sense of rotation and mass transport of the major ocean gyres (see, for example, Welander 1959) shows that the first-order circulation can be understood without the need to invoke eddy transfer. In the zonally periodic atmosphere, however, it is necessary to invoke eddy transfer from the outset to support the zonal mean surface 573 514 J. C. MARSHALL winds, which only then help drive the mean meridional circulation frictionally from the ground (Jeffreys 1926; Eady 1953; Green 1970). The prevalence of Sverdrup dynamics in the ocean implies that the interior meridional drift must return in intense western boundary currents. It is the instability of these boundary currents and their seaward extensions that supply eddies to populate the basin. Unlike the troposphere, which is dynamically unstable everywhere in the zonal time mean, conditions for instability in the ocean are most easily satisfied in jet regions. Although the atmospheric long-wave pattern organizes weather systems into storm tracks with beginnings and ends, zonal variations in the ocean due to coasts and boundary currents are more severe, regions of eddy generation more localized, and the regions of eddy decay more extensive. Much of the development of our understanding of the transfer properties and eddy-mean-flow interaction of atmospheric weather systems has had at its foundation insights gained from the instability analyses of zonal flows, which are simply not relevant to the strong curved oceanic flows. Holland and Rhines (1980) demonstrate the added complexity introduced by strong curved flows in the upper layer of a two-layer quasi- geostrophic ocean model, where the potential vorticity contours run significantly north-south. Our meteorological experience only holds good in the lower layer, where mean flow is sufficiently weak for the potential vorticity contours to run east-west. Here a numerical experiment with an eddy-resolving barotropic model is described, which we hope helps to unravel some of these complexities. Although the model is barotropic, it provides the most appropriate and useful reference for the layered quasi-geostrophic ocean models. It is particularly relevant to the upper layer of Holland's (1978) two-layer model. The work is an extension of the single, steady gyre barotropic calculations begun by Bryan (1963) and continued notably by Veronis (1966) and Blandford (1971), to include a dynamically active internal jet partitioning counter- rotating gyres. The barotropic instability of the jet transfers all the vorticity required to maintain the equilibrium of the model subtropical gyre. The model formulation and diagnostic approach is described in section 2. In section 3 the maintenance of the time-mean gyres by wind and eddy transfer is studied in detail. The spatial distribution of eddy fluxes and their relation to mean gradients is rationalized with reference to the eddy enstrophy equation, and suggests the parametric representation of eddy-mean-flow interaction discussed in section 4. 2. BAROTROPICOCEAN MODEL Our ocean model is a layer of homogeneous fluid confined to a rectangular, flat bottomed basin and governed by the barotropic vorticity equation. It is driven by an imposed wind-stress curl and frictionally retarded. The barotropic vorticity equation has been the basis of much of classical wind-driven ocean circulation theory and is derived in, for example, Bryan (1963) and Veronis (1966). Conveniently non-dimensionalized, it may be written R-'dq/at + J( v,4) = F - D, (1) expressing the conservation of q but for forcing and dissipation, where J( tp, q) = (dv/dx)(dq/dy) - (dv/dy)(dq/&) is the Jacobian is the streamfunction q = Rg + y is the absolute vorticity = V2vis the relative vorticity EDDY-MEAN-FLOW INTERACTION IN A BAROTROPIC OCEAN MODEL 575 R = nt(pHp2L3)-' is a Rossby number for the vorticity equation measuring the magnitude of the relative vorticity gradient relative to the planetary vorticity gradient F = -at/dy is the wind-stress curl forcing where x is east, y is north, t = t(y)is the zonal wind-stress; p, the density; H, the layer depth; p, the planetary vorticity gradient; L, the width of the basin; and D = EC + A4V45 is the frictional dissipation where E and A4 are bottom and lateral (biharmonic) frictions respectively. In Eq. (1) the velocity has been non-dimensionalized with the Sverdrup velocity scale, nt/ppHL, and the distance and time by L and (/?L)-' respectively. (a) Sub-grid-scale parametrizations and boundary conditions In order that the model can become dynamically unstable it must be weakly dissipative so that advection can dominate even in boundary currents. This allows physically resolved motions to transport q rather than this be represented by ad hoc parametrizations. Accordingly, a scale-selective lateral friction is introduced, A4V45, which remains small in the vorticity equation (1) at dynamically interesting scales. Unlike the lateral friction of Munk (1950), the term is not imagined to represent the lateral transfer of momentum to a coast, but rather to dissipate the enstrophy that inevitably builds up at small (grid) scales in highly turbulent flows. Along with this reinterpretation of the lateral friction it seems appropriate to make the boundaries slippery so as to minimize the influence of frictional boundary layers in the dynamics of the gyre. Rather than impose an arbitrary condition on the boundary vorticity it is preferred to integrate Eq. (1) at the boundary, allowing the boundary vorticity to evolve in time. The enstrophy-destroying fourth-order term requires two extra boundary conditions at each lateral wall, in addition to that of no normal flow, q = constant. (24 The following conditions are applied on vorticity gradient: ag/an = a3c/an3= 0, (2b) where n is the normal to the boundary. Condition (2b) ensures that the inclusion of the biharmonic friction does not itself result in any net dissipation of vorticity, because J V45dr dy = $(a35/an3)dl = 0. over domain around boundary Again this should be contrasted with the function of the lateral friction in classical wind-driven ocean circulation theory with the no-slip boundary condition, such as Munk (1950). There the net input of vorticity over each wind-driven gyre is dissipated in the lateral frictional boundary layer at the western boundary within each gyre. The boundary integration of (1) and the boundary conditions (2) are unconventional, but are chosen because they minimize the importance of frictional boundary layers and maximize the role of eddy transfer in the maintenance of the time-mean gyres. The conventional 'free-slip' condition, f = 0, places a much more rigid constraint on the geometry of the q contours because, for all time, q = y at the east and west coast (see Marshall 1982). With the boundary integration, however, the q contours are not firmly attached to the coast at their reference latitude and so, in a sufficiently nonlinear boundary current, can be drawn almost parallel to the streamlines.
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