^S^pgpgp^ •v-••/•- ii ; I \ THE CRANFORD .CITIZEN AJJp CHRONJCLB. ;feiUft8PAV. GIVE feet to mnyf*t"ff* by Cranford 9 advancement 'skills. made in rum—**"•'' with tbm Nones Convention teffcr Costa, including elocution for teen- from Westfield at five lots now' in agers, from .7:30 to 8:00 pjn. and Under leadership of Scoutmaster Appointment prcval. by the y Miss Virginia Kraetsch of 3o<j CRANFOBD Orga dramatics for' adults and teen- Kenneth Robinson and .Explorer The eo^ege is to agree _r I; sidewalks, are to. be in-Sheerer street will be one of two agers from 8 to 10 p.m. Advjser'Albert Gessler, the fol- Of Architect access through its retained vnip •taued on lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 along student nurses of St. Elizabeth lowing, scouts attended: efty to the BrooksidV Place School; Springfield avenue; building set- Hospital School of Nursing, Eliza- Completed for School Year Allen Arfken, Robert Blakely. Next UJC Move storm drainage -and sanitary pack lines will be established in beth^ who ivill >epresent the school Sadowski-Hayman Charles Boillod, Robert Carroll, sewers are to be provided in ac* G A R w o o D G RANFORD KENILWORTH GARWOOD — The Safety Pa- ~ At a meeting on November 15. Accordance with the . map filed at the convention of the New. •* I. trol of the Garwood public schools Nancy FairchUd. Joan Boert- William Chew, Robert Cohen, cordance with plans of the town- Lawrence Davis, Neal Dennis, Al- the Board of Trustees of Union ship engineer: the college fc;tp -with 4jhe Planning ^Board, and Jersey State Nurses' Association ^ttjJh£ji9M56 maiui. Earl Harper, Angelo Qrcva, Junior College is expected to ap- to be Held in the Rite Carlton Ho- edding HetiL len Doktor, Kenneth Doktor, Da- agree to provide sidewalks on sidewalks are to be established on Cntara* m —oomt CIHB mail matter at 3krppy-MeCarrick,-Contad tel, Atlantic City, on Monday ana NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1955 4 Sections, 28 Pages-^-10c .school year, with all of the im- Frank Moore and Carol Howe. least one side of the streets Th« ftp* (MUM M Craalont M. J. portant crossings now covered, it can Fletcher. v^- throughout tKe~3evelopmer Tuesday.- This is a social studies project. Springfield avenue opposite Noma axxnue: the map is was reported this week. George * GARWOOD — The Church of Charles Fowler^,Hichar^ Fried- In the same class, the follow- hegan Park. Stewart has been elected safety pupils have worked out a huge St. Anne was the scene Saturday man, Ronald Hospes,. Walter King, This action is expected follow- BusinessmeD, Planners Crane Sees Leader Water Supply painting depicting trie departure j afternoon of the wedding of Miss Stanley Kuller, William Lding, and also is in charge of the hall ing approval by *the Planning patrols. - ' • - • • ' of Columbus' three_ boats; Frank i Antoinette Cadmus" Hayrnan, Peter Linley, Peter Metzner, Royce 9 Kuster, Dennis Chinchar, Jo Ann j daughter of Mrs. Anna Vail H^y- Morlct,. Timothy. Myers, Peter Board of a subdivision on a por- Other officers or the Safety Pa-. 'Power Move On HNS Breakfast Program Takes Over Bocrtrnann. Angelo Grova, Gel-j man of Plainfield. and Theodore Pender, Michael <.Fender, Douglas tion of the college property for To Discuss Parking Lot trol are: Steven Napolitano, first somina Russo and Cenrad Readvr. j Arthur Sadowski, son of Mrs: one-family homes. Clergy speaker for the 33rd annual communion breakfast of St. lieutenant; Steven Dulock, second Sassi, Ranald Sassi, Robert Talbot, •Autumn Fires" is the name o! jJoseph Sadowski of 231 Willow Earl Taliaferro and Frank Walters. George Sauer. counsel, and Coun- Following a report by Hmraxnd 13. Saesel an a proposed parking By Democrats Michael's Holy Name Society will be the Rev. William J. Smith. SJ, May Locate Here lieutenant, and Norman VVerth- Campaign a reahs-tic mural aUo done by a j avenue and the late Mr. Sadowski. area in rear of the buOSBCS banaiSsd ty Mfln street. Aldra street. 1 ty Clerk Henry G. Nulton, pres- director of the Institute of Industrial Relations at St. Peter's College, wein, sergeant. The following boys a reahstic Addressing a candidates' night If last night's "open house" of The National Grocery Company may build a $200,000 super-, . i'l Performin~ g th- e ceremony wa-~s ident, Will report- on the negotia- North Caion avenge. Berth *tmmk tead BSwtmnaq street at last Thurs- Jersey City, it was announced today by Frank Dooley, chairman.. are regular members of the patrol; group from Miss Christiano's.classi- JV Soccer Team rally conducted by the Cranford the Village. Improvement Assoc- market on South avenue, cast, according to a proposal received Tues- ^Altonso Rendand, James Guer- the Rt. Rev. Msgr.John M. Walsh, tions for the sale Of a portion of daiy night's mcttiac. of the Ckastfiovd lfanani-Hs ^ The breakfast will be held in the hall of St. Michael's School iation in theVMunlcipal Building Besides trie pupik mentioned in coach Republican Club at Veterans' Me- day night by Township Committee. The meeting was one of the, riero, John Guerriero, David Ev- pastor. A reception followed at the Walloped by Summit the college's property to D & L and Four BestanranV is any criterion, the water supply the paragraph above, those taking GeUer .appointed a committee following the 8 a.m. mass at St. shortest regular sessions on record, lasting only 12 minutes. ans. George Locke, Thomas Hay- Twin Brooks Country' Club, The Summit junior varsity soc- Realty Company of Cranford. to discuss the proposal morial Home last night, Assem- Michael's Church this Sunday. Lay controversy is as important as any part in this project included: Den- David Levy of Orange, president Speaking Here George S. Saucr, local attorney, subrnitted ari offer of $22^00 on - du, Michael Perry, Peter Motech- nis Rock. Fay Woods, Earl Harper. cer , team walloped Cranford, 7-0, township's BooxdL blyman Carlyle W. Crane of Plain- speaker at the breakfast will be issue in'the current election bat- •; ka, William Durow, Dennis Mc- The i bride was escorted to the •Tuesday afternoon at Summit ' of the firm, plans to subdivide the field, candidate for reelection, de- Thomas F.". Clphosey of South tle in Union County. behalf of Gray's Ferry Road Corp.* Ian Chalenski. Dale Prcuss. Gail altar by her uncle. James L. Ban- property to be acquired into 80 Members ox Cormick, Marc Silverrhan, Jacob A slippery field and Summit's Orange, United States commission- Just about every speaker re- Newark, for lot 3IB. block 93, tnizek., Cathy'Thomas and Carol rion of Marietta, O., formerly Of building lots. Charles M. Ray, chairman; 1—^,. Democratic scribed the current Democratic Desch and Albert' Winkleman. [owe. • constant hammering was too inuch l er for New Jersey. Former Town- ferred to it and many of them located on the northerly side of Plainileld. ' The foUowintf stipulations were 1 K.Corbin.Jr, Sidney Bww. A.X|f l|1L campaign as " a power move on Slide films are being used this for Jim Prior, Cranford goalie. ship. Committeeman James Duffy spoke, about it, while many "spec- CD Forces South avenue, east between a row • Hpnor attendant was Miss Adelc Meurer and & SL Cscnboc. V/IUD the part of the Democrats to build will act as toastmaster. , year to supplement practical in- tators had questions on it. Harry of duplex dwellings and the real- strutions and demonstrations of the Girls'Basketball Brannon of Marietta, cousin of the |FOR YOU AT BARON Mr. SJegel em up their party for 1956." Before becoming director of the Mopsick , of Linden, independent Set for Alert use of -tools and machines in the bride. Airs. Joseph M. Finch of for additional "Governor Robert B. Meyner," dence of John T- Gleason, Sr., 505 in the business area and institute in Jersey City, Father candidate for the State Senate, industrial arts classes, and some Plainfield and Mrs. Robert J. $2.75 Candidates the speaker declared, "would like Smith spent 17.years in Catholic charged his Democratic opponent. South avenue, east. The property League Forming Coughlin of Blopmfleld were $1J5 $240 is being done fa* several of the boys are working on out- ni^it will be held to take over the legislative as Social Action work in Brooklyn, Mayor Robert Sheldon of Roselle This Evening has a 325-foot frontage on South bridesmaids.. ' Jacqueline Cochran ing communities to well as the executive branch_ot N, Y/\ • ' standing projects. ;For instance. PAT problem. tins e»«iiug in the Veterans Me- Park, with being JncpnsiBtent on Final plans for,Cranford's par- avenue and a depth of 200 feet George Emme and Steven Dulock Tomorrow Night J. Robert Mitchell of Rochester the state government so he can He also was the founder and Ce said that the use of ttie la«BiS: =Dona3 Home by the Cranford the problem. '•'*••••• to the railroad and Is owned by are constructing an eight-foot served as best man, and ushers TROL build up the party tor 1956." director of a pioneer Institute of ticipation in the state-wide alert. GARWOOD -r- Opening of, ac- Mr. Mopsick said. Mr. Sheldon. were Lester G. Grube of Trenjton HAIR SPRAY : Referring to Democratic criti- Catholic Social. Action; Cro' "Operation Muster." scheduled to the township. It is zoned for dinghy, and Archie Darroch is iyities in the new girls" baskct- SCHOOL OF DANCING Professional Size was originally «n|iitiri sevoaBii Gtxtaatar RobertM. Meyner^^ and "reversedJiis field in the middle and Mr. Finch. ,| • building a kayak, while Edward • \ ; . • .'• ' cism that the Republicans in the' Heights Associated Activities, of the game." The Linden inde- start between 6 and 6:30 this eve- business.
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