Garofalo Mack Willmott OFFICIAL JOURNAL Geymann Miguez Woodruff Total - 105 OF THE The Speaker announced that there were 105 members present HOUSE OF and a quorum. REPRESENTATIVES Prayer OF THE Prayer was offered by Speaker Kleckley. STATE OF LOUISIANA Pledge of Allegiance Rep. Ponti led the House in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America. THIRTY-SIXTH DAY'S PROCEEDINGS Cory Stewart sang "The Lord's Prayer". Forty-first Regular Session of the Legislature Reading of the Journal Under the Adoption of the On motion of Rep. Hill, the reading of the Journal was Constitution of 1974 dispensed with. On motion of Rep. Hill, the Journal of June 10, 2015, was House of Representatives adopted. State Capitol Petitions, Memorials, and Baton Rouge, Louisiana Communications Thursday, June 11, 2015 The following petitions, memorials, and communications were received and read: The House of Representatives was called to order at 9:00 A.M., by the Honorable Chuck Kleckley, Speaker of the House of Representatives. Conference Committee Appointment The Speaker appointed the following conferees on the part of Morning Hour the House to confer with a like committee from the Senate on the disagreement to House Bill No. 769: Reps. Norton vice Carmody. ROLL CALL The roll being called, the following members answered to their Message from the Senate names: ADOPTION OF PRESENT CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT Mr. Speaker Gisclair Miller June 11, 2015 Abramson Guillory Montoucet Adams Guinn Moreno To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Anders Hall Morris, Jay Representatives: Armes Harris Morris, Jim Arnold Harrison Norton I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Senate has Badon Havard Ortego adopted the report of the Conference Committee on the disagreement Barras Hazel Ourso to Senate Bill No. 50. Barrow Henry Pearson Berthelot Hensgens Pierre Respectfully submitted, Billiot Hill Ponti Bishop, S. Hodges Pope GLENN A. KOEPP Bishop, W. Hoffmann Price Secretary of the Senate Bouie Hollis Pugh Broadwater Honore Pylant Message from the Senate Brown Howard Reynolds Burford Hunter Richard ADOPTION OF Burns, H. Huval Ritchie CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT Burns, T. Ivey Robideaux Burrell Jackson Schexnayder June 11, 2015 Carmody James Schroder Carter Jefferson Seabaugh To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Chaney Johnson M. Shadoin Representatives: Connick Johnson R. Simon Cox Jones Smith I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Senate has Cromer Lambert St. Germain adopted the report of the Conference Committee on the disagreement Danahay Landry, N. Stokes to Senate Bill No. 250. Dove Landry, T. Talbot Edwards LeBas Thibaut Respectfully submitted, Fannin Leger Thierry Foil Leopold Whitney GLENN A. KOEPP Franklin Lopinto Williams, A. Secretary of the Senate Gaines Lorusso Williams, P. 1415 Page 2 HOUSE 36th Day's Proceedings - June 11, 2015 Message from the Senate House Concurrent Resolutions Returned from the Senate with Amendments ASKING CONCURRENCE IN SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS The following House Concurrent Resolutions returned from the Senate with amendments to be concurred in by the House were taken June 11, 2015 up and acted upon as follows: HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 161— To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of BY REPRESENTATIVE BADON Representatives: A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION To urge and request Louisiana's public universities to continue to I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Senate has develop and offer online courses such that all bachelor's degrees adopted and asks your concurrence in the following Senate can be completed entirely online. Concurrent Resolutions: Called from the calendar. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 140 Read by title. Respectfully submitted, The above resolution was taken up with the amendments GLENN A. KOEPP proposed by the Senate. Secretary of the Senate SENATE COMMITTEE AMENDMENTS Senate Concurrent Resolutions Amendments proposed by Senate Committee on Education to Lying Over Original House Concurrent Resolution No. 161 by Representative Badon The following Senate Concurrent Resolutions contained in the message were taken up and acted upon as follows: AMENDMENT NO. 1 SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 140— On page 1, line 2, between "public" and "universities" insert BY SENATOR ALARIO A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION "colleges and" To commend and congratulate Joe Wood Guidry Berry for fifty-one years of lobbying the Louisiana Legislature. AMENDMENT NO. 2 On page 1, line 6, between "numerous" and "for" change the comma Read by title. "," to a semicolon ";" On motion of Rep. Arnold, and under a suspension of the rules, the resolution was concurred in. AMENDMENT NO. 3 Suspension of the Rules On page 1, line 15, between "enter" and "reciprocity" insert "into" AMENDMENT NO. 4 On motion of Rep. Montoucet, the rules were suspended in order to take up and consider Introduction of Resolutions, House and On page 1, line 18, between "WHEREAS," and "the number" change House Concurrent at this time. "though" to "although" Introduction of Resolutions, AMENDMENT NO. 5 House and House Concurrent On page 1, at the end of line 18, insert "colleges and" The following members introduced the following entitled House and House Concurrent Resolutions, which were read the first time by AMENDMENT NO. 6 their titles and placed upon the calendar for their second reading: On page 2, line 2, between "courses" and "because" insert a comma HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 213— "," BY REPRESENTATIVE MONTOUCET A RESOLUTION AMENDMENT NO. 7 To commend Dr. William J. Nunez, III, upon his retirement after forty-five years in higher education and to recognize his On page 2, line 9, between "that a" and "copy" delete "suitable" dedication to Louisiana students. Rep. Badon moved that the amendments proposed by the Senate Read by title. be concurred in. On motion of Rep. Montoucet, and under a suspension of the ROLL CALL rules, the resolution was adopted. The roll was called with the following result: Suspension of the Rules YEAS On motion of Rep. Badon, the rules were suspended in order to Mr. Speaker Guinn Miguez take up and consider House Concurrent Resolutions Returned from Adams Hall Montoucet the Senate with Amendments at this time. Anders Harris Moreno Armes Harrison Morris, Jay Arnold Havard Morris, Jim 1416 Page 3 HOUSE 36th Day's Proceedings - June 11, 2015 Badon Hazel Ourso The above bill was taken up with the amendments proposed by Berthelot Henry Pearson the Senate. Billiot Hill Pierre Bishop, W. Hodges Ponti SENATE COMMITTEE AMENDMENTS Bouie Hoffmann Pope Broadwater Honore Price Amendments proposed by Senate Committee on Retirement to Brown Howard Pugh Reengrossed House Bill No. 42 by Representative Jones Burford Hunter Pylant Burns, H. Huval Reynolds AMENDMENT NO. 1 Burrell Ivey Ritchie Carmody Jackson Robideaux On page 1, line 2, after "To" delete the remainder of the line and Carter James Schexnayder insert "amend and reenact R.S. 11:102(B)(3)(d)(v)(aa)(II), (bb), and Chaney Jefferson Simon (cc), (vi)(aa)(II), (bb)(II), and (cc), (vii)(aa)(II), (bb), and (cc), and Connick Johnson M. Smith (viii)(aa)(II), (bb)(II), and (cc), 102.1(B)(4)(b) and (5) and (C)(4)(b) Cox Johnson R. St. Germain and (5), 102.2(B)(4)(b) and (C)(4)(b) and (5) and to enact R.S. Danahay Jones Stokes 11:102.1(B)(7) and (C)(7), 102.2(B)(6) and (C)(7), 542(H), 542.2, Dove Landry, N. Talbot 883.1(I), 883.4, 1145.1(G), 1145.3, 1331.2, and 1332(H), to authorize Edwards Landry, T. Thibaut payments funded by state" Foil Leger Thierry Gaines Leopold Williams, P. AMENDMENT NO. 2 Garofalo Lopinto Willmott Geymann Lorusso Woodruff On page 1, line 4, after "systems;" insert: Gisclair Mack Total - 83 "to provide restrictions on and prerequisites for the exercise of such NAYS authorization, including the authority for accumulating monies in the accounts for funding of the payments; to provide for explicit Total - 0 recognition of the costs of the accumulation of such monies; to ABSENT ensure that the accumulation of monies for the exercise of such authorization does not reduce the actuarial soundness of the systems Abramson Guillory Richard or lead to intergenerational cost-shifting; to provide for periodic Barras Hensgens Schroder reamortization of certain debts to grant some relief to employers Barrow Hollis Seabaugh caused by the expense of funding benefits including accumulating Bishop, S. Lambert Shadoin monies in the accounts;" Burns, T. LeBas Whitney Cromer Miller Williams, A. AMENDMENT NO. 3 Fannin Norton Franklin Ortego On page 1, delete line 10 and insert "Section 1. R.S. 11:542(G), Total - 22 542.2, 883.1(I), 883.4, 1145.1(G), 1145.3, 1331.2, and 1332(H) are hereby enacted to read as" The amendments proposed by the Senate were concurred in by the House. AMENDMENT NO. 4 House Bills and Joint Resolutions On page 1, between lines 11 and 12, insert: Returned from the Senate with Amendments "§542. Experience account The following House Bills and Joint Resolutions returned from the Senate with amendments to be concurred in by the House were * * * taken up and acted upon as follows: H. Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, the HOUSE BILL NO. 42— experience account shall not receive any credits in the June 30, 2015 BY REPRESENTATIVES JONES, ABRAMSON, ANDERS, ARMES, valuation. ARNOLD, BADON, BARRAS, BARROW, BERTHELOT, BILLIOT, WESLEY BISHOP, BOUIE, BROADWATER, BROWN, HENRY BURNS, BURRELL, CARMODY, CARTER, CHANEY, COX, DANAHAY, DOVE, * * *" EDWARDS, FOIL, FRANKLIN, GAINES, GISCLAIR, GUILLORY, GUINN, HALL, HARRISON, HAVARD, HAZEL, HENRY, HENSGENS, HILL, HODGES, HOFFMANN, HONORE, HOWARD, HUNTER, HUVAL, AMENDMENT NO. 5 JACKSON, JAMES, JEFFERSON, ROBERT JOHNSON, TERRY LANDRY, LEBAS, LEGER, LEOPOLD, MACK, MIGUEZ, MONTOUCET, MORENO, On page 2, line 22, between "benefit" and the period "." insert NORTON, ORTEGO, PIERRE, POPE, PRICE, PUGH, PYLANT, REYNOLDS, RICHARD, RITCHIE, SCHEXNAYDER, SCHRODER, "increased to reflect the consumer price index as provided in R.S.
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