Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad SYLLABUS OF B.A. Ist Year (HISTORY) SEMESTER SYSTEM (a) All Papers are compulsory. (b) 50 marks for each paper : 20 marks for internal assessment and 30 marks for semester end examination. Passing at both level is essential. (c) Semester end examination will be of 90 minutes for each paper. Paper Title of the Paper Credits Periods No. Allotted SEMESTER - Ist 1 Shivaji And His Times 04 60 (A.D. 1630 – A.D. 1707) 2 History of Modern Maharashtra 04 60 (A.D. 1818 – A.D. 1905) SEMESTER – IInd 3 History of the Marathas 04 60 (A.D. 1707 – A.D. 1818) 4 Twentieth Century Maharashtra 04 60 (A.D. 1905 – A.D. 1960) NOTE :- 1) One period of 50 minutes. 2) 15 periods = 01 credit. 3) 04 Credits = 60 periods. 4) Each paper is comprised of 04 credits. 5) 60 periods are meant for classroom Teaching and Internal Assessment of each paper. 1 B.A. Ist Year – HISTORY SYLLABUS SEMESTER Ist PAPER NO. 01 :- SHIVAJI AND HIS TIMES (A.D. 1630 – A.D. 1707) Periods 1. Rise of Maratha Power : Geography of Maharashtra, Socio-religious and economic background, Shahaji Bhosle. 10 2. Early expeditions of Shivaji : Concept of Hindavi Swaraj, Capture of Torana, Afjalkhan Episod, Siddi Johar’s invasion of Panhala Fort. 12 3. Shivaji – Mughal relations : Attack on Shahista Khan, Invasion of Mirja Raja Jaisinh and the Treaty of Purandar, Shivaji’s visit to Agra and back to Raigadh. 12 4. Coronation of Shivaji and his Karnataka expeditions. 08 5. Chatrapati Sambhaji; Maratha War of Independence. 10 6. Administration during the period of Shivaji : Civil and Military. 08 ------- Total Periods 60 ------- NOTE :- 1) 60 periods = 04 Credits. 2) These 60 periods are meant for classroom teaching and internal assessment. 2 Suggested Readings : 1) R.G. Deshmukh History of Maratha, Nimesh Agencies, Bombay, 1993. 2) K. N. Chitnis Glimpse of Medeival Indian Ideas and Institutions, Second Edition, 1981 Published by Mrs. R.K. Chitnis, Pune. 3) B.D. Gaikwad, Marathekalin Sanstha Va Vichar, Padke B.N. Sardesai, Bookdellers, Kolhapur, 1987. D.B. Thorat, V.N. Hanmane 4) A.R. Kulkarni Maharashtra in the age of Shivaji Rekha Prakashan, 2 nd Revised Ed., Pune 2002. 5) R. V. Nadkarni, The Rise and Fall of Maratha Empire, Popular Prakshan, 1966. 6) Pagadi, Setu Madhav Rao Chatrapati Shivaji, Continetal Prakashan, Poona 1974. 7) Patwardhan R.P. and H.G. Source Book of Maratha History, Rawlinson Reprint with a new introduction b P.M. Joshi and A.R. Kulkarni, K.P. Bagchi and Co. Calcutta, 1978. 8) M.G. Ranade Rise of the Maratha Power and other Essays, University of Bombay, 1961 9) Govind Sakharam The Main Currents of Maratha History, Sardesai Phoenix Publications, Bombay – 1959. 10) Govind Sakharam The Main Currents of Maratha History, Sardesai, Phoenix Publications, Bombay Vol. I Shivaji and his Time (1600 – 1700) Third Impression, 1971 Vol. II The Expansion of the Maratha Power (1707 – 1772), 1958 Vol. III Sunset Over Maharashtra, 1772-1848, Second Impression, 1968. 11) Jadunath Sarkar, Shivjai and His Times, Sixth Edition M.C. Sarkar and Sons Ltd., 1973. 12) Jadunath Sarkar House of Shivaji, [Studies and Documents of Maratha History : Royal Period], Orient Longmants, Bombay, 11978. 13) S.R. Sharma, The Founding of Maratha Freedom, Rev. Ed., Orient Longmans, Bombay 1954. 3 14) H.N. Sinha, Role of the Peshwas, Second Edition, The Indian Press [Publications] Ltd., Allahabad, 1954. 15) V.T. Gune, The Judicial System of the Maratha, Deccan College Dissertation Series, Pune, 1953. 16) Vasudeo Krishna Bhave, Shivarajya Va Shivkal, Pune – 1957. 17) S.N. Sen The Administrative History of the Marathas, K.P. Bagchi, Calcutta – 1976. 18) S.N. Sen The Military System of the Marathas, K. P. Bagchi, Calcutta, 2 nd Rev. Ed., 1979. 19) S.V. Desai Social Life in Maharashtra Under the Peshwas, Popular Prakashan, Bombay, 1962. Select Reading List [Marathi) 1) ieJeUer heer.S. hesMeJes keâeueerve Demhe=MÙelee, Deewjbieeyeeo, 1997. 2) efMeJeÚ$eheleer-Fefleneme DeeefCe Keb[-1, efMeJehetJe&keâeU jepekeâerÙe Jee meebmke=âeflekeâ, Ûeefj$e ce@keâceerueve, ceje"e cebefoj, cegbyeF& 2001. 3) Yeš yeer.Jner. ceneje°^ Oece& DeLee&le ceje"ŸeebÛÙee FeflenemeeÛes Deelceerkeâ mJe¤he, Sme.Sme. osJe, OegUs, 1925. 4) osMecegKe Sme. efMeJekeâeueerve Je hesMeJeskeâeueerve ŒeerpeerJeve efšUkeâ ceneje°^ efJeÅeeheer", hegCes, 1973 5) nsjJee[keâj Deej. Jner. ceje"er yeKej, cegbyeF&, 1979 6) peÙeefmebiejeJe heJeej ceje"er meeceüepÙeeÛee GoÙe DeeefCe Demle 7) peÙeefmebiejeJe heJeej efMeJeepeer DeeefCe efMeJekeâeU 8) keâeUs Jner. Jner. Ú$eheleer efMeJeepeer 9) Heâeškeâ ve. j. (DevegJeeo) ceje"er meòesÛee Glkeâ<e& 10) yeWõs Jee. meer. Ú$eheleer efMeJeepeer 11) Kejs Je kegâuekeâCeea ceje"ŸeeÛee Fefleneme 12) [e@. keâceue ieesKeues efMeJeheg$e mebYeepeer 13) MespeJeuekeâj heeefvehele 4 PAPER NO. 02 :- History of Modern Maharashtra (A.D. 1818 – A.D. 1905) Periods 1. Early phase of British Rule : Administration, Education, Press, Activities of Christian Missionaries. 12 2. Early Socio-religious and economic conditions of Maharashtra. 12 3. Socio – religious Reformers : 12 Gopal Hari Deshmukh (Lokhitwadi), Mahatma Jyotiba Phule, M.G. Ranade, Gopal Ganesh Agarkar. 4. Early resistance to colonial rule : 12 i) Ramoshi, Bhill and Koli Uprisings. ii) Outbreak of 1857 and Maharashtra. iii) Revolt of Vasudev Balwant Phadke. 5. National Movement in Maharashtra : 12 i) The Bombay Association. ii) Poona Sarvajanik Sabha iii) Indian National Congress – Gokhale and Tilak. ------- Total Periods 60 ------- NOTE :- 1) 60 periods = 04 Credits. 2) These 60 periods are meant for classroom teaching and internal assessment. 5 Suggested Readings : 1) Y.D. Phadke Politics and Language 2) Y.D. Phadke Social Reformers of Maharashtra 3) Ballhatchet K.A. Social Policy and Social Change in Western India (1817 – 1830) 4) Chokset R.D. Economic Life in the Bombay Deccan 1818 – 1896. 5) Ravinder Kumar Western India in the Nineteenth Century 6) Ghua Sunit The Agrarian Economy of the Bombay Deccan. 7) Wolport S.A. Tilak and Gokhale; Revolution and Reform in Marking of Modern India 8) Zelliot Eleanor From Untouchables to Dalit (Essays on Ambedkar Movement) 9) Jatav D.R. Social Philosophy of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Select Reading List [Marathi) 1) yes[skeâj DeeefCe YeCeies YeejleerÙe ØeyeesOeve 2) Yeeueskeâj ke=â<CejeJe mece«e Jee*dceÙe 3) YeeuesjeJe Deveble nwõeyeeoÛee mJeeleb$Ùe meb«eece DeeefCe ceje"Jee[e 4) ieesjs Sce.Sme. efJeúue jecepeer efMebos 5) ieJeUer heer.S. Je Flej [e@. yeeyeemeensye Deebyes[keâj ieewjJe «ebLe 6) peJeUkeâj efovekeâjjeJe mece«e Jee*dceÙe 7) keâJex [er. peer. mJeleb$e YeejleeÛes og°s – vÙeeÙecetleea jeve[s 8) keâerj OevebpeÙe cenelcee peesefleyee Hegâues 9) [e@. nsjueskeâj YeejleerÙe meceepe ØeyeesOeveeÛeer Meeskeâebeflekeâe 10) [e@. nsjueskeâj [e@. Deebyes[keâjeÛes efJejesOekeâ 11) keâerj OevebpeÙe DeeceÛÙee meceepe ›eâebleerÛes pevekeâ [e@. yeeyeemeensye Deebyes[keâj 12) keâerj OevebpeÙe jepe<eea Meent Ú$eheleer 13) Kewjcees[s [e@. YeercejeJe jecepeer Deebyes[keâj 14) šer. kesâ. šeshes vÙee. jeve[s 15) kegâyesj [yuÙet. Sce. [e@. Deebyes[keâj efJeÛeej cebLeve 16) YeesUs Yeemkeâj DeeOegefvekeâ YeejleerÙe efJeÛeejJeble 17) Heâ[kesâ ÙeMeJeble efovekeâj kesâMeJejeJe pesOes 6 18) Heâ[kesâ ÙeMeJeble efovekeâj Meent Ú$eheleer DeeefCe ueeskeâceevÙe 19 Heâ[kesâ ÙeMeJeble efovekeâj efJemeeJÙee Melekeâeleerue ceneje°^ 20 Heâ[kesâ ÙeMeJeble efovekeâj DeeOegefvekeâ ceneje°^eÛee Fefleneme, Yeeie 1,2,3 21 Heâ[kegâues efvece&uekegâceej (mebhee.) ØeyeesOeveeleerue heeTue KegCee 22 ØeOeeve ie.he. (mebhee.) Deeiejkeâj uesKe meb«en 23 Heešerue YeeTjeJe Dee"JeCeer 24 He¤Uskeâj ieesoeJejer pesJne ceeCetme peeiee Peeuee 25 meeUJes heer.peer. jepeef<e& Meent ieewjJe «ebLe 26 efMevos Jner. Deej. YeejleerÙe Demhe=MÙelesÛee ØeMve 27 heW[mes ueeuepeer ceneje°^eÛes cenecebLeve 28 mejoej ieb.yee. (mebhee.) DeeOegefvekeâ ceneje°^ 29 osJeoòe efšUkeâ Hebef[lee jceeyeeF& 30 JeeUeRyes je.je. Melekeâeleerue ceneje°^eleerue meeceeefpekeâ hegve&Iešvee Yeeie-1 7 SEMESTER IInd PAPER NO. 03 :- HISTORY OF THE MARATHA’S (A.D. 1707 – A.D. 1818) Periods 1. Transfer of power from Chatrapati to Peshwa – Causes, Chatrapati Shahu, Balaji Vishwanath. 10 2. Peshwa Bajirao First and expansion of Maratha Power 10 3. Third Battle of Panipat – causes and consequences. 08 4. Revival of Maratha Power – Peshwa Madhavrao. 06 5. Anglo – Maratha relations 05 6. Decline of the Maratha power – causes and consequences. 06 7. Administration during the period of Peshwas : Maratha Mandal, Central and provinicial administration, Judicial system. 15 ------- Total Periods 60 ------- NOTE :- 1) 60 periods = 04 Credits. 2) These 60 periods are meant for classroom teaching and internal assessment. 8 Suggested Readings : 1) R.G. Deshmukh History of Maratha, Nimesh Agencies, Bombay, 1993. 2) K. N. Chitnis Glimpse of Medeival Indian Ideas and Institutions, Second Edition, 1981 Published by Mrs. R.K. Chitnis, Pune. 3) B.D. Gaikwad, Marathekalin Sanstha Va Vichar, Padke B.N. Sardesai, Bookdellers, Kolhapur, 1987. D.B. Thorat, V.N. Hanmane 4) A.R. Kulkarni Maharashtra in the age of Shivaji Rekha Prakashan, 2 nd Revised Ed., Pune 2002. 5) R. V. Nadkarni, The Rise and Fall of Maratha Empire, Popular Prakshan, 1966. 6) Pagadi, Setu Madhav Rao Chatrapati Shivaji, Continetal Prakashan, Poona 1974. 7) Patwardhan R.P. and H.G. Source Book of Maratha History, Rawlinson Reprint with a new introduction b P.M. Joshi and A.R. Kulkarni, K.P. Bagchi and Co. Calcutta, 1978. 8) M.G. Ranade Rise of the Maratha Power and other Essays, University of Bombay, 1961 9) Govind Sakharam The Main Currents of Maratha History, Sardesai Phoenix Publications, Bombay – 1959. 10) Govind Sakharam The Main Currents of Maratha History, Sardesai, Phoenix Publications, Bombay Vol. I Shivaji and his Time (1600 – 1700) Third Impression, 1971 Vol. II The Expansion of the Maratha Power (1707 – 1772), 1958 Vol. III Sunset Over Maharashtra, 1772-1848, Second Impression, 1968. 11) Jadunath Sarkar, Shivjai and His Times, Sixth Edition M.C. Sarkar and Sons Ltd., 1973. 12) Jadunath Sarkar House of Shivaji, [Studies and Documents of Maratha History : Royal Period], Orient Longmants, Bombay, 11978.
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