438 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. DECEl\IBER 15; PETITIONS, ETC. By Mr. HULL: Petit.ion of L. H. Pammel, Fred Stevens, and Under clause 1 of Rule XXII, the following petitions and papers others of the Seventh Congressional district of Iowa. were laid on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: · By Mr. JONES of Washington: Petition of the Chiistian Church By Mr. BELLAMY: Petition of the heirs of Jacob Watkins, of of Pomeroy, Wash. Richmond County, N. C., praying for reference of his war claim By Mr. ROBlNSON of Indiana: Petition of Rev. W. H. Keyer to the Court of Claims-to the Committee on War Claims. and numerous other citizens of Fremont, Ind. Also, petition of the heirs o~ Henry Cl_arke, of Richmond Co?nty, By Mr. SM~LL: Petitions of A.G. Cox and uO citizens of Pitt N. C., praying reference of his war claim to the Court of Cla1ms­ County; George T. Simmons and 23 citizens o Beaufort County, to the Committee on War Claims. N.C. Also, petition of the heirs of James McPherson, of Richmond County, N. "C., praying reference of his war claim to the Court of Claims-to the Committee on War Claims. · SEN.ATE. Also, petition of the heirs of George W. Cole', of Richmond County, N. C., praying reference of his war claim to the Court of FRIDAY, December 15, 1899. Claims-to the Committee on War Claims. By Mr. C.H.OWLEY: Papers to accompany House bill granting Prayer by Rev. LUCIEN CLARK, D. D., of the city of Washington. an increase of pension to Pleasant Umfleet-to the Committee on The Secretary proceeded to read the Journal of yesterdays pro­ Invalid Pensions. ceedings; when, on motion of Mr. GALLINGER, and by unanimous Al~o paper to accompany House bill for an increase of pension consent, the further reading was dispensed with. to Gabrlel M. Funk-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Journal, without objec­ Also, papers in support of House bill for the relief of Susan Jane tion, will stand approved. Brewer-to the Committee on Pensions. By Mr. CURTIS: Petitions of William Wallis and others, Hun­ MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE. ter Neill and others, J. D. Cawthon and others, and R. C. Miller A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. W. J. and others, of the State of Kansas, favoring a service-pension bill- BROWNING, its G""'hief Clerk, announced that the House had agreed t-0 the Committee on Invalid Pensions. to the concurrent 1·esolution of the Senate authorizing the Secre­ By Mr. GAMBLE: Petition of the State Dairymen and Butter tary of War to print, in excess of 1,000 copies authorized by the Makers' Association of South Dakota, fa.voring the passage of a law act of January 12, 1895, 5,000 copies of the annual report of Maj. taxing colored oleomargarine-to the Committee on Agriculture. Gen. E. S. Otis, United States Volunteers, commanding the De­ By Mr. GRAHAM: Letter of Jos. L. Friedman, secretary of the partment of the Pacific and Eighth Army Corps and military gov­ Cigar Leaf Tobacco Board of Trade of the United States, urging ernor in the Philippines, dated Au.gust 31, 1899. the passage of a bill in the interest of the leaf-tobacco industry­ The message also announced that the House had passed a bill to the ommittee on Ways and Means. (H. R. 4152) to extend the time for examination of monthly ac­ By Mr. HITT: Papers to accompanyH<?use bill~~· 440, for ~he counts by bureaus and offices of the War Department; in which it relief of Moses M. Longley-to the Committee on Military Mall's. requested the concurrence of the Senate. Also, papers to accompany House bill No. 4067, to correct the The message further announced that the House had passed a military recoi·d of Patrick Cassidy-to the Committee on Military joint resolution (H.J. Res. 80) topaytheofficersandemployees of Affairs. the Senate and House of Representatives their respective salaries Also, papers to accompany House bill for the relief of Sarah E. for the month of December, 1899, on the 19th day of said month; McCaleb-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. in which it requested the concurrence of the Senate. By Mr. ·MIERS of Indiana: Paper to accompany House bill for the relief of Jeremiah Lockwood-to the Committee on Invalid ADJOURNMENT TO MONDAY. Pensions. · Also, papers to accompany Honse bill to increase the pension of Mr. HALE. There evidently would be no quorum of the Sen­ James Gowan-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. ate present to-morrow, and I move that when the Senate adjourn Also, papers to accompany House bill granting a pension· to to-day it be to meet on Monday next. William Burch-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. The motion was agreed to. Also, papers to accompany House bill for the relief of Richard PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. Hembree-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. By Mr. OVERSTREET: Papers to accompany House bill No. Mr. PERKINS presented a memorial _of the 9hamber of C~m- 2204 for the relief of William 0. Eagle-to the Committee on Mili- merce of Sacramento, Cal., remonstrating agamst any reduction tary' Mairs. ·of th~ tariff on citrus fruits; which was -::eferred to the Committe·e By Mr. RIXEY: Paper to accompa~y House bill rel~ting to the on Finance. claim of W. W. Derry-to the Committee on War Clauns. He also presented a memorial of the Chamber of Commerce of By Mr. WILSON of South Carolina: Paper to accompan~ House Fresno, Cal., r~monstrating: against a:ny r~duction in the t~riff by bill for the relief of Mrs. Eugenia A. Stone-to the Committee on proposeil treat:es or othei-Wlse on Califorma products; which was War Claims. referred to the Committee on Finance. · Also, paper to accompany House bill for the relief of G. W. He also presented a petition of the Sien·a Club, of San Fran- Croft-to the Committee on War Claims. cisco, Cal., praying for the adoption of a system forthe leasing Qf Petitions, etc., against the seating of Brigham H. Roberts as a portions of the public domain in the interests of water conserva­ Representative from Utah were laid on the Clerk's desk and sev- tion and supply; which was referred to the Committee on Public erally referred to the Special Committee on the B. H. Roberts Lands. Case, as follows: . Mr. McMILLAN presented the petit!on of John B. Penfield and By Mr. BAKER: Petitions of th_e _Wilmrngton Methodist Ep1s- sundry other citizens of Vicksburg, 1\-lich., praying for the adop­ copal Conference and numerous citizens of the Second Congres- tion of an amendment to the Constitution to prohibit polygamy; sional district of Maryland. which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. BROSIUS: Petition of citizens of. Columbia, Lancas- Mr. BAKER presented the petition of S. R. Shepherd and snn- ter County, Pa. dry other citizens of Leavenworth, Kans., praying that Mary By Mr. BUTLER: Petitlonsof theChrIStian Ende~vors~cieties Irene Rosenthal, of that city, be granted an increase of pension of of New Lond~m a~d of Chester County Methodist Episcopal $20 per month; which was 1·eferred to the Committee on Pensions. Church, of Sprmg City, !"1:1d others. Mr. GEAR presented a petition of sundry letter carriers of Bur­ By Mr. CURTIS: Petitions of ~· A. Johns-On, W. !!·. Doole, lington, Iowa, praying for the enactment of legislation regulating C. H. Wareham, Mi·s. J. D. Hewitt, and many other citizens of the salaries of letter carriers; which wasreferred to theCommitteo Kansas. on Post-Offices and Post-Roads. By Mr. CR~WFORD: P~tition. of .Jamr Wild and ?ther mh- Mr. F~YE pre en~ed the p~tition of M. F. ~turtevant and 27 zens of the Nmth Congress~~nal dIStr1ct o~ North Carol~~· other citizens of Mame, praymg for the adoption of an amend- By Mr. DOVENER: Petition of J. P. Ber17 and 198 citizens of ment to the Constitution to prohibit polygamy; which was re- BrBaxt~,,n CGouRnEE~'NW.fVPa. p t'ti f Oli t p b •~ ferred to the Committee on the Judiciary. y J.u.r. o ennsy1 varua: e i on o ve res ry~ rian Church, of Reading, Pa. RETURN OF CANNON, BANNERS, ETC., TO MEXICO. By Mr. HALL: Petitions of M. M. George, C. S. Smith, J. B. Kast, J.C. Young, William Laurie, G. A; Smith. R. M. Foster, Mr. TELLER presented a petition of the legislature of Colo­ H.F. Means, Mrs. R. C. Wright, and others, and resolution of rad-o, praying for the retUl'n to tho Republic of Mexico of cannon, the Presbytery of Northumberland, all in the State of Penn­ banners, and other trophies captured by the Vnited States forces sylYania. during tho war between the United States and Mexico· which 1899. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 439 was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations, and ordered Claims. I ask that an order be made to refer the report to the to be printed in the RECORD, as follows: Committee on Printing. The report was merely accepted yester­ Joint memorial No. 1. - By Senator Basela. day. The geneml assembly of the State of Colorado to the Senate and House of Rep­ The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Is there objection? The Chair resentatives of the United States of America in C-On(fress assembled: to the hears none, and it is so ordered.
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