FEBRUARY, 1991 Christian, PRAY! Prayer is a means God uses to give us what HE wants/' —W. Bingham Hunter True or False? "How few congregations there are that really pray! We all agree in theory that we ought, but in practice we neglect to do so. "Again and again one meets congregations where dis tress is expressed at the lack of conversions and frustration at the lack of joy in congregational life. 'Where is the "body-life" ;that there ought to be?' they ask. "When you start asking questions, you discover that there is little or no corporate prayer. There may be an occasional prayer meeting, but either very few attend it, or it is mainly given over to preaching; and there is still very little corporate congregational prayer." —Michael Griffiths news Am nous An Invitation to W & W Readers folks at some nearby congregation—as Write for us! Our May, June or July Lilly Dale and Tell City are doing. If issue will be on the theme of family interested, write SBS, 2500 Portland living. Let's have a symposium like Ave., Louisville 40212. one I saw elsewhere, but with YOU Hcnryville Church of Christ, Indiana contributing! Write out short answers Some of you know that I have been to some or all of the following ques considering taking the job of Admin tions, and send them to us by April 25. istrator at Maple Manor Christian Home (But do it NOW or you'll forget.) for some time. After much prayer and The article will be called "WHAT consideration the Lord has led in that MY PARENTS DID RIGHT." Specific- direction. Last Monday, Jan. 21, 1991, sections will be about these questions: I began a six month training program 1) What do you remember most fondly mandated by the State in order for me about your relationship with your par to become licensed as a nursing home ents while you lived at home? 2) Which administrator. It is not certain at this do you remember most: family times point just when I will be leaving Hen- together or times alone with one par ryville. That depends on several things ent? 3) Did you go through a rebel that are not fully settled. We will lious period as a teenager? If not, continue to live here and preach as why? If so, how did your folks handle long as we can. it? 4) How did you react to your par You are requested to be in prayer for ent's failures? 5) What is the most this change that will be taking place, important thing your parents taught both here and at Maple Manor. I feel you? 6') What did they do that was very keenly the need of your continued most important as successful parents? prayers as I go through the training Sign your name, and send them soon. program and continue to minister here We can't promise to use everything sent at Henryville.—Ray Naugle in, but we'll use as many as feasible. Denham Springs, La., Church of Christ Iroquois Church of Christ, Louisville In taking our end-of-the-year in LETTERS WERE RECEIVED LAST ventory for 1990 we are thrilled to see WEEK BY WORDS OF LIFE from what the Lord has clone in our congre our station in Milano, Italy from over gation. Seven of our new members are twenty countries in the world including new converts to Christ and each is a several from Russia, Germany, Bul result of personal evangelism. Some of garia, England, Austria, Australia, Nor our brethren have gone through the way and Finland, Japan, Uganda, et al. fires of trial and have come tlirough This is a short wave station that reach with God's help much stronger and es around the world. Let us continue to much closer to Him. Our summer VBS pray for this great evangelistic outreach! program exceeded all others in the S. B. S. Extension Class past. Our annual revival meeting was At least 13 people from the Lilly a great help to us as Bro. Earl C. Dale & Tell City churches enrolled in Mullins, Jr. had messages which were a weekly class in Genesis thru Deuter right on target. onomy. This class is taught under the We are in the process of trying and auspices of the School of Biblical Stud evaluating something new in our group ies in Louisville—for credit or audit. —home Bible studies conducted on the Mike Abbott is the teacher; he com "small-group" basis. The series will mutes from Borden. SBS will gladly not be over until March but a number consider sponsoring classes like this of our folks are very pleased with this anywhere within driving range of new idea. Besides becoming more Louisville. In the past, SBS has pro familiar with the Word, the single most vided teachers for extension classes at important benefit is that our people Winchester, Ky., Hamburg, Ind. and are really getting to know one another. several congregations in Louisville. Our very first Watch Night Service Subjects have included leadership train was held on New Year's Eve. Bro. ing, personal evangelism, teacher train Stan Broussard was our keynote speak ing, how to counsel, etc. er and had a very timely message on II only a few people in one church the importance of the Holy Spirit in want a class, consider combining with (continued inside back cover) THE WORD AND WORK "Declare the whole counsel of God* Alex V. Wflson, Editor The Word and Work (USPS 691-460) is published monthly except December under the auspicss of the Portland Ave. Church of Christ, Inc., Louisville, Ky. Subscription: $6.00 per year; bundles of 10 or more to one address = $5.50 per subscription. Address correspondence to Word and Work, 2518 Portland Avenue, Louisville, KY 40212. Second class postage paid at Louisville, Ky. POSTMASTER: send address changes to Word and Work, 2518 Portland Ave., Louisville, KY 4Q212 Vol. LXXXV FEBRUARY, 1991 No. 2 In This Issue Theme: CHRISTIAN, PRAY! Oh, What Needless Pain We Bear — Alex V. Wilson - - - 34 Encounter W i t h P o w e r — D a n i e l M i t c h u m 3 6 The Missionary Learns Some Lessons — Emma Austin - 37 But I Dor't Feel Like Praying - A. V. W. - - - - 39 The Battle of the Threshold -John R.W.Stott - - - 42 Will and Emotions — J. Sidlow Baxter - - 43 Improving Our Prayer Meetings — Paul Fromer - - - - 46 P r a y F o r ] t e a c h e r s — H . L . O l m s t e a d 4 9 V O I C E S F R O V I T H E F I E L D S 5 1 Hosea, The Heart and Holiness of God: "God and Idols" —Ernest E. Lyon ---- 54 Wooden Leg Beligion - - 56 Heroes of the Jl'aith: Stanford Chambers, Triple Threat - A l e x V . W i l s o n 5 7 Testimonies Given After Stanford Chambers' Death - 60 Senior Saints—I Have A Vision — Joe McKissick 62 Senior Saints al Work: The High-Lysine Corn Project of the Bryantsville Church of Christ and Rosehill Farms - - 63 NEWS AND NOTES Inside front cover 33 THEME: Christian, PRAY! Oh What Needless Pain We Bear Alex V. Wilson Four boys were trying to out-do one another as they boasted about their families. One said proudly, "My mother went to college with Miss America!" Another responded, "So what? My daddy plays golf with the governor!" Not to be outdone, the third chimed in, "Big deal—my brother knows Joe Montana!" But the last boy said, *TThat's nothing! My grandmother talks to God every dayV Can your children or grandkids make that last statement about you? Do you talk to the Most High God every day? What privilege, what honor, what joy He gives us, to call the Almighty our Abba- Father. How important is prayer to you? "Ezra regarded prayer as more important than a band of soldiers and horsemen (Ezra 8:21-23); Christ regarded prayer as more necessary than food or sleep (Mk. 1:35, Lk. 6:12); and the apostles put it ahead of preaching (Acts 6:4)." That observation is made in H. C. Thiessen s theology book, and it is good theology. The English church leader J. C. Ryle applied this truth clearly and urgently: We must use the means by which God's strength is appropriated— —solitary prayer for the individual, united prayer for the Church. Who of us has not felt the weakness, the unreality, die cowardice that spring from the lack of solitude with God? In this resdess age most of us live too much in public. We spend our spiritual strength and forget to renew it. We multiply activities and cur tail our prayers. By an error of judgment, we work when we ought to pray > —because to an active mind work in far easier than prayer. And then God cannot bless. We lose in calmness, in depth, in strength. We grow feeble and shallow; the work is done, but superficially, and will not stand. The servant whom the Holy Spirit can use must resist the tyranny of overwork. He must resolve to be alone with God even if the hours spent with Him appear to rob his fellow-men of his service. If today there went up to God united prayer similar to the earnest, faith ful prayer of the early church—if there went up to God a cry for power— power for holiness, for service, for suffering—ana along with it the necessary condition of Submission to God's will, a current of spiritual life would run through the districts of our land.
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