UNION TERRITORY OF PONDICHERRY NINTH FIVE YEfIR PLfIN 1997-2002 UND UNNUdL PLfIN 1997-1998 (Scheme-wise Details) GOVERNMENT OF PONDICHERRY PLANNING & RESEARCH DEPARTMENT NINTH FIVE YEAR PLdN 1997-Z002 < 1 N D <1NNaAL PLdN 1997-1998 (Scheme-wise Details) NIEPA DC nnsflijs i OOCUMENTATmN Otiimfc N itioaai IijfUitute of BdiucmtionAl PUnnml and Adramttrrttton. 17”'B/S#i Au-tofeind® M *r|, Ntw Dtlhi-110016 DOC, No ^ 0 *ti Jtlr ^JT£7 r SI . Name of Sectoi Page N o , No 1. 3 . lilt rodiiction (i)“ (xxxxili) 1 Agriculture 1 2. Soil Conservation 18 3,. An i ma 1 Husbandry 22 4. Dairy Development 31 5. Fisheries 34 6. Forestry and Vlild 44 7. Cooperation 48 8. I.R.E.P. 66 9. Land Reforms 69 10. Community Development 72 11. Minor Irrigation 80 12. Flood Control 88 13. Power 91 14. Non-Conventional Sources of Energy 102 15. Industries lOB • 16. Handlooms 119 17. Ports 131 IB. Roads and Rridnes 3 35 19. Road Transport 139 20'. ' Scientific Research' ' 14^ 21. Ecology & Enviornment 145 22. Sectt. Economics Services 148 23. Tourism 151 24. Statistics 1^^ 25. Computerisation 159 26. Civil Supplies 162 27. Weights and Measures 167 28. Education I'^l 29. Health 199 30. Water Supply & Sanitation 209 31. Housing 213 32. Urban Development 221 33. Information & Publicity 228 34. Welfare of BCe. 233 35. Labour & Labour Welfare 244 36. Socia] Welfare 254 3 7. Nut r i t ion 268 38. Stationery Printing 271 3 9. Public Works 274 40. Other Administrative Services 278 UEM0C3RAPHIC PROFILE: The Union Territory of Pondicherry aonsiatia of £oux regionB, namely, Pondicherry, Karaikal, Mahe and Yanam lying geog! avihlcally Isolated from one another. Pondicherry region which L3 tin the east noaat, about 162 kms. south of Channai is the largest of these and consists of 12 scattered areas interspersed with enclaves of Bouth Arcot District of Tamil Nadu. Karaikal region is about IBO Kitib . south of Pondicherry and it is surrounded by Thanjavur District of Tamil WadiS Yanam region is located about 84 0 kms. northeast of Pondicherry near Kakinada in Andhra Pradesh. Mahe region lies almost parallel to Pondicherry 6 53 kms. away on the west coast near Tel11 cherry in Kerala. POPULATION; The Union Territory of Pondicherary is 492 sq.kms In area and has a population of 8,07,78H according to the 1991 census consisting of 4,08,081 males and 3,9.9,704 females. The regionwise breakup is as follows; Regioii fopuiation Ryr^i U r b ^ Pcudlcheriy 2,06,901 4,01,437 Karaikal 160 1,4B,703 83,899 61,804 Mahe 9 33,44 7 - 33,447 Yanam 30 20,297 - 20,297 Total 492 8,07,785 2, 90,. 800 b,16,985 The percentage of Urban population is higher than that of rural population and entire regions of Mahe & Yanam have been classified as Urban. SCHEDULED CASTES: The Scheduled Castes population is 1,31,278 as per 1991 censuH which is found to be 16.25% of total population The regionwise break-up is as follows: Region S.C.Population Percentage Pondicherry 1,01,2 98 lb.65 Karaikal 25,817 17.72 Yanam 4,04 0 19.90 Mahe 123 0.77 Total i.,U, 2 78 16.25 rhete are no Scheduled Tribt^s in the Union Territory of Pondicherry a-^cordinq to 1991 CensuB Report . (it) ESYENUM ADI? The Territory constitutee a single district oonsisLing of 264 census villages, 129 revenue vl11 ages, 4 sub taluks and 2 taJuks. DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATIuN: For the purpose of development administration the Territory is divided into 6 blocks consisting of 47 circles of village level workers. LOCAL ADMINISTRATION; Pondicherry Panchayats Act of 1973 & Municipalities Act of 1973 came into fore in 1974. There are 5 Municipalities, namely, Pondicherry, Ozhukarai, Karaikal, Mahe and Vanam. There are 10 commune Panchayats - 5 in Pondicherry region, namely, Villiamir, Mannadipet, Ariankuppam, Bahour, Nettapakkam and 5 in Karaikal region, namely, Thirunallar, Neravy, Nedungadu, Kottucherry and T .R .Pattinam. 80C10 ECONOMIC IHDICATORB AT h aLANCIi 1) Density of Population : 1642 per sq.km. 2) Sex ratio : 979 females per LOOO males 3) Literacy(1991 Census) ; 74 . 74% 4) Infant mortality rate : 3 0.0 per 100 0 Jive-births 5) Eligible cotjples cov6=red under family planning : 63.4% h) Doctor population ratio : 1 ; 850 (1991 census) 7) Bed population ratio : Is 275 (19 91 census) 8) Nurses population ratio : 1 s 6ao (19 91 census) 9) Birth rate (SRS 19 94) ; 18.0 per 1000 population lU) Death rate (SRS 19 94) ; 7,5 per 10 00 population H ) Production of food grains : 1,02,513 tonnes i:^) Per rapita agricultural production (Foodgrain«) ; 126.91 Kgs. 13) Net State Pcm\est: ic product Rs 915 78 crores(1994-95) (at current prines) 14) Per capila income ; Rs . 10555 at 19 94 - 5 pri s 15) Pei capita plan expt-ndinure : Rs.1858.98 for 1995 9h i r = PER CAPITA INCOME POPULATION - 1991 CENSUS AND REQIONWISE NE"^ STATE DOMESTIC PRODUC" (ffa. in ThouMnds) Ciirfw»t PrtM> iin tnousanas/ 100 I------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 0 0 - PONDICHERRY KARAIKAL I Population (lit) PLANNINa; The de-facto mergei of Pondicherry Union Territory with Indian Union took place in November 1^54 and de~jure transfer of the Territory from the FrencVi to Indian Union took place in August 1962. During the first Five Year Plan and the Second Plan the Teiritoiy was under the transitional stage politically However the Territory was covered by development Planning in the last year of the First Five Year Plan, The developmeni expenditure incurred since 19 54 under 'Plan' is given below: Plan Period Outlay Expenditure i of Exp^i^itiire I£s^ in laEMl tQ outlay First Plan 73 96 50. ^0 68 . 01 1951 56 Second Plan 476.50 339.27 71 .19 1956 61 Third Plan 692.73 603 .27 87 .09 1961-66 Annual Plans 671.73 525,57 78 .24 1966 6 9 Fourth Plan 1454.00 1436 .04 98 .76 1969 74 Fifth Plan 3586.09 3456 .11 96 .37 1974 79 Sixth Plan 10078.41 9896.77 98.22 1980 85 Seventh Plan 23385-00 23255.82 99.45 1985-90 Annual Plan 1990-91 6585.00 6567.70 99.74 ‘ Annual Plan 1991-92 8228.00 8179.00 99.41 eighth PhAN 1992-1997 BTJDGET: The budget ol the Union Territory includes allocal.ion uiidei Plan, Non-Plan and Centrally Sponsored ScheiTtes. The details are furnished below ; (Re. in croree) YEIAR PLAN NON-PLAN CSS TOTAl, 1992-93 90.00 24 7 . '^6 7 19 345. i.5 1993-94 lOB.OO P.9S.h4 5 58 409.22 1994-95 135.00 323.53 8.3 6 4 6 6 . B 9 1995-96 175.52 ■!64.93 7.4 7 547.92 1996' 97- 2'00.66 .188.61 6.37 <595.64 ADDITIONAL RBSOURCES MOBILISATION (APM) ANl) CENTRAL ASSISTANCE DURING THB IIQHTH PLAN: The details relating to Central Assistance and Additional Resources Mobilisation(ARM) for Eighth Plan is furnished below: (Rs. in crores) Year QmtJLSiL MM Assistance Outlay 1992-93 6 3.60 26 .40 90.00 1993-94 75.29 32 .71 108.00 1994-95 85. 29 49.71 135.00 1995-96 104 ,29 71 .23 175 . 52 1996-97 112.56 88 . 10 200.66 BEVTEW OF EK4HTH PLAN 1992-97: OUTLAY EXPENDITURE (Rs . in lakhs) Outlay Agtuai Eighth Plan EKpr. 1992-97 40000.00 (Approved) 1992-93 9000.00 B777.38 97 , 53 1993-94 10800.00 10748.12 99 . 52 1994-9B 13S00.00 1 i461.16 99.71 1995 96 17S52.00 17359,19 98 . 90 1996 97 ^0066.00 19624.75 97 80 EICiHTii P J ^ In financial terms, the UT of Pondicherry has been making consistently good progress in regard to utilisation of outlays as shown above Against (original agieed ouilay of Rs 400 crores) Rs.709 crores approved fox 5 years period of the eighth plan 1992-97, the expenditure was about Ra.700 c^rores (98.73%). Major Head of Deveiopmentwise details are as follow!?; UNION TERRITORY OF PONDICHERRY BUDGET ALLOC/CriON JT*8 OWN w aotin c^ and cxrtrai. mmmmcE (Rb. in Crom i (R«. if« Crores) 400 260 f982-93 1993-84 1994-96 1996'90 1996-97 1992-93 1998-94 1994-96 199S-96 1990-07 IPLAM ■ 1 ARM ^ CetTRAL ASStSlANCE SECTORAL a m PIAN EXPENDITURl (Rs.lakhs) SI- Major Head Vlllth Five Year Plan (1.992-97) NO. of Development Expenditare % to total (Provisional) Expenditure ( 1) 2 ) (3) (4) 1. Aqricultiire and B5a5.29 12 .34 Allied activities II. Rnral Development 1756 .62 2 .51 III. Irrigation and Flood control 25H3 .46 3 .69 17. Energy 161B9 .6 3 23 .09 V. Industry & Minerals 9321 . 64 13 .32 VI. Transport 4785.51 6 . 84 VII. Science, Technology 75 81 0.11 and Environment VIII.General Economic 889-70 1.27 Services IX. Social Services 242S9 29 34 . 6 7 X General Services 1573 65 2 .26 Grand total 69970.60 100.00 If we see the sectoral trend in Plan expenditure during the VIII Five Year Plan, the following are the major observations: The Social Service sector occupied slightly more than one third of the Plan expenditure i.e. 34.67% which shows the Pondicherry Administration's sincere efforts towards welfare and other human resources development: programmes besides assisting poor and the needy sections under various sectors like Adi- Dravidar Welfare, Social Welfare, Housing, Urban Development, Nutrition, Education and Health. It is a fact that Energy (power) is the key to all succesB of Plan programmes.
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