Foreign Intelligence – French Dossier of 8-letter bingos from FOREIGN LANGUAGES–unusual letter / sound patterns = tricky alphagrams to anagram compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club A 8s - French ABATTOIR AABIORTT slaughterhouse [n -S] ABOIDEAU AABDEIOU type of dike [n -S or -X] ABOITEAU AABEIOTU aboideau (type of dike) [n -S or -X] ACCOLADE AACCDELO to praise (to express approval or admiration of) [v -D, -DING, -S] ACCOUTRE ACCEORTU to accouter (to equip) [v D, -RING, -S] AEROBIUM ABEIMORU aerobe (organism that requires oxygen to live) [n -IA] ALIZARIN AAIILNRZ red dye [n -S] AMANDINE AADEIMNN prepared with almonds [adj] APERITIF AEFIIPRT alcoholic drink taken before meal [n -S] ARMAGNAC AAACGMNR French brandy [n -S] ARMATURE AAEMRRTU to furnish with armor [v -D, -RING, -S] ASSIGNAT AAGINSST one of notes issued as currency by French revolutionary government [n -S] AUSPICES ACEIPSSU AUSPEX, soothsayer of ancient Rome [n] B 8s - French BABOUCHE ABBCEHOU heelless slipper [n -S] BACALHAU AAABCHLU baccala (codfish (marine food fish) [n -S] BACCARAT AAABCCRT card game [n -S] BADINAGE AABDEGIN to banter (to exchange mildly teasing remarks) [v -D, -GING, -S] BARLEDUC ABCDELRU fruit [n -S] BARRIQUE ABEIQRRU wine barrel [n -S] BARTISAN AABINRST small turret [n -S] BARTIZAN AABINRTZ small turret [n -S] BASTILLE ABEILLST prison [n -S] BATTERIE ABEEIRTT ballet movement [n -S] BAUDEKIN ABDEIKNU brocaded fabric [n -S] BAYADEER AABDEERY bayadere (dancing girl) [n -S] BAYADERE AABDEERY dancing girl [n -S] BEAUCOUP ABCEOPUU abundance [n -S] BECHAMEL ABCEEHLM white sauce [n -S] BERBERIS BBEEIRRS barberry [n -ES] BERDACHE ABCDEEHR Native American male transvestite [n -S] BERGAMOT ABEGMORT citrus tree [n -S] BOISERIE BEEIIORS wood paneling on wall [n -S] BONHOMIE BEHIMNOO friendliness [n -S] BORDEAUX ABDEORUX red or white wine [n BORDEAUX] BOUFFANT ABFFNOTU woman’s hairdo [n -S] BOUILLON BILLNOOU clear broth [n -S] BOURRIDE BDEIORRU fish stew [n -S] BRANDADE AABDDENR dish of cod mixed with olive oil and milk [n -S] BRASSARD AABDRRSS insignia [n -S] BRASSART AABRRSST brassard (insignia) [n -S] BROUHAHA AABHHORU uproar [n -S] BURNOOSE BENOORSU hooded cloak [n -S] C 8s - French CABERNET ABCEENRT dry red wine [n -S] CABOCHED ABCCDEHO full-faced -- used of animal's head in heraldry [adj] Foreign Intelligence – French Dossier of 8-letter bingos from FOREIGN LANGUAGES–unusual letter / sound patterns = tricky alphagrams to anagram compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club CABOSHED ABCDEHOS caboched (full-faced -- used of animal's head in heraldry) [adj] CABRIOLE ABCEILOR curved furniture leg [n -S] CACHETED ACCDEEHT CACHET, to print design on envelope [v] CAMAILED AACDEILM CAMAIL, piece of armor for neck [adj] CAMISADE AACDEIMS camisado (attack made at night) [n -S] CANAILLE AACEILLN common people [n -S] CEINTURE CEEINRTU belt for waist [n -S] CEMENTUM CEEMMNTU hard tissue covering roots of teeth [n -S or -TA] CENTESIS CEEINSST surgical puncture [n -SES] CERVELAS ACEELRSV cervelat (smoked sausage) [n -ES] CERVELAT ACEELRTV smoked sausage [n -S] CHACONNE ACCEHNNO ancient dance [n -S] CHAMFRON ACFHMNOR armor for horse's head [n -S] CHANFRON ACFHNNOR chamfron (armor for horse's head) [n -S] CHAQUETA AACEHQTU jacket worn by cowboys [n -S] CHARQUID ACDHIQRU CHARQUI, type of meat [adj] CHASSEUR ACEHRSSU cavalry soldier [n -S] CHAUSSES ACEHSSSU medieval armor [n] CHENILLE CEEHILLN soft fabric [n -S] CHEVERON CEEHNORV chevron (V-shaped pattern) [n -S] CHOUSHES CEHHOSSU CHOUSH, chiaus (Turkish messenger) [n] CLAFOUTI ACFILOTU dessert consisting of layer of fruit topped with batter and baked [n -S] CLOCHARD ACCDHLOR vagrant [n -S] COIFFEUR CEFFIORU male hairdresser [n -S] COIFFURE CEFFIORU to coif (style hair) [v -D, -RING, -S] CONCOURS CCNOORSU public competition [n CONCOURS] CONFRERE CEEFNORR colleague [n -S] CONIOSIS CIINOOSS infection caused by inhalation of dust [n -SES] COQUILLE CEILLOQU cooking utensil [n -S] CORNICHE CCEHINOR road built along cliff [n -S] CORSELET CEELORST piece of body armor [n -S] CORYPHEE CEEHOPRY ballet dancer [n -S] COTILLON CILLNOOT ballroom dance [n -S] COUCHANT ACCHNOTU lying down [adj] COULISSE CEILOSSU side scene of theatre stage [n -S] COUMAROU ACMOORUU seed of tropical tree [n -S] COURANTE ACENORTU old, lively dance [n -S] COUSCOUS CCOOSSUU North African cereal [n -ES] CRAMOISY ACIMORSY crimson cloth [n -SIES] CREESHED CDEEEHRS CREESH, to grease [v] CREESHES CEEEHRSS CREESH, to grease [v] CREPERIE CEEEIPRR restaurant that serves crepes (thin pancakes) [n -S] CRETONNE CEENNORT heavy fabric [n -S] CROUPIER CEIOPRRU attendant in casino [n -S] CRUCIFIX CCFIIRUX cross bearing image of Christ [n -ES] D 8s - French DANSEUSE ADEENSSU female ballet dancer [n -S] Foreign Intelligence – French Dossier of 8-letter bingos from FOREIGN LANGUAGES–unusual letter / sound patterns = tricky alphagrams to anagram compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club DAUPHINE ADEHINPU wife of dauphin [n -S] DEBONAIR ABDEINOR suave [adj] DEBOUCHE BCDEEHOU opening for passage of troops [n -S] DEBRUISE BDEEIRSU to cross coat of arms [v -D, -SING, -S] DEBUTANT ABDENTTU one who is debuting (to make one’s first public appearance) [n -S] DEBUTING BDEGINTU DEBIT, to make one’s first public appearance [v] DECLASSE ACDEELSS lowered in status [adj] DEFILADE ADDEEFIL to shield from enemy fire [v -D, -DING, -S] DEJEUNER DEEEJNRU late breakfast [n -S] DEMARCHE ACDEEHMR procedure [n -S] DEMIVOLT DEILMOTV half-turn made by horse [n -S] DERACINE ACDEEINR displaced person [n -S] DERRIERE DEEEIRRR buttocks [n -S] DETRITUS DEIRSTTU particles of rock [n DETRITUS] DIGESTIF DEFGIIST alcoholic drink taken after meal [n -S] DISSUADE ADDEISSU to persuade not to do something [v -D, -DING, -S] DOUBLOON BDLNOOOU former Spanish gold coin [n -S] DOUBLURE BDELOORU lining of book cover [n -S] DOUPIONI DIINOOPU silk yarn [n -S] DOUZEPER DEEOPRUZ one of twelve legendary knights [n -S] DUVETINE DEEINTUV duvetyn (soft fabric) [n -S] DUVETYNE DEENTUVY duvetyn (soft fabric) [n -S] DUXELLES DEELLSUX garnish or sauce with minced mushrooms [n DUXELLES] E 8s - French ECRASEUR ACEERRSU surgical instrument [n -S] ENCIENTE CEEEINNT encircling fortification [n -S] ENFILADE ADEEFILN to direct heavy gunfire along length of [v -D, -DING, -S] ENTREPOT EENOPRTT warheouse [n -S] ENTRESOL EELNORST mezzanine [n -S] EOLIPILE EEIILLOP type of engine [n -S] EOLOPILE EEILLOOP eolipile (type of engine) [n -S] EPOPOEIA AEEIOOPP epopee (epic poem) [n -S] ESCALADE AACDEELS to enter by means of ladders [v -D, -DING, -S] ESCALLOP ACELLOPS to scallop (bake in sauce topped with bread crumbs) [v -ED, -ING, -S] ESCALOPE ACEELOPS thin slice of meat or fish [n -S] ESCAPADE AACDEEPS reckless adventure [n -S] ESCARGOT ACEGORST edible snail [n -S] ESCAROLE ACEELORS variety of endive [n -S] ESCARPED ACDEEPRS ESCARP, to cause to slope steeply [v] ESCHALOT ACEHLOST shallot (plant resembling onion) [n -S] ESCHEWAL ACEEHLSW act of eschewing (to avoid) [n -S] ESCHEWED CDEEEHSW ESCHEW, to avoid [v] ESCHEWER CEEEGRSW one that eschews (to avoid) [n -S] ESCORTED CDEEORST ESCORT, to accompany [v] ESPALIER AEEILPRS to furnish with trellis [v -ED, -ING, -S] ESPECIAL ACEEILPS special [adj] ESPIEGLE EEEGILPS playful [adj] Foreign Intelligence – French Dossier of 8-letter bingos from FOREIGN LANGUAGES–unusual letter / sound patterns = tricky alphagrams to anagram compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club ESPOUSAL AELOPSSU marriage ceremony [n -S] ESPOUSER EEOPRSSU one that espouses (to marry) [n -S] ESSAYIST AEISSSTY writer of essays (prose compositions) ESTATING AEGINSTT ESTATE, to provide with landed property [v] ESTEEMED DEEEEMST ESTEEM, to have high opinion of [v] ESTHESIS EEHISSST esthesia (ability to receive sensation) [n -ES or -SES] ESTOPPED DEEOPPST ESTOP, to impede by estoppel (legal restraint preventing person from contradicting his own previous statement) [v] ESTOPPEL EELOPPST legal restraint preventing person from contradicting his own previous statement [n -S] ESTOVERS EEORSSTV necessities allowed by law [n] ESTRANGE AEEGNRST to alienate [v -D, -GING, -S] ESTRAYED ADEERSTY ESTRAY, to stray [v] ETOUFFEE EEEFFOTU Cajun stew [n -S] EXTRADOS ADEORSTX outer curve of arch [n -ES] F 8s - French FABRIQUE ABEFIQRU parish group that deals with church property [n -S] FAINEANT AAEFINNT lazy person [n -S] FANFARON AAFFNNOR braggart [n -S] FANTASIE AAEFINST fantasia (free-form musical composition) [n -S] FAROUCHE ACEFHORU sullenly shy [adj] FAUTEUIL AEFILTUU armchair [n -S] FEASANCE AACEEFNS performance of condition, obligation, duty [n -S] FLAMBEAU AABEFLMU flaming torch [n -S or -X] FLANCARD AACDFLNR piece of armor for side of horse [n -S] FLANERIE AEEFILNR idleness [n -S] FONDUING DFGINNOU FONDUE, to cook in pot of melted cheese [v] FOURCHEE CEEFHORU having end of each arm forked–used of heraldic cross [adj] FRICANDO ACDFINOR roasted loin of veal [n -ES] FROIDEUR DEFIORRU aloofness (state of being aloof (distant in interest or feeling)) [n -S] FROMENTY EFMNORTY frumenty (dish of wheat boiled in milk and sweetened with sugar) [n -TIES] FRONDEUR DEFNORRU rebel [n -S] FRONTIER EFINORRT border between two countries [n -S] FROTTAGE AEFGORTT masturbation by rubbing against another person [n -S] FROTTEUR EFORRTTU one who practices frottage [n -S] FROUFROU FFOORRUU rustling sound [n -S] FURBELOW BEFLORUW to decorate with ruffles [v -ED, -ING, -S] FURCRAEA AACEFRRU tropical plant [n -S] FUSELAGE AEEFGLSU body of airplane [n -S] FUSILEER EEFILRSU fusilier (soldier armed with a fusil (type of musket)) [n -S] FUSILIER
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