LETTERS The purpose of this Letters section is to provide rapid dissemination of important new results in the fields regularly covered by Physics of Plasmas. Results of extended research should not be presented as a series of letters in place of comprehensive articles. Letters cannot exceed three printed pages in length, including space allowed for title, figures, tables, references and an abstract limited to about 100 words. There is a three-month time limit, from date of receipt to acceptance, for processing Letter manuscripts. Authors must also submit a brief statement justifying rapid publication in the Letters section. Sawteeth and energy confinement in the Madison Symmetric Torus reversed-field pinch B. E. Chapman,a) A. F. Almagri, M. Cekic, D. J. Den Hartog, S. C. Prager, and J. S. Sarff University of Wisconsin, Department of Physics, 1150 University Avenue, Madison, Wisconsin 53706 ~Received 23 October 1995; accepted 6 December 1995! Most Madison Symmetric Torus ~MST!@Fusion Technol. 19, 131 ~1991!# reversed-field pinch discharges exhibit sawtooth oscillations with a period of 2–5 ms, corresponding to magnetohydrodynamic ~MHD! instability and increased transport. However, in discharges where the plasma-facing wall has been boronized, the plasma resistivity is reduced, and sawteeth are often suppressed for periods up to 20 ms. The energy confinement time during these sawtooth-free periods is triple the normal value, corresponding to a higher plasma temperature and lower Ohmic input power. In addition, the steady growth of the dominant magnetic fluctuations normally observed between sawtooth crashes is absent. © 1996 American Institute of Physics. @S1070-664X~96!02703-5# Sawtooth oscillations have been observed in several discrete bursts of m50, toroidal mode number n51 mode reversed-field pinch ~RFP! experiments.1–3 Similar to the activity, each corresponding to a small increase in the toroi- case in tokamaks, the RFP sawtooth crash coincides with a dal flux. sudden transfer of energy from the core plasma to the edge Shown in Fig. 1 are data from a typical MST discharge and is interpreted as magnetohydrodynamic ~MHD! relax- in which sawteeth occur throughout. Each sawtooth crash ation. During the slow sawtooth rise phase in the RFP, the m causes a rapid increase in the overall toroidal magnetic flux 2 profile, where m(r)5m0J–B/B , peaks as a result of resistive @Fig. 1~a!#, while enhancing the reversal of the toroidal mag- diffusion and the peaked parallel equilibrium inductive elec- netic field at the edge @Fig. 1~b!#. Increased particle transport tric field. The amplitudes of the dominant poloidal mode at the crash induces plasma–wall interaction ~e.g., sputter- number m51 magnetic fluctuations ~or modes!, resonant in ing!, leading to injection of impurities into the plasma @Fig. the plasma core, gradually increase during this phase. The 1~c!#, an increase in the total radiated power @Fig. 1~d!#,a faster sawtooth crash phase results in the redistribution of decrease in temperature, and an increase in resistivity. ~Note parallel current, flattening m(r). The crash is a discrete dy- that impurity influx is sometimes observed just prior to a namo event, during which edge current is driven, and toroi- crash. This may be due in part to the magnetic fluctuations in dal flux is generated. Sawteeth degrade confinement in two the sawtooth rise phase.! Therefore, at each crash, the Ohmic ways. First, the growth of magnetic fluctuations increases input power @Fig. 1~e!# increases, and the stored thermal en- transport. Second, plasma–wall interaction, most prominent ergy sometimes decreases. This leads to a temporary drop in in the crash phase, injects radiative impurities into the the energy confinement time, tE [~stored thermal energy!/ plasma. Hence, control of sawtooth oscillations and under- ~Ohmic input power!. The average tE in a sawtoothing dis- standing of their origin is essential. charge is about 1 ms. In the Madison Symmetric Torus ~MST! RFP,4 sawteeth In Fig. 2 is shown a discharge with a long SFP. This with periods of several ms have, until recently, accompanied discharge has a peak plasma current and line-averaged den- nearly all discharges.5 In this paper we report the production sity similar to the discharge shown in Fig. 1. During the SFP, of discharges, following boronization6 of the plasma-facing plasma–wall interaction is minimal @Figs. 2~c! and 2~d!#, the wall, in which sawteeth are absent for extended periods ~up plasma temperature is higher ~than its usual between-crash to 20 ms!. We believe that these sawtooth-free periods ~SFP! value!, and the resistivity is decreased, thereby leading to a are due primarily to decreased current diffusion @and slowed decreased Ohmic input power @Fig. 2~e!#. The decreased peaking of m(r)# arising from a reduced plasma resistivity. plasma resistance also results in a flatter plasma current During SFP we observe that ~1! the energy confinement time waveform @compare Fig. 2~f! to Fig. 1~f!#. triples relative to normal sawtoothing discharges, and ~2! the At the plasma current shown in Figs. 1 and 2, the central steady growth of the dominant m51 modes normally ob- electron temperature ~measured with a Thomson scattering served between sawtooth crashes is absent. Also observed in diagnostic! during SFP is ;480 eV, compared to ;275 eV SFP ~and in some boronized discharges without SFP! are between sawteeth in normal discharges. This ;75% increase Phys. Plasmas 3 (3), March 1996 1070-664X/96/3(3)/709/3/$10.00 © 1996 American Institute of Physics 709 Downloaded¬07¬Jun¬2006¬to¬¬Redistribution¬subject¬to¬AIP¬license¬or¬copyright,¬see¬http://pop.aip.org/pop/copyright.jsp FIG. 1. Time variations of ~a! the cross-section-averaged toroidal magnetic FIG. 2. Time variations of the plasma parameters in Fig. 1 during a dis- field, ~b! the toroidal magnetic field at the plasma edge, ~c! the CIII ~464.74 charge with a sawtooth-free period ~SFP!. nm! intensity, ~d! the total radiated power, ~e! the Ohmic input power, and ~f! the toroidal plasma current during a typical MST discharge. A sawtooth increase dramatically in unison. The effect is the same crash is indicated by a dashed line. whether the crash follows a normal rise phase or a SFP. in temperature coupled with the lower Ohmic input power Shown in Figs. 3~c! and 3~f! is the surface poloidal volt- leads to a SFP tE of ;3 ms. Soft x-ray measurements indi- age, Vu . At each sawtooth crash, Vu increases substantially, cate that the temperature and, thus, tE are sustained until the responding to the overall increase of toroidal flux. Such an crash that ends the SFP. increase, indicative of a dynamo event, is also observed at a The behavior of the dominant magnetic modes during smaller amplitude coincident with each burst of the ~0,1! SFP is quite different from that between sawtooth crashes in mode. While each of these small-amplitude dynamo events normal discharges. The dominant modes have (m,n)5~1,6!, causes a temporary increase in the Ohmic input power @seen ~1,7!, and ~1,8! and are resonant at various radii in the clearly during the SFP shown in Fig. 2~e!#, the events are plasma core. In Fig. 3~a! is shown the evolution of the ~1,6! benign compared to sawtooth crashes. One explanation for during a complete sawtooth cycle in a boronized discharge. this, beyond the difference in amplitudes, is that the small- Its amplitude increases ~in the rise phase! until the crash that amplitude dynamo events appear to be localized to the begins at ;13.4 ms. In Fig. 3~d! is shown the evolution of plasma edge, in contrast to the sawtooth crashes which affect the ~1,6! during a SFP later in the same discharge. Here, the mode maintains a nearly steady amplitude until the crash at the end of the SFP. This behavior is typical of the ~1,7!, ~1,8! and higher-nm51 modes as well. The behavior of the ~0,1! mode between sawtooth crashes depends on the condition of the plasma-facing wall. The ~0,1!, like all m50 modes, is resonant at the reversal radius ~across which the toroidal magnetic field changes di- rection! near the plasma edge. In nonboronized discharges, the ~0,1! amplitude remains small between crashes. How- ever, following boronization, the ~0,1! often exhibits quasi- periodic bursts, in both the sawtooth rise phase and SFP. The behavior of the ~0,1! in a complete sawtooth cycle is shown in Fig. 3~b!, while its behavior in a SFP is shown in Fig. 3~e!. FIG. 3. Evolution of ~a! the ~1,6! mode, ~b! the ~0,1! mode, and ~c! the In neither the sawtooth rise phase or SFP are these bursts surface poloidal voltage during a complete sawtooth cycle. Shown in ~d!–~f! correlated with changes in the ~1,6! or other m51 mode are these same signals during a sawtooth-free period later in the same dis- amplitudes. At each sawtooth crash, however, the amplitudes charge. Note the differing time scales. The dashed lines indicate the time at which the toroidal flux peaks during sawtooth crashes. Each crash begins of the ~0,1!, ~1,6!, and most of the other detectable modes with a rapid increase of the mode amplitudes. 710 Phys. Plasmas, Vol. 3, No. 3, March 1996 Letters Downloaded¬07¬Jun¬2006¬to¬¬Redistribution¬subject¬to¬AIP¬license¬or¬copyright,¬see¬http://pop.aip.org/pop/copyright.jsp which defines the SFP, results simply from slowed peaking of m(r), apparently from a reduction of the plasma resistivity ~and the current diffusion rate! following boronization.
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