A H u W a rt Mt WUI T ab a lour Msassge Ta KvMytadyln Natley far a Osts-W otd. vol. xxhlno. 1 NUTLEY, NEW JERSEY. SATURDAY MORNING, NOVEMEER 15,1919 F IV E C E N T S COPS ASK BONUS TO OF FOREIGN HONEY PRIZE AWARDS FOR GOLF COULD DO BETTER AT HOME Prosecutor Still Going PLAYERS TO BE MADE AT CLUB PLAnT dANCE, FIGHT UYINC COSTS THAN BY GOING TO THE CITY i i Over the Petitions Before i u : AT FIELD CLUB BANQUET AND SHOW Batt Oiear Rcprts Forcible Hundreds of Nutley residents of Tho “dintribution of prizes” dinner foreign antecedents are sending of Yountnkoh Country Club will be ' R c a m i To money to relatives in Europe these hold Saturday niifht, November 29. A b u Wbb Refikr Alkbto US- Starting Criminal Action but will be h*ld at tho Field Club unci days and in many cases paying a not ut ^ounUikah’.M own ctubhouae. ley d a b H u a Striaf at needlessly high rate of exchange, uc- The governors decided thut the diffi­ Special EfeaU conhng to Ernett A. Biekell, cashier County Prosecutor Harrison had not some names ore forgeries of course culty of heating the main dining room REFUSE TO MAKE ASSIGNMENT of the Bank of Nutley. This is due to reached a decision up to yesterday as the perjury' charge follows as each pe­ ut tne club made it inudvisnble to hold their ignorance of thc recent cheap­ to whst course he would follow in thc tition was accompanied by an affidavit the dinner there, bccaime of the pos- ness of foreign money und the tact that all signatures were made by their START REHEARSALS TUESMT local referendum petitions taken to sibilty that it might prove to Im* u cold A petition signed by eight members that money changers take advantage owners in the presence of the person night, und so the Field Club offered of the loeal police department was of this ignorance when they go out of nim for consideration by Town At­ taking the oath. the Uuc of iU house. There will be "big doings" am ong rood at tha meeting of the Board of town to K*t it. Mr. Biekell &ays: torney J. Harry Hull. Ihe latter ex­ l'he question of criminal intent on- Club busses will take members from the members of the Nutley Clnb dur­ pected to hold another conference with Commissioners.Tuesday night asking Exchange in European countries torcd, Mr. Hull maintained, because the links to the Field Club in time for ing thr coming winter. At thc monthly Mr. Harmon yesterday at which time one of th e canvassers h ad admitted to u* !?H‘n a^ a yer* ^ow point owing to the ^linnor if they have been playing meeting on Tuesday evening in D4t- that a bonus of $200 each be paid this the World War. A his country wrsable he would learn what course was to be nn acquaintance that he signed the during the afternoon, and others will year IB m a rt th a increased cost of liv­ to furnish “numiouft quantities of wur followed but the prosecutor did not name of a man on whom he culb-d fo r arrive by the usual means of trans­ tig's Hall plans were formulated for ing. Tm r e q u e st waa referred with­ material during the great W ar, . nd w»* arrange the meeting. Mr. Hull said a signature, but under circumstances portation. The uffuir is limited to thc many events. out comment to I’-ommuoioner Cook, have since hern furnishing fjodstuiT-, that lie regarded tills as evidence that which he thought made it, entirely male members of the club. The first on the card is a dance tn ten d rf the department of public , / gU* lt materials and tiie matter was still being in­ proper, l'he man declared he wus will­ At the meeting of the Governor* tie given Friday night, November M. safety for report at the next meeting, clothing to rebuild and rvclothe de­ vestigated. ing to sign, but halt Ao time to go into Lhi.s week twenty new members wen* then comes the smoker, which wiU the octttion said that the Nutley de­ vastated Europe. This has mode us u At a conference Monday between thc house to get u |en nml told the fleeted making a total of sixty since probably be held on the eighteenth r f partment it now the lowest paid in the creditor nation, that is, the balance of thc two men Mr. Hull pointed out the cunvaoser with thc ffitiUnn to "put the ciunpuign to incrc&e the roll to the same month, which is planned an State. and that the scale was not high LraAo is in our favor. evidences of forgery and perjury on his nuiue down." iOO sturted thi* summer a get-together. Local talent will fur­ . m o u g‘ t 1tor th e m en to live in decent Europe owes us money-—therefore which the Supreme Court decided If the prosecutor decides that there Today's golf event is 18-holc medal nish entertainment and it is p la a a td fashion. the American dollur has become the fiw..c of the petitions were illegal. Mi. is sufficient evidence to impress ihe play vs. par, three-quarters h.tndirap to secure so.nc well-known ath lete to Health Officer Eugene Sullivan re­ unit the world over. A merchant in Harrison expressed no opinion us to Grand Jury it is expected that he w ill tor a prize by H. B. Ilomung. give a talk. 1 he annual banquet will ported tho forcible removal of a Londay must pay for goods shipped a hut he thought of the evidence, pre­ put the mutter before them and usk ue held some time a .ter t hri .tmss. woman suffering from tuberculosis to from this country in American dollarp, ferring to look it over more for indictments. Another conference this naa al.vaya Ixon a feature w tth ths Isolation 1fi>jpital in Soho from and his English currency will not buy thoroughly. will be held between Mr. Harrison and the ciub, and will b" larger than usual her home in the East Nutlev Italian as many dollars as formerly. In­ Mr. Hull says that while ho per­ Mr. Hull next week, the latter expects, this y e ar. section. The eanaent of the family versely the American business mun sonally is convinced there are sig­ w h en the prosecutor will give his de The annual minstrel show will ha could not bn secured and the care wax can buy nion* English currency with natures signed by others than their cision. ntaged about the middle of January. very aggravated so Mr. Sullivan said his American dollars. A comparison owners, it is a question whether or not Mr. Hull was directed to take the Itclicarsal* will start Tuesday evening he had secured the -ambulance from between nornal exchange rates ex­ there was criminal intent. Thi* is true petiticns to tin prosecutor two weeks S. A. T. C. MEMBERS REFUSED and will continue thereafter twice a tho hospital and with thc aid of a isting before the wur and those ex­ of all with tilt possible i xception of igo by the Uourd of Commissioners -MEDALS wo k. I hone who were not present St one case, where u man who nnd not utter three justices uf the Supreme ihe meeting Tuesdny are requested to policeman had removed the woman to isting today shows. I o the Editor of The Sun. the institution. Mayor Diebitsch com­ seen a petition was found to be u Court had decided they contained false' be on hand at the rehearsals. Normal Price Present Price signer. signatures, as charged by Town Clerk Dour Sir:—For ages caautst- und In the early spring the club will mented that he was glad the action j tiler people with an itch for thc un­ had beea taken ae the case was a bad England 4.H6 to 1 A* Sterling 4.16 If the first fact is proved—thnt Smon Blum. hold a loir and the boys already a n France 19.1’ to I franc 10.86 usual. have been endeavoring lo ex­ working up details und getting th s one. Italy 19.3 to 1 Lire 8.27 plain the difference between tweedle- C hief • W rig h t Sutcliffe reported assistance of their fair buckeni. “These fib res ure of course subject lum und twecdledcc. It has b«-n re­ Report* ut the meeting showed th a twenty-two arrests during thc pre­ to daily fluctuations, but give a good FOOTPAD ATTACKS CASHIER TOWN ENGINEER E. N. SMITH ceived for u citizen of Nutley—Nutley ceding mouth and a total of $103,811 club to be in an unusually good fl- idea of the depreciation existing, and OF MOVIE HOUSE AS SHE RESIGNS TO TAKE CHARGE proper—to solve the vexed question ■uuvciol condition. Following the bhrt* collected ia fines and $825 in licenses. it applies to every European tfoimtry, with a succi ss. which however lorrifily ness meeting the members enjeysd S Contract Interfere* Sweden, Norway, Poland, Holland. WALKS ALONG CENTRE STREET OF FACTORY AT LISBON, Nil. it may strike the world, seems to en­ Salvation Am y feod—hot doujrhAstai Germany, Austria and so on. tirely satisfy thc lea r ms I author to wit, aj.il riflrr.
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