Second City SATURDAY Scholarship Bash — see page 11 Cognotes exhibits photo ISSUEALA 2 2013 ANNUAL CONFERENCE June 29, 2013 Auditorium Speaker Series Kicks Off Today HIGHLIGHTS oday’s Auditorium Speak- Conference, 8:30 – 9:30 a.m. considers it time for ordinary And the Mountains Echoed, his ers Series line-up features Lanier will speak about his people to be rewarded for what first new novel in more than Tleading authors, thought- visionary reckoning with the they do and share on the web. six years. You can hear this leaders, and experts from adult effects network technologies The ideas and bestselling author Today and youth fiction, technology, have had on our economy, as- questions in Who from 10:30 – 11:30 Networking and popular culture. serting that the rise of digital Owns the Future? a.m. when he ap- Uncommons networks led our economy into are insightful and pears as an Audi- 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Jaron Lanier recession and decimated the provocative for ev- torium Speaker in McCormick B1, Level 3 8:30 – 9:30 a.m. middle class – an argument eryone who lives a conversation with The revolutionary ways in laid out in his new book, Who part of their lives Booklist Senior Edi- Promise of Libraries which technology has trans- Owns the Future? Now, as online – which like- tor Donna Seaman. Transforming formed our culture have also technology flattens more and ly includes every The Afghan-born Communities transformed and continue to more industries – from media ALA Annual Con- novelist and physi- 8:30 – 10:00 a.m. transform libraries. Bestsell- to medicine to manufacturing ference attendee. cian is the #1 New McCormick S105 A-C ing author of You Are Not a – we are facing even greater Sponsored by Si- York Times–best- Gadget, the father of virtual challenges to employment and mon & Schuster selling author of Now Showing @ ALA reality, and one of personal wealth, The Kite Runner and A Thou- Film Program the most influen- challenges that af- Khaled Hosseini sand Splendid Suns, with 10:00 – 6:00 p.m. tial thinkers of our fect libraries and 10:30 – 11:30 a.m. more than 38 million copies McCormick S503 A time, Jaron Lanier librarians in many One hot new title that people sold in more than 70 countries. has drawn on his ways. Lanier charts will be reading, recommend- And the Mountains Echoed ALA/Proquest expertise and expe- an alternative to ing, and talking about this (May 2013, Riverhead Books) Scholarship Bash rience as a computer allowing technol- season is Khaled Hosseini’s » see page 14 The Best of scientist, musician, ogy to own our fu- The Second City and digital media ture, outlining a 8:00 – 10:00 p.m. pioneer to predict path toward a new New Video Message: President McCormick these changes for information econ- Grand Ballroom S100 decades. Lanier omy that will sta- Obama to ALA Conference kicks off the Au- bilize the middle n Sunday, Presi- Washington Office will team ditorium Speaker class and allow it to dent Barack Obama up with several organizations Exhibit Hours Series at 2013 ALA Annual grow, making the point that he Owill release a special and government agencies video message to ALA Con- to host “Libraries & Health Saturday & Sunday ference attendees thanking Insurance: Preparing for Oc- 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. libraries for helping Ameri- tober 1," a session that will Monday cans enroll for health insur- teach library leaders how to 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. ance as part of the Affordable serve patrons with the new Care Act. Affordable Care Act program. The special message from Session speakers include Registration the White House will air on Jackie Garner Medicaid Saturday & Sunday Sunday at 8:30 a.m. in the consortium administrator; 7:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. McCormick Convention Cen- Susan Hildreth, director of ter, room S100c. President Institute of Museum and Li- Monday Obama will discuss ways brary Services; Ruth Holst, 7:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. that libraries will serve as a associate director at the Na- place where consumers can tional Network of Library of seek information about and Medicine Greater Midwest enroll in the health insur- Regional Medical Library ance marketplace that will at the University of Illinois begin October 1, 2013. at Chicago and Kendra Mor- ALA President Maureen Sullivan and the ALA Executive From 1:00 – 2:30 p.m. gan, senior program man- board hold a virtual ribbon cutting to open the Exhibits at the (in room S 501bcd) the ALA ager, OCLC Webjunction. conclusion of the Opening General Session. 3 7 3 esses Bedtim 3 r TM e 6 Bedti p M 7 m A FUN EXCUSE TO STAY UP LATE TM e at M e7 h A FUN EXCUSEat TOh STAY UP LATEh viist us at booth #155 t 8 8 2 ff 2 6 6 h t o o 9 9 1 booth 1 4 5 4 #155 5 8 Laur a Overdeck Illust rated by Jim Paillo t Laur a Overdeck 0 Illust rated by Jim Paillo t 1 THE FUTURE STARTS HERE. We invite you to stop by the BAKER & TAYLOR BOOTH #1619 AT ALA for a personal preview of the future of library collection development — Title Source 360. The website tool that more than 40,000 librarians depend on for day-to-day selection and materials acquisitions has been transformed. Title Source 360 is powerful, flexible and full of personalization features that simplify how you order print and digital materials for your community. TITLE SOURCE 360 DELIVERS INNOVATIVE FEATURES TO TRANSFORM SELECTION AND ACQUISITIONS WORKFLOWS: ■ Customized preference settings to match your selection responsibilities ■ Innovative cart management functionality ■ New release calendar for books, music and movies ■ Search and filter within lists, carts and search results Come see what the future has in store for libraries. STOP BY THE BAKER & TAYLOR BOOTH (#1619) TO LEARN MORE. OR, VISIT WWW.BAKER-TAYLOR.COM/TS360. » see page 18 Saturday, June 29, 2013 Cognotes • Page 3 You Voted, So Attend These Conversation Starter, Ignite Sessions Public voting for 36 “Conversation James Kennedy, Emily Clasper, Annie Thomas Maluck, and Elizabeth De- Chromebooks, teen humor, creativity Starter” talks and “Ignite” sessions Pho, Sam McBane Mulford, Christo- Coster. Their topics range across in reference services and more. determined which offerings were added pher Lawton, Richard Le, George Au- geospatial data services, fair use, You can find more details about to this year’s program. lisio, Kate Tkacik, Kelly Jensen, Sarah STEM, collaborative training, manga, individual talks in the Conference Conversation Starter talks are fast- Houghton, Amy Koester, Julie Bartel, experimental music, community, Scheduler. paced 45-minute sessions intended to and Jason Priem. The wider range of jumpstart conversations and highlight emerging topics and trends they’ll be emerging topics and trends. Ignite addressing include New Adult fiction, speakers present for exactly five min- Tumblr for libraries, the future of schol- Cognotes utes on what they’re most passionate arly publishing, great apps for mobile about in the library world, and inspire reference, leadership, energizing staff ISSN: 0738-4319 Ashley Smolinski the audience to join them. Each five- development, maker spaces, augmented Volume 2013 Issue 6 University of Albany minute Ignite talk is accompanied by reality and more. Senior Reporter ALA Liaison 20 slides, each displayed for 15 seconds, Ignite session presenters include: Brad Martin Paul Graller with slides advancing automatically. Valerie Hill, Mandy Knapp, Shanna LAC Group Conversation Starters and Ignite Ses- Miles, Kimberly Ventrella, Susan Publisher/Managing Editor New York, NY sions will be held throughout the confer- Schreiner, Lily Rozaklis, Nicole Kong, Deb Nerud Vernon ence at McCormick Place, Room S102d. Greta Wood, Katherine Adelberg, Reporters Photography Conversation Starter presenters in- Lauren Douglass, Casey Rawson, Vic- Kacee Anderson Curtis Compton clude: Alexandra Van Doren, Bethany toria Rakowski, Laura Deal, Amanda Texas Woman’s University Armando Solares Tschaepe, Allison Tran, Erica Compton, Meeks, Peter Murray, Steve Kemple, Hurst, TX Michael Buxbaum Stacy P. Flynn Production Germantown, MD Improving Discovery Through Collaboration Tim Mercer Join Martha Hruska University of collections have changed over the past Lauren Wallis CustomNews, Inc. California San Diego, Rachel Arkoosh 20 years, technical services operations Carmichael Library Jenn Waters Portland Community College and Tom have also evolved. The speakers will The University of Montevallo CustomNews, Inc. Larsen Portland State University as they provide examples of how they are able Students to ALA present how technical services operations to collaborate across libraries to share Kirsten Anderson Video Editors in two academic library systems have em- expertise, reduce redundancy and Olaf Anderson University of Rhode Island braced a collaborative approach to their streamline their operations. Guido Ronge work with the aim of improving access Join us today from 1:00 – 2:30 p.m. Ginger Rogers and discovery for their library users. in McCormick Place S 102 a. Presented University of Southern Mississippi As user expectations and library by LLAMA. 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