3494 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 121 Classif!calion of Roads in Matamala County. Jones Road, Putarnru. Kerr's Road, Te Poi. Kopokorahi or Wawa Ron.ct. N p11rsuance and exercise of t~.e powers conferred on him Kokako Road, Lichfield. I by the Transport Department Act, 1929, and the Heavy Lake Road, Okoroire. Lichfield--Waotu Road. :VIotor-vchiclc Regulations 1940; the Minister of Tmnsport Leslie's Road Putaruru. Livingst,one's Road, Te Po.i. does here by revoke the Warrant classifying roads in the Lei.vis Road, Okoroire. Luck-at-Last Road, :.I\Taunga.- lVlatamata County dated the 11th day of October, 1940, and Lichfield-Ngatira Road. tautari. published in the New Zealand Gazette No. 109 of the 31st lvfain's Road, Okoroire. Matamata-vVaharoa Ro a. d day of October, 1940, at ps,ge 2782, and does hereby declare lWaiRey's Road, \Vaharoa. (East). that the roads described in the Schedule hereto and situated Mangawhero or Taihoa. Road. Iviata.nuku Road, Tokoroa. in the Matamata County shall belong to tho respective J\faraetai Road, Tokoroa. 1\faungatautari ]/fain ltmuJ. classes of roads shown in the said Schedule. J\fatai Road. MeM:illan's Road, Okoroire. lvlatamata-Hinnera. Road l\foNab's Road, 'l'e Poi. (West). Moore's Road, Hinuera. SCHEDULE. :Th!Ia,tamata-Turanga.-o-moana l\'Iorgan1s Road, Peria. MATAMATA COUNTY. - Gordon Road (including l\'Iuirhead's Road, Whitehall. Tower Road). l\1urphy Road, Tirau. RoAbs classified in Class Three : Available for tho use thereon of any multi-axled heavy motor-vehicle or any Nathan's Road, Pnket,urna. Nicholson's Road, Hinuera. trailer vd1ich with t.ho load it is carrying has an axle weight Oke,uia Sout,h Road. Old Te Aroha Road (from the of not n1ore than 5 tons on any onA axle,. or of any other Okauia SprLngs ltoad. Plako Conntv boundarv to heavy motor-vehicle which with the load it is carrying has Okoroire Station - Waiomo its junction ;ith Somerville an nxle weight of not 1noro tha,n 5-k tons on any one axle. Main Road. Road). Old Cambridge - Taupo Ro,i,d Oliver's Road, Whitehall. Main Highways. (from Puketurua to its Ongaroto Road. Hamilton-Rotorua Main Highwa.y .No. 18 (that portion junction with l\far,wtoti Overdttle Road. within 1\fatamata County from the eastern boundary of Road). Cambridge Borough to its junction with Somcrvilles Pa.raohui Road. Puketnrua-Arapuni Road. Road at Tapapa Smithy). Para para Road, Tiran. Puketurna-Waotu or Old Te Waitoa-Wairakei Main Highway No. 809 (that portion Peach Road, Tokoroa. Awamutu Road. within Matamata County from the southern bounda,ry Pearson's Hill Road, Pukc- Pi:tketutu Rottd. of Piako County to the north-western boundary ,;f turua. Putaruru-Lichfieid Back Putaruru Town District). Peria !toad. Road. , Mata"'.ata-~a~anga Main Highway No. 802 (all that Pctcrsons Road, Puketurua. Putaruru-\Vaotu Road. port10n w1thm Matamata County). Pohlen's Road, Matamata. Pai.rere-Ka.imai via Hinuera ]\fain Highway No. 312 (that Rangitafiuku Road. Rollett Road. portion within l\fatamata County from Pairere to tho Raparapa (Old Kaimai) Road. Te Poi Dairy Factory). Te Aroha - Waharoa Main Highway No. 313 (all that Sali.s bury Street, Matartlata. Statioh Road, J\fatamata. portion within J\fatamata County). Scherer's Road, W'aharoa. Sta-tioil Street, 'l'irau. Kihikihi -Arapuni - Putaruru Main Highway No. 314 Schrivener's Road, Lichfield. Stoke's Road, :Maungatau- (all that portion within l\fatamata County). Shi11e's Road, Putaruru. tari. Somerville's Road. Stringer's Road, vVaotn. Roads classified in Class Four , Available for the use Spain's Road, Putaruru. thereon of any multi-axled heavy motor-vehicle or any trailer which with the load it is carrying has ail axle Weight Taotaoroa Road. Tirau-Okoroire Springs Road. of not more than 3! tons on any one axle, or of any other Tapapa Road. Todd's Road, Karapiro. heavy motor,vchiclc which With the load it is carrying has Tapui Block Road. Tokoroa Road. an axle weight of not more more than 4 terns mi any one Taumangi Road. Tomalin's Road, Pntaruru. axle, Te Miro Road., Totman's Road, Okoroire. Main Highways. Te Poi-Matamata Road. Troughton's (or Hcdlcy's) Te Rere Road. Road. Hamilton-Rotorna ::\fain High,vay :No. 18 (that portion Te Whetu Road. within l\fatamata County from its junction with Somer­ villes Road at Tapapa Smithy to the western boundary Wah a r o a-Turanga-o-moana Webster's or l\fangapollri of Rotorua County). (J\!Iowbray) Road. ltoad. Waitoa-Wairakei Main Highway .No. 809 (that portion y\,T ai:tnakariri Road, Tirl::l.,n. 'vVhakamarn Road. within Matamata County from the south-eastern W aotu South Road. Whitehall Main Road. boundary of Putarnru Town District to the western Roads classified in Class Five : Available for the use t,hereon boundary of Taupo County). of any multi-axled heavy motor-vehicle or any trailer which Pairere-Kaimai via Hinuera Main Highway No. 312 (that with the load it is ce,rrying has an axle weight of not more portion within Matamata County from the Te Poi than 2} tons on any one axle, or of any other heavy motor­ Dairy Factory . to its junction with the l\Iatamata­ vehicle which with the load it is carrying has an axle weight Tauranga Main Highway). of not more than 3 tons on any one axle. Ngatea-Waharoa via J\forrinsville Main Highway No. 477 (all that portion within l\fatamata County). County Roads. Pt,tarurn-Tapapa Main Highway No. 488. Gravcson's Road, Okauia. County Roads. Hicks Road,.Maungatantari. Amoore Road, Mamaku. Arahhvi Road, llfarnaku. Kakahu Road, W aiomo. Baird Road, Tokoroa, Bowlers Road, l\fatamata. Makgill's Road, Muungatnu­ Mathieson's Roi,d, Hinuera. Baldwins Road, Putaruru. Br1Jnskill's Road, Whitehall. tari. Banks Road, Matamata. Buckland Road. Old Taupo Road (from its Omahine Road. Bayly's Road, Okoroire. Burwood Road, Matamata. junction with l\Iaraetai Orepunga Road, Maungatan­ Campbell Road, Tokoroa. Crawford's Road, Okoroire. Road to its junction with tari. Church Street, Tirau. the W aitoa-Taupo l\'Iain Davidson's Road, Te Poi. Dunnings Road, Whitehall. Highway). Dukeson's Road, Pntaruru. Pah Road, Maungatautari. Plantation Road, J\fau:tiga 0 Education Block Road, Pakaraka Road, Waiomo. tautari. Tokoroa. Paparamu Road, Tirau. French Pass Road. Robert's Road, l\'fanngatau- tari. Gorton Road, Karapiro. Gunn's Road, Halse, or Pokai- whenua Road, Tokoroa. Scott's Road, l\'faungatautari. Hardings Road, Turanga-0° Hildret.h's Road, Pnketurna. Til1's Road, Okauia. Tui Road, Okauia. moana. Hill's Road, Manngatautarl. Waharoa-Cemetery Road. Harris Road,- Pntamrn. Hinuera Valley - l\fatamata Dated at Wellington, this 22nd day of November, 1940. Harrison's Road, Tokoroa. Road. Head's Road, J\faungatautari. Horahora-Arapuni Road. D. WILSON, Heatherington's Road, Tirau. Huihuitaha Road. For the Minister of Transport. IDckey's Road, Karapiro. (TT. 10/9.) .
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