DAKOTA COUNTY HERALD. DAKOTA CITY. NEBRASKA. "RESULTS MORE THAN CLAIMED 3J So toatmoB Mr. J. S. AKEMDT, Box 44, Kvmlle, Toxas miimt Nmionm ParK It PE RU-N- A THE REMEDY FOR EVERYDAY ILLS Pe-ru-n- X. in "I have used a for years in cases of colds and catarrh. The results have been good, in fact, more than you claimed. Have also taken Lacupia and can easily say it is one of the best blood puri- fiers I have ever used." Mr, J. F. Arendt For Catarrh and Catarrhal Conditions The evidence of one man like Mr. Arendt Is more convincing proof to you of the merits of Pe-ru-n- a than any written words of ours. For i fifty years Pe-ru-n- a has been the standby of the American iamily for diseases due to catarrhal inflammation of the mucous membranes lining the organs of the body. Thousands, like Mr. Arendt, have proved the effectiveness of Pc-ru'n- a for coughs, colds, nasal catarrh, stomach, bowel and llver.disordcrs or any disease characterized by a catarrhal condition. If your suffering is the result of a catarrhal disorder try Pe-ru-n- It Is a true, tried medicine. Sold Everywhere Tablets or Liquid Nlnoty-Sovo- n per cant, cf the poopls hava catarrh In some torn. ORGANIZATION RESPONSIBILITY INTEGRITY In other wordi tho reputation of Rice Brotiiers hot water bus LIVE STOCK COMMISSION -- and Thumb the Cattle - at Norrls. at Catth SEmMLmlSst.rtH&- ""'iWjK'iSffiiJfuaBBki"Ttk ...Xii&gr.W 5. brought to the .surface quantities of white min- Mc&ty V Hogs Sioux City Stock Yards Hogs V7:? eral deposits which build terraces of beautifully ,JWfl'OTArJ kj. u 1H lncrusted basins high up Into the air, often en- Sheep GUARANTEES SATISFACTION Sheep c&ojy&toL rj&izAc&-s&iimrzttfrJK- oT' edges dMM5smnrcs gulfing trees of considerable size. Over the A RELIABLE of theso carved basins pours the hot water. Mi- FIRM TO SHIP TO on edges Accurate marUet reports (jladly furnished free. Write usl OINO to Hell" UiIh Hum- croscopic plants called algae grow tho Also Chicago. 111., Sioux Fallu, S D. "Colter's of mer? If so, bo sure to take with and sides of these basins, painting them hues bril- you Uncle Siuii'h 1020 bulletin, Just red nnd pink nnd bluish gray, which glow off the government press, it tellH liantly. At mnny other points lesser hot springs uncanny, ele- you all about "Coltor'H Hell" occur, Introducing strange, almost Rheumatism Back on the Job ments Into wopded und otherwise quite normal which Is to nay, the Yellowstone, Old-tim- oldest und most famous of our 10 landscapes'. With e Fury afford Its national parks. The Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone No Let-U- p In Its Torture blood of the germs that; cause tho Why Well, It's n spectacle worthy of a national park were there you afflicted with Rheu- disease. S. S. S. has no equal as "Colter's Hell"? Point, If are njn an Interesting story and not every no geysers. Standing upon Inspiration matism, why waste time with lini- a blood purifier, scores of sufferers to center of the can- say blood A, one story of John Colter and "Col-ter'- s which pushes out almost the ments, lotions and other local ap- that it has cleansed their knows It The vertically down of Rheumatism, and removed all Hell" properly begins nwny back In 1803, yon, one seems to look almost plications that never did cure upon tho foaming Yellowstone river. To the south Rheumatism, and never will? trace of tho diseaso from their kvheti Thomas Jefferson, our third president, system. Nupoleon a waterfall twice the height of Niagara rushes Do not try to rub the pain away, bought the Louisiana territory from " -- y f y j. pine-cla- d hills and pours for you will never succeed. Try Get a bottle of S. S. S. at your Houiipartu. UX3Ssr t? gecmlngly out of the downwnrd to be ioft ngaln In green. From that tho sensible plan of finding the drug store and get on the right The western boundary of tbo United States to-da- y. to you stand and cause of the pain. Remove the treatment If you want Iwuh then the Mississippi, as Used by the trcuty point two or three miles where glorious kaleido-scop- e cause, and there can bo no pain. special medical advice, address (with JofTer-o- n ground set nsldu for the people's use forever. Tho beneath you widens out the most Grunt Britain after thu Uovolutton. Tho You will never be rid of Rheu- Medical Director, 102 Swift Labo- senr to Krancu to Idea took. Congress established tho Ycllowstono of color you will ever see In nature. James Monroe 1,000 nnd matism until you cleanse your ratory, Atlanta, Ga. u Nntlonnl park, March 1, 1872. steop slopes, dropping on either side feet with Mlitlster Robert It. Livingston In thu pur-jeltas- na- plne-toppc- d above, uro Incon- of thu MUslsslppl's mouth for $2,000,000. Tho establishment of thu Yellowstone as n moro from the levels HAD FORGOTTEN THE CLOCK His Objections. 05 was by frost and the JNupoIcon laughed at, them. Ho had Just made tional park after years of "discoveries" ceivably curved and fretted the Tlhe popular author entered the pub- Hi In Lspuln Intend-jln- g the st tlmo such a thing hud been done all erosion of tho ages. lisher's sanctum, seething with Indig- cedu him thu Louisiana Territory, National Little Story Has a Moral for Those to cstnbllsh there nu cmplro to ruplacu that history. It wifl thu Ilrst national park In all tho The fossil forests of tho Yellowstone nation. United exnmplu which In northern por- Who Fall to Heed the Early (lost to thu Hrltlsh In Canada. Then Napoleon saw world. Thu Status set the park cover an extensive area the "What's this I hear you want followed. abundant along Call of Dutyt. lio must light the ISrlllsli. He could not light nml practically all thu civilized world bus tion tt the park, being especially some alterations in my mnnuscrlpt?" 11)20 Ycllowstono Bulletin Is n for nbout 20 miles (colonlzu, too. So, to spltu the Urltlsh, hu told Undo Sam's tho west stdo of Lunay river he demanded. "I've made some libel- the 103 pages text, maps Yellowstone. Ono With a horrified start, John Spooks rtwo Americans they could have all the country fascinating booklet of of nbovo Its Junction wih the ous statements, have I? Where?" and everything thnt tho vnlloy of tho river may see nwoke from a sound sleep nnd list- jbutween the Mississippi nml the Itockles (TexuB Illustrations. It contains traversing Uio Lamar "You have," said the publisher to from how to get there to n many upright fossil trunks In ened. Mon-to- o tourist needs know, at plnces numerous on 550, you say Included) for $15,000,000. And hu made 1 I I calmly. "Here, page not geysers and from the different wnlls. These trunks Thump Thump Thump and Livingston agiee. Jefferson was scared tlmo table of tho tho faces of nearly vertical your heroine, who lives m Pittsburgh, kinds of trout to tho automobllo regulations. Tho nro not all at a particular level but occur at Irreg- Yes; there It was again. It was no " jBtlft at thu act of his agunts. There was a nation- I 'clutched the air convulsively.' following items are tnken from tho Introductory heights; In fnct a section cut down through dream rutl-'lie- d ular wrong wide rumpus over thu purchnsu, but congress "Good-nigh- t 1" I "Well, what's with that?" pages : i would dlscloso a succes- he cried. "My heart It nnd puoplu finally these 2,000 feet of beds the approved It. say, Uio I never knew before I had one!" demanded the Irate writer. Tho Yellowstone Nntlonnl park wus created by sion of fossil forests. That Is to after that went on man who Jefferson had not the slightest Idea tbo I I 1 "And then," the what tho act of March 1, 1872. It l approximately 02 first forest grow nnd was entombed, thero was a Thump Thump Thump bought In 180-- objected, "on page 40 you say the lUnltcd States had nnd thu spring of miles long 51 'miles wide, giving an area of tlmo without volcanic outburst a period long "Evellnn," cried the unfortunate man Uio and heroine went nnd washed her hands. started thu Lewis and Clark expedition from St. enough to permit n second forest to grow nbovo to his wife, "my heart's badl Run 8,848 square miles, or acres. It la under a libel on Pittsburgh air, sir." JLottls to And out. This famous expedition went to park flrst. in turn was covered by volcanic round to the arugglst's nnd get me It's 'tbo tho control nnd supervision of tho national tho This mouth of the Columbia river nnd returned to lervlco of tho Interior department. material and presened, to be followed again by a borne medicine. Oh, this Is horrible!" Louis In 1800, having given up al- ! 8t. aftur been for Tho Yellowstone Is probably the bost known of period of quiet, nnd these moro or less regulnr Thump I Thump ! Thump Our Overflowing Riches. lost. It passed a fuw miles to tbo north of Uio our national parks. Its geysers aro celebrated tho ternations of volcanlsm nnd forest growth contin- Spooks, lying on his back, felt his A Swede in Mlnnesotn, who had but 'Yellowstone, without oven suspuctlng Its exlBtuuce.
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