The Daily Register VOL. 98 N0.131 SHREWSBURY, N. J. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1976 15 CENTS Old legislature may attempt final try for an income tax to provide wage boosts for By CARL ZEITZ J see how their property lax If Byme persuades the leg- at a luncheon meeting yes- bills would be lowered by an islative leadership to make state employes, avoid Medi- terday with Democratic Par- income levy applied to reduce one more stab at passage of cald cutbacks and continue TRENTON (AP) - The commuter train and bus sub- Byrne administration is con- ty county chairmen including local taxes, the official said. the tax before the lawmakers Harry l.erner. the influential conclude their session next sidies sulting with legislative and "The governor leels it Essex County Democratic Tuesday when the new legis- Depending on the com- political leaders on the advis- makes political sense to do it leader, and Bernard Hartnett. lature takes office, it would bination, the supplemental ap- ability of making a linal bid now since it's as far removed the Hudson County Democrat- mark the'sixth such attempt propriation needed lor those for an Income tax during the from the next election as pos- current term of the legisla- ic chlet. in 18 months programs ranges between \\l sible," he said. million and (36 million ture which ends next The aide said it would be The Assembly passed an in- Tuesday. "misleading to suggest this is He said in discussion with The administration is also come tax bill in July 1074 but predicting a 1500 million A spokesman for Gov. Bren- an all-out attempt" to get legislative and political lead- five income tax proposals passage of an Income tax but ers the governor suggested budget gap next July, which dan T Byrne confirmed yes- have been defeated in the an income tax would close terday that discussions about that it reflected the gover- that since it was proving diffi- Senate nor's belief that this is a polit- cult to get the legislature to with one stroke of the gover an Income tax resumed Mon- nor's pen. day after the Assembly re- ically opportune moment to pass a small tax increase to Democrats control both The legislature is scheduled jected a proposed 5 cent in- pass the proposed income lax take care of immediate houses In the current legisla- to meet tomorrow andits crease in the 10-cent a pack It would mean adoption of needs, there might as well be ture and wiir retain control in leaders have promised one state cigarette tax. an income tax two years be- a push now to handle major the new session. more attempt to solve the im fore the next election and money problems with .an in- The cigarette tax hike was Byrne's aide said the gover- mediate revenue problem nor resumed the discussions give taxpayers two years to come tax sought for a package needed IRS accused of hampering Justice Department probes By BOB IX Bill stein's charges, ihr IKS in hesitancy to assign IRS Associated Press Writer Washington bristled agents to an investigation. Al- "Nothing new. We've heard exander, on the other hand, They've been trying to re- them before from other IS [eels that a lot of IRS man- solve their differences in pri- attorneys on occasion." said a power is being used in cases vate. But the feud between spokesman "We think they where no tax evasion is in- the Internal Revenue Service are as incorrect now as when volved,- at least none that is and the'Justice Department we heard them in the past immediately discernible. over the use of accountants in We don't think there's any "The Justice Department is criminal investigations re- substantive purpose in re- charged with ferreting out mains very much public. hashing this " corruption," according to one Clearly, there are funda- Treasury Department official It escalated yesterday when «im»r WJM Of urrrVtrm mental differences in policy the U.S. Attorney for New "The IRS is charged with FREEZE FRAME — Skaters at Schwenker's Pond on River Road, Fair Uncharacteristically, the dis- Jersey, Jonathan Goldstein, uncovering tax evasions Haven, get ready to practice some "slap shots" as part of their after- pute flared in public while of- accused IRS Commissioner There are subtle differences school fun yesterday. Only two other days this winter have provided ficials of the Justice and Donald Alexander of ham- in the statutory requirements enough Ice for outdoor gliding. Skaters are hoping for more. Treasury Departments insist pering investigations ii\to Before you know it we're efforts are continuing behind white collar crime and politi- called In on narcotics cases the scenes to reach an ac- cal corruption. and immigration violations cord At issue in the con which are the provinces of It's incredible. Goldslem Iroveriy arc questions of pott- older agonciec ol govern- Deep freeze brings declared, that Alexander has er, control and the scope of merit We have neither the "effectively removed from investigations manpower nor the budget to Joaataaa L. GoMslHi DouM C. Alexaodtr the war against corruption The Justice Department be everywhere." the most effective weapon the feels that crimes such as bri- Goldstein listed 14 in- pjeted successfully without the investigation and prose- icy joy to the young United States possesses - the bery and corruption inevita- vestigations of public corrup- the assistance of skilled IRS cution of former Vice Presi- IRS accounting agents." bly involve violation of tax tion In New Jersey he »aid accountants. He said the IRS dent Splro T Agnew and the By LINDA ELLIS Pond on River Road was not temperatures produced ade- When informed of Gold- laws and there should be no could not have been com also played a major role in See IRS, page 2 considered sale for skating, quate ice thickness to hold up FAIR HAVEN - Billy but the blade bunch was not gliders on local ponds. Then Havens hopped out of bed at concerned. the .thermometer dropped 1:10 am yetterdiy. * lull "I'm keeping my eyes on sharply Monday. The Fair hour-and a half before the 12 them for awhile before 1 go Haven police said last night Freeholders plan to buy golf club year-old was due it Knoll- home to lix dinner," Debra that while they don't consider wood School. Duffy ol 230 Fair Haven the ice thick enough to carry By WILLIAM J. 7.AOKSKI essary things lor the county other half through Green hold attorney, that he repre- the county getting the neces- He threw on three layers of Road, across the street from a load of skaters. McCarter's than another golf course Acres funding sented citizens opposed to the sary approval from the state clothes and hotfooted II out the pond, said ol her four and Schwenker's ponds . are FREEHOLD - With Free- The freeholder director said During the public portion of purchase. to utilize this method Into the 1 It-degree day skating children. "I'm glad private property or sur- holder Director Philip N the county could spend the the meeting. John F. Lange While he did not attend ves Mr. Gumbs told reporters He barely nude it to school the police are being cautious, rounded by private property Gumbs' casting the only dis- $1.3 million — which will be of 624 Ocean Ave , Sea Bnghl. terday's meeting, Mr .Kava- after the meeting that the on time. From 7 to 8:20 Billy but the kids know the ice If and officials have no jurisdic- senting vote, the Board of the county's share of acquir tuld the freeholders that golf lek had stated last month that county should know shortly WII ikiting on McCirter's the ice got crowded, though. tion. Freeholders yesterday in- ing the golf course — on other is one of the prime forms of he wanted the county to use whether the state Department Pond, which froze Monday for I'd puU them right off." There were skaters on troduced an ordinance to pur- items, such, as roads or keep- recreation for older people federal Revenue Sharing of Environmental Protection only the second time this win- The Duffy children. Chris. private ponds in Little Silver chase the Hominy Hill golf ing the taxes down. A golf Mr. Lange said he was funds to finance its share of (DEP) will approve of the ter. 11, Beth, 10. Ted, 7. and and Holmdel yesterday also course in Colts Neck. course benefits a small mi- speaking on behalf of senior the purchase price He also county using a holding lank at By lite afternoon yesterday Steve, 6, went their separate Red Bank Regional stu- A public hearing on the nority, he said, adding that citizens and all golfers who stated at that time that he this county facility. Billy was sharing the one- ways on the ice with their dents Bill Noglows. 17. and bond ordinance appropriating most people are not golfers look forward to playing was opposed to financing it The freeholder director said quarter-mile-long, 200-foot friends. 'Among them was a Joe Fons, 18, hockey sticks at 12,650,000 and authorizing the If the freeholders approve golf on a fine course al a through bonding — which is he did not expect any prob wide pond with 41 other ska- neighbor, Jill Morgan, a 10- the ready, were lacing up on issuance of $2,517,000 in bonds the purchase of the Hominy price they can afford to pay the way the county is now lem in getting state approval ters.
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