Member Guidance Note Planning Committee Protocol Items for Decision Chair’s Introduction Pre-committee Amendment (if any) Officer Presentation Questions to Officers (if no speakers) Speakers (if any) – Opposition first, then Supporter, max 5 mins each, Questions to Speakers (Members to question speakers about issues raised in their presentation) Further Questions to Officers (if any) Movement of Officer Recommendation (Proposer and Seconder required) Vote for Officer Recommendation (Members must show their vote by clearly raising their hands in the air). Proposer & Seconder for Amendment if not accepting Officer Recommendation Movement of Amendment (ie overturn, deferral etc) (Proposer and Seconder required) Vote for Amendment (Members must show their vote by clearly raising their hands in the air) Reasons for Amendment (Members must give clear and precise material planning reasons for refusal, grant or deferral) DONCASTER METROPOLITAN BOROUGH COUNCIL Agenda Item No Date 15th December 2009 To the Chair and Members of the PLANNING COMMITTEE PLANNING APPLICATIONS PROCESSING SYSTEM Purpose of the Report 1. A schedule of planning applications for consideration by Members is attached. 2. Each application comprises an individual report and recommendation to assist the determination process. Human Rights Implications Member should take account of and protect the rights of individuals affected when making decisions on planning applications. In general Members should consider:- 1. Whether the activity for which consent is sought interferes with any Convention rights. 2. Whether the interference pursues a legitimate aim, such as economic well being or the rights of others to enjoy their property. 3. Whether restriction on one is proportionate to the benefit of the other. Andy Gutherson Assistant Director of Development and Planning Directorate of Development and Planning Contact Officers: Mr M Roberts (Tel: 734897), Mr G Stent (Tel: 734994) and Mrs D Holgate (Tel: 734925) Background Papers: Planning Application reports refer to relevant background papers Summary List of Planning Committee Applications (5) NOTE:- Applications are in NUMERICAL order except those deferred from previous meetings for a Site Visit which are marked 'SV' and appear first and Major Proposals which are marked ‘M’. Schedule Application No Ward Parish No 1. M 08/02695/FULA Sprotbrough Hampole And Skelbrooke Parish Meeting 2. 09/00391/OUT Edenthorpe, Kirk Sandall Edenthorpe Parish Council And Barnby Dun 3. 09/02092/FUL Torne Valley Tickhill Parish Council 4. 09/02674/3FUL Adwick 5. 09/01746/FUL Bessacarr And Cantley Schedule No: 1. Application No: 08/02695/FULA Ward Sprotbrough Parish Hampole And Skelbrooke Parish Meeting Proposal Erection of 4 wind turbines, associated infrastructure and services on approx 482 ha of land Location Land West Of A1, South Of A638 Wakefield Road, Hampole, Doncaster, South Yorkshire Applicant Npower Renewables Ltd Agent Date of Valid Application: 11th September 2008 ** APPLICATION PREVIOUSLY CONSIDERED BY PLANNING COMMITTEE** THE ABOVE APPLICATION WAS CONSIDERED BY THE PLANNING COMMITTEE ON 24TH NOVEMBER AND WAS DEFERRED FOR ANOTHER MEETING Following deferral of the application from the Planning Committee on 24th November, the applicants have decided to remove turbine number 5 from the proposal. The application before Members is now for 4 wind turbines and associated infrastructure including an anemometer. Turbine number 5 is the most southerly sited turbine and the one closest to Windy Mount and the villages of Pickburn and Brodsworth. Although the impact of the proposed 5 turbines on Brodsworth Hall and Brodsworth Conservation Area is deemed to be acceptable, the removal of turbine number 5 significantly reduces the impact that this structure may have on the listed building and Conservation Area. Windy Mount is the closest residential property to the wind farm and the one most affected by the proposal in terms of the visual impact of turbine number 5. Removal of turbine 5 significantly reduces the visual impact that the wind farm will have on the occupants of Windy Mount. The next closest turbine from Windy Mount is number 4 and this is approximately 600m away and will be significantly screened by existing agricultural buildings. It is therefore considered that the visual impact of the proposal on Windy Mount is acceptable. All other issues including noise, ecology and highways safety are acceptable. It is therefore firmly recommended that Members grant planning permission for the revised scheme. =================================================================== THE ABOVE APPLICATION WAS DUE TO BE CONSIDERED BY PLANNING COMMITTEE ON 13TH OCTOBER 2009 AND WAS DEFERRED TO ALLOW OFFICERS TIME TO ADDRESS THE ISSUES RAISED BY OBJECTORS IN THE TECHNICAL BRIEFING MAIN POINTS OF REPORT * The application is being presented to Committee because it is of significant public interest and is a departure from the development plan. * The proposal involves five wind turbines measuring a maximum of 125 metres to blade tip height. * The proposed site is designated in Doncaster's Adopted Unitary Development Plan (UDP) as Green Belt and as an Area of Special Landscape Value. * Hampole Wood, which is completely contained within the site boundary, is identified as a Site of Regional/Local Importance for Nature Conservation in the UDP. * The site is surrounded by the villages of Hampole, Brodsworth and Hooton Pagnell. The last two of these villages contain designated Conservation Areas, while Brodsworth Hall, a Grade 1 Listed Building (including a nationally designated Park and Garden of Special Historic Interest) lies to the south of the site. To the east of the site the areas of Skellow and Woodlands also contain designated Conservation Areas. * Government policies strongly support the need for renewable energy resources to combat climate change and Government guidance indicates that considerable weight should be given to the wider benefits of renewable energy. * The Regional Spatial Strategy (which is part of the statutory development plan) requires local authorities to meet specific targets for renewable energy by 2010 - Doncaster currently has two sites with planning permission for a total of 26 turbines. * A recently published (March 2007) Landscape Character and Capacity Assessment, which will form part of the Doncaster Local Development Framework Evidence Base, indicates that the proposed site is within an area with Moderate Landscape Capacity for wind farms (there is no area of Doncaster which has been assessed as having High Landscape Capacity for wind farms - areas of Moderate Capacity therefore have the greatest landscape capacity for wind farms in Doncaster.) * Government guidance indicates that wind farms are not necessarily incompatible with the objectives of Green Belt designation, nor with local landscape and nature conservation designations. * There are some 1200 letters of objection from local residents and a petition signed by some 300 people, objecting to the proposal. * Over 500 letters of support for the development have been submitted. RECOMMENDATION - PLANNING PERMISSION BE GRANTED MEMBERS RESOLVE TO ENDORSE THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT TO ACCOMPANY THE DECISION NOTICE (SUBJECT TO SUCH AMENDMENTS AS MAY BE AGREED BY MEMBERS AT THE MEETING): STATEMENT OF REASONS FOR DECISION TO GRANT PERMISSION The Local Planning Authority has decided to grant planning permission :- 1. Having regard to the policies and proposals in the adopted Doncaster Unitary Development Plan set out below, and all relevant material planning considerations: UDP Policies SPU2 and PU3 - Renewable Energy SENV 5 - Conserving the Wildlife Resource ENV 41 - Sites of Regional/Local Importance for Nature Conservation SENV 1 - Protecting the Countryside ENV 3 - Green Belt SENV3 - Conserving the Landscape ENV 17 - Areas of Special Landscape Value SENV 4 - Conserving the Built Heritage ENV 25 - Conservation Areas ENV 34 - Listed Buildings ENV 20 - Parks and Gardens of Special or Local Historic Interest ENV 65 - Pollution (including noise) ST 6 - Public Rights of Way RSS Policies ENV5: Energy YH2: Climate Change and Resource Use Other material considerations Government guidance Planning Policy Statement 1: Delivering Sustainable Development Supplement to PPS1: Planning and Climate Change - December 2007 Planning Policy Statement 7 - Sustainable Development in Rural Areas Planning Policy Guidance 15 - Planning and the Historic Environment Planning Policy Statement 22: Renewable Energy Planning for Renewable Energy: A Companion Guide to PPS22 Energy White Paper: Meeting the Energy Challenge - May 2007 The Energy Challenge: Energy Review Report 2006 Doncaster Borough Landscape Character and Capacity Assessment - March 2007 Wind Energy and the Historic Environment 2. For the following reasons: Having taken into account all the planning considerations raised in the consultations and representations, against the policy background referred to above, it has been concluded that the proposed development is acceptable. In particular, the Local Planning Authority is of the view that its accordance with the relevant policies of the adopted UDP and the RSS, taken together with advice in the relevant national planning policy guidance, justifies wind farm development in this location on the scale proposed. A number of issues have been raised by objectors (local residents) mainly related to landscape/visual/green belt/wildlife issues. While there will clearly be significant visual
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