ECOLOGICAL STUDIES ON ILLAWARHA LAKE WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO Zostera capricorni Ascherson. By Malcolm McD. Harris, B.A. ( Univ. of New England, Armidale ) A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science of the University of New South Wales. School of Botany, University of New South Wales. January, 1977 UNIVERSITY OF N.S.W. 19851 16 SEP. 77 LIBRARY THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the work described in this thesis has not been submitted for a higher degree at any other university or institution. (iii) SUMMARY This thesis describes aspects of the ecology of Illawarra Lake, with special reference to the biology of the seagrass, Zostera capricomi Aschers. Observations were made from the air, from power boats, by wading and by SCUBA diving, over the period 1972 - 1976. Use has also been made of aerial photographs. The environmental factors studied include both sediment characteristics and water quality. Correlation coefficients have been calculated and used in the assessment of the functional relationships between the parameters examined. Reference has been made to corroborative evidence from a number of sources. The relationship between the distribution and biomass of the benthic flora of Illawarra Lake, and the selected environmental parameters, is examined. Seven other coastal saline lagoons were observed so that observations made and the conclusions drawn for Illawarra Lake, could be seen in the wider context. Long term observations and analyses have been made of the morphology, growth and flowering cycles of Z. capricomi. Evidence is presented showing some diagnostic features,used in published accounts to distinguish between Z. capricomi and Z. muelleri « are of little taxonomic use. Propagation of Z. capricomi was investigated by transplanting sods and rhizomes into natural and dredged sediments, together with observations of areas of the lake known to have altered in recent years. Seed production has been assessed and photographs showing germinating seeds and seedlings of Z. capricomi. observations not previously recorded in the ( iv ) literature, are presented. Data is also presented on the population and biomass of benthic macrofauna of Z_. capricomi colonised sediments, together with the feeding habits of a variety of birds, demonstrating the importance of seagrasses and other components of lake flora in the biology of coastal saline lagoons. (v) CONTENTS PAGE SUMMARY (iii) 1. BACKGROUND AND APPROACH TO THE PROBLEM 1.1# Statement of the Problem 2 1.2. Scope of the Investigation 4 1.2.1. Illawarra Lake and Other Coastal Lakes 4 1.2.2. The Study Area : Geological and Geographical Outline 10 1.2.3. Data Collected 15 2. ENVIRONMENTAL FEATURES 2.1. Introduction 18 2.2. Sediments 19 2.2.1. Previous Data 19 2.2.2. Particle Size Analysis 20 2.2.3. Nutrients - Organic Carbon 29 2.2.4. Nutrients - Total Phosphorus 30 2.2.5. pH 32 2.2.6. Eh 34 2.3. Water 37 2.3.1. Previous Data 37 2.3.2. Salinity 43 2.3.3. Temperature 46 2.3*4. Nutrients - Total Phosphorus 48 2.3.5. pH '48 2.3.6. Eh 49 2.3.7. Turbidity 49 2.4. Conclusion 51 3. BIOLOGICAL FEATURES 3.1 Introduction - Other Lakes 78 3.2. Distribution of Animals in Illawarra Lake 37 3.3* Distribution of Algae in Illawarra Lake 99 3.3.1. Gracilaria confervoides 99 3.3.2. Lamprothamnion 103 3.3.3. Epiphytic Algae of Angiosperms 104 3.3.4. Filamentous Algae 107 3.4. Distribution of Angiosperms 112 3.4.1. Taxonomy 112 3.4.2. Ecological Observations on Posidonia australis 113 3.4.3. Ecological Observations on Halophila ovalis 115 3.4*4. Ecological Observations on Ruppia maritima 116 3.4.6, Zostera capricomi and Zostera muelleri 127 BIOLOGY OF ZOSTERA CAPRICORNI IN ILLAWARRA LAKE 4.1, Introduction 132 4.2. Taxonomy of Genus Zostera 133 4.3* Distribution of Zostera in Illawarra Lake 139 4.3.1. Introduction 139 4*3.2, Distribution of Zostera in Relation to Environmental Factors 139 4.3.3* Zostera Biomass in Relation to Environmental Factors 150 4.4. Growth of Zostera oapricomi in Illawarra Lake 168 4.4.1. Morphological Variations in Zostera capricorni 168 4.4.2. Vegetative Cycle of Zostera capricomi 168 4.4.3. Flowering and Seed Production in Zostera ( vii ) 4.4*4* Propogation of Zostera capricomi in Illawarra Lake 183 4*5* Conclusions Related to Published Work 195 5. REFERENCES 203 6. APPENDIX Appendix A1 215 Appendix A2 218 Appendix A3 233 Appendix A4 239 7. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 256 ( viii) MAIN PLANT SPECIES. ALGAE Bnteromorpha intestinalis ( L. ) Link. Gracilaria confervoides f. ecortica May Lamprothamnion papulosum ( Wallr. ) J. Gr., em. R.W.D. ANGIOSPERMEAE Halophila ovalis ( R. Br. ) Hook, f. Heterozostera tasmanica ( Martens ex Aschers. ) den Hartog Phragmites australis ( Cav. ) Trin. ex Steud. Posidonia australis Hook, f. Ruppia martima L. ex Dumort. Trifflochin procera R. Br. Zostera capricomi Aschers. Zostera muelleri Irmisch. ex. Aschers 1 BACKGROUND AND APPROACH TO THE PROBLEM 2 1.1 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM. Saline lagoons are a notable feature of the N.S.W. coast. Despite their prominence, few have been studied and relatively little of their biology had been discussed in publications prior to the commencement of this study. The only detailed investigation was that of Macquarie Lake ( Baas Becking, 1959; David, 1959; MacIntyre, 1959; Spencer, 1959; Thomson, 1959 a,b,c,d; and Wood, 1959 a,b,c. ) made in relation to an alleged depletion of fish. Higginson ( 1965 ) discussed the aquatic plants of the Tuggerah Lakes and in 1971> he reported upon pollution effects in the same system. This investigation was undertaken to provide information on environmental and biological aspects of Illawarra Lake. Illawarra Lake is surrounded by one of the most heavily urbanised coastal lake catchments in N.S.W. Until recently, and perhaps even still, only token attempts have been made to control pollution, regulate development and maintain environmental quality. The agents that have created environmental problems include not only the private urban developers, heavy industries or quarries, but also the residents who litter, dump rubbish indiscriminately, abandon motor vehicles and deliberately or accidentally discharge septic tank effluents into the drainage system. Neither are government agencies without fault. The Metropolitan Water Sewerage and Drainage Board provides for emergency overflow into the lake of sewerage mains during high rainfall periods. The N.S.W. Housing Commission has undertaken housing development adjacent to streams without taking adequate precautions to prevent the mobilisation of sediment and rapid siltation of lake shallows. The Department of Main Roads and both of the local councils have failed to control sediment mobilisation and lake siltation associated with road construction and maintenance within the catchment. Further, the decision by the Public Works Department,that the road access across the 3 entrance to the lake should include a causeway, has contributed to a degrading of aquatic habitats in that area, to a restriction of tidal flow and to an aggravation of local flooding. This public and private neglect and abuse has subjected the lake to increasing environmental changes. It was considered essential that basic data be gathered so that the nature, extent and effects of these changes could be gauged, thus making possible the development of criteria useful in the formulation of lake management policies. The studies cited, together with those of Renn ( 1936 ),Dexter ( 1950 ), Imai ( 1951 ),Baas Becking and McKay ( 1956 ), Thomson ( 1959 e ) Wood ( 1967 ),Brown ( 1969 ),McRoy and Barsdate ( 1970 ), Fox ( 1972 ), Braithwaite ( 1975 ),Powis ( 1975 ), Adams ( 1976 a,b ) and Pollard ( 1976 ) drew attention to the basic role of benthic flora; in the biological energy budget of lakes, as shelter and a nursery for commercial fish, as a habitat for myriads of other organisms, in the stabilisation of sediments, and in the recycling of nutrients between the sediment and the water. The emphasis in this study was placed upon an investigation of the biology, distribution and abundance of the benthic flora, together with an assessment of the influences of environmental factors upon this flora, 4 1.2 SCOPE OF THE INVESTIGATION. 1.2.1 Illawarra Lake and Other Coastal Lakes. Lagoons on the N.S.W. coast have been formed by; the occlusion of shallow bays by bay mouth sand bars, the drowning of river valleys as a result of eustatic changes and coastal submergence, or by a combination of these processes ( Bird, 1965 )• The origin and subsequent evolution of the lake has a marked influence upon its hydrology and bathymetry. Lakes derived by sand bar occlusion of bays tend to be broad, shallow, exposed, turbulent expanses of water with an extensive sandy zone on which benthic ( submerged ) flora may survive. Of the 8 lakes observed in this study ( Pig. 1.1 ), Toubouree, Swan, Tuggerah, Wollumboola and Illawarra Lake exhibit these features. By comparison, lakes derived mainly by the drowning of river valleys tend to be irregular in shape, dendritic with numerous protected reaches, deeper, with a steeply rising foreshore and with a narrow zone of benthic flora growing upon variable sediments. Conjola, Macquarie and Burrill Lake exhibit these features. All of these lakes have narrow tortuous, shallow channels connecting them with the sea. The mouths of these channels, except in the case of Macquarie Lake, / \ * are frequently or intermittently closed by sand bars. Table Al.l J. Given the ageing process to which lakes are subjected ( Powers and Robertson, 1966 ) and the combined effects of sedimentation and eutrophication suffered by lakes in urban areas ( Edmondson,1969 ) Illawarra Lake by virtue of its bathymetry, hydrology and location was seen to be vulnerable and urgently in need of study and management. Illawarra Lake is smaller than Macquarie Lake, comparable in size with Tuggerah Lake, but is considerably larger than the other shallow lagoons cited in this study.
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