POPULATION STATISTICS OF PUNJAB (1971-2011) Publication No – 947 District wise Population in Punjab - 2011 (In Lacs) 45 40 34.99 35 30 24.91 25 21.94 20 18.96 16.55 16.22 15.87 15 13.89 11.2 10.26 10.03 9.96 9.95 9.02 8.15 10 7.7 6.85 6.77 6.18 6.12 6.00 5.96 5 0 Moga Taran - Mansa Patiala Fazilka Barnala Sahib Sangrur Faridkot Firozpur Amritsar Bathinda Sahib Ludhiana Rupnagar Jalandhar Pathankot Fatehgarh Fatehgarh Gurdaspur Kapurthala Tarn Hoshiarpur S.A.S Nagar S.A.S Nagar S.B.S Muktsar Shri ECONOM IC ADVISER, GOVERNM ENT OF PUNJAB, CHANDIGARH W ebsite: www.esopb.gov.in PREFACE Economic & Statistical Organisation, Punjab has been compiling & disseminating statistical data on various socio-economic indicators of the state’s economy which is of immense use for policy makers, Government & Non-government agencies and all those engaged in research and socio-economic analysis. “The population statistics of Punjab” presents the entire spectrum of demographic, ethnic, social and economic characteristics of the population in the form of Tables and Charts to analyse the decadal changes. This publication brings in to focus composition of rural urban population totals, schedule caste population and details of some demographic characteristics namely sex ratio, including age group 0 - 6 years child population, literacy rate, density of population, work status etc. up to district level since 1971 to 2011 census. Since inception of Punjab in 1966, new districts have been created from time to time. Now there are 22 districts. Wherever data for new districts was not available, it has been tried to make available data for new districts as well. For example, census department provided data according to 20 districts, that has been converted into 22 districts. I appreciate the efforts made by the entire team of compilation section of the department under the supervision of Smt. Meena Rani, Research Officer who was guided by Sh. Harvinder Singh, Joint Director and Smt. Kuldeep Kaur, Joint Director. Comments and suggestions for the improvement of this publication are welcome. CHANDIGARH Dated (M L Sharma) Economic Adviser LIST OF NEWLY CREATED AND CORRESPONDING OLD DISTRICTS Sr. No. Newly created Districts Year of creation Old Districts 1 Mansa 13-4-1992 Bathinda 2 Fatehgarh Sahib 13-4-1992 Rupnagar, Patiala and Ludhiana 3 S.B.S.Nagar 5-11-1995 Jalandhar and Hoshiarpur 4 Shri Mukatsar Sahib 5-11-1995 Faridkot 5 Moga 23-11-1995 Faridkot 6 S.A.S.Nagar 5-4-2006 Rupnagar and Patiala 7 Tarn Taran 8-6-2006 Amritsar 8 Barnala 8-11-2006 Sangrur 9 Fazilka 27-7-2011 Firozpur 10 Pathankot 27-7-2011 Gurdaspur Literacy Rate (Punjab vs India) 100 90 80 75.8 73.0 70 69.7 64.8 60 58.5 52.1 50 43.6 40.9 40 33.7 30 29.5 20 10 0 1971 1981 1991 2001 2011 Punjab India Statewise Population- 2011 (In Lacs) 3000.00 2500.00 1998.12 2000.00 1500.00 1123.74 1040.99 1000.00 912.76 845.81 726.27 721.47 685.48 610.95 604.40 500.00 419.47 334.06 329.88 312.06 277.43 255.45 253.51 125.41 100.86 68.65 36.74 29.67 25.70 19.79 14.59 13.84 10.97 6.11 0.00 Goa Bihar Gujrat Kerela Orissa Sikkim Assam Punjab Tripura Manipur Haryana Mizoram Karnatka Nagaland Rajasthan Jharkhand Megahlaya Uttrakhand Tamil Nadu Tamil Chattisgarh Maharashtra West Bengal West Uttar Pradesh Uttar Andhra Pradesh Andhra Madhya Pradesh Madhya Himachal Pradesh Himachal Jammu & Kashmir Jammu Arunachal Pradesh Arunachal Districtwise Literacy Rate in Punjab- 2011 (M ale/ Female) 120 100 89.2 88.8 87.9 87.5 86.1 86 85.4 83.3 83.2 82.6 80.9 80.4 80.3 80.2 80.1 79.3 79.2 78.5 77.9 76.4 80 76.4 74.8 74.6 74.6 74.5 74.4 73.9 73.8 73.2 73.2 73 72 71.8 71.6 70.7 69.8 67.3 66.5 64.6 63.9 63.6 62.7 62.2 61.9 61.9 60.7 59.2 60 55.7 40 20 0 India Taran M oga - Fazilka M ansa Patiala Punjab Barnala Sangrur Firozpur Faridkot Amritsar Bathinda Ludhiana Rupnagar Jalandhar Pathankot Gurdaspur Tarn Kapurthala Hoshiarpur S.B.S Nagar S.B.S S.A.S Nagar S.A.S FatehgarhSahib Male Female Shri M Shri uktsarSahib District wise Population in Punjab - 2011 (Rural/Urban) (In Lacs) 25 20.7 20 15 14.29 13.35 12.61 12.52 11.61 11.56 11.39 11.33 10.33 10 9.78 8.9 7.69 7.63 7.59 7.17 6.5 6.06 5.45 5.33 5.16 5.07 4.99 4.87 4.5 4.15 4.05 5 4.01 3.79 3.61 3.35 2.98 2.86 2.82 2.67 2.52 2.27 2.17 1.91 1.85 1.78 1.64 1.42 1.25 0 Moga Taran - Mansa Patiala Fazilka Barnala Sangrur Muktsar Faridkot Amritsar Bathinda Ludhiana Rupnagar Jalandhar Ferozepur Fatehgarh Pathankot Tarn Gurdaspur SBS NagarSBS NagarSAS Kapurthala Hoshiarpur Rural Urban District wise Population in Punjab - 2011 (In Lacs) 45 40 34.99 35 30 24.91 25 21.94 20 18.96 16.55 16.22 15.87 15 13.89 11.2 10.26 10.03 9.96 9.95 9.02 10 8.15 7.7 6.85 6.77 6.18 6.12 6.00 5.96 5 0 Moga Taran - Mansa Patiala Fazilka Barnala Sangrur Faridkot Firozpur Amritsar Bathinda Ludhiana Rupnagar Jalandhar Pathankot Tarn Gurdaspur Kapurthala Hoshiarpur S.A.S NagarS.A.S NagarS.B.S Fatehgarh Sahib Fatehgarh Shri Muktsar Muktsar Sahib Shri Sex Ratio (Punjab vs India) 2000 1600 1200 943 934 933 930 929 895 882 879 876 865 800 400 0 1971 1981 1991 2001 2011 Punjab India CONTENTS Sr. No. Table No. Page No. PUNJAB 1 1.1 District-wise Decadal Population and Sex Ratio: 1971 - 2011 1-2 2 1.2 District-wise Decadal Schedule Caste Population: 1971 - 2011 3-4 3 1.3 District-wise Decadal Sex Ratio and Child Sex Ratio: 1971 - 2011 5-6 4 1.4 District-wise Decadal Population of Literates : 1971 - 2011 7-8 5 1.5 District-wise Decadal Literacy Rate : 1971 - 2011 9-10 6 1.6 District-wise Decadal Schedule Caste Literacy Rate: 1971 - 2011 11-12 7 1.7 District-wise Decadal Population of Total Workers : 1971 - 2011 13-14 8 1.8 District-wise Decadal Main Workers Population : 1971 - 2011 15-16 9 1.9 District-wise Decadal Marginal Workers Population : 1971 - 2011 17-18 10 1.10 District-wise Decadal Cultivators : 1971 - 2011 19-20 11 1.11 District-wise Decadal Other workers : 1971 - 2011 21-22 12 1.12 District-wise Area and Density of Population : 1971 - 2011 23 13 1.13 Tehsil-wise Population in Punjab 1971-2011 24-45 14 1.14 District-wise Sanitation and Drinking Water Facility 2001-2011 46 15 1.15 District-wise Projected Population 2011-2021 47 16 1.16 District-wise Projected (Mid-year) Population 2011-2021 48 INDIA 17 2.1 State-wise decadal Population 2001 & 2011 49-51 18 2.2 State-wise decadal Schedule Caste Population 2001 & 2011 52-54 19 2.3 State-wise Comparison of Sex Ratio 2001 & 2011 55-58 20 2.4 State-wise decadal Literacy Rate 2001 & 2011 59-62 21 2.5 State-wise decadal Density of Population 2001 & 2011 63-64 Table no 1.1 District-wise Decadal Population and Sex Ratio: 1971 - 2011 1971 1981 1991 2001 2011 SN District Sex Sex Sex Sex Sex Total Male Female Ratio Total Male Female Ratio Total Male Female Ratio Total Male Female Ratio Total Male Female Ratio R 980165 517827 462338 893 1185167 621035 564132 908 1371396 720046 651350 905 1568788 826787 742001 897 1260572 658025 602547 916 1 Gurdaspur U 249084 132455 116629 881 328268 172449 155819 904 386412 203866 182546 895 535223 286290 248933 870 361153 192590 168563 875 T 1229249 650282 578967 890 1513435 793484 719951 907 1757808 923912 833896 903 2104011 1113077 990934 890 1621725 850615 771110 907 R NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 378432 197759 180673 914 2 Pathankot U NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 298166 164243 133923 815 T NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 676598 362002 314596 869 R 1300030 696544 603486 866 1466861 781994 684867 876 1651203 882580 768623 871 1046209 555613 490596 883 1156045 607266 548779 904 3 Amritsar U 535470 292379 243091 831 721629 387894 333735 860 853831 455175 398656 876 1110811 597208 513603 860 1334611 711142 623469 877 T 1835500 988923 846577 856 2188490 1169888 1018602 871 2505034 1337755 1167279 873 2157020 1152821 1004199 871 2490656 1318408 1172248 889 R NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 826593 438018 388575 887 977832 514322 463510 901 4 Tarn Taran U NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 112464 59750 52714 882 141795 75047 66748 889 T NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 939057 497768 441289 887 1119627 589369 530258 900 R 329844 173164 156680 905 381831 198947 182884 919 480042 251299 228743 910 507994 265973 242021 910 532706 275932 256774 931 5 Kapurthala U 99670 54167 45503 840 163418 88339 75079 850 166605 89731 76874 857 246527 133650 112877 845 282462 150379 132083 878 T 429514 227331 202183 889 545249 287286 257963 898 646647 341030 305617 896 754521 399623 354898 887 815168 426311 388857 912 R 1017337 539686 477651 885 1121983 589035 532948 905 978850 513245 465605 907 1030717 539021 491696 912 1032419 528790 503629 952 6 Jalandhar U 437164 232730 204434 878 612591 327344 285247 971 670355 356034 314321 883 931983 501156 430827 860 1161171 616421 544750 884 T 1454501 772416 682085 883 1734574 916379 818195 890 1649205 869279 779926 897 1962700 1040177 922523 887 2193590 1145211 1048379 915 R NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 472806 249119 223687 898 506402 264515 241887 915 486894 248118 238776 962 7 SBS Nagar U NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 58447 30539 27908 914 81066 42387 38679 913 125416 65173 60243 924 T NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 531253 279658 251595 900 587468 306902 280566 914 612310 313291 299019 954 R 924930 485853 439077 904 1064187 553558 510629 922 1076047 557056 518991 932 1188662 610675 577987 947 1251656 634470 617186 973 8 Hoshiarpur U 127223 68093 59130 868 179620 96007 83613 871 222138 117559 104579 890 292074 154457 137617 891 334969 174587 160382 919 T 1052153 553946 498207 899 1243807 649565 594242 915 1298185 674615 623570 924 1480736 765132 715604 935 1586625 809057 777568
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