LD OLD.·AND .,_,LACK Volume 70 No. 20 Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem North Carolina Friday, February Zl, 1987 Unearthed Pottery Represents Archaic Period Transition . ~· . By .JENNIFER REIRSON they began to settle dawn in fanning com­ "This is a time that has always been a and arrows and plant crops." Old Gold and Black Reporter munities. These fur:tning communities mystery in North Carolina," Woodall ex­ The site of the find is along the Yadkin 4! flourished in what we refer to as the plained. ..In the past we have made quite River. Pieces of primitive pottery were . Fragments of. pottery recently· found Woodland period." a few finds from both the Archaic and discovered in a covered pit that had been near the Wake Forest campus "represent a The recent discovery belongs to the Woodland periods. But this is the first dug long ago by Indians. Some bits of ·major i::ultunll change in lifestyles of earliest phas~ of the Woodland period, fmd we have located from that· transition charcoal were found along with the pot­ llf~rth Carolfua's .Woodland Indians," said Woodall said. Anthropologists are ex­ period." . tery, and were used to determine the age Ned Woodall, professor of anthropology. tremely interested in this early phase "There was a lot more involved in that of the find. The site has a carbon-14 date .During: the Archaic period, Woodall because it marks a period of transition settling-down process than most people of 266 B.C. said, Indians in this. area moved about from hunting and gathering cultures to realize," said Woodall. "These people Detailed analysis of the site will begin ' and lived as hinl.terS and gatherers. "Then . WOODALL. "1' ' farming cultures . didn't just simply put down their bows in late summer or early fall of this year. SG Race Martin to· Speak Meetings ( Conclude. For Graduation By HARRIET CHAPMAN By SCOIT PREI'ORIUS to have colored tickets in order to Assistant News Editor News Editor obtain a seat. The university plaza 4' has seating for 5500, including over Sixty-one students and. eleven James Martin, the North 1000 graduates. The coliseum seats adults attended the longest and Carolina governor and ,a former 8200. largest of the three open forum U.S. Representative, will be the Graduation announcements can hearings sponsored by the Student featured speaker at Wake Forest's be ordered from Circle K at the In- Government President's Select May 18 commencement. ·formation Desk in Reynolda Hall. Commission on Race Relations President Thomas K. Hearn Jr., The order deadline is March 17. Wednesday· evening. who invited Martin, said the gover• Saturday's commencement j ·· ·. G. McLeod Bryan, professor of nor was the university's first choice weekend activities include tours of religion, said: "I think this meeting for a gmduation speaker. Reynolda House and the Graylyn · tonight is one of the best things rve · Martin received his BS from Conference Ceriter. ' seen in 31 years here at Wake Forest. Davidson College in Winston-Salem . : . White mcism is systemic, per­ 1953 and his PhD in Mayfest 'ffl, an annual vasive, very subtle and very Juird chemistry from international festival of to emdicate . It has to do with· . Princeton University in music, dance, crafts and the heart ... Wake ForestUniver-' · 1960. He was a professor food, will be held Satur­ sity was conceived in mcisni and mchemistry&~dson day downtown. Courtesy . born 'in mcisin : .." Bryan tbe,~ .. from 1960 until 1972 . buses will leave on the ·showed two examples of this racism · · During -his six terms hour from Reynolda in the form of two books. One \VaS.:. · in the U.S. House of Hall. the only book ever by Representatives, Martin Reservations are re­ Board·of Trustees ..._,~lvpBil889fib!y,;~ served as . a . senior for the Southern . book which he said was against ~... ,me:mbl:ro;·. ~,:.Housei ;,,.Eiai:becw~.which will.be mcism. _ . , . Ways and Means Com­ held 5:30 to 7:30 Satur~ Bryan gave several examples of mittee. He became day evening. · what he considered to be mcism on governor Jan. 1,1985. The annual Graduation Gala will -~ campus. He asked where the bhtck Recently Martin received the be Saturday from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. alumni of Wake Forest are todaY Charles Lathrop Parsons Award of. in the Stouffer's W'mston-Plaza ,, ·and said, "I would say roughly 75 the American Chemical Society. Hotel. The event, sponsored by the percent of the Wake Forest faculty The award recognizes outstanding Student Union and the .Student do not believe in affirmative action public service by an American Alumni Council, features the . they believe in the myths of chemist. Charlie Culbreath Orchestra. hiring." . Commencement weekend begins Students, parents and friends are In reference to the filet that about Saturday, May 16 and continues invited. half of the minority .students on through Monday, May 18. Rod A continental breakfast will be campus are athletes, Bryan said, Meyer, the activities and informa­ offered in Reynolda Hall Sunday "Our athletes aie Roman gladiators tiqn maruigement director, said that morning; reservations are required. to entertain a white mcist univer­ in a few weeks his office will be The Baccalaureate Sermon will sity." He wondered aloud how mailing information packets to take place Sunday at ll a.m. in W.Ut many students and faculty go hear parents and seniors regarding the Chapel, with a full academic pro­ the gospel choir sing. He saiq that weekend's schedule. cession. Early arrival is there are more-whites in the gospel Graduation exercises will be held recommended. choir than there are blacks in the on the university plaza May 18 at . university choir. He also mention­ 9:30 a.m. In the event of rain, the The Magnolia Buffet at 12 noon ' ed the lackofblackchaplains here ceremony will be held in the Sunday on the university plaza will and the lack of black parents seen Wmston-Salem coliseum, Meyer feature live classical music. Reser­ ·visiting on Parents' Weekend. said. vations are required. When the forum opened for free "On the average each graduate The university reception and discussion, white student Kim LOOKING LIKE SPRING Brandon Hill has four guests," Meyer said. This concert will be at 5 p.m. Sunday , -Owen said, "I cannot imagine why year persons attending the gradua­ on the university plaza, and reser­ they would want to come here as The warmer weather this past week allowed the Physical Plant to make repairs to campus grounds, including tion ceremony will not be required vations are required. black students. It's such a adding mulch around the quad trees. WASPy place." Black student · Tonya Adams said; "When I chose Wake Forest I did not think about ratios. I have not ~n faced with Conference Probes U.S.~Arab Relations any racism here . I don't think Wake Forest University News Bureau Ibrahim F. Khoja, commercial counselor youlook at the pen:entage of blacks from the Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia; to whites. I just wanted to choose "Recognizing U.S.-Arab In- David M. Kennedy, fonner U.S. Secretary a good school." · terdependence" will be the theme of a con­ of the Treasury; and H. E. Sheikh Saud Michelle Conner, the minority ference held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel Nasir Al-Sabah, Ambassador to the U.S. admissions counselor, said that in March 5 and 6. from Kuwait. the past Wake Forest's minority, The conference is sponsored by The recruiting had mainly been done by Registration will·begin Thursday at 4 letter and through the SAT's college American-Arab Affairs Council, Wake p.m., followed by a reception for the Forest University, Duke University and speakers at 5 p.m. search service. Saint Augustine's College. Conner has held her position Registration· on Friday is at 8 a. ril. The since January. She has been main­ Speakers include H. E. Clovis Maksoud program will include an address, panel ly in contact with students who from the League of Arab States, Am­ discussions and a 7 p.m. banquet. Topics have already applied to the school, bassador to the U.S. and the U.N.; George include "Congress and Foreign Policy: Its as she calls them to inquire to see McGovern, fonner U.S. Senator from Impact on U.S. Arab Relations;" "The if they Would like to visit. South Dakota; Charles M. Mathias Jr., Future of U.S. Energy Sources: Its Impact See Race, Page 3 former U.S. Senator from Maryland; on U.S.- Arab Relations;" "The Future. Undergraduates to Vacate Apartments Drive Passes $365,000 • Old Gold and Black Staff Report whelming that it pushed this year's By ELIZABEm MORTON The approximately 60 students now living in facul­ goal to $45,000 over last year's. Old Gold and Black Reporter ty apartments will have first priority in signing up for The Wake Forest lith College Before the goal was reached yester­ the spaces in the student apartments for next year, Fund National Telethon reached its day she said, "I'm sure we will Because of faculty concerns about noise and park- Gregory said. $365,000 goal last night. The final reach the goal . We have our ing undergraduate students will not be housed in fucul- Students have lived in the faculty apartments for a total of this year's pledged dona­ best callers here tonight." ty ~partments next year. Dennis E. Gregory, the director number of years, Gregory said. For the past three. years, tions is $367,831. Since Jan. Zl, students and alum­ of residence life and housing, said the change was pro- · a large number of students have lived in buildings 4 Last year's donations exceeded ni have used 30 phone lines sup­ mpted by differences in lifestyle between students and and 5.
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