i ^ At "7 ^ C' • X > ■ - \, X . I \ V >.. yir FRIDAY, MAY 29, 1958 PAGE SIXTEEN ATcnge Daily Net Prew Ron » . _>4 _ iiattrlj^filjr luEttittfl iStralii I' Far the YV««k Ended " TKeWdather May M, 16SS Peroeaat of D. a. Waataar i cided to concentrate on collecting all elementary achool children and itema most frequently desired. artlclea donated are being collect­ About Town Lookit, Dadfly, M om m y! I’s Gradjuatin’ PTA Council These fall into the’ following ed by the achool In each neighbor- 10,968 . ) i 'No Herald .'gl.asslflcationa: mounted apeclnlens_ hoo<i Member of tbe Audit Fair and cmtlnaed eoal taalflit --Fatirtlle* not having chitdren tn Seeks Items of bird's and anTrhtils Tor nfttnrr ’ ' ’BOreiia Of CtrcuIAtiiinii ' and -Tati day. ■■ Miss Joanne Shaver, daughter Tomorrow study and art; articles a.ssoclated school will find their contrihutiona Manchester—rA City of Village Charm of Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Shaver, with holidays, such as a Christmas most welcome. 118 Princeton street, will return creche; butterflies, moths and oth­ home soon upon completion of her The Manchcslcr F^eninK For Museum Herald will nol be .pub­ er actual Insects mounted; relics VOL. LXXII, NO. 205 (Claaalflad Adrarttatag aa Paga Id) MANCHESTER,^ CONN., MONDAY, JUNE 1, 1953 (SIXTEEN PAGES) first year at Southern Seminary of Colonial days in Manchester, PRICE FIVE CENTS and Junior College, Buena Vista, lished tomorrow. Memorial The Manchester Council of Par­ such as candle molds and the like. rfRESGRIPTIONS 1 Va. She is a member of the YWCA Day. and the Athenian Athletic Society. ent Teacher Associations has Models of boats, cans, airplanes ►c a r e f u l l y com poun ded 4 voted to sponsor a Children’s and other modes of tran.sporta- Mother Cabrini Mothers Circle Museum f9r the children of Man­ tlon; arrowhead.s. spears and In­ AMA Chiefs Members of the Auxiliary Police chester. The Council hopes to dian handicrafts: m o d e l s of t Arthur Drug Storss^ Excess Profits Tax held its annual banquet Wednes­ day night at the Waverly Inn in arc requested to meet at the police collect and circulate articles of planets, miniature .solar systems Cheahire. New officers elected for station tomorrow luornlng at 9 artistic and scientific worth and a tele.scope; weathe’r studying the coming season Include the fol­ o’clock to p.Trticipale In the among our schools. instruments: historic and foreign Ask Action lowing; Leader, Mrs. Jo.scph parade. The regular meeting will These items will help to enrich costume dolls; examples of marine HAVING A PARTY? Extension Needed^ Rourke; secretary, Mrs. Harry h held .Monilay night at 7 o'clock the curriculum as well as pre.serve life and shells; industrial exhibits, FRIENDS IN FOR TV? Smith; treasurer, Mrs. Michael at Mt. Nebo. • relics of the early history of Man­ especially of the products made in On Honesty Murphy; program chairman, Mrs. chester. Manchester. WEDDING RECEPTION? John Tierney; welfare and librar­ The Pilgrim Fellowship of the Materials will be prepared for Wants Exhibits Center Church is planning to have The Children’s Museum Com­ CLUB SOCIAL? Humphrey Reveals ian, Mrs. Albert Purzo; publicity. circulation and housed for the Mrs. Willard Begley; contact a picnic for members of the sixth, present in the basement of Wad­ mittee. Mrs. Helen Ener, Mrs. Wil­ V, CALL New York, June 1— (/P)— chairman, Mrs. Philomena Paga- seventh and eighth grades Sunday. dell School. A PTA member or re­ liam Stiiek, Mrs. Allah Taylor. , The old and new presidents Those attending are a.sked to Miss Esther Granslrotn and Miss j nl; representative, Mrs. Joseph tired teacher will <»ct as the cura­ “The Party Shelf" Washington, June 1— (fl*)* profit! tax and think- it ia a bad of the American Medical As­ I^mch. ' bring hot dogs and irolls and meet tor. giving about a half day a week Harriet Franzen. will be glad to ' lax.” at the church at 4:1.0, Following a accept a.s unrestricted gifts any —Secretary oif the Treasury sociation today called_on doc­ to the project at its beginning. MI.9-8496— 44I-9.7S74 But, he laid, “ the danger of an tors to act vigorously against As In past years‘Zion Evangeli­ program of entertainment -the A fun time' curator, a building other worthwhile exhibit that; Humphrey told a dubious atomic Pearl Harbor la real . cal Lutheran Ovurch at Cooper and group ^wlll go to Center Springs and a year rotind program are a might be\pf a.s.sistance in making Fancy Hors D'Oeuvrea the country muat be kept safe their colleagues charged with for supper. Ice cream will be fur­ learning real vivid and meaning­ Siinrtwlches, Canapes House committee today that High streets will transmit from its distant goal. The school truck failure to extend the excess ■from aggression from abroad. And unethical and di.shonest prac­ Ik e U rg e s M ama Feeds H er ^Litter’ tower a memorial observance, Sat­ nished. will deliver and collect exhibits re­ ful to the children of Manchester. .$t and 86 Per Hundred further inflation, must be stopped Letters announcing the project < profits tax on business would tices. Plan Would urday morning at 9 o'clock. This quest ed by the various cla.ssrooms S|*rrlal Prices on 1.000 or More* and the dollar muat be kept sound The e.stablishment of mediation Miss Phyllis Anne Napoli, .",0 weekly. 'This activity will be or­ are being sent iht^o the home.s of be an unsafe “ gamble with community Memorial Day remem­ William street, and two friends to provide a solid base for a committees by all county medical brance will include patriotic songs ganized apd fvmctioncd through national economic security.” healthy economy. societies to hear patients' com­ from Hartford recently went to the Art Department under the New Voice, for the nation as well as religioiis Bcrmufla on the Queen of Ber­ Humphrey went to bat for Pres­ ‘‘Military security and economic plaints was asked by Dr. Louis -H. Halt Truce hymns for those who mourn the general supervision of Miss Hazel ident Elsenhower’s tax proposal security are the chief reaponsibill- muda, sti^ying at the Elbow Beach P. Lutz. WeMI Keep Your Bau^r, o( Hempstead, N. Y., re­ loss of those who died in military Surf ClubX^vhile there. before the House Ways and Means tiea of the nation. They must take tiring AMA president, and Dr. Ed­ Survey Made committee. The President has precedence over everything else." or civilian life. Rev. Paul G. Pro- A survey has already been made Precious Furs ward J. McCormick, of Toledo. Aid Shuffle kopy again will present Lincoln’s The Chamtnadc Club will hold jierairt Idiot,i urged a six-monlha exten.sion of Humphrey then said even with Ohio., who becomes president to­ Opposition to determine the needs of the ele- spending cuts of four and a half Gettysburg speech, and prayers for its annual h ansel, Monflay. June Pictured above are the little ■ menlary cla.sse.s. As a result of the business profits tax beyond morrow night. Washington, June 1— (/P) Y-'' - ‘ - the natioh, peace and those who June 30, its present expiration billion dollars planned by the Both officials dealt partly with 1, at Cooke’s 'Tavern. Plainville. folk.s who graduated this morning this investigation It has been de­ have sons or daughters in the serv­ planting of the ivy outdoors at the . 8 p. m. for members of the church date. Eisenhower administration for the honesty and ethics In their pre­ r—Pre.sident Eisenhower to­ Washington, June .1- The meal will be s«,rvcd at 6:00. A tonndalion of the school, nfte^ and friends. __ __ ice. The church is open continu­ brief business meel'Vpg with elec­ in the eightlijinnual class of the . Opposition Voiced fiscal year beginning July 1. the pared addresses to the opening day proposed creation of an which parents,and other rela(ive.s| As ha^ been"the cii.slomTn "the — President SyRgman ■ R| , ously for prayer and meditation. tion . of officers will'follow.- Chrlsltipher P.oldn .N'ursrry .School. Tlie committee has voiced strong nation faces a deficit that year of sessjon of the AMA governing independent overseas infor­ reportedly has propoaa*-that enjoyed refreshmenl.s. |pa.st, tea an<l colTee and a variety m m 86.600,000,000, and ‘‘it is not safe 79 Lakewood Circle, South. opposition in the past to the ex­ body, ■ the House of Delegates, at of cakes, sandwiches and cookies to gamble with the country's eco- mation agency along with a President Eisenhower aitn‘ a Children in the fionl row (left will be served, and guests will tension. and Humphrey picked the 102nd annual AMA meeting new agency to handle foreign leave a table offering for mission.s. common ground to declare at the here thia week. four-point agreement iMIT' to right) are .lane Swanson, Mary Missionary 'lea atart that "I diallke the exceaa (Contiaued on Page Eleven) Such practices as fee-splitting aid. !^th new set-ups would ing a mutual defense part and BANTLY Alice Lamenzo. Nancy Ballard, Pastor and Mrs. Olson ale and ghost surgery were mentioned operate undep close policy hoping for a large turnout of future military and Hiumdal l l u t p o i n t Anne Bye; hack low (left to right I by Bauer, while McCormick said guidance of Secretary of C’hri.slopher Zaglio. Ellen LeUur. At "OiHMi Hoiisc’ friends to see the newly-redeco­ W « greet your fur With o com­ "the dpetor who overcharges” help to South Korea i f -.; nil OIL .CO.
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