Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC March 1997 Daily Egyptian 1997 3-18-1997 The Daily Egyptian, March 18, 1997 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_March1997 Volume 82, Issue 112 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1997 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in March 1997 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Currents: Crash course: Cyclists challenge the Students learn first aid pack during criterium. methods in wilderness environment. pag,:3 \',,I. .S2, Nn. I 12. 20 r,1gcs h1rp://www.,Jailyc1,.•y;,ti.1n.com break from the norm rnlunteer lahor. LABOR OF LOVE: SIUC ll1e I(> SIUC srudenl~ tcx>k pan in two students spend spring housc-huilding trip\ la.,t Wl"Ck with Mu­ dents from Pennsylvania State. Or.e group vacation building homes. went to Charlone. N.C .. and the other went to Clark.\Jale. Miss. SHARRIE GLAnHOFER Banh. who wenl 10 Clarksdale. said she D.-\ILY ErnrnA~ R~l\'RTIR has hcen invol\'ed wi1h Habitat for llumani1y and other service organi,.ation, Sc\'cn d.1\'s fahoring in the tepid cli­ since she wa, in high !>eh1x1), but saicl she mates uf :-.fa,i,sippi and Nonh Carolina is h. never complclcd a long-term project nol 1hc spring hn:ak 1110,t stud.:nls pre­ focused on people. pared for 1his }car. "Pl·ople always say lhey feel sony for For a group of 16 ,tud.:nt, from SIUC. people who arc financially disadvan­ howc\'cr. a week-long trip huilding house, WgL-d." she saicl. "ll1cy pretend to know with I lahitat for Humanitv W,L, a ch;1m:c to wh:11\ going on ancl what the problems g;1in more lhan a Florida"i:111 line. arc. But ii'!. different when you gel "If I went horn.:. l"d just wa.,te time imolved and work and experience what being lazy;· said Bridget Banh. ;1 fresh­ they e.,perience." man in communication disi1rders from Banh said it me:111\ a lot to her to work Medicine. Wis ..., figured this is :1 n:ally alongside nel'lly people buiiding homes. good way to rne.:I people on a different "It makes you fl-cl better than putting a hasis, in a work erl\'imnment. h's a really flight don.1tion in a hox or donating old impon;1nt thing 10 dn." clothes." she ~icl. "You fl'CI better know­ llahi1;1t for llu111;111i1y is ;111 internation­ ing ir would11'1 get done without you al organi1.a1io11 made ll(• of rnlunll'Crs who then:." . huild and n:110\':1tc home, wilh and for people in Ill-Cd. l11e homes an: lhen si1ld lo the needy at nu profit using don.uions and 51'£CIAI. 10 TH[ DAllY &;mw./} 1.,htat for lfuncinitj' DRIVING IT HOME: (Above) Cathy Lucas, a senior in English from Springfield, and fellow member Pete Bullette, a junior in accounting and finance from West Frankfort, hong siding on a new Habitat for Humanity house in Charlotte, N.C. BUILDING BLOCICS: (Right) Members of the SIUC chapter of habi• lot for Humanity spend a port of their spring break to help construct this new house in Charlotte, N.C. Bill could aid student input VOTING POWER: Legislation olher SIU Mudent still would ha\'e an adviso­ Local marr)stil~bed. ry rnte. The lxJard is the go\'eming lxx.Jy of would allow for one student SIU and ha.~ SC\'en members plu~ the two Mu­ VIOL~NCE::Pol.ice·charge:' :, ,''Allen' :.i~·~h~i.~ :·~ith•.·nlt~~pted dent rcpn:scnlati\'cs. · • munler.: home · invasion, · two · counts· of trustee vote in board matters. Eric Bottom, SIUC s1uclent trusll-c. said ; , Carbondale resident;-.>': :, 'ngkr:m1ted, battesy;:. unlawful'. USC of a mting would incrca.\C 1he input of rhe stu­ ·· ' · · ·' ·'. ,: · , • ~-eapon by~ felon an~ domestic battcJy. JASON K. FREUND dents. · JOHN L~CHtEH, :, · ;. ", .: .·, He also was charged with violation of DAILY Et ,Yl'TIAN REI\ 'RHR "It will add legitimacy to the pusition," he •. DAILY EmT'TlAN REroRTER ':. : :. ' '. an order of, protection •. Police 'said that One of the two sllldents on the SIU Board An alleged nttcmptcd murder Sat~~~y:, '. the.: i~. no co~n~on l>el\veen this chnrge of Trustees s1xm could ha\'e an official vote in 11 ., SEE VOTE, l'AGE 8 resulted in ,lhe,,hospitalization_ ·or ~dSaturda~smctdc~t...• · '. ...• ···. the hoard's decisions. :1ccordin1? to a bill that C:ubond:llc man :ind the arrest of another/"• ·, \\'~_11s ,.·-... as · n~mtttcd to. ~f~mon~l.· . passed :111 Illinois Uous; committee local man., C:ubondale Police. say •,'; :. '• ' . ; H~p1tal of ~dale .and Wlft ~isled m 1 Wednesday. Police said Daniel Walls, ,37, nllcgedly · sausract~'r con~mon as or pres.,; time.·· . · According to the hill. one student lrusree Gus says: It looks waBtabbcd by n hx.'nl man Ill 4:30 n.m.: . Allen :5. bc_n~i. betel at the J?Ckson. for each ~tatc uni\'crsity would be appointed, like it will be 7-1 .. Police chaJ'Jed Sherman Allen. 37, in . County Jatl tn lieu of S.,_50,000 bond. hy Gel\'. Jim falgar to act as the ,·oting rcpn:­ on the fee . tlie incident. .. ·. ·. : · · · .. ' ~ .~ . , . PoUce released few dctails of.the inci- . ··i. Walls said he was ,isiting 11 resident of . • clcnt nnd would not .:t.lmmcnt on the extent scnt:lli\'e. increases. llmt means the board would have unc ~tu­ . 250 S. Lewis Lane when Allen. allegedly , of Walls' injuries~ a m?fivi: for,~. inci- . dent tnt\ll'C vote between 1he two rcprcscnta­ entered the apartment and stabbed him. .· clcnt. · . : .. .. • .·:. .,. · . .. th·es for Carbondale and Edwardsville. The •••·• (.::-:.••: ••~; •,,'•••,~' .. • :;•, •-, f'.: ~ .{~. <•-'t:•'_:• ...:~,-4••;~••'••> ... ,' •,,.. .. ,':••_',:;•, •••,,/;~•~;.•,•~<;;: :o• ~. • >.. :.:.. •~•.•,,-,.,., 5 "'", ~./,,,,'' News Morch 18, 6 p.m., Communications UPCOMING· 2005. Contod Mort>( at 536-8-428. Calendar . • Disabled Student Recreotion •.••• ' •. Sol k' ""' . - . ·eo· .. "Jud··, I l . ~ SIUC.~ of M.sic • Children's ------ Sign up for onc-Ol)·one, individuol• • . u 1 •01~teer .. rps· tel0, . Conair1: Meridian Arts Enscd:lc, i:od fitness programs for $1udents Aflo,~s Haus,~ Jud,ool Boord Morch 19, I p.m., Shryock CAI.ENDAR POLICY with disabilities, evCf'f day, 8 a.m. Meeting, Tucmys, ~ to 8 P·r:'1· Coll Au.lit0rium, children S1.50, accompa­ ~.i...Jlin<for to -4 p.m., Ollie:, ol htromurol. -453-571.t for t'!'Ol'e ,nlormahon. nying adults !roe, regi$1rotian required. C.knJ.at icnn, 1, two Rccrootional Sports. Contod Mclis10 Coll 457-8603 lor tad inbmation. rul-&•llun d,ap !.:fon: • So~1ki Vol<111teer Corps lnlercst tih::"\'t'flt.The-itnn at .453· 1265. Session • lor information or suggcs· must lncluJe- tifflC', d.&tt, tions regarding the program, March ;f."~~~~~~~rth r{acr, admiuk•n rot,1 ~!'1:ii~fn'= ~~f·shim oro Melanie ct 549-6059. WEDNESDAY: anJ tfOr'IM.lC ur the rt'fnf an.I the rumr anJ rt,..... C'Mllopmcnl ollice or al the Holl of :::; K'c~J~j.1if;'i~/t;~irs_ • SIUC & DOTFrcoMolon:ycJc R;der Partly sunny "' the- rm,on ,uhmlniniz: Fomtt Tobie every Monday, 10 a.m. Cour,cs, lv'ardi 28, 61o 9:30 p.m., the- itrm. hnn, th(1UIJ • Voices al Inspiration Gospel Choir High: 50 1o 2 p.m. Coll 453-571 A lor detail,. Morch 29 & 30, 8 o.m. lo 6 p.m., ~ Jdin-ttJ •~ miilnJ ti., seeking new members ond musi· •Low: 36 d,cl>.,ilyEi:,T<un must be 16, molartydes, helmets, & • SahAti Volunteer Corps • cions, each Tuesday & Thursday, ~w,n•,m, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., Altgcld 2-48. inS1KCnce provided. Contact Skip at C4Kllmuniuri""'' TranKripl 1ypi$1 needed to type from 1-80(}642·9589 lo register. lluiUini,:. R, • ..., 12~7. loped material for a wdent with a Contoct Brion al 549-9251. AD uk-nJ.llr irm11 aho disability, needed immcdialdy, Rcxi• • Soluki Vol untcer Corps • Volunteers •rre.r '"' lhc IJE \\'ch ble hours. Cott 453-5714 lor details. • Blocks In Communication Alliance noodcd lor Community W.de 3-on-3 l"l:t'• No uknJ,r inlor• - general meeting lor ,tudents inter· Bdctboll loumomcnt, Marth 22, 8 m.ation will he.- ~lrn • t;brary Affairs • 1nloTroe• eslcd and majoring in communica· Correction~ mttlh<rt,.,nc,. o.m. lo 6 p.m., COiS central mmpvs. Seminar, March 18, 9 lo 10 o.m., lion field,, every "!"Jesdoy, 7 p.m., Contact Kelly at .5-49-5302. Illinois Room in Student Center. Marris library Room 1030. Contact • l.ibrory Affairs • 1ntroductim lo Conlocl Gena at 457-2495. In the ~larch 7 Mory, "USG memhcr al-CU.\CS president of the Undcrgroduote Desk at A53· WWW using Nctsa,pe (IBM)" 2818. aliusc," Kem Caner meant tn say that the SIUC Police. nm • Adventure Resource Cenler pre­ Seminar, M:Jrch 19, IO lo 11 a.m., StUllent Judicial Affairs, would ignore a complaint unlc.s.~ it wa.~ • Solul.i Volunteer Corps· trip mccting for mountain biking trip M::,,ris Lhnry Room 1030. Conto::t serious. Voluntcco nccdcd to assisl instrudor to Kinkaid Lake, come & sign up, the Undceyodootc Desk at -453-2818. & children in "look at Mc, I'm a · · · Morch 18, 7 p.m., Rec Cenlcr.• , • l!lacl,: Association If rcailcrs spot an emir in a news anicle. cii, ciintact ttic Groduole Student they Siar." each Tuesday until Morch 25, Contact Jon al -453-1285. • Health Fair, !roe s.croonings, Marth Dai(,· E,:yptian AccurJcy Desk at 53(,-3311, extension 233 or 228.
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