The land where It has taken science and ancient two millennia knowledge join to to produce these make the most of the unique moments qualities of water of wellness. and natural forces. HOT SPRINGS & RESORTS HOT SPRINGS & RESORTS 1. Terme di Equi (Equi Terme - MS) 2. Hotel e Terme Bagni di Lucca (Bagni di Lucca - LU) 3. Terme della Versilia (Montignoso - MS) 4. Grotta Giusti (Monsummano Terme - PT) 1 5. Terme Tettuccio (Montecatini Terme - PT) Massa-Carrara 6. Bagni di Pisa (San Giuliano Terme - PI) 2 Pistoia 7. Terme della Via Francigena 3 4 (Gambassi Terme - FI) 5 Lucca 8. Terme di Casciana 6 FIRENZE (Casciana Terme - PI) 9. San Giovanni Terme Rapolano Pisa (Rapolano Terme - SI) 7 10. Terme Antica Querciolaia 8 (Rapolano Terme - SI) Livorno Arezzo 11. Buddha Spa by Clarins/La Bagnaia Golf & Spa Resort (Bagnaia - SI) 9 12. Terme di Montepulciano Spa Siena 10 (Montepulciano - SI) 11 13. Terme di Sassetta 12 (Sassetta - LI) 13 14 15 14. Terme di Petriolo 17 16 (Bagni di Petriolo - SI) 18 15. Albergo Posta Marcucci (Bagno Vignoni - SI) 16. Adler Spa Resort Thermae 19 22 (Bagno Vignoni - SI) 20 17. Terme Sensoriali Grosseto (Chianciano Terme - SI) 18. Piscine Termali Theia 21 (Chianciano Terme - SI) 19. Fonteverde (San Casciano dei Bagni - SI) 20. Terme di Sorano (Sorano - GR) 21. Terme di Saturnia Natural Spa & Golf Resort (Saturnia - GR) 22. Terme Isola d’Elba (Portoferraio - LI) 3 HOT SPRINGS & RESORTS Terme di Equi Piazzale Terme 1 +39 0585 949339 54013 Equi Terme (MS) [email protected] _ www.termediequi.it _ contact Antonella Bertolini +39 393 9229566 hermal water is certainly one of the The waters of the Equi Terme flow from oldest systems of care and the prop- the subsoil at a temperature between 22 and T erties of the Equi’s thermal waters 27 ° C which makes them fall within the range were already known in ancient Roman times. of hypothermal sources; it is a so called min- For centuries, rainwater has been collected eral water , having a fixed residue higher than by the imposing Apuan Alps, filtered under- 1gr / l (4.8 gr / l) and for its specific chemical ground, enriched with mineral salts and ac- composition it is classified among the chlo- tive ingredients that are valuable for health rinated sodium sulphate alkaline-earth wa- and then relocated to the surface, where they ters and as such is characterized by the large are collected and exploited; the heart of mar- amount of chlorides, sodium and sulphates ble of the Apuan Alps is the origin of the heal- and, for a small part, bicarbonate, calcium, ing waters that for centuries feed the Equi’s potassium, magnesium, with traces of lithium, hot springs. bromine and iron. 4 5 HOT SPRINGS & RESORTS Hotel & Terme Bagni di Lucca terme Piazza San Martino 11 +39 0583 87221 | Fax +39 0583 808224 55022 Bagni di Lucca (LU) hotel via del Paretaio 1 +39 327 1491222 55100 Lucca [email protected] _ www.termebagnidilucca.it _ contact Mila Schiopetto | Francesca Simonini +39 058386034 here the water is magical, the ter- mal baths of Bagni di Lucca are W an oasis of calm and peace in the north of Tuscany along the valley of Lima river. We do our best to promote a warm and honely atmosphere also full of history the ex- traordinary curative properties make us high- ly specialised in curing rheumatic and respira- tory diseases. 6 7 HOT SPRINGS & RESORTS Terme della Versilia Via Gramsci 2 +39 0585 807788 | +39 0585 807791 54038 Montignoso (MS) [email protected] _ www.termedellaversilia.com _ contact Laura Natali [email protected] n oasis of wellness with a therapeutic Coherently with the healthy lifestyle that spa between the Alps and the Sea. our hotel promotes, we also offer a delightful A People can find their inner bal- cuisine. Prepared by our high-end chef that ance and wellness at Hotel Villa Undulna **** will provide the option of exquisite dietary Terme della Versilia, a comfortable hotel lo- and healthy menus, that will enhance local cated between the spiky Apuan Alps, rich in products for a truly restorative and relaxing marble, and the beaches of the Mediterranean stay. Sea. The resort, with 5 acres of peaceful gar- dens, faces the seafront. And it is only 3 km (2 mi) away from Forte dei Marmi, with its fasci- nating villas and fashion boutiques. In this wonderful environment, visitors will be able to enjoy treatments based on our thermal water, rich in bromine and iodine salts, that springs from the underground, and therapeutic peat of Massaciuccoli Lake. These precious natural elements are used to cure and prevent arthro-rheumatic, vascular and dermatological diseases. They are also excel- lent for beauty treatments, to contrast cellu- lite and water retention. Our team of professionals is capable of performing all sorts of massages: from the traditional relaxing, decontracting and invig- orating ones, to the oriental Shiatsu, Watsu and Ayurvedic massages. Some more peculiar are also available, like the Hawaiian and Hot (lava) Stone treatments. 8 9 HOT SPRINGS & RESORTS Grotta Giusti Via Grotta Giusti 1411 +39 0572 90771 51015 Monsummano Terme (PT) [email protected] _ www.grottagiustispa.com _ contact Andrea Petri [email protected] | +39 366 1571576 nineteenth-century villa, restored to Divided into three distinct areas called its original splendour with meticu- Heaven, Purgatory and Hell, the cave offers A lous care and attention to every detail. visitors a chance to experience a unique en- Today it welcomes guests with inlaid wood vironment with temperatures ranging from floors, refurbished rooms, parquet flooring, 28° to 34° C, and natural steam with healing new lighting, new colours that enhance the and therapeutic properties. The interiors rooms and the mood, and all the comforts of a of the cave are decorated with stalactite and beautiful hotel. It is elegantly furnished, deco- stalagmite formations, and feature several un- rated with frescoes, surrounded by an age-old derground labyrinths with spacious caverns park, and has a unique thermal spa. where you can relax in total peace and quiet. Inside unexpected treasures await: a The large vaults in the rock are natural forma- unique and wonderful grotto, a thermal tions that serve as the perfect place to sit and spring, a deep, warm underground lake and enjoy the detoxifying steam that surrounds spectacular chambers, where the tempera- you. The bottom of the cave is known as ‘The ture is set as if it were a living and breathing Limbo’ - here the temperature always remains organism. at a pleasant 36ºC, regardless of the weather The villa above the grotto is now a place outside, and offers wellness seekers a spar- where you can experience a kind of new har- kling pool of water to soak in during winter mony, with the Equilibrium method. Water, and summer. stone, heat, art and history all make it a place that heals and comforts. 10 11 HOT SPRINGS & RESORTS Terme Tettuccio Via Verdi 71 +39 0572 778501 51016 Montecatini Terme (PT) [email protected] _ www.termemontecatini.it _ contact Massimo Giovanetti [email protected] | +39 339 7516551 pen from May to October far the hy- In 1927, along the hall of waterspring, the dropinic cure and sightseeing tours, charming pottery of Basilio Cascella was add- O the thermal building «Tettuccio» ed and it represents the Source, the Strength was designed by the architect Ugo Giovanoz- and the Beauty, but also the tour stages of life, zi around 1918 and it replaced the old building which are Childhood, Adolescence, Maturity made in 1782 by the Grand Duke Leopold. lts and Old Age. officiai inauguration took piace in 1928, after Finally, the Music Pavillon and the Dome the graduai construction of the various are- handsomely frescoed by Ezio Giovanozzi as which constitute the whole extraordinary complete the interesting monumental and ar- complex. tistic aspects of Tettuccio. In 1919, the park was expanded by incor- The tour thermal waters of Montecatini porating the building and the garden of the (Tettuccio, Regina, Leopoldina and Rinfres- ancient Terme Regina. The grand facade at co) arise at a 18-34° C. from deep limestone the entrance, made on travertine, is domi- deposits and they belong to the alkaline-sa- nateci by tour statues symbolizing the Source, line-sulfate group. They are mainly used far Medicine, Hygiene and Health. hydropinic cure, bathings, muds, inhalations, The interior rooms of the Café and His- ventilations, insufflations and hydromas- torical Writing Room (Sala di Scrittura), the sages. Besides, they cure hepatobiliary and Gallery of shops and the Entrance are nicely gastrointestinal pathologies and musculo- decorateci and frescoed. The Sala Portoghe- skeletal, vascular and otorhinolaryngology si, besides, is characterized by its majestic col- disorders. umns which magically arise like forest trees; il was designed by the famous italian architect Paolo Portoghesi, in 1986. 12 13 HOT SPRINGS & RESORTS Bagni di Pisa Largo Shelley 18 +39 050 88501 Fax: +39 050 8850401 56017 San Giuliano Terme (PI) [email protected] _ www.bagnidipisa.com _ contact Barbara Fantelli, Sales Manager [email protected] | +39 050/8850403 mob. +39 342/7596527 or centuries, the thermal waters flow- Bagni di Pisa is an architectural gem that ing from the depths of San Giuliano offers a unique journey into history, traditions F Terme have been appreciated for their and wellness. healing properties. The hot springs of Bagni di Bagni di Pisa is member of The Leading Pisa rose to fame in 1743 when the Grand Duke Hotels of the World and Traveller Made. of Tuscany, Francis Stephen of Lorraine, de- cided to build his summer spa residence here.
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