THE C I 1•nr.. LXII. Ni MI;ER 18634. NEW YORK, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1934. PRICE, 10 CENTS. THE CITY RECORD, DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE. 2 • WARRANTS MADE READY FOR PAYMENT IN DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. ON FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1934. Published Under Authority of Section 1526, Greater New York Charter, by the Hereinbelow is a statement of warrants made ready for payment on this di to in BOARD OF CITY RECORD. which is shown the Department of Finance warrant number, the date of the invoice or FIORELLO H. LAGUARDIA, MAYOR, Chairman. the registered number of the contract, the date the voucher was filed in the Department 1'.\ 1. WINDELS, ConeokATIoN COUNSEL. JOSEPH D. McGOLDRICK, Cotirraou,ai. of Finance, the name of the payee and the amount of the warrant. Where two or more bills ire embraced in the warrant the dates of the earliest STEPHEN G. KELLEY, Supzpvisoi. and latest are given, excepting that when such payments are made under a contract 2213 Municipal Building, Manhattan. WO RIB 2-3490. the registered number of the contract is shown therein. All warrants herein will be forwarded through the mails unless some reason exists E'uLlished daily, at 9 a. in., except Sundays and legal holidays. why payment is to be made in person, in which event, written notice will be given to Subscription, $20 a year, exclusive of supplements. Daily issue. 10 cents a copy. the claimant. JOSEPH D. McGOLDRICK, Comptroller. SUPPLEMIENTS: Civil List (containing names, salaries, etc., of the City employees), $20; Official Canvass of Votes, $1; Registry Lists, 20 cents each assembly district; Law Department Invoice Received Quarterly Report, $1; Assessed Valuation of Real Estate, $2 each section; Detailed List of Exempt Finance Dates or in Depart- Properties, $2; postage extra. Warrant Contract ment of Name of Payee. Amount. ADVERTISING: Copy for publication in the CITY Racoao must be received at least TWO (2) Number. Number. Finance. days 'before the date fixed for the first insertion; when proof is required for correction before publication, copy must be received THREE (3) days before the date fixed for the first insertion. Board of Parole. COPY for publication in- the corporation newspapers of Brooklyn must be received at least 166758 113872 9- 5-34 N. Y. Tel. Co $26 51 THREE (3) days before date fixed for the first insertion. Entered as Second-class Matter, Post Office at New York City. Board of Child Welfare. 166722 9- 4-34 Western Union Tel. Co 1 35 TABLE OF CONTENTS. Board of City Record. 166776 7-30-34 9- 4-34 Atlas Stationery Corp 41 65 166777 7-17-34 9- 4-34 Chelsea Press 79 00 Il,ari ectn 5789 Purchase, Department of— Proposals 5790 166778 7- 2-34 9- 4-34 Co-operative Distributors, Inc 319 40 L'r . 1 of The - 166779 5-14-34 9- 4-34 J. J. Curtin Co., Inc 38 25 Pr 5789 Queens, Borough of— Lrouk ., n, linrouvh ot- Proposals 5791 166780 7-11-34 9- 4-34 Gutenberg Printing Co., Inc 195 00 1'rTr>als 5793 Richmond, Borough of— 166781 9- 4-34 Superior Writing Inks, Inc 410 00 ( hanL"e: in l iepartments, h:tc 5788 Proposals 5789 166782 6-22-34 9- 4-34 Tiebel Bros., Inc 457 00 I:_'uahn, Department of Sanitation, Department of— Board of Elections. 5792 Advertisement for Bids 5791 I ivan((, Depirtmcnt of- 166688 8- 1-34 Remington-Rand, Inc. 192 38 Ir tere,t on City Bonds and Stoock 5790 Supreme Court, First Department— City Magistrates' Courts, N ice of Redemption and ]Notice of Application to Court to Condemn Prop• erty 166457 6-29-34 Exchange Offer 5790 5795 8-29-34 F. F. Fuhrman 3 96 T holders of City of New York Supreme Court, Second Department— Department of Correction. Four Percent. Revenue Notes, Application to Court to Condemn Prop 166495 7-30-34 8-30-34 Merit Supply Co., Inc 51 08 I:=Ue nt N„.rmber 1, 1933 5785 erty 5796 S.. L i(lie,s Received September 14, 1934 5787 Filing Bills of Costs 5796 166496 7-16-34 8-30-34 National Writing Machine Co 1 15 \1,,rr;tn'; Alade Ready for Payment Filing Tentative Decree—Notice to 166497 6- 7-34 8-30-34 M. Scitelbach 40 00 M(trier ] 11;4 5785 File Objections 5798 166453 7-24-34 8-30-34 Dictograph Products Co_, Inc 2 10 I ii 'i- n Ci Ices on Work to Be Notices to File Claims 5796 IThne :,nI `;uppIic, to Be Furnished 5793 166454 8-15-34 8-30-34 Wnn. Langbein & Bros 6 50 Tenement House Department— 166455 8- 9-34 8-30-34 John Melleky .1TII H tiahr" r,f--- Sale of Old Buildings 5789 34 00 I'r 5790 166456 6-28-34 8-30-34 American Jail Building & Equipment Co. 5 50 \ (tics a Cil lr r~ at ~ah , of Oil Build- Transportation, Board of— Invitation to Contractors 5794 166753 114453 8-31-34 M. Augenblick & Bro., Inc 199 39 int:, , 1-Ito. 5798 Notices of Public Hearings 5794 5788 166754 114607 8-31-34 l"Filson & Rogers, Inc 36 88 (ffir'I, Dirccl ry Proposals—Notice to Bidders 5795 I' no;atne;,t 166755 7-23-34 114607 I-21-34 Wilson & Rogers, Inc 442 50 I)i;.rrn Nvantnl for 1 - nclaimed Prop- Water Supply, Board of— 166756 114514 8-24-34 Morris Garfinkel 1,562 95 5789 Proposals 5791 eriv 166757 114037 8-24-34 N. Y. Tel, Co 442 69 166700 7-25-34 8-14-34 Morris Feldstein & Sun 125 00 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE. Department of Docks. 166701 8-15-34 J. K. Larkin & Co., Inc 163 55 August 31, 1934. 166702 7-23-34 8-15-34 C. R. Daniels, Inc 123 93 Board of Higher Education. TO THE HOLDERS OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK FOUR PERCENT 166262 7-31-34 7-15-34 J. T. Baker Chemical Co 60 67 REVENUE NOTES OF THE ISSUE OF NOVEMBER 1, 1933 166263 6-29-34 7-18-34 John Curtin Co 65 00 166264 7-17-34 8- 8-34 Arthur H. Thomas Co 60 50 Set tiou 192 of the Greater New Ycrk Charter was amended by Chapter 850 of the 166265 7- 2-34 8- 8-34 Eimer & Amend 55 00 L;tts s ji 1934 so as to reduce from $50,000,000 to $25,000,000 the maximum amount of 166266 7-14-34 8- 2-34 John Curtin Co 70 00 160267 7- 6-34 8- 8-34 Pulinosan Safety Equipment Corp 51 00 the apl:rupriation required to be included in the budget and related Real Estate Tax 1016694 7-18-34 8- 8-34 Standard Business Forms Co 296 10 lc,-ics r,; the City of New York for each of the years 1935, 1936 and 1937. Department of Education. It has been deemed desirable to obtain the consent of all holders of the four percent 167964 7-23-34 9- 4-34 Scheier & Spellman 21 00 Rt cenuc Nutcs to the reduction of the appropriation in the annual budgets and Real 1662861 6-21-34 9- 4-34 Eugene Dietzgen Co., Inc 1 45 h::tate fax levies as provided by Chapter 850 of the Laws of 1934, It is therefore 166287 6- 2-34 9- 4-34 Manning, Maxwell & Moore, Inc 10 00 requested that all Revenue Notes of the issue of November 1, 1933, be presented at the 166288 6-20-34 8-28-34 H. Reeve Angel & Co., Inc 2 16 off ice id the Comptroller for exchange for identical four percent Revenue Notes having 166289 5-21-34 9- 4-34 Bauman's Electric \Velding & Auto Radiator Works 2 00 st'.:mpe~l thereon a legend to evidence consent to the said reduction as well as the con- 166290 6-11-34 8-14-34 James E. Delaney 490 00 set is }hereinafter requested. 166291 4- 9-34 8-19-34 M. D. Lundin, assignee of L. Supran 718 00 111e four percent Revenue Notes will be called for redemption by the City on or 166292 5-22-34 7- 9-34 R. Solomon, assignee of Louis Glasser . 260 00 about October 1, 1934, and cash will be paid for the principal amount and the accrued 166293 6-25-34 8- 8-34 H. A. Bulloss 58 00 int °rest on all Revenue Notes not exchanged for stamped four percent Revenue Notes, 166294 5-12-34 8-27-34 Rubin Solomon, assignee of Adolph as herein requested, prior to that date. All moneys on hand pledged to redeem the Berengarten . 29 00 tot r percent 11'evenuc Notes will be applied toward the payment of the redemption price 166295 6-30-34 8-27-34 A. Weiss 33 70 of all f0,ur percent Revenue Notes which are not exchanged on or prior to October 1, 166296 3-31-34 8-28-34 R. Solomon, assignee of Charles Wil- 1934. 1-folders of the four percent Revenue Notes who present them for exchange are liams Co., Inc 33 27 16£1297 7-20-34 9- 4-34 S. Rovinsky's Sons requested to consent to the application of pledged moneys for such redemption, such con- 15 50 1(6298 7-18-34 9- 4-34 John E. Sjostrom Co 42 00 sents to be evidenced by the inclusion of an appropriate provision in the terms of the 166299 7-27-34 9- 4-34 Walter Zacharkow 24 00 leg,nnd to be stamped upon the four percent Revenue Notes.
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