Marian Studies Volume 36 Proceedings of the Thirty-Sixth National Convention of The Mariological Society of America Article 6 held in Dayton, Ohio 1985 The eM mbers of the Mariological Society of America Mariological Society of America Follow this and additional works at: https://ecommons.udayton.edu/marian_studies Part of the Religion Commons Recommended Citation Mariological Society of America (1985) "The eM mbers of the Mariological Society of America," Marian Studies: Vol. 36, Article 6. Available at: https://ecommons.udayton.edu/marian_studies/vol36/iss1/6 This Front Matter is brought to you for free and open access by the Marian Library Publications at eCommons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Marian Studies by an authorized editor of eCommons. For more information, please contact [email protected], [email protected]. Mariological Society of America: The Members of the Mariological Society of America THE MEMBERS OF THE MARIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA Episcopal Chairman Most Reverend Austin B. Vaughan Patrons Andrews, Mr. Robert P., 3118 Firwood Ave., Bellingham, Wash. 98225. Clinton, Mr. Arthur W.,Jr., P.O. Box 20855, Oklahoma City, Okla. 73156. Croke, Ch. (Major) Alfred M., HHC APG, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md. 21005. Marian Fathers, The Marians/St. Stanislaus Kostka Province, Eden Hill, Stockbridge, Mass. 01262. Matuszewski, Very Rev. Stanley, M.S., Box 777, Twin Lakes, Wis. 53181. Supporting Members Brownfield, Mr. Robert L., 2605 Interlacken, Springfield, ill. 62704. Buby, Rev. Bertrand, S.M., c/o Alumni Hall, University of Day­ ton, Dayton, Ohio 45469-0001. Burns, Miss Catherine L., 136 Van Courtlandt Park So., Bronx, N.Y.C., N.Y. 10463. CARBERRY, HIS EMINENCE, JOHN]. CARDINAL, 10490 Ladue Rd., St. Louis, Mo. 63141. Charest, Rev. Roger M., S.M.M., Queen of All Hearts Resi­ dence, 26 So. Saxon Ave., Bay Shore, N.Y. 11706. Cleary, Rev. Edward M., Holy Angels' Church, 107 San Pedro Rd., Colma, Calif. 94014. XXXVI(1985) MARIAN STUDIES 6-25 Published by eCommons, 1985 1 Marian Studies, Vol. 36 [1985], Art. 6 The Members of the Mariological Society 7 I Cusack, Rev. :Msgr. John]., St. Richard's Rectory, 90 Forest St., Danvers, Mass. 01923. Davis, Adriahne P., 2006 NE 30th St., Fort Lauderdale, Fla. 33306. I Dorszynski, Rev.]., 3055 N. Fratney St., Milwaukee, Wis. 53212. Duggan, Rev:. Paul E., Ch. (Col.) USAF, P.O. Box 27366, San Francisco, Calif. 94127. Franciscan Fa~hers, St. Anthony Friary, 63 B~tholdi Ave., But­ ler, NJ. 07405. Gumpert, G~stav, Center City One, Apt. 1306, 1326 Spruce St., Philadelph~a, Pa. 19107. Hottenroth, Mr. and Mrs.]. H., 6313 Katson Ave., N.E., Albu­ querque, N.M. 87109. · Koehler, Rev! Theodore A., S.M., Marian Library, University of Dayton, D~yton, Ohio 45469-0001. Low, Rev. M,sgr. Albert W., Regina Cleri, 60 Wm. Cardinal O'Connell1Way, Boston, Mass. 02114. McCabe, Re~. Maria Justin, O.C.S.O., Trappist Monastery, P. 0. Box 5, Peng Chau, Hong Kong. McGuire, Re~.John V., C.Ss.R., Basilica of Our Lady of Perpet­ ual Help, 526- 59th St., Brooklyn, N.Y. 11220. Madden, Re~. Msgr. Patrick]., Our Lady Star of the Sea, 525 Washingtoh St. Mall, Cape May, NJ. 08204. O'Connor, R~v. James T., St. Joseph's Seminary, Yonkers, N.Y. 10704. 1 Parsons, Mr., Robert, 2212 Tilghman St., Allentown, Pa. 18104-4332. Stubbs, Rev. :charles W., St. Mary's Rectory, 183 High Ridge Ave., Ridgefield, Conn. 06877. Act£ve Members Agius, Rev. Joseph M., O.P., St. Dominic's Priory, 2390 Bush St. , San Francisco, Calif. 94115. Ahern, Rev. Thomas F., St. Victor's Church, 3108 Sierra Rd., SanJose, ~alif. 95132. Allue, Rev. Emil S., S.D.B., Our Lady ofMt. Carmel Rectory, 86 New stJ, New Brunswick, NJ. 08901. https://ecommons.udayton.edu/marian_studies/vol36/iss1/6 2 Mariological Society of America: The Members of the Mariological Society of America 8 The Members of the Mariological Society Amirault, Sr. Mary Jane, R.G.S., Madonna Hall, Cushing Hill Dr., Marlboro, Mass. 01752. Armistead, Rev. John M., St. Edward's Church, 843 S. Cardinal Ave., Stockton, Calif. 95205. Barkley, Dr. Roy R., 816 E. 49th St., Austin, Tex. 78751. Bartone, Ch. Lt. Col. Donald E., Holy Cross Rectory, 618 S. Water St., Marine City, Mich. 48039. Bearsley, Rev. Patrick, S.M., Futuna Retreat House, P.O. Box 17-087, Karori, Wellington, 5, New Zealand. Beauchemin, Rev. Ronald A., M.S., LaSalette Missions, South­ bridge, Mass. 01550. Becker, Bro. Joseph A., Wailuku Marianist Community, 1618 E. Main St., Wailuku, Hawaii 96793. Bello, Frank]., 2021 Fox Plaza, San Francisco, Calif. 94102. Bialas, Rev. Andrew A., C.S.V., St. Patrick Church, 428 S. In­ diana Ave., Kankakee, ill. 60901. Biggers, Rev. Jackson C., The Episcopal Church of the Redeem­ er, Box 633, Biloxi, Miss. 39533. Billy, Rev. Dennis]., C.Ss.R., Holy Redeemer College, 3112 Seventh St., N.E., Washington, D.C. 20017-1498. Boeddeker, Rev. Alfred, O.F.M., Marian Center & Library, 135 Golden Gate Ave., San Francisco, Calif. 94102. Bolin, Rev. John F., S.M., Marianist Provincialate, P.O. Box AC, Cupertino, Calif. 95015. Bonanno, Rev. Raphael D., O.F.M., Emmaus House of Prayer, P.O. Box 186, 91.000 Jerusalem, Israel. Bonaventura, Sr. Teresa, D.d.C.C., Canossian Sisters, 1555 39th Ave., San Francisco, Calif. 94112. Borntrager, Rev. Conrad, O.S.M., Basilica of Our Lady of Sor­ rows, 3121 Jackson Blvd., Chicago, Ill. 60612. Bosch, Ana, 631 O'Farrell St., #1215, San Francisco, Calif. 94109. Bourke, Rev. Albert, O.C.D., Carmelite Monastery, 514 Warren St., Brookline, Mass. 02146. Bracht, Rev. Donald F., S.M., Marianist Community, 4994 Mit­ ty Way, SanJose, Calif. 95129. Brennan, Rev. James H., S.S., St. Charles Villa, 603 Maiden Choice Lane, Baltimore, Md. 21228. Published by eCommons, 1985 3 Marian Studies, Vol. 36 [1985], Art. 6 :The Members of the Mariological Society 9 Brennan, ReL Silvan, C.P., St. Joseph's Monastery, 3800 Fred­ erick Ave.l Baltimore, Md. 21229. Brennan, Rey. Walter T., O.S.M., Our Lady of Sorrows Basilica, 3121 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, Ill. 60612. · Britt, Dr. John F., Charninade Hall, 216C, University of Day­ ton, Dayt<?n, Ohio 45469-0001. Brown, Rev. pavid M., O.S.M., St.Joseph Church, 7 Locust St., Carteret, :r;.J.J. 07008-2698. Brownfield, 'Rev. Frowin, P.O. Box 1333, Springfield, Mo. 65805. 1 Buby, Rev. ;senrand, S.M., c/o Alumni Hall, University of Dayton, Dayton, Ohio 45469-0001. Budimlic, V~ry Rev. Canon George L., 13413 Carpenter Rd., Garfield Heights, Ohio 44125. Burghardt, Rev. Walter]., S.J.,Jesuit Community, Georgetown University) Washington, D.C. 20057. Burns, Msgr .I Cornelius]., Star of the Sea Church, 4420 Geary Blvd., San~ Francisco, Calif. 94118. Cade, Sister 'Renilde, O.P., Dominican Sisters of Mission San Jose, P.O.JBox 3908, Mission SanJose, Calif. 94539. Calkins, Rev. Arthur B., P.O. Box 184, Washington, N.J. 07882-0184. Cantamout, Charlotte, Third Order Lay Carmelites, Sec., St. Jo­ seph's Chapter, 3335 Lynn Oaks Dr., SanJose, Calif. 95117. CARBERRY ,I HIS EMINENCE, JOHN]. CARDINAL, 10490 Ladue Rd.~ St. Louis, Mo. 63141. Cardenas, Rev. A. Eugenio, M.Sp.S., St. Joseph Parish, P.O. Box 179, Selmi, Calif. 93662. Carey, Rev. :¥ichael R., O.P., Box 782-St. Mary's College, Mo­ raga, Calif. 94575. Carney, Rev.IEdwardJ., O.S.F.S., DeSales School of Theology, 721 Lawre~ce St., N.E., Washington, D.C. 20017. Carol, Rev. Juniper B., O.F.M., St. Anthony's Friary, 357 Sec­ ond St., North, St. Petersburg, Fla. 33701. Carroll, Rev. lEamon R., O.Carm., Brandsma House, 1036 W. Loyola Avd., 3-E, Chicago, Ill. 60626. Carter, Rev. IDarnel • E., S.M., All Hallows Church, 1715 Oak- dale Ave.,lsan Francisco, Calif. 94124. https://ecommons.udayton.edu/marian_studies/vol36/iss1/6 4 Mariological Society of America: The Members of the Mariological Society of America 10 The Members ofthe Mariological Society Cassese, Rev. Anthony, Box 21811, S. Euclid, Ohio 44121. Cehyra, Sr. Eileen J., F.M.I., Marianist Sisters, 251 W. Ligus­ trum Dr., San Antonio, Tex. 78228. Charest, Rev. Roger M., S.M.M., Queen of All Hearts Resi­ dence, 26 So. Saxon Ave., Bay Shore, N.Y. 11706. Chiodini, Rev. Msgr.JasperJ., St. Alban Church, 2001 Shepard Rd., Glencoe, Mo. 63038. Clark, Rev. John W., S.J., P.O. Box 519, Los Gatos, Calif. 95031. Cleary, Rev. Edward M., Holy Angels' Church, 107 San Pedro Rd., Colma, Calif. 94014. Clemens, Rev. Bertrand E., S.M., 22622 Marianist Way, Cuper­ tino, Calif. 95014. Clogher, Rev. John J., 2808 Lakeshore Ave., Oakland, Calif. 94610. Cole, Rev. Basil, O.P., St. Albert's Priory, 5890 Birch Ct., Oak­ land, Calif. 94618. Cole, Rev. William]., S.M., St. Joseph Church, 802 Kenton St., Springfield, Ohio 45505. Confer, Rev. Bernard, O.P., Dominican Monastery, 335 Doat St., Buffalo, N.Y. 14211. Connolly, Most Rev. Thomas]., Diocese of Baker/Pastoral Of­ fice, Box 826, Baker, Ore. 97814. Conroy, Grainne, 34 Atalaya Ter., San Francisco, Calif. 94117. Cook, Bro. Norman, F.S.C., Provincial, DeLaSalle Institute, P.O. Box A-D, ·St. Mary's College, Moraga, Calif. 94575. Corbett, Rev. George]., C.Ss.R., St. Alphonsus Rock Church, 1118 N. Grand Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. 63106. Costello, Rev. Charles R.J. , Immaculate Conception Rectory, 3 5 Mountain Ave., Somerville, N.J. 08876. Coyle, Rev. T. William, C.Ss.R., Queen of Peace Retreat House, 1310 Broadway, Fargo, N.D. 58102. Cremer, Rev. Matthias P., S.C.]., Sacred Heart Monastery, P. 0. Box 566, Hales Corners, Wis. 53130-0566. Crinnion, Sr. Claude Marie, S.H.F., Sisters of the Holy Family, P.O. Box 3248, Mission SanJose, Calif. 94539. Croke, Ch.
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