__ _____ __ ________^—^ I _ J M— V-~£v* Have you a right to be honorably alive? Maj Arthur Peuchon, Canadian financier and yachtsman, survivor of the Titanic wreck, has. 5 Ordered by a chief officer of the Titanic into one of the lifeboats, which was manned by but two sailors. Peuchon demanded a written order. He willkeep that order as long as he lives. Itis his certificate, he says, of his right to be alive. Ismay hasn't any such certificate. : j/HOME HOME EDITION EDITION^ - 4\I " :Isla Death With HiubMdHusband BetterBettor \I WKATHKR ROREOAjBT. '\u25a0 I Tan Life. Without Him, Page 7. .t I r 1^ 'Actor and Doctor In Farce, page 4/:' I The Tacoma Times Shower* tonight or Thursday. THE ONLY INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER IN TACOMA VOL. IX. NO. 107. TACOMA, WASHINGTON. EDNESDA , APRIL 24, 1912. 30 CENTS A MONTH. OFFICER CURSED ISMAY AND ORDERED HIM OUT OF BOAT LINCOLN AND TAFT; Testimony of Oi Sen Is Wife 111. Ismay Wants Fatal To Wong Si San EXTRA To Return Home At Once ISMAY ANXIOUS PINCHOT RETELLS TO LEAVE BALLINGER STORY DID VESSa Dr. John Wesley Hill, ardent defender of Taft, has just left us. SHIP (By He put the president pedestal with Washington and Lincoln. | United I Prrtm Xeaaed Wire. on a « ism\(iTo\, 1). > Lent we forget, let's look at the Ballinger case again. Amos C, April 54.. Plnchot, attorney connected with the case on the people's side, and REFUSE TO Chairman' Smith of the senate- brother of ex-Forester Plnchot, has Just written a comprehensive Investigation committee Usued a> Statement of the whole affair for Pearson's magazine, out today. caustic-statement today,' believed.: It Is a plain lawyer's statement, written without dramatics, and to be aimed at J. llruce Ismay,'di- liiiv.-ii on the records on file in Washington. Here's the summary: rector of the White Star Mne>4V\ Aug. 18, 1909, Louis Glavis went to Beverly and made a personal Senator Smitli exonerated (1u» charging secretary interior, and some HELP? am! report to Taft, that the of the (By United Press Leased Wire.) officers crow lof ' the Tltmiie- of his subordinates, were in league with the Guggenheims to acquire WASHINGTON, D. C, April 24. from attempt Inn (<> block a \ full a coal monopoly in Alaska. —Ai-iliik on an anonmou* tip, expo*« of Uio shipwreck mill In H. Sept. 6, Ualligner arrived from Seattle with Oscar Lawler, bitter Senator Sin if ii, invent ifcatinK tiie veiled way liini.-l that lie had ref- ,' \u25a0 interior \u25a0 \u25a0 personal enemy of Glavis, and legal adviser of department. Titanic wreck, today oaked l"re- erence i.> Isniay. , . ." ,\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0;:, .. Spent evening talking over situation with Taft. niier llonlen of (Canada t«) hold • All. i- -making lilh V up 3a. - statement* Sept. 7 (evening)— Went over records to m. Iho -I. iimi i Mount Temple at Smith refused tv call iNinay to the Then Taft's own statement, published much later, that as he Moiilri-iil. stand calling Fifth Officer speeches Instead was to -leave for a two months' trip and had six or seven to Smiiii in seeking verification of liomi' of the Titanic, up decision, he requested . '-.''& ''i> prepare, he didn't have time to draw his bo a report that the Mount Temple >l "From • tin- very hi-ulnuliiy; or Mr. Lawler, to prepare a report as if he were president. the Investigation liuh hee.n> draw up "whitewash report," wan only HO miles from the 11- ' thero j Sept. 7 to 10 —Lawler and Ballinger --tanie meddlesome attempt by drafts. when tile liner Btruck the a certain burning up preliminary Icobei-K, one persons of Sept. 11—Lawler finished report and goes over it on train to and that of her patt- to Influence the course with Atty. Gen. sennei>. xaltl to be v Dr. Quinzau, thin committee mill tO stop lt.« Beverly Wickersham. saw go procedure., heard ' Sept. 12—-Taft receives report; re-writes a few paragraphs. the Titanic down. I also littve that inlvr<|iiiv.in/ 11,,11- have,-~ '¥ Sept. 13-—Lawler's report published under Taft's signature. Be- .|.2 beet* gins: "I have examined, the whole record most carefully and have \u25a0natle. Ido not wish to subpoena reached v moat definite conclusion." witnesses whose only . »tory ls»' Now those records, says Plnchot, occupied 2,000 pages of closely iMtsed on bias and prejudice,..,';*/^ typewritten pages of reports. No human being could have read them ! "I «ish It (lUtinctly understood! S through In a few hours. Louis O. Hrandeis, one of the best lawyers in IHSANERUSSiAH that this committee will not toler- ' the country and the man who defended CJlavis, snys that It took every ate ilii- attempts of anyone to> through them. >'.- minute of his time for 12 solid days to go slu«|»' Its course." • \u25a0\u0084 . *ij*">; Rumors liegan to get out. Finally congress, on Dec. 2, adopted \u25a0• Harold Lowe, fifth officer of the- papers an extraordinary resolution, demanding from Taft all the Titanic, Rave Ills a;*',; an 29 and: in the case. SHOOTS EDITOR stated he had the- 1 (By I ni(. that jfollowed Jan. 6—Taft answers congress. Sends 40,000-word summary of I Fnh leased Wire.) sea since he was - BACK Sept. 11, SPOKANE. April 24.—Believ- 14.'r--":-»:X!.-,,'HvfSss the evidence, signed by Wickersham, and DATED to .'-,. No , Lifeboat. Drills.' : '. general time and that ed, to b« Insane a result of .c s:• as if the attorney ii.nl reported to him at that M Lowe declared.that; no fire or this had been the basis of his whitewash of Ballinger. brooding over the Titanic disaster - the Lawler Richard Aleck, Russian, 87 X. BRUCE ISMAY. Ufa clrillH ocourred after fie Ti- The president's answer did not muke any reference to a tanic left Southampton. year* entered the j report, which he had copied almost verbatim. old, editorial CONDON, April 14.—Passing my lvawler report was in his files. rooms Spokane hysterical "I never : took*a drink •In-, Wickersham twice denied that the of the Chronicle from utter colapse to life," months after this and during the congressional investiga- today and shot and instantly kill- declared the 'young officer? Two efforts to call her husband, Mrs. hotly when aukiid If ho drank. tion that followed, after he had seen both the president and the at- ed E. H. Rothrock, the city editor. J. Bruce Isinay Is a nervous wreck torney general deny by implication that Lawler had anything to do Al without a raised today. c;j;Lowe was -'asleep when ; the- 1 word, here came. V, ";' -• '-\u25a0- with it, Frederick Kerby, the stenographer, employed by the United his i. jlver and shot Tsmay crash* .- \u25a0i- r;,'f"'';! Rothrock, Mrs. feels keenly the \u25a0 l report, full j j "1 got my revolver— you know States, who had taken down the Lawler told his story to who was approaching the door as criticism directed against her hus- Washington. needed. \u25a0 I helped the Scrjpps representatives at Aleck entered. It is believed that band, and declares that he has what is load/ Kerby, course, fired. But the exposure that he had made lifeboat No. 5 and lowered.: It of was Ol Aleck, who approached the edi- been Judged unfairly. She sent subsequent admissions of President Taft that his story was SEN. away. ;. ,; . '.- .-; ., ;/'/-:'\- and the torial rooms quietly and with cable after cable to America beg- ,„ ;. - : true, the retirement of Ballinger from the cabinet and blocked Unltpd Xcased Wire.) largely on the testimony of Oi Ordered Ismay Away. s ,v caused (By Press weapon concealed, had not singled ging him to come to her. Mrs. .. - Alaska. Ore., April swore ordered , away • the coal barons from PORTLAND, 24. Sen, a Chinese woman who out Rothrock In particular, but Ismay daughter a prom- •"I Mr. Ismay;. Such is the story of the Ballinger affair, and the part President Wong Si today has been— Wong Si Sam and Woo Long, Is the of from When he got.m Sam intended to shoot the flrst person inent York family. the boat. Taft played In it. The report is taken from files and reports now found guilty of murder in the sec- whose trial on a murder charge New the Carpathla the steward asked' beyond question. he encountered. at Washington. The facts are ond degree for killing Seid Wah is to be Instituted Immediately, Aleck me what I said to Mr. lamay.;^rJ Wesley Hill compared Taft with Lincoln. Blng was arrested and taken Isinay to lleturn. Dr. John Bing, whoso dismembered body killed Seld Wah In her police replied that I had used , pretty In 1836. says Plnchot, when Lincoln was a candidate for the to the station where he told \u25a0WASHINGTON, D. C, April 24. shipped.from Se- strong language. \u0084 .',•,.'\u25a0' that he in was Portland to room. a rambling story, constantly —J. Ismay appeared -early . legislature, one Col. Robert Allen stated was possession attle and found till some killing is supposed to have re- Bruce • "Kmiay was over-an.vlons and ;• unfavorably Lincoln's fitness hold office. not The ferring to the Titanic disaster. at the Titanic Investigation today of facts that bore on to days crime. been prompted through Jealousy excited,. saying, constantly-- Lincoln resort to evasions and predated letters and the like? after the After the shooting Aleck was and asked that his testimony De trifle v Did The case of depended over the woman. 'lower away; lower away.' .;..," His answer to Allen and the people was: the state overpowered by members of the taken Immediately, explaining " confidence of the people of Hangamon Chronicle He mumbled his "At this juncture l.owi- .paused' "That I once held the staff.
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