Neighbourhood On Show 13 May 2018 Page Suburb Price of Property Agency Name 91 Allen's Nek R2,295,000 Adrienne Hersch Properties 19 Atholl R6,200,000 Seeff Properties 32 Atholl R6,500,000 Firzt Realty Company 36 Atholl R6,500,000 Pam Golding Properties 36 Atholl R6,500,000 Pam Golding Properties 36 Atholl R4,900,000 Pam Golding Properties 64 Atholl R14,900,000 Jawitz Properties 73 Atholl R7,500,000 Vered Estates 73 Atholl R9,499,000 Vered Estates 73 Atholl R8,900,000 Vered Estates 104 Atholl R10,000,000 Russell Fisher Properties 66 Atholl Gardens R3,950,000 Jawitz Properties 32 Bedford Park R2,100,000 Firzt Realty Company 45 Bedfordview R1,300,000 Pam Golding Properties 55 Bedfordview R2,999,000 Lew Geffen Sotheby's International Realty 67 Bedfordview R8,500,000 Jawitz Properties 93 Bedfordview R2,100,000 RE/MAX International Property Group 74 Benmore R5,900,000 Vered Estates 56 Beverley R2,999,000 Lew Geffen Sotheby's International Realty 70 Beverley R4,499,000 Jawitz Properties 89 Beverley POA OCC Property 84 Blackheath R1,200,000 Huizemark Holdings 79 Boskruin R3,300,000 Vered Estates 79 Boskruin R3,995,000 Vered Estates 79 Boskruin R2,495,000 Vered Estates 66 Bramley Manor R1,600,000 Jawitz Properties 63 Broadacres R2,550,000 Tyson Properties 100 Broadacres R3,195,000 Fine and Country International 100 Broadacres R2,250,000 Fine and Country International 92 Bromhof R2,500,000 RE/MAX International Property Group 19 Bryanston R7,000,000 Seeff Properties 28 Bryanston R2,657,000 Firzt Realty Company 33 Bryanston R2,650,000 Firzt Realty Company 33 Bryanston R870,000 Firzt Realty Company 41 Bryanston R3,300,000 Pam Golding Properties 41 Bryanston R3,995,000 Pam Golding Properties 42 Bryanston R1,550,000 Pam Golding Properties 42 Bryanston R2,595,000 Pam Golding Properties 54 Bryanston R8,500,000 Lew Geffen Sotheby's International Realty 54 Bryanston R6,000,000 Lew Geffen Sotheby's International Realty 54 Bryanston R6,700,000 Lew Geffen Sotheby's International Realty 69 Bryanston R5,895,000 Jawitz Properties 69 Bryanston R1,250,000 Jawitz Properties 70 Bryanston R4,999,000 Jawitz Properties 70 Bryanston R12,500,000 Jawitz Properties 76 Bryanston R1,190,000 Vered Estates 76 Bryanston R980,000 Vered Estates 84 Bryanston R9,999,000 Huizemark Holdings 85 Bryanston R6,450,000 Hamilton's Property Portfolio 86 Bryanston R9,750,000 Hamilton's Property Portfolio 86 Bryanston R10,600,000 Hamilton's Property Portfolio 86 Bryanston R5,950,000 Hamilton's Property Portfolio 86 Bryanston R5,000,000 Hamilton's Property Portfolio 87 Bryanston R16,950,000 Hamilton's Property Portfolio 87 Bryanston R6,250,000 Hamilton's Property Portfolio 92 Bryanston R6,550,000 RE/MAX International Property Group 93 Bryanston R2,950,000 RE/MAX International Property Group 95 Bryanston R5,500,000 Gaylin Estates 98 Bryanston R895,000 Fine and Country International 98 Bryanston R2,500,000 Fine and Country International 105 Bryanston R5,980,000 Russell Fisher Properties 107 Bryanston R4,999,000 Homes of Distinction 107 Bryanston R2,999,000 Homes of Distinction 107 Bryanston R1,430,000 Homes of Distinction 33 Bryanston East R2,800,000 Firzt Realty Company 33 Bryanston West R5,990,000 Firzt Realty Company 55 Buccleuch R2,250,000 Lew Geffen Sotheby's International Realty 63 Cedar Lakes R2,995,000 Tyson Properties 32 Corlett Gardens R1,650,000 Firzt Realty Company 56 Craigavon R1,550,000 Lew Geffen Sotheby's International Realty 56 Craigavon R1,300,000 Lew Geffen Sotheby's International Realty 56 Craigavon R1,295,000 Lew Geffen Sotheby's International Realty 100 Craigavon R2,195,000 Fine and Country International 50 Craighall R5,500,000 Lew Geffen Sotheby's International Realty 51 Craighall R8,000,000 Lew Geffen Sotheby's International Realty 51 Craighall R4,900,000 Lew Geffen Sotheby's International Realty 65 Craighall R2,200,000 Jawitz Properties 78 Craighall R1,895,000 Vered Estates 20 Craighall Park R1,700,000 Seeff Properties 33 Craighall Park R7,500,000 Firzt Realty Company 33 Craighall Park R5,650,000 Firzt Realty Company 36 Craighall Park R9,300,000 Pam Golding Properties 65 Craighall Park R3,595,000 Jawitz Properties 91 Craighall Park R1,799,000 Adrienne Hersch Properties 91 Craighall Park R1,350,000 Adrienne Hersch Properties 21 Douglasdale R1,050,000 Seeff Properties 84 Douglasdale R1,950,000 Huizemark Holdings 107 Douglasdale R3,295,000 Homes of Distinction 107 Douglasdale R2,699,000 Homes of Distinction 19 Dunkeld R12,000,000 Seeff Properties 50 Dunkeld West R5,200,000 Lew Geffen Sotheby's International Realty 60 Dunkeld West R4,900,000 Tyson Properties 62 Dunkeld West R6,600,000 Tyson Properties 91 Dunkeld West R3,499,000 Adrienne Hersch Properties 30 Duxberry R6,699,000 Firzt Realty Company 30 Duxberry R6,250,000 Firzt Realty Company 20 Edenburg R3,999,999 Seeff Properties 20 Eltonhill R2,100,000 Seeff Properties 31 Eltonhill R3,200,000 Firzt Realty Company 78 Eltonhill R2,500,000 Vered Estates 91 Eltonhill R6,750,000 Adrienne Hersch Properties 96 Eltonhill R3,250,000 John Livanos Estates 91 Emmarentia R4,600,000 Adrienne Hersch Properties 92 Fairland R1,750,000 RE/MAX International Property Group 76 Fairmount Offers Vered Estates 38 Fellside R2,050,000 Pam Golding Properties 93 Fernbrook Estate R4,700,000 RE/MAX International Property Group 107 Ferndale R699,000 Homes of Distinction 94 Florida R1,295,000 Gaylin Estates 85 Forest Town R7,750,000 Hamilton's Property Portfolio 56 Fourways R930,000 Lew Geffen Sotheby's International Realty 21 Fourways Gardens R4,300,000 Seeff Properties 21 Fourways Gardens R3,695,000 Seeff Properties 56 Fourways Gardens R5,990,000 Lew Geffen Sotheby's International Realty 77 Gallo Manor R4,700,000 Vered Estates 77 Gallo Manor R2,690,000 Vered Estates 91 Gallo Manor R3,200,000 Adrienne Hersch Properties 91 Gallo Manor R2,575,000 Adrienne Hersch Properties 91 Gallo Manor R2,600,000 Adrienne Hersch Properties 105 Gallo Manor R2,499,000 Russell Fisher Properties 67 Glenhazel R4,499,000 Jawitz Properties 67 Glenhazel R1,499,000 Jawitz Properties 21 Halfway Gardens R949,000 Seeff Properties 21 Helderfontein Estate R7,500,000 Seeff Properties 31 Highlands North R1,749,000 Firzt Realty Company 67 Highlands North R2,499,000 Jawitz Properties 104 Highlands North R1,290,000 Russell Fisher Properties 31 Houghton R7,000,000 Firzt Realty Company 41 Houghton R2,649,000 Pam Golding Properties 78 Houghton R1,590,000 Vered Estates 49 Houghton Estate R9,800,000 Lew Geffen Sotheby's International Realty 64 Houghton Estate R7,495,000 Jawitz Properties 78 Houghton Estate R2,790,000 Vered Estates 98 Houghton Estate R9,900,000 Fine and Country International 104 Houghton Estate R6,000,000 Russell Fisher Properties 107 Hurlingham R7,490,000 Homes of Distinction 17 Hurlingham Manor R2,800,000 Ennik Estates 18 Hyde Park R8,700,000 Seeff Properties 18 Hyde Park R10,500,000 Seeff Properties 34 Hyde Park R9,500,000 Pam Golding Properties 36 Hyde Park R2,650,000 Pam Golding Properties 49 Hyde Park R15,000,000 Lew Geffen Sotheby's International Realty 64 Hyde Park R9,000,000 Jawitz Properties 64 Hyde Park R3,500,000 Jawitz Properties 78 Hyde Park R3,450,000 Vered Estates 84 Hyde Park R19,500,000 Huizemark Holdings 85 Hyde Park R15,000,000 Hamilton's Property Portfolio 96 Hyde Park R5,200,000 John Livanos Estates 96 Hyde Park R3,995,000 John Livanos Estates 97 Hyde Park R3,500,000 Blue Living Properties 102 Hyde Park R5,999,900 Dogon Group Properties 20 Illovo R1,790,000 Seeff Properties 30 Illovo R3,021,000 Firzt Realty Company 43 Illovo R2,100,000 Pam Golding Properties 64 Illovo R4,900,000 Jawitz Properties 65 Illovo R3,900,000 Jawitz Properties 66 Illovo R2,275,000 Jawitz Properties 66 Illovo R1,995,000 Jawitz Properties 66 Illovo R2,200,000 Jawitz Properties 78 Illovo R2,000,000 Vered Estates 91 Illovo R1,850,000 Adrienne Hersch Properties 104 Illovo R1,450,000 Russell Fisher Properties 104 Illovo R1,890,000 Russell Fisher Properties 64 Inanda R5,500,000 Jawitz Properties 95 Jukskei Park R1,039,000 Gaylin Estates 40 Khyber Rock R5,500,000 Pam Golding Properties 32 Killarney R2,600,000 Firzt Realty Company 43 Killarney R1,850,000 Pam Golding Properties 43 Killarney R1,899,000 Pam Golding Properties 43 Killarney R1,350,000 Pam Golding Properties 55 Killarney R2,200,000 Lew Geffen Sotheby's International Realty 78 Killarney R2,400,000 Vered Estates 91 Killarney R3,195,000 Adrienne Hersch Properties 20 Kleve Hill R2,799,000 Seeff Properties 108 Linbro Park R609,900 Balwin Properties 66 Linden R2,675,000 Jawitz Properties 91 Linden R3,250,000 Adrienne Hersch Properties 21 Lonehill R2,395,000 Seeff Properties 24 Lonehill R990,000 Chas Everitt International Property Group 56 Lonehill R3,499,000 Lew Geffen Sotheby's International Realty 56 Lonehill R1,695,000 Lew Geffen Sotheby's International Realty 56 Lonehill R2,850,000 Lew Geffen Sotheby's International Realty 84 Lonehill R1,995,000 Huizemark Holdings 93 Lonehill R3,000,000 RE/MAX International Property Group 103 Lonehill R850,000 Dogon Group Properties 107 Lonehill R2,399,000 Homes of Distinction 20 Magaliessig R749,000 Seeff Properties 70 Magaliessig R1,250,000 Jawitz Properties 84 Magaliessig R1,150,000 Huizemark Holdings 100 Magaliessig R3,500,000 Fine and Country International 29 Melrose R6,450,000 Firzt Realty Company 31 Melrose R2,150,000 Firzt Realty Company 73 Melrose R5,690,000 Vered Estates 73 Melrose Arch R8,500,000 Vered Estates 43 Melrose Estate R2,400,000 Pam Golding Properties 50 Melrose North R2,400,000 Lew Geffen Sotheby's International Realty 28 Melrose View R3,738,000 Firzt Realty
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