Grantsville Soccer finishes preseason See A8 TOOELETRANSCRIPT S T C BULLETIN S THURSDAY September 3, 2020 www.TooeleOnline.com Vol. 127 No. 28 $1.00 County planning commission looks at animal numbers again Proposed “usable acreage” term dropped TIM GILLIE EDITOR The revisions were based on A proposal to regulate ani- feedback from the planning mals on “usable” acres instead commission and comments of actual acres was dropped by received from the public hear- the planning commission dur- ing that was opened at the July ing their meeting Wednesday 15 meeting, she said. TIM GILLIE/TTB PHOTO night. Among the changes were a The Tooele County Planning definition of “animal unit” that Commission took a second allows offspring to be consid- The eastbound view from look at suggested revisions to ered along with their mother Cambridge Way on Bates the County’s land use ordi- as one unit for a specified Canyon Road (above) on nance regulating the num- amount of time depending on Wednesday afternoon. The ber of animals allowed on the size of the animal. ditch and power poles on the property in rural residential An exception for exotic ani- south side of Bates Canyon zones during their meeting on mals or reptiles was removed Road are gone. A new east- Wednesday night in the Tooele from the definition of a farm bound lane is in place and the road widens to a third County Building. animal. dedicated left turn lane as it Trish DuClos, Tooele County The words “non-commer- approaches state Route 36. planning staff, presented revi- cial” and “personal use only” Eastbound Bates Canyon Road sions from the draft reviewed was added to the “keeping of north of Holiday Oil (left) on by the planning commission July 17, 2020. The drainage during their July 15 meeting. SEE ANIMAL PAGE A5 ® ditch and power lines that have now been covered and removed are visible on the right side of the photo. A work- er (below left) paints a turn arrow on the right turn lane from Bates Canyon Road to Cambridge Way on Wednesday afternoon. Time to cleanup FILE PHOTO Tooele City Bates Canyon Road gets fixed Tooele City hosts fall cleanup project with new lane and improvements CEILLY SUTTON to volunteer can meet at the STAFF WRITER Smelter Road parkway at 6:30 Power poles and ditch are gone, new Tooele City officials have p.m. for pizza and 7:00 p.m. to designated September 10 and begin the cleanup project. lane and straight approach to SR-36 October 8 as their fall clean No registration is necessary. up days this year. The hashtag On Oct. 8, a similar project #takepridetooele is being used will take place. Although, the TIM GILLIE Rocky Mountain Mountain regarding this event. location for this project has not EDITOR Power buried their power lines On September 10, volun- been identified yet. Almost two years after that were at the edge of the teers can help Tooele City “#TakePrideTooele is a Tooele County Commissioner pavement on Bates Canyon employees clean up the double program to provide oppor- Myron Bateman announced Road east of Cambridge Way. frontage lots on Smelter Road, tunities and information to improvements to Bates Canyon Broken Arrow, under con- east of Seventh Street and residents in an effort to keep Road in front of Holiday Oil tract with Tooele County, Smelter Road. our City a beautiful place to the work is almost completed. widened Bates Canyon Road, Projects will include gen- live, work, learn and play,” Workers painted stripes and which now has three lanes eral pickup, pruning trees and Sherwood said. “Since 2018 lines on the newly widened on the eastbound side as it bushes, cutting down weeds, our residents have participated and paved portion of Bates approaches state Route 36. cleaning out gutters, and col- in a number of spring and fall Canyon Road on Wednesday West of Cambridge Way, lecting garbage, according to clean-up projects in their own afternoon in preparation to Bates Canyon Road was wid- Terra Sherwood, with Tooele yards, neighborhoods, and our reopen the close segment of ened on the eastbound side City Parks and Recreation community. Tooele City has the road. with a lane added for right Department. provided projects and service The county laid drain- turns onto Cambridge Way. Tooele City Mayor Debbie opportunities for a Spring age pipe in the ditch on the The concrete median Winn and members of the city Cleanup since 2018. This south side of the road in front remains in front of Holiday Oil council will assist volunteers at year we have added the Fall of Holiday Oil to the east of to prevent left turns from Bates this event. Cambridge Way and covered Individuals who would like SEE CLEANUP PAGE A4 ® TIM GILLIE/TTB PHOTO the ditch. SEE BATES PAGE A4 ® Council changes residential property to light industrial CEILLY SUTTON Wednesday evening at Tooele on a 7,000-square-foot lot. Typical uses of the R1-7 Properties to the north of and properties to the west are STAFF WRITER City Hall. Jim Bolser, the city’s plan- zone include, single-family the subject property are cur- zoned RR-5 and general com- Drew Hall now has 171 The City Council discussed ning director presented the dwellings, two-family dwell- rently zoned RR-5, for 5-acre mercial, according to Bolser. acres of light industrial land in the request from Drew Hall, request to the council. ings, and multi-family dwell- lots, and are undeveloped, he The purpose light industrial Tooele City. representing Tooele Associates, Hall wants to change the ings. said. zones are to provide locations The Tooele City council LP, — the original developer zoning to light industrial zon- Also allowed in R1-7 zones Properties to the east are for light industrial assembly voted to change the zoning of Overlake— to rezone the ing to facilitate light industrial are parks, open space areas, zoned R1-7 and are undevel- and manufacturing uses that designation of 171 acres of 170.87 acres. manufacturing and heavy com- pedestrian pathways, trails and oped. produce no appreciable nega- land located at 2000 N. 1200 The R1-7 zone is defined in mercial development and other walkways, utility facilities, and Properties to the south were tive impact to adjacent proper- West from R1-7 to light indus- Tooele City Code as medium permitted land uses, according public service uses, according recently rezoned toIndustrial trial during their meeting density, allowing one residence to Bolser. to Bolser. and are undeveloped land, SEE PROPERTY PAGE A5 ® BULLETIN BOARD B3 CLASSIFIEDS B5 SHS students OBITUARIES A6 CORONAVIRUS TRACKER test positive for SPORTS A8 COVID-19 Data as of September 3, 2020. Source: Utah Department of Health See A3 TOOELE COUNTY- Known Cases: 708 UTAH- Known Cases: 53,326 Hospitalizations: 33 • Deaths: 0 Hospitalizations: 3,153 • Deaths: 414 A2 TOOELE TRANSCRIPT BULLETIN THURSDAY September 3, 2020 TIM GILLIE/TTB PHOTO TIM GILLIE/TTB PHOTO Contractors work on the Park Townhomes in Stansbury Park on Wednesday afternoon. Exterior framing is complete on one set on townhomes at the Park Townhomes in Stansbury Park on Wednesday afternoon. Planning commission approves final plat for Stansbury Townhomes no deviation to the already to Miller. the zone conditions, according Previously approved apartments will now be townhomes approved footprint of the build- The property was rezoned to Miller. ings. Other changes in the site on May 15, 2018 by the Tooele Miller said representatives of TIM GILLIE meeting on Wednesday night at ground. Horton converted the plan were also not required, County Commission with a D.R. Horton have been in touch EDITOR the Tooele County Building. apartments to townhomes. according to Jeff Miller, Tooele zoning condition restricting the with Stansbury Park Service The Tooele County Planning Originally approved as D.R. Horton was allowed to County planning staff. height of structures to no more Agency about regrading the Commission approved the an apartment complex, D.R. continue construction while The change to townhomes than two stories with apart- area after construction is com- 64-lot final plat for The Park Horton, a nationwide builder, changing the plat into indi- required the subdivision into ments being limited to town- pleted to improve access to the Townhomes on Gateway Drive bought the project after the vidual lots for the townhomes 64-lots so each townhome may home style buildings. agency’s amphitheater. in Stansbury Park during their apartment complex broke because the change required be sold separately, according The townhomes comply with [email protected] 2 Utah schools move Labor Day weekend marks the end to remote learning of Utah road’s ‘100 deadliest days’ after virus outbreaks Law enforcement agencies say they will take efforts to make the end of summer weekend safe SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — Two Utah schools have halted in-per- son classes and shifted to online learning because of coronavirus CEILLY SUTTON police enforcement will occur that there were no deaths Street has some advice outbreaks during the first weeks of the school year. STAFF WRITER during the weekend but indi- last year during the holiday for individuals driving this The American Preparatory Academy charter school closed its Tooele City public infor- viduals should not drink and weekend but there has been weekend. elementary campus in Draper on Tuesday after 15 students and mation officer, Jeremy drive. an increase of deaths so far “It’s all about mitigating staffers tested positive for COVID-19, executive director Carolyn Hansen warns individuals “If you drink at all, get a this year on Utah roads com- risks,” he said.
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