».1 . 'i FRIDAY* MAY 28, ' i i . V A m n r m m HaufbPHtpr IttM tht^ ® praiii ■ ■ 'V. A fenigt Doily Net PrcM Ron Th# W#othcr } : Foreeaei ol 0. •. Weather Members of the local rirpt Mr. and Mra. Arthur H. tiling Per tAoWett ibsjM " ' ■ Church of Christ. Sdentlat; are, plan a .trip to Great Britain diir- ktoy n , 1948 . .Pair, not oo.eoel tooighL Lew About Town reminded of the lecture Monday at Ing the ixtter part of the aummer. Illing, who la , superintendent ol 48-8#. 8—day elewdy, nlld, eee#^ 8:15 p.m, ^ Elbert R. Slaughter aionol showere Into tn dny. n g h KltiK David IjoAgt, lOOF, will of Dallas. Tex., at the Unipn Con­ schools, will visit relativea while 12,715 meet tonight at 7:30 In Odd Fel- gregational Church, Elm and there. -* MeiolMr •( the Audit 7#-7A . Iowa Hall K aocial time will fol­ ■ Union Sta... Rockville. Hls-isubjecl 1.1 , I Bofeo# of OtrcnlattoB MancheBter^A City of Village Charm low tile meetlni;;. The iheetlnj; wilt be “Mah-a Birthright of PTee- The Cristoforo Colombo Society acheduled for May 30 will be omit­ I dom.” will meet Sunday afternoon at 2 ted. ! o'clock at the Italian American MANCHESTER, CONN, SATURDAY, MAY 24, 1958 tUlneeUled AdvorttOng e# Page 10) PRICE FIVE CENTS Miss Rita A. Cxjtebf 17 Canrt^r- Club. This will be the laat meet, Headquarters VOL. LXXVJI, NO. 200 (TWELVE PAGES) * The Buckley Child Study Group burv St. and Albert R,. TkM of ing of the season. The next meet­ will hold ita laat 'meetinft the Washington St. will, be Ubited In ing will be held In September. aeaaon in the form of a potluck in marriage tomorrow g t' 10 a.m. in ''highland fling" the achool cafeteria Tueaday at 1 St. Brldget'a ChW k. The taking of pictures of mem­ If Ii with a gr#9f dial of plaasura p.m. Dr. a ; E, Diakain, chainnan The Ariieri<*h I^egion band will bers of the 8th District Fire De­ Beirut Plea of the .United World Pederallata, practice tonight at 8 o’clock at the partment acheduled for Sunda.v has that HalaVfeagini iti 30th yaar af will apeak on “Practice in Being post hoisrt. been postponed until a later date. Global Nelijhbora.” All interbated 9.95 _>*'-^ypur Jantien haadquartari. May Nfever OSes Geneva Talk Hn attending are aaked to contact Tickets for the spring dance be- Word has been received that .1 ■' Mfw. Edward Higgina. 204 Green-‘ liig held tomorrow night at 9 David E. Murphy, son of Mr. and OJHERS to $19.95 w o o d ^ . o'clock at the Knights of Columbus Mrs. Thomas Murphy of 82 Jordt - ■f'■ ■ - Home may be obtained at the door. St., has been promoted to person- Reach UN A "reci^ h o p ” for mwbbesd'and To See Junta nelmsn second class, U.S. Navy. Invited guaatjf'^ the John Mather The Buckley School PTA fair Murphy la stationed at Port Ly- By WILUAM N. OATIS Chapter, Order oj DeMolay. will will be held tomorrow at the aute, Africa, and has been In the ilave i fling and buy two! A pur# PhPil, M#y 24 (TP)—Premlerflng ao now by aigning the commlt- United Nation*, N. Y., May be held 7;30 to '10^30 p-m. Satur­ school, rain or shine, from 10 .a.m: Navy for nearly thlee years. teo’a incorporation papers. 24 (/F)—Lebanon apread new day at the Maaonlc Temple. to 2 p.m. Movies, pony rides and Scbtcii value—for rarely is so much Pierre Pflhnlin sent a mem galan eald the committee's Job Ban charges of -subversion against ofN- booths at which various articles The Baptist Women’s Mission ber cd! p#rli«ment to Algeria waa making sure Uie people's will ..Will be for sale will be featured. Society will serve a family style “know h&w'” packed into one suit at today to talk with the in- Is not thwarted by "establtsfied the United Arab Republic to­ supper tomorrow afternoon begin­ such A price. Jantzen designing, sliape ■urgent junta there. powers.” day, but some diplomats pre­ LEAKY FAUCETS? Manchester Assembly. Order of ning at 5 o’clock. Tickets will be Jean-Lout* VIgier, an aid* of In sn attempt to win mors Al­ dicted they miight never reach We wlll repack all faucets in a the Rainbow for Girls, islll hold a avsilsbie at the door. Mrs. Ray* making, plus fine glnghtm cotton that'" Oen. Oiartee D* Oaull* during gerian support, the committee soft-pedaled the military and colo­ the U.N. Security Council. llllgle borne In one senice call rehearaal at 2 o’clock Sunday af mond Ruddell. president of the has been ^ Con trolled to dry quickly World War n who later brok* with Lebanon's Foreign Minister UAW Seen Urges East for temoon in the Masonic Temple. Af society. Is general rhslrman. the OaulUat party In parllamanL nl«nial, demands for a more vigorous and practically wrinkle-free.. It's it sjpUnst Nationalist rebels. Charles kfsUk told newsmen in ^ W ILL R. G UY ter a short business meeting at tiew to Alglere on ^HparaPBal JWOf»ghi Beirut yesterday President Nas-I 7:30 Monday night a semi-public! straight out of Life Magazine and unofficial miaalon. But the trip had But Salan’s hesdqtlarters empha- M l 3.0677 sited th* 8H-year rebellion ser's USA was moving men and Retreating Join West installation of new officers will be comes in rich r^y(?llow miniature obvious polHicai ImpUcatlons, arms Into Lebanon "at this very held. All members are requested WASHING MACHINE Th* re-establUbment, of normal against French rule waa still go­ to wear white. 1 Clooney tartan., eontacte with Uw miliUry-clvUlan ing on by reporting that 97 rebels minute.” R*pa irs>S«rvicc group that *et up a near revolution have been killed in recent clashes Malik charged that armed bands In 3 Weeks All ,\ppllnnces, Refrigerators ary govemtaent In Algiers yester­ With French troop*. infiltrating from Syria threaten In Demands Soroptimist International of | the independence of Lebanon by Manchester will meet at the Red Wringer .Rolls—All Sices day ha# been the primary aim of While ti^ n g to build the strong­ By JOHN mOHTOWER PfUmlln. est poatlble government front In Joining opposition parties Inside Detroit. May 24 (A*)—The Cross office at the Center Monday 1 P O H E R tO N ’S Paris, PflimUn -rsfiued to bar the the country In a 2-week guerrilla Washington, May 24 (JP)— DONT ^-Twar*" at 6:15 p.m. and proceed to North ' goes bonhie and VIgier Is making his trip on th* United Auto,Workers Union, AtlU plenty of wear left In 180 Center St.—5II 9-4537 advic* of Plerr* Oulllaln ds Bsnou- possibitUy Of concilistlon with the war to overthrow the pro-western Preffident Eisenhower pro­ ahoea wdm brought here for Coventry for a supper and pro- ^ AlElers insurgents. He viewed government. warned by president Walter gram at Caprilands, Mrs. Adelma ville. a strong GaulUst supporter Reuther that it Would be “in­ posed to Premier Khrushchev expert - repairing. Simmons’ home. ' 1 and French publisher, who. mad* a developments there as "demonstra­ Malik added, however, that Leb­ today that the United States WORR DONE WHII-E previous trip to Algiers through tions of -.fratemtsation” between anon would ' withdraw her com­ sane to strike now,” stood Bwitterisnd. Th* results of his -trip French and Algerians that could plaints In the U-N. Snd also in the and Russia name scientific ex- rO tJ WAIT j Cadet Thomas J. Flaherty ,Ir..! Makr j'our leisure hours smart and carefree witl^ ready today to ease its con­ bav* never become public. lead to * new Algeria under Arab League "any time external tract demands on the automo­ )erts to meet at Gepeva with- I son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J .' WhKshoiin Bros. “Highlaiid Fling" sun separates. VIgier Wilt be the first deputy to Frciicb rule. ■>,' pressure and lnter\'ention in lAh-;; n three weeks to di^uss ways Flaherty Sr.. 84 Alton St., has go on such a mission although a But be. added, *‘It would not be anon ends.* , . tive Bijr Three. SAM YU LYES I been promoted to the rank of ca- hMdful of extrema rightwingers admlsalbte for a fraction of a ns-' Reuther yesterdiy told a Joint of policing a nuclear test “SHOE REPAIRING PHINTING ond Lebanon's U.N. Delegate - Karim Council representing 450,000 work­ suspension. < OP THE BETTER RIND" I det second lieutenant In the Air The Jamaica shorts of cri.ip poplin in authentic have already gone to Algeria to tion to Impose Its wiU on the entire Ark (Hi) acknowledged here laat ' Force ROTC detachment at the Join the InsurgenU. nation.” - ers at Ford, General Motora and Bleenhowar said that for tha 23 OAR STREET red-vellow miniature Clooney tarian. 6.98. night t)iat a Security Council meet­ Chrysler that the union has run weatern aide experts might b* University of Notre Dame. He la VIgier took off on a regular com- Pfllmlln's proposals are aimed ing had not yet been called to con­ Same Side at Watkina a sophomore In tlie college of en­ nECORATING mercUl flights after PfUmlln and . at countering Oe Gsulle’s own un- into a aolid wall (k opposiUon In contributed by Britain and Franca sider hU complaint filed Thurs­ efforts to work out new .pacts. and poaslbly other countries, aa gineering.
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