PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. FMMUhed Jan, 1862. Fol. r. aa, MONDAY MORNING, MAY 1868 Term. _PORTLAND, 25, $8.00 per annum, in advance. THE PORTLAND i» DAILY PRESS published BUSINESS CARDS. MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. pyery day, (Sunday excepted,) at No. 1 Printer* _WANTED m/self undeserving the confidence that the Exchange, Exchange Portland. Street, Just and Intelligent people N. A. POSTER, Proprutox. FARRAR & DAILY PRESST Imposed upon we ADAMS, IVo. S. In this Term* Dollars a In advanoe. great responsibility, and a Bight year ^ irl Wanted* PORI 'LAND unworthy 4 cents. place honorable if for Single copies AND SIMILIA 8IMIL1BD8 OUKANTUR. among men, any fear CARRIAGE SLEIGH GIRL 0( public THE MAINE STATE is at the IMPEACHMENT A WANTED to do general house- reprobation, or lor the sake of se- PRESS, published "work In a small same at a MANCVACTCBEBN, family. place every Thursday morning $2.00 year, Or Good Monday Morning, May 25. 1868. curing popular favor, I should the availably in advance. reference required. disregard Gone and Furniture Gone Down l A)'!'ly at the COUNTING ROOM OF THE DAILY Humphrey’s Homoeopathic Specifics, dntictione of Noa. 16 and 18 Portland Street. Up, PRESS. my judgment and my coneci- Rates of Advertising.—One inch oi space, In May 22-dtl PROVED, trom the most ample experi- ence• an entire Nassau. length ot column, constitutes a “square.** HAVING A LARGE STOCK OF HAVEence, success; Simple—Prompt- Effi- §1.50 first week. 75 Market and Wagons on cient, and Reliable. They are the only Medicines per square daily cents Tier Express constantly Situation Wanted. National' Union Nominations. week after; three insertions, or leas, $1.00; continu- hand. may21dlm perfectly adapted to popular use—so'simple that Republican A PERSON mistakes cannot ng every other day atier first week, 50 cents. in every respect well qua itied as gon- be made in using them; so harmless MaiwiiH, Hall three insertions ora1 e'erk as to be free troiu and so efficient square, or less, 75 cents one YORK & T*- manager, or caterer in a Hotel, de- danger, as to be al- $1 00; 50 eeuts week LINCOLN, ai'osa situaiiou. to L. ways reliable. have raised the com- Thk Atlantic week, per alter. Apply STEVENS. Clerk, at They higher Monthly, for .lore, opeiw Unde head of the Preble Houso. in * mendation trom and will render “Amusements,” $2.00 per square ay 24 (Uw all, always satistac- with a and pleasant suggestive paper ou the pel- week ; three insertions or less, jl.no. Commission Merchants FURNITURE! ion. Special Notices, S1.V6 Ct». “Beauty of Trees.” by Wilson per square lor the first Situation Wanted. ~ Flagg. Miss insertion, and J> cents And Dealers WHICH WE SHALL SELL WITHOUT KEGAUD TO COST TO MAKE ROOM FOR MANUFAC- No. 1 Cures Fevers, Congestion, 25 per square lor each subse- in YOUNG Inflamations, B. F. Williams follows with a story entitled quent insertion. TURING PURPOSES. MAN is desirous of obtaining a situa- 2 Worm*, Worm-Fever, Worm-Colic, 25 tion in “Two A mi insurance r.ftlce or — 3 ot 25 and is followed Advertisements inserted in the “Maine State Produce,Groceries, Ship Stores,&c. CHAMBER in Croat CENTER wholesale-house Crying Colic or Teething inlanis, Families,” by fiugene Rrehh MKTS, Variety, TARI~.ES, Has bad considerable business 4 (which has a large circulation in every part experience. Refer- Diarrhoea ot childr. n or adult*, 25 who ot No. ■.OUNCES, CHI1.lIRLN’t CAHRIACES, ence lurnished if 5 Benson, contributes a very striking the State) for $1.00 per lor first insertion 10 Market Portland. requir d. Addiess W. K. HiHious Colic, 25 essay square Street, PARI.OB SUITS, A utl nil otls.-r htnclH of Furniture, 0Hice- L.,Press Dysentery, Griping. or. and 50 cents per square ior each inner an<j attend- 6 lheophile Gautier. The account lie gives subsequent JHaP~Consignment8 promptiy iaith'ully _ may23dlw* t'holera-Morbu*Nauseu,Vomiting,25 tion. Wliieli we aro bound to close out WITHIN THIRTY DAYS, CHEAP! 7 ( 25 of Gautier s may'20-dlm ouyhM, Colds, Bronchitis, personal traits, aud of his singu- R. R. York, L. T. Lincoln. Wanted! 8 Neuralgia, Toothache, Faceache 25 9 lar literary A Hcadache*,Sick-Readache, Vertigo,25 peculiarities will be interesting CONVENIENT rent of4 or 5 rooms lor a family 19 BUSINESS UAROS. " Dy-pepwia, Billious Stomach, 25 both to those who do and to TIBBETTS & TENNKY, consisting ol Gei tit-man ami Wile with no 11 those who do not children. Price Suppressed or painful Periods, 25 si»w.Y€i Tiioinu from $150 to $175 per year Ad- 12 know this most untranslatable dress White*, too profitse Periods, 25 of French au- Cor. and Sts. 11. H. “13 Congress* Washington RESALTINE, 1 roup, Cough. difficult 25 thors. Professor in a May 22-dlw* Portland P. O. u Breatlrng, Stowe, short article ou & PRINCE & May 20-dlw “14 Malt 25 Bonnell Pelham. MERRILL, CO., Khcurn,Erysipelas,Eruptions, the the 15 Rheumatism. Rheumatic Pains, 25 Talmud, condenses results of much KVOIAKKK’N AN© Jobbers ami Wholesale Dealers In Boardt-rs Wanted. “16 AHCSlTBCTfi. Fever & Ague, Chill Fever, Ague, 50 and some reasons 17 learning, gives why Jewish PLEAS ANT suit of rooms and single room suit- l*i I cm, biind or bleeding. 50 Fancy Goods ! BE NOT DECEI VED! “18 literature must continue to have an Dry A abie tor families or Gent aud wite at No. 37 Opthaluiy, and sore or weak eyes, 50 imperish- To (.love*. 19 about to Build. Hosiery, Coraeta, Vnrna, Small High may 2l-dtt Catarrh, acute or cronic, Intiu'enza.50 able interest for the Christiau world. Mr. Ad- Parties, THE TIME IS COMING when hundreds will regret, as many now do, i'jt.___ “20 Wore., Triiuuiinga, Ac. Whooping Cough,violent Coughs.50 FUR ams S. Hill Plans, Specifications and Estimates made, and “21 Asthma, Breathing, 50 PRESIDENT, has discovered that the vale of Buildings Superintended that DIO with the Great Wanted Immediately! tTppressed by NO. 146 MIDDLE they NOT insure 22 Far impaired lies in ST., OVEE LANK & LITTLE one to four Discharge*, Hearing,50 Tempe Yankee land; aud in a sketch trEO. B. rooms in a good part ot the city, 23 Scrofula,enlargedGlands,Swellings, 50 PELHAM, Architect. PORTLAND, MK. mai6dtf FROMu| per halt preferred. The rooms to be in a house 24 ULYSSES S. called “A Castle of he delineates Office _ General Debility,Plivsi alWeakne^fO GRANT, Indolence,” Canal National Bank with a good small Also one roon Building, Middle st. family. good to “25 Drop*y, nnd scanty Secretion' 50 the ot that blissful Portland, April 1868. store goods in. OF ILLINOIS. joys retreat in a manner 20, d2m J. G. L O VEJO 26 Mca*ickuc**, sickness trom riding, 50 Y, Life Applv to W. H. JERRIS, 27 K id to excite the envy of Mutual Insurance ucy-Disease, Gravel, 50 busy newspaper people, Wholesale Commission Dealer in Company. may21dlw* Beal Rstate 28 “ Nervous at Agent. Debility, Seminal least. Bayard Taylor contributes “A Week OF NEW Emission*, Dis- TRUE & YORK, involuntary FUR VICE-PRESIDENT, on one WOODMAN, CO., 1 00 Capri,” ot his pleasant reminiscences Importers and Dealers In 1 charges ... FIRST CLASS Lime, Cement and The Pioneer Life Company of thin Country, Established iu 1843. 29 More 50 of Plaster, Mouth, Canker, travel; Joseph Hale Abbott gives some “30 Urinary 50 33 Commercial Weaknca*, wetting bed, SCHUYLER facts about Dry Goods, Woolens, St., ‘31 Piiiuful Period*, with Spasms, 50 COLFAX, “The Discovery of Etherization;” Assets 32 at l 00 .... all Cash. and And 8mall Wares, PORTLAND, MAINE nearly $26,000,000 Cook Wanted! Mullcring* Change of Life, OF INDIANA. these, with an article ou “Abyssinia aud “33 Epilepsy.Spasms, St.Vitus’ Dance, 100 Corner of middle and Pearl May 2-dtf is the consideration in Insurance. *34 Diphtheria,ulcerated Sore 50 King Theodore,” a short s?ory entitled Vix,” Streets, SECURITY paramount Life a private lamily. Good wages will be paid to Throa*, PORTLAND. one well FAMILY CASES aud the of a new “St. Mi- IN recommended. ItlatferM in beginning serial, W. H. PENNELL & This mutual, it has NO stockholders, (like some others,) who receive largo to !V«w York. dr*Agent* for Maine for the Washington Manu- CO., Company being purely Apply Of 115 large vial*, morocco case, chael’s make the articles.— dividends aud are thus consuming the earnings, which should go to the assured. STEWARD Night,” up prose facturing Co’s Cloth Button Hole Paper Collars and OF UNION CLUB. containing a specific for every 19 dtf The May Annivesaries—The Sea- The chief strength of this Cuffs. Gas and Its History of tweuty-Mve years is best told by the twenty-five hundred families of deceased members May ordiuary disease a family i* sub- Sporting number, however, Also for Steam Fitters ! son and Jerome Park—The Agent8 Singers' Sewing Machines, and who have received nearly ten millions ot dollars in return fo.* the premiums paid iu annual sums, olten iu jecNo, nuil a book of directions, $10,00 New Court- is in the poetry. “A June Idyl,” is Sanborn’s Patent Steam House by Lowell, Fire Proof Sate-. No. il Union Portland. amount insignificant, but in beneficial results incalculable in value. Board, rs Smaller and and Jteal Estate tti April 4tli-d4m Street, Wanted. Family Traveling cases, Brooklyn—A oue of its author’s most charming productions, with 20 to 28 vials,.from to Postmaster—The Hon. It is the Cheapest Company to insure with, and exceeds all others on the following points: HMWO or three e,entlemen can be accommodated $3 $S Delinquent li'm.
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