Коридори Србије д.о.о. Београд Краља Петра 21, 11000 Београд www.koridorisrbije.rs тел. +381 11 33 44 174 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT PLAN for CONSTRUCTION OF THE HIGHWAY INTERSECTION „GRAMADJE „ ON THE E75 HIGHWAY, MUNICIPALITY OF VLADIČIN HAN -ENVIRONMENT CATEGORY B- Final version Belgrade, September 2019 Environmental and Social Management Plan TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................... 4 1. PROJECT DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................. 4 1.1. Description of the location .................................................................................. 5 1.2. Description of construction work for the “Gramadje” loop .................................... 8 2. LEGAL AND INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK ................................................................. 8 2.1. Relevant Institutions .............................................................................................. 8 2.2. Applicable legislation of the Republic of Serbia ................................................. 12 2.4. Important guidelines and orders of international financial institutions ................ 13 3. ASSESMENT OF BASIC CONDITIONS ON THE ROAD DURING THE RESEARCH .......................................................................................................................... 14 3.1. Settlements ......................................................................................................... 14 3.2. Watercourses and drainage ................................................................................ 14 3.3. Air ........................................................................................................................ 14 3.4. Noise ................................................................................................................... 14 4. POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS ................................................................... 15 4.1. Potential impacts of the “Gramadja” Loop construction project ......................... 15 4.2. Other positive impacts of the project .................................................................. 16 4.3. Potential negative environmental impacts .......................................................... 16 4.4. Influence during construction .............................................................................. 18 4.5. Impact during exploitation ................................................................................... 18 4.6. Potential negative impact on watercourses ........................................................ 19 4.7. Potential negative impact on air quality .............................................................. 20 4.8. Possible soil pollution .......................................................................................... 20 4.9. Potential impacts on flora ................................................................................... 21 4.10. Potential impacts on cultural property .............................................................. 21 4.11. Potential cumulative impacts ............................................................................ 21 4.12. Other impacts .................................................................................................... 21 5. ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL AFFAIRS MANAGEMENT PLAN ........................... 21 5.1. Impact mitigation plan ......................................................................................... 21 5.2. Impact monitoring plan ........................................................................................ 26 5.3. Institutional implementation and reporting arrangements .................................. 27 6. ENGAGEMENT OF INTERESTED PARTIES ................................................................ 29 7. REFERENCES ................................................................................................................. 30 APPENDICES ....................................................................................................................... 31 Appendix 1 MITIGATION PLAN ........................................................................................... 32 Construction of the highway intersection „GRAMADJE“ on the E75 highway 2 Environmental and Social Management Plan Appendix 2 MONITORING PLAN ........................................................................................ 39 Appendix 3 RELEVANT LEGISLATION OF THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA: ..................... 50 Appendix 4 STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT.................................................................... 51 Appendix 5 REPORT ON PUBLIC CONSULTATIONS .................................................... 55 Appendix 6 CONDITONS OF COMPETENT INSTITUTIONS ........................................... 65 Appendix 7 DECISION OF THE MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT ..................................... 79 ABBREVIATIONS CEP Contractor’s Environmental Plan Извођачев План заштите животне средине EBRD European Bank for Reconstruction Европска банка за обнову и развој and Development ESAP Environmental and Social Action Plan Акциони План за заштиту животне средине и социјална питања ESIA Environmental and Social Impact Процена утицаја на животну средину и Assessment социјална питања ESMP Environmental and Social План управљања заштитом животне Management Plan средине и социјалним питањима IFIs International Financing Institutions Међународне финансијске институције INCS Institute for Nature Conservation of Завод за заштиту природе Србије Serbia IPCM Institute for Protection of Cultural Завод за заштиту споменика културе Monuments MoEP Ministry of Environmental Protection Министарство заштите животне средине MoCTI Ministry of Construction, Transport Министарство грађевинарства, саобраћаја и and Infrastructure инфраструктуре PSC Project Supervision Consultant Консултант надзора на Пројекту PR Performance Requirements Услови за реализацију RE Resident Engineer Инжењер Надзора SEP Stakeholder Engagement Plan План укључивања заинтересованих страна SLMP Safety Labour Management Plan План управљања безбедношћу на раду WMP Waste Management Plan План управљања отпадом Construction of the highway intersection „GRAMADJE“ on the E75 highway 3 Environmental and Social Management Plan INTRODUCTION The Republic of Serbia, through the realization of the "Corridors of Serbia" d.o.o. intends to use the funds of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) loan for the project of construction and rehabilitation of certain sections of the road network in the Republic of Serbia, with the aim of enabling sustainable economic development and for the state to use its geographical position and continue its development as a key transit state on the Trans- European Network, as well as to increase transport efficiency and improve traffic safety in Serbia. The company "Corridors of Serbia" d.o.o. is a contracting authority for the needs of the planned rehabilitation projects and the construction of new sections of state roads Since the project is financed by the EBRD, the Contracting is obliged to comply with this institution's "Environmental and Social Policy", adopted in April 2019, and which stipulates that it must also develop an Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) that is consistent with the Policy and that all relevant Performance Requirements (PRs) defined in this document are respected during the design process , with a special emphasis on environmental protection measures and an adequate monitoring program. The subject of this ESMP document is the environmental impact of the project on the construction of the „Gramadje“ intersection on E75, the environment and the social environment. The purpose of the Environmental and Social Management Plan is to outline the negative environmental impacts and management issues during the construction works, as well as the necessary mitigation measures that the Contractor must apply. Key components of the Plan are: the Environmental Impact Mitigation Plan and the Environmental Impact Monitoring Plan. International financial institutions have classified the project into a B category in terms of potential environmental risks, and in accordance with the operational procedures of the Bank financing the project, the development of an Environmental and Social Management Plan is required. The promoter of the project is the Government of the Republic of Serbia, through the competent ministry, and it is being implemented by the "Corridors of Serbia" d.o.o. An ESMP document has been drafted to ensure that the Gramadja Loop Construction Project is implemented in accordance with the EBRD's project implementation conditions and local environmental legislation. The ESMP also outlines the responsibilities of the various participants in the project implementation. Although no significant environmental impact issues are envesiged (given that the project is categorized as environmental category B according to the EBRD project classification), this EIA identifies a number of environmental mitigation measures aimed at protecting the environment and preservation of the existing state of the environment during the construction works. The Environmental and Social Management Plan was developed through theoretical studies, field research, consultation with government representatives at regional and local level. 1. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The
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