LAWRENCE UNIVERSITY'S STUDENT NEWSPAPER SINCE 1884 □ 2 The Law rentian FRIDAY • JANUARY 21, 2005 • VOL. CXXVM, N O . 10 • W W W .LAW RENTIAN.COM Two’s the crowd in cutting* £ edge “Bash” / Passe 7 LUCC Students celebrate MLK with day of service approves Jinglin Huang the 2004-2005 academic year. Assistant Dean of Students for Fox Valley Literacy Coalition. The Staff Writer f With this change, the usual three- Multicultural Affairs Rod Bradley, and Lawrence campus also hosted elemen­ day midterm reading period on the Professors Karen Hoffmann, Patricia tary school students, who students and Thursday, Friday, and Monday at the end Vilches, and Jane Yang. members of faculty taught about diversi­ rec, halo, For the first time, Lawrentians cele­ of the sixth week of the term is reduced. So how did the Lawrence communi­ ty and tolerance. brated Martin Luther King Jr. Day with 'We took the Monday break and moved ty do on Martin Luther King Jr. Day? Other students chose to remember a day off the academic calendar. This day upgrades it to Martin Luther King, Jr. Day so that About 90 students signed up to volunteer the day by raising awareness through commemorates the birth of the great we would not reduce the number of class at various locations around Appleton, the window campaign. Students were American civil-rights leader Dr. Martin William Datsen days in the term," wrote Dean of Faculty including the Fox Valley Emergency given posters in their mailboxes, which Luther King Jr., who fought for equality, Kathleen Murray, in an e-mail interview. Shelter, the Wind River nature reserve, they could affix to their windows. freedom, and dignity for all peoples Members of the faculty in the presi­ the Sexual Assault Crisis Center, and the through nonviolence. dent's multicultur­ Martin Luther King Jr. Day is legal­ The Lawrence University al affairs commit­ ly recognized as a federal holiday. So, Community Council approved two tee also wanted why did the school body only decide to key resolutions this past Tuesday. this change to the cancel classes now? According to One resolution updated LUCC's calendar. Said Assistant Dean of Students for smoking halo legislation, and the Dean Murray, "it Multicultural Affairs Rod Bradley, it was other allocated $15,000 toward was a decision, a student-initiated decision to change upgrading the equipment at the encouraged by the the academic calendar. Students had Rec Center. President's voiced their opinions on the matter The old smoking halo legisla­ Committee on through the various student representa­ tion provided that several resi­ Multicultural tive bodies. dence halls could vote to decide if Affairs, to join the Three years ago, the standing com­ they wanted smoking rooms in rest of the country mittee in LUCC promoting diversity on their buildings. This legislation in honoring campus, or the Multicultural Affairs conflicted with the overarching uni­ Martin Luther Committee, passed a resolution request­ versity policy, declaring a smoke- King, Jr. on this ing that the university celebrate Martin free campus, enacted this past particular day. " Luther King Jr. Day. This resolution was year, and hence was in need of Some past then presented to the faculty. They voted change. and present mem­ in favor of canceling classes to mark this LUCC's large contribution to bers include the Rec Center rehab will complete important day. Since the academic calen­ Associate Dean Photo Erin Ober dar was already set for the following two a fundraising effort started by Gerald Seaman, “Civil Rights: The Continuing Search for Equality” capped oft Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Day. President Beck during the past few years, the next available date was during months. LUCC President Joel Rogers and Vice-PresidentTariq Engineer approached Beck about Anon alumna sheds light on streak e-mail updating the equipment on several occasions during first term, and Beck suggested that fundraising, Peter Gillette The letter, incorporating recommen­ out of control. " streak late third term — most seniors Editor in CMaf and not student dollars, should be dations from nearly all full deans and the Several students and alums, howev­ stayed clothed, in public at least, until the first way to pay for the upgrade. president, indicated that the practice of er, disagreed. The Nov. 21,2003 edition of finally a smaller cadre than usual ran "Senior Streak" would be banned on the The Lawrentian included 12 editorials around in the buff on Wednesday, June 2, Beck then told Engineer that they A female 04 graduate of Lawrence night of the Senior Dinner, and that any about the streak, the majority of them 2004. would discuss the matter again in University has come forward to The Lawrentians who attempted to streak opposing the administrative decision. January. Lawrentian claiming authorship of a con­ would be arrested. Second term, an unknown student or An e-mail is sent, traced Earlier this month, Beck troversial e-mail encouraging seniors to Additionally, the Viking Room was students mailed fliers to many approached LUCC stating that she streak. ordered closed on the night of the dinner. Lawrentians calling for an all-campus At about 2 a.m. during the spring of had raised almost all of the neces­ She has also alleged that a subse­ For several years, seniors had streak, to include underclassmen. 2004, a female member of the Class of sary capital for the equipment quent trace of that email implicated a upgrades from private donors, the 2004 logged on to an Exec House com­ student entirely unrelated to the Senior puter, pressed "send" on an e-mail from president's and dean of the facul­ Streak issue. PEH ty's discretionary funds, members -■ [email protected] to roughly half Members of Computer Services have the senior class, inviting them to streak of the board of trustees, and the also clarified details of an earlier m m Lawrence athletic department, but on a night other than Senior Dinner in Ixiwrentian account of the trace. Contrary m the hope that Senior Dinner could be needed another $15,000 from to the suggestion of our original stoiy's LUCC to meet the $80,000 upgrade more dignified without losing the streak headline, ( "Student's email tapped," Oct. tradition. cost. 22,2004, written by Bill Dalsen, who con­ LUCC's Finance Committee The e-mailer, henceforth referred to tributed reporting to this article), as "Senor Streak," had been involved in a debated the matter, and recom­ Computer Services says it never accessed mended that LUCC approve the M V - bit of planning for the senior class, and it a student's e-mail account, nor did it need was her understanding that the adminis­ request. The Finance Committee to. argued that the equipment in the tration was not against streaking but After The Lawrentian published a against the apparent linkage of the streak Rec was no longer safe for student stoiy about the e-mail without yet know­ use, that upgrading the equipment with free university alcohol and a sanc­ ing its sender and with a then-sketchy k . ^ tioned campus event. would "increase the utility of the concept of the e-mail’s immediate after- Rec Center on campus,’’ and also Though unrelated fliers called for a math, a minor firestorm spread through V protest streak, "My e-mail wasn't about that LUCC had enough money to campus. Since then, more information has help finance the upgrade. The rebellion. It wasn t to tell anyone where to come to light — as Computer Services has m s m * r \ go," she said, but rather it was to negoti­ General Council approved the denied parts of the original Lawrentian In the aftermath of The Lawrentiarfs coverage of an e-mail trace last October, ate a solution that would make all sides request unanimously. account, some on LUCC have called for The Rec Center upgrade also some on LUCC have pushed for a development of clear network privacy criteria.happy. "Senor Streak" indicated that Tie electronic privacy protections, and the Shue and others were "pulling their hair aligns with the campaign platform aforementioned alumna contacted this adjourned from the traditional Senior Members of the Senior Class out" at the prospect of a streak taking of Rogers, who last year controver­ newspaper to tell her story. Dinner to the Viking Room, where, after Programming Committee, including class place during a legitimate" senior class sially advocated cutting a convoca­ Because of her close ties to her class filling themselves full of free alcohol at its President Steve Tie Shue, opposed this event. tion speaker in order to finance the and its officers, the e-mail sender has open bar, as many as hundreds would streak and contacted The Lawrentian What's more, she claims to have upgrade. Thanks to the fundraising requested anonymity. effort headed by Beck, financing parade their nude bodies on a route suggesting a possible editorial against it, planned the event for a weekend she her­ between Colman and Sage. saying it misconstrued the original intent self was out of town visiting a graduate the upgrade will have not negative­ A brief history of the controversy ly affect the '04-'05 or 05- 06 convo­ School officials insisted that the of the streak, which was to represent the school. event was never official, let alone con­ close bond of the senior class. According to "Senor Streak" and cation series. By the time the e-mail story hit these Both the revision to the smok­ doned. And in the spring of 2003, many The "protest streak" never came to Sean Schipper, an e-mail administrator pages, the Senior Streak controversy had agreed with Andrea Powers, who was pass, with the exception of a brief flash of for Computer Services who answered ing halo legislation and the Rec been brewing for nearly a year, since the Center allocation will be effective then the associate director of alumni rela­ nudity during the "Mr.
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