African Union Commission Mid-Term Report Of the Study regarding: Development of Postal Financial Services in Africa: Strategies to Increase the Inclusion of Low-Income Populations Part 2 Country Profiles Prepared by: PostFinance International Development B.V. Amsterdam, the Netherlands 24 February 2012 Table of Contents 1 Introduction 4 2. Country Profiles Algeria--- Comoros 7 3. Documentation and information resources 41 Mid-Term Report to African Union Commission ; Part 2 Country Profiles Study: Development of Postal Financial Services in Africa to Advance Inclusion 27 February 2012 , v1.1, prepared by PostFinance International Development B.V. Page 2 Disclaimer Research Certification The Consultant responsible for this report, certifies that the opinion(s) , views or forecasts expressed herein accurately reflect their personal view(s) based on professional insight and best intentions and that no part of their compensation was, is or will be directly or indirectly related to the specific recommendation(s) or views contained in this report The content of this document is strictly private and confidential. Except with the prior written consent of the African Union Commission, the information contained herein must be held in confidence. This document is for the exclusive use of the parties designated and shall not be copied, reproduced or distributed to any other party. Please note further that the information contained in this document does not purport to be exhaustive. No warranty or representation express or implied is or will be made as to the contents of this document or any translation thereof. The Consultant expressly disclaims any responsibility or liability, whatsoever which may arise in connection with the compilation of this document and the information, views or recommendations, contained herein. This disclaimer extends to any omissions from this document and to written or oral communications transmitted physically or electronically or otherwise made available to parties designated in the Contract or third parties. Mid-Term Report to African Union Commission ; Part 2 Country Profiles Study: Development of Postal Financial Services in Africa to Advance Inclusion 27 February 2012 , v1.1, prepared by PostFinance International Development B.V. Page 3 GLOSSARY OF ACRONYMS AND ABREVIATION USED1 AFDB African Development Bank ATM Automated Teller Machine APB Association Professionnelle des Banques// PAB - Professional Association of Banks AUC African Union Commission BCC Banque Centrale des Comores ( CBC- Central Bank of Comoros ) BCEAD Banque Centrale des Etats d’Afrique de l”Ouest BCM Banque Centrale de Madagascar ( CBM – Central Bank of Madagascar) BCRG Banque Centrale de Guinée // CBG - Central Bank of Guinea BEAC Banque des Etats d'Afrique Centrale BHM Banque de l'Habitat du Mali // HBM - Housing Bank of Mali BMGF Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation BofM Bank of Mauritius BPEC Banque Populaire pour l'Epargne et le Crédit (Togo) // PBSC - People's Bank for Savings and Credit (Togo) BRB Banque de la République du Burundi // BRB - Bank of the Republic of Burundi CAR Central African Republic CCP Centre des Comptes de Chèque Postal CDC Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations CEB Caisse d'Epargne du Bénin CEM SA Caisse d'Epargne de Madagascar // SFM – Savings Fund of Madagascar CGAP Consultative Group to Assist the Poor CNCE Caisse Nationale des Caisses d'Epargne (Cote d’Ivoire) COBAC Commission Bancaire Afrique Centrale COMBANC Commission Bancaire EMS Express Mail Services EFT Electronic Funds Transfer ENPO Egyptian National Postal Organization FC Franc Comores FDJ Franc Djiboutien FFIGI Formal Financial Inclusion Global Indicator FG Franc Guinéen FTE Full Time Equivalent GDP Gross Domestic Product GF Guniean Franc IFAD International Fund for Agricultural Development ICT Information and Communications Technology IFS International Financial System (UPU Remittance Software) IMF International Monetary Fund INPS Institut National de Prévoyance Social Mali IT Information Technology KPI Key Performance Indicators MA Ariray de Madagascar MFI Micro Finance Institutions MIS Management Information System 1 Will be further update with all acronyms and abbreviations used Mid-Term Report to African Union Commission ; Part 2 Country Profiles Study: Development of Postal Financial Services in Africa to Advance Inclusion 27 February 2012 , v1.1, prepared by PostFinance International Development B.V. Page 4 MPCB Ltd Mauritius Post and Cooperative Bank Ltd MSME Micro, Small and Medium sized Enterprises NBR National Bank of Rwanda NPCR National Post Corporation Rwanda OHM Office de l'Habitat du Mali OIBDA Operations Income before Depreciation and Amortization ONPE Office National des Postes et de l'Epargne Centrafric Republic ONPN Office National des Postes du Niger OPG Office des Postes de Guinée OPT Office des Postes et Télécommunications PAPU Pan African Postal Union PO Post Office PMO Postal Money Orders POS Point of Sale POSB Post Office Savings Bank RNP Régie Nationale des Postes Burundi RsM Rupee Mauritius RwF Rwandan Franc SA Société Anonyme SCR Seychelles Rupee SDR Special Drawing Rights SMEs Small and Medium Entreprises Mid-Term Report to African Union Commission ; Part 2 Country Profiles Study: Development of Postal Financial Services in Africa to Advance Inclusion 27 February 2012 , v1.1, prepared by PostFinance International Development B.V. Page 5 Introduction Part 2 of the Study regarding Development of Postal Financial Services in Africa: Strategies to Increase the Inclusion of Low-Income Populations presents per country the profile of postal financial services in the context of (a) financial sector development with specific attention to access to financial services, microfinance, delivery of migrant remittances, and mobile money and (b) the postal sector development. The profiles are meant as the basis for the (cross- country) analysis in Part1 and subsequent conclusions and recommended actions. The profiles are based on data from different sources, varying from primary data sources, directly from the institutions involved in the country such as the Postal operator, Central Bank, Government and National Statistical Agency, to secondary sources from regional and international organizations such as GPFI, IMF, World Bank, AFI, CGAP and microfinance sources, ITU, IFAD and UPU as well as other sources such as industry reports, publications of consultants and analysts and press articles. The data found leave frequently gaps, or present inconsistency. This is particularly the case for the postal operators and their operations in financial services. Less than a handful of postal operators in Africa publish annual accounts even if there main business is financial services, and only a few are audited by independent auditors and in compliance with IFRS. UPU statistics relate in general not to the postal sector, but to the public postal operators only. This does not facilitate the assessment of the competitive position of the postal operator in its historic line of business. Various Central Banks do not publish statistics on payments systems, or only a part. Most strikingly is that the number of EFT POS terminals as access points into the electronic payment systems are not complete. The Nilsson Report states e.g. that in 2010 more than 1.1 million such terminals were manufactured and supplied for usage in Africa, but this is not reflected in Central Bank payments systems statistics. Under coordination of the GPFI many of the international organizations collaborate in the standardization of the data for measuring financial inclusion, both at the supply side and the demand side. This will be essential for assessment of the landscape of financial inclusion and measuring if and how targets in improving financial inclusion are met. In view of the observed weaknesses in consistent definitions, accounting, reporting and audit, the risk of an ambiguous perception of the role of post offices in the landscape of financial inclusion continues. Hans Boon Mid-Term Report to African Union Commission ; Part 2 Country Profiles Study: Development of Postal Financial Services in Africa to Advance Inclusion 27 February 2012 , v1.1, prepared by PostFinance International Development B.V. Page 6 ALGERIA Country details Surface and borders 2,381,741 sq km, bordering to the Mediterranean Sea, between Morocco and Tunisia Population 34,994,937 GNI per capita Atlas US$ 4,460 PPP US$ 8.130 Lower middle income class Honohan Index 31 For access to financial services Ranking: UN Human development index 0.698 Corporate Governance Corruption index 2.9 Doing business index 143 Mobile telephony density 92.42 Fixed telephony density 8.24 Individual Internet users: 45 0.3181 E-Government Readiness Basic Financial Access Data Use of financial services Access to financial services Payment cards issued per 1,000 adults Bank branches per 1000 km2 0.55 In rural areas per 1,000 km2 ND Payment card transactions per account per Post offices per 1000 km2 3.344 – 1.4 year In rural areas per 1,000 km2 Migrant remittances p.a. per 1,000 adults 476 Number of bank branches per 5.19 100,000 adults In rural areas Migrant remittances flow (in US$ mln) 2,031 Number of post offices per 20 Market share in % via: 100,000 adults - banks 5% In rural areas - agents - post offices 95% Number of depositor accounts per 1,000 Number of ATMs per 1,000 km2 0.65 adults In rural areas Banks 346 Post Office 464 Avg. deposited amount per account Number of ATMs per 100,000 6.07 - In local currency 670 adults
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