LETTER doi:10.1038/nature12281 Formation of sharp eccentric rings in debris disks with gas but without planets W. Lyra1,2,3 & M. Kuchner4 ‘Debris disks’ around young stars (analogues of the Kuiper Belt in We present simulations of the fully compressible problem, solving our Solar System) show a variety of non-trivial structures attri- for the continuity, Navier–Stokes and energy equations for the gas, and buted to planetary perturbations and used to constrain the pro- the momentum equation for the dust. Gas and dust interact dynami- perties of those planets1–3. However, these analyses have largely cally through a drag force, and thermally through photoelectric heating. t ignored the fact that some debris disks are found to contain small These are parametrized by a dynamical coupling time f and a thermal 4–9 t quantities of gas , a component that all such disks should contain coupling time T (Supplementary Information). The simulations are at some level10,11. Several debris disks have been measured with a performed with the Pencil Code21–24, which solves the hydrodynamics dust-to-gas ratio of about unity4–9, at which the effect of hydro- on a grid. Two numerical models are presented: a three-dimensional dynamics on the structure of the disk cannot be ignored12,13. Here box embedded in the disk that co-rotates with the flow at a fixed dis- we report linear and nonlinear modelling that shows that dust–gas tance from the star; and a two-dimensional global model of the disk in interactions can produce some of the key patterns attributed to the inertial frame. In the former the dust is treated as a fluid, with a planets. We find a robust clumping instability that organizes the separate continuity equation. In the latter the dust is represented by dust into narrow, eccentric rings, similar to the Fomalhaut debris discrete particles with position and velocities that are independent of disk14. The conclusion that such disks might contain planets is not the grid. necessarily required to explain these systems. We perform a stability analysis of the linearized system of equations Disks around young stars seem to pass through an evolutionary phase that should help interpret the results of the simulations (Supplemen- when the disk is optically thin and the dust-to-gas ratio e ranges from 0.1 tary Information). We plot in Fig. 1a–c the three solutions that show b 5,6,15–17 e n 5 kH k to 10. The nearby stars Pictoris , HD32297 (ref. 7), 49 Ceti (ref. 4) linear growth, as functions of and , wherepffiffiffi is the radial H H~c cV c and HD 21997 (ref. 9) all host dust disks resembling ordinary debris wavenumber and is the gas scale height ( s K, where s V c disks and also have stable circumstellar gas detected in molecular CO, is the sound speed, K the Keplerian rotation frequency and the t V Na I or other metal lines; the inferred mass of gas ranges from lunar adiabatic index). The friction time f is assumed to be equal to 1/ K. masses to a few Earth masses (Supplementary Information). The gas in The left and middle panels show the growth and damping rates. The these disks is thought to be produced by planetesimals or dust grains right panels show the oscillation frequencies. There is no linear insta- themselves, by means of sublimation, photodesorption10 or collisions11, bility for e $ 1orn # 1. At low dust load and high wavenumber the processes that should occur in every debris disk at some level. three growing modes appear. The growing modes shown in Fig. 1a Structures may form in these disks by a recently proposed instability12,13. have zero oscillation frequency, characterizing a true instability. The Gas drag causes dust in a disk to concentrate at pressure maxima18; how- two other growing solutions (Fig. 1b, c) are overstabilities, given the ever, when the disk is optically thin to starlight, the gas is most probably associated non-zero oscillation frequencies. The pattern of larger ~ primarily heated by the dust, by photoelectric heating. In this circum- growth rates at large n and low e invites us to take f~en2 as character- ~ stance, a concentration of dust that heats the gas creates a local pressure istic variable and to explore the behaviour of f?1. The solutions in this maximum that in turn can cause the dust to concentrate more. The result approximation are plotted in Fig. 1f, g. The instability (red) has a V ~f of this photoelectric instability could be that the dust clumps into rings or growth rate of roughly 0.26 K for all . The overstability (yellow) V spiral patterns or other structures that could be detected by coronographic reaches an asymptotic growth rate of K/2, at ever-growing oscillation imaging or other methods. frequencies. Damped oscillations (blue) occur at a frequency close to Indeed, images of debris disks and transitional disks show a range of the epicyclic frequency. asymmetries and other structures that call for explanation. Traditionally, Whereas the inviscid solution has growth even for very small wave- explanations for these structures rely on planetary perturbers—a tantali- lengths, viscosity will cap power at this regime, leading to a finite fastest- zing possibility. However, so far it has been difficult to prove that these growing mode (Supplementary Information), which we reproduce patterns are clearly associated with exoplanets19,20. numerically (Fig. 1h). Although there is no linear growth for e $ 1, we Previous investigations of hydrodynamical instabilities in debris disks show that there exists nonlinear growth for e 5 1. We show in Fig. 1i the S neglected a crucial aspect of the dynamics: the momentum equations for time evolution of the maximum dust surface density d (normalized by S the dust and gas. Equilibrium terminal velocities are assumed between its initial value, 0). A qualitative change in the behaviour of the system time steps in the numerical solution, and the dust distribution is updated (a bifurcation) occurs when the noise amplitude of the initial velocity u 25,26 accordingly. The continuity equation for the gas is not solved; that is, the ( rms) is raised far enough, as expected from nonlinear instabilities . gas distribution is assumed to be time-independent, despite heating, We emphasize this result because, depending on the abundance of H2, cooling, and drag forces. Moreover, previous investigations considered the range of e in debris disks spans both the linear and nonlinear regimes. t t only one-dimensional models, which can only investigate azimuthally The parameter space of T and f is explored in one-dimensional models symmetrical ring-like patterns. This limitation also left open the possibi- in Supplementary Information, showing robustness. lity that, in higher dimensions, the power in the instability might collect in In Fig. 2 we show the linear development and saturation of the higher azimuthal wavenumbers, generating only unobservable clumps. photoelectric instability in a vertically stratified local box of size 1Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, 4800 Oak Grove Drive, Pasadena, California 91109, USA. 2Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technology, 1200 E. California Boulevard MC 150-21, Pasadena, California 91125, USA. 3Department of Astrophysics, American Museum of Natural History, 79th Street at Central Park West, New York, New York 10024, USA. 4NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Exoplanets and Stellar Astrophysics Laboratory, Code 667, Greenbelt, Maryland 21230, USA. 184 | NATURE | VOL 499 | 11 JULY 2013 ©2013 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved LETTER RESEARCH Growth rate, Re[s]/Ω Damping rate, log(–Re[s]/ΩΩ ) Oscillation frequency, log(|Im[s]|/ ) 0.25 0.50 –1012–10123 a 2 1 0 –1 –2 b 2 1 0 –1 –2 c 2 1 ε 0 log –1 –2 –2 –1 0 1 22 d 1 f 0.5 0 0 Ω ]/ –1 s –0.5 –2 Re[ –1.0 e 2 –1.5 1 g 0 30 Ω –1 ]|/ 20 s –2 –2 –1 0 1 2 –2 –1 0 1 2 |Im[ 10 logn 0 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 log(n2) h 0.10 i 3.0 u/c × –1 < s> = 1 10 = 5 × 10–2 0.08 = 1 × 10–2 2.5 = 5 × 10–3 × –3 Ω = 1 10 ])/ 0 s 0.06 2.0 / d 0.04 ΣΣ 1.5 max(Re[ 0.02 0 0 –2.0 –1.5 –1.0 –0.5 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 t T ln / orb Figure 1 | Linear analysis of the axisymmetric modes of the photoelectric modes are exponentially damped without oscillating. f, g, Growth rate (f) and ^ ~ ~ instability. Solutions for axisymmetric perturbations y’~y expðÞstzikx , oscillation frequency (g). Using f~en2 and taking the limit f?1 permits better ^ where y is a small amplitude, x is the radial coordinate in the local Cartesian co- visualization of the three behaviours: true instability (red), overstability rotating frame, k is the radial wavenumber, t is time and s is the complex (yellow) and damped oscillations (blue). The other two solutions are the frequency. Positive real s means that a perturbation grows, negative s indicates complex conjugate of the oscillating solutions and are not shown. h, Growth 2 that a perturbation is damped, and imaginary s represents oscillations. rates. When viscosity is considered (a 5 10 2 in this example), power is capped a 5 t 5 V t 5 Solutions are for 0, f 1/ K and T 0. a–e, The five solutions as at high wavenumber, leading to a finite most-unstable wavelength. The figure functions of n 5 kH and e.
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