A.S. election appeal upheld • Unanimous ...committee . decision makes Marc Levine A.S. president-elect, calls stud~nts 'uninvolved and uninformed' ~ . IY MICHAIL ITMIS above" should be considered didate was suitable or quali- "The student leaders abstentions, rendering a run· fied for the [A.S. presidency]," should be responsible Ednx>r In Chief and off between Levine and Real wrote Terrence Fantauzzi, lakeitIO the people," Riggins Thc Associated Students Leadership candidate Darius CAB chair. said. Senate will convene at 2 p.m. Riggins unncccssary. '"lllis is an election in a Riggins added lhalhecol- today 10 consider a decision Approximately 10 percent basically uninvolved and un- lected more than SOO signa- which wouldeffectively make ofthe student body cast votes informed college campus, in tures on a peti lion which re- MARC LEVINE United Students Alliance can· in the A.S. general election which most students not onJy futes the CAB decision. The didaleMarcLevine A.S. presi· March 7·9. In the presidential don't know the main issues petition states the "none of dent-elect, canceling a run-off race, Levine garnered .96() andcandidates,butgivenvoter the above" votes should not scheduled for next week. votes, Riggins!! 12, andCSUN IUmOUI, don't really care," the be considered abslellions but A lWO·thirds vote of the United candidate Bruce CAB decision stated. included in the IOtal voc.e tally, entire Senate membemup is Najbergicr392, wilh 237 votes Levine had no comment and Riggins said he will dis- n:quired to ovenurn or amend cast for "none of the above." Wednc!lday on the appeal or tribute it IO senators prior to the decision of the Constitu- "Given the apathetic voter CAB's decision. today's meeting. tional Affairs Board, the A.S. turnout ... CAB finds it very Riggins, however, strongly "Their signatures are just judicial arm. hard to believe thal ... any of disagreed with the CAB deci- as powerful as their voia:," The CAB ruling unani· the numbers would have var· sion, saying the best way to Riggins said mously upheld an appeal ied in any way if 'abslenlion' resolve the controversy over Naj>ergier concurred with which :wguesthat the237 votes had replaced 'none of the the "none of the above" votes RigginsabouttheCABruling. cast in last week's A.S. presi· above,' and thal ... 237 voters would be to proceed with the DARIUS RIGGINS deotial race for "'none of the genuinelybelievedthal nocan· scheduled run-off. IMCA8.PIP3 Hundreds Hip-Hop in USU IY CATllNA COYLI were most responsive lo rap- pers who performed early in Showdme! Editor the two-hour show. Several hundred people Seven judges, including turned ou1 in the University representatives from Motown Student Union Wednesday af· and Columhia Records, three ternoon for CSUN's Eighth DJs from 92.3 The Beal radio Annual Hip-Hojl con1es1 . stalion. and one of Malcolm judged by local DJs and record X's daughters tallied points company exe(."UUVJ:S. throughout lhc show and nar- With twelve groups com- rowed the field for a onc- pe1ini; for lhc chance 10 gel minule freestyle showdown. signed IO a label, the rdppcr As the final results were knownasCamouOagehca1ou1 being decided. the Semetary runncr·up Prodigal Sons. Slaves look the stage for a last Almost all the groups were minute performance. The from the Northridge area and former CSUN students played there were definite crowd fa· an ~ ncrgetic set of melal/rap, voriles. The crowd was rela- including their latest single tively suldied by the heal. but "Red Rum." Lady2F11ee-theodffemalerappersto~eintheEighlhAnnualHip-Hopconleetin\l.leUSU . CSU trustees seek to curtail remeaial education statewide "I would like to do some- of math instead of three 10 IY flANCll orcurtailing remedial classes A five year phase-out pe- MAIONl - llA MLITTI andpossiblyturningawaystu- riod to elimlnate remedial thing like the phase-in of the graduate from high school. SulrWnur dcrts unprepared for college, classes is Trustee Ralph Carnegie Is." said Pesqueira, "We needtodetenninc why wllhonclrU51CC hoptngiocom- Pesqucira's solution IO what rererrlnaIOtheC111Tent n:quirc- studeDIS with a 3.S grade poi RI pletel y remove remedial cdu- he sees as a problem-plagued ment ofthree years of English callon from the CSl} syStem. sySICm. illllead of two. and four years s DAILY 81J1mW. NEWS her home in Auburn after the Civii inmate lacked credibility. failed 10 raise a heavy ladder. The Students protest War and died there in 1913. Dahmer was charged in the deaths captain denied making the state- Some protesters said Tuesday the)" and dismemberment of 17 men and ment and department investigators name proposal were concerned about the costs of boys in Milwaukee. Scarver, 25, isserv- dismissed it, saying "it cannot be AUBURN, N.Y. (AP)-Thc great- changing the school's name. Others ing a life term for shooting a man in the confirmed that it was made because arandniece of abolitionist Harriet said DOI enough people had been in- headthrcetimesduringa 1990robbery. of any recruit's gender." Tubman is angry that students at Au- volved in the discussion. The investigators concluded lhat lhc burn High School sraged a walk-Oul "To keep multiculturalism alive, we other claims of discrimination were Tuesday to protest a proposal that would should keep the name Auburn High as No sex bias found unsubstantialCd or misinterpreted. rename the school in Tubman's honor. representing the "4/0le communiLy," in fire dept. probe "Aunt Harriet was someone who !tied said Collin Sullivan, a student who op- Protest group denied lo bring the races together," said Joyce poses the name change. LOS ANGELES (AP) - Rre de- Jones, 65, who grew up in Auburn and partment investigators looking into permit to parade now Jives in Syracuse. claims of a department "vendcua" About 100 students walked out of Dahmer killer was against women recruits found no evi- NEW YORK(AP)-Afeclcraljudge Auburn High School brieny Tuesday. hired, pleads insane dence ofgellder bias. Wednesday refused lo order a permit About halfthe students marched along Women in the department came for a march protesting the ban on gays a city street, chanting "Keep Auburn MILWAUKEE (AP) - A prisoner forward in December with accusa- in the St. Patrick's Day parade. High." charged with fatally beating Jeffrey tions of harassment and a video- Thecity's "interest in preserving lhc ThC protest did not interrupt any Dahmerand anotherinmatesaid he was tape dubbed the "Female Follies." public orclcr outweighs any hardship'' classes and the protest ended quickly, hired to do it by a fellow conviCL The tape shows women making mis- 10 the Irish Lesbian and Gay Principal Olivia Borncamp said. Most Christopher L. Scarver is accused of takes during training exercises in Organizaton from not being able to of the protesters were white, and most bludgeoning Dahmer Nov. 28 al Co- 1993 while their male counterparts stage the protest march, U.S. District of those anending the 1,600-studenl lumbia Slate Prison in Ponage. Scarver performed wel I. Judge John F. Keenan said. school in central New York are white. has pleaded insanity. The investigation was ordered after Police Chief Louis R. Anemone lCsti- Police were called to the see Prison documents released Tuesday Capt. Bassanio Peters and other licd last week the JXuposcdixotcstberorc arrests were made. in response to a lawsuit said an infor- firelighlCrs brought accusations ofgen- the start ofthe pande Friday would dis- Last week, on the nd anniver- mant reported overhearing Scarver tell der discrimination 10 the City Council. rupt traffic and tlRalen public safety. sary of Tubman's ath, a student another inmate he wanted money owed Two other male firelighters reponcd Last year, about 75 gay rights sup- organization called Multicullural Stu- him for the slayings. Scarver, accord- hearing comments from colleagues that porters were arrested after blocking an dents Against Racism suggested ing to the documents, also said another women should only console accident intersection near the parade roulC. changing the high school's name to inmate told him to attack Dahmer and victims. St Patrick Day parade organi1.crs honor Tubman. another man. The accusations prompted the fe- and gay righls supporters have clashed Tubman, who is known as ''the Another inmate told investigators male recruits to circulate the rape. for several years. In 1993, a federal Moses ofher people," is credited with that several other inmates were in- Peters said he heard a training judgeruledlhal New YorlcCitycouldn't leading300 slaves to freedom through volved in the slayings. But the De- captain say, "Who told them they force parade organiurs to include the the Underground Railroad. She made partment ofCorrections said later that could do this job?" when women gay rights group. _":::.211__ ,_ finallycomo to a decision about a very i~­ who is younger than you will offer you 1 friend will help you in time• or need. tanl matler. Today you will receive a pleuanl messageora scnaitivcnaturc. This friend who surprise. Enjoy your spectaculor day. By the may be a Pisces will be a vilal resource for IJbra (Stptmi...... 24-0ctobtr 23) ·· ~·~ ·~: end of the week your 1piri1a will be down. you. By the end of the week you an: feeling You will be on lop of 1 very challcngin~ homesick or longing someone from your pul. problem allhc beginning ofthis week. Today you will come acrousome unexpected1T1>ney ea--(Juae 22-July 22) that you unknowingly earned. By lhc end of You will make an agreement or commit- the week things look clear. HOBOICOPll ment with someone II the beginning of the wock. This union will be a positive move on Scorpio (Odobtr 24-No..mbtt 22) bY.. Aida Hagopian your behalf. Today you will lalce a huge llcp The beginning of llic week ltarU off very andclear 1w1y unnece"ary people from your profitable with some kindofoppD11uni1y thal lire.
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