With financial support from the Russian Federation FINAL REPORT July 2017 – December 2019 PROMOTION OF SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITIES FOR WOMEN AND YOUTH IN ZERAFSHAN VALLEY OF TAJIKISTAN MAY-2020 Copyright © UNDP 2020 United Nations Development Programme Tajikistan Ayni Street 39, Dushanbe, Tajikistan +992 44 600 5600 @UNDP_Tajikistan / @UNDPTJK / https://www.tj.undp.org UNDP Tajikistan RUSSIAN FEDERATION - UNDP TRUST FUND FOR DEVELOPMENT FINAL REPORT Project title: Project budget: "Promotion of social and economic Total: 1,700,000 USD opportunities for women and youth in TFD: 1,500,000 USD Zerafshan Valley of Tajikistan" UNDP: 200,000 USD Project ID: Implementing partner: 00092983 United Nations Development Programme, Tajikistan Project start and end date: Period covered in this report: July 2017 – December 2019 July 2017 – December 2019 Date of the last Project Board meeting: 31 January 2020 SDGs supported by the project: Promotion of social and economic opportunities for women and youth in Zerafshan Valley of Tajikistan LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AEC Adult Education Centre AWP Annual Work Plan IC Individual Consultant ILO International Labour Organization CIS Commonwealth of Independent States SDGs Sustainable Development Goals PO Public Organization MCF Micro-Credit Fund SMEs Small and medium enterprises ToT Training of Trainers TVET Technical and Vocational Education and Training RTF Russian Trust Fund for Development VTL Vocational Training Lyceum GAC Grant Appraisal Committee 04 TABLE OF CONTENT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 7 RESULTS 11 PROJECT RISKS 31 LESSONS LEARNT 33 FUTURE PLANS 35 PARTNERSHIPS 36 PARTNERSHIP WITH THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION 38 COMMUNICATION AND VISIBILITY 40 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT 41 ANNEXES 42 FINAL REPORT |05 Involving women into beekeeping and establishment of Women Initiative Group in Shamtuch Jamoat @UNDP Tajikistan EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The project on “Promoon of social and Economic empowerment, social services economic opportunies for women and quality improvement and support in jobs youth in Zeravshan Valley of Tajikistan” creaon at the local level were endorsed aimed at ensuring implementaon of local through concerted acons with local priories, which, in their turn, contributed to authories and communies, building addressing naonal priories linked with the effecve partnerships with naonal and commitments of the Republic of Tajikistan in internaonal stakeholders, and aracon of achieving Sustainable Development Goals relevant experse from Russia and CIS (SDGs). The project envisaged integrated countries. 'Hard' components of the project aimed at strengthening local resource base rural development approach to address of social service providers in remote areas, economic and social disparies of the most rehabilitaon and equipping of local vulnerable populaon of Ayni and Kuhistoni healthcare and educaon facilies and Mastchoh districts of Tajikistan. The project's improving access to social services for target intervenons were focused on populaon. demonstraon and promoon of efficient integrated local development soluons to The reporng period covers the whole improve livelihoods and socio-economic project implementaon cycle and outlines opportunies for women and youth through acvies implemented during July 2017 to vocaonal educaon and strengthened December 2019. Overall implementaon of business skills, beer access to educaon the project acvies was successfully and health services, effecvely addressing completed in accordance with the approved labor migraon issues and migaon of its work plan of the project document with the social consequences. following results to be highlighted: FINAL REPORT |07 Promotion of social and economic opportunities for women and youth in Zerafshan Valley of Tajikistan The project DIRECTLY BENEFITTED people including 25,000 4,771 women, 10,062 from 5 jamoats of target districts while INDIRECTLY the project befitted benefitted from INCREASED INCOME the population of two districts that are AND JOB OPPORTUNITIES through establishment of people including 103,400 52,734 women. 15 ECONOMIC As a result of project interventions INFRASTRUCTURES. people 3,987 (including 2,003 women) from target districts have an IMPROVED ACCESS TO HEALTH CARE SERVICES Among them are two mini-workshops, two bakeries, one refrigerated fruit and health facilities through 4 newly built and vegetable storage, one mini-workshop for 579 people (including 307 women) access processing and packaging of dairy products; to quality education through 1 rehabilitated and 2 newly built educational facilities; 18,000 people (including 11,000 women 2,300 and young girls) were covered by people (45% women) AWARENESS RAISING AND were covered by OUTREACH ACTIVITIES on the social consequences of unorganized “HEALTH CARAVAN” and low-qualified migration carried out in engaging narrowly specialized experts in the two target districts. field of healthcare and legal consultations. 08 IMPROVED ACCESS 105 OF YOUNG GIRLS TO people (including 72 women) VOCATIONAL TRAININGS gained employment with another 100 people benefitting from SEASONAL EMPLOYMENT through the renovated and OPPORTUNITIES equipped dormitory of Vocational Technical Lyceum resulted in 4 times enrolment increase by CAPACITY women students reaching with BUILDING enrolled in a TRAININGS BENEFITTING 127three-year period. TECHNICAL 372 people including: local government officials ASSISTANCE on efficiently migration 72 management & employment; PROVIDED rural young people 250 on business development through establishment local female-headed businesses of agri-tool bank and procurement of on entrepreneurship, marketing, 4 AGRICULTURE MACHINERY 50 finance & business development in Urmetan village and some other jamoats FINAL REPORT |09 Enhanced access of girls to education@UNDP Tajikistan RESULTS Output 1: Increased income and job opportunies for rural women and youth through business skills development, vocaonal trainings and access to finance The project on “Promoon of social and implementaon of above-menoned economic opportunies for women and iniaves. All the envisaged acvies were youth in Zeravshan Valley of Tajikistan” executed during the period of October 2017 throughout its implementaon made efforts to August 2018 (Annex 10.3 – Business to movate and encourage rural women and School “Synergy Tajikistan” report). Prior to youth to explore new innovave business execung training courses, the ideas and foster a culture of innovaon that implemenng partner conducted needs is appropriate to the local context. The assessment among 408 target groups important role of business educaon in (including 172 women) of two districts on promong entrepreneurial atudes in the business development. Based on the results region was to turn ideas into acon and help of the needs assessment, it was revealed young people and women to be more that target groups priorized learning the creave and self-confident in new basics of wring a business plan, business businesses they undertake. model, budget and financial reporng, markeng, creang a logo, branding and To support the development of local promong a new product. In January 2018, businesses through start-up trainings, educaonal modules were designed business consultaons, market research and considering the needs and requirements of analysis to idenfy and develop innovave the target groups. Upon compleon, of all products for the Ayni and Kuhistoni the acvies, parcipants received the Mastchoh districts, the project selected opportunity for further mentoring for the Business School “Synergy Tajikistan” for development of their business ideas. FINAL REPORT |11 Promotion of social and economic opportunities for women and youth in Zerafshan Valley of Tajikistan Capacity building on small and medium business development @UNDP Tajikistan In accordance with the agreed acon plan, With the aim to enhance the potenal of the BUSINESS SCHOOL DELIVERED two-day parcipants and build their capacies in exploring available opportunies with the COMPREHENSIVE perspecve to expand and sustain the START-UP TRAINING FOR growth of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), four-day training course on small and medium business development for exisng women-headed businesses was conducted for 45 women from Ayni and 210 Kuhistoni Mastchoh districts. young people (including 79 women) from 29 villages of Kuhistoni Mastchoh and Ayni districts. 12 “The training was very effective in terms of defining and elaboration of business idea considering the local context. During 4 days I was able to identify an idea and develop a business plan on establishment of dry fruits processing and packaging workshop” notes Gulrukhsor Zarifova from Ayni village. The parcipants of the course had an opportunity to improve their knowledge on I have more than 30 years of experience label design, brand development, markeng on trade and know my work good enough. and promoon of their products. All these years I thought of expansion but Furthermore, consultaons were provided due to lack of additional resources could on improvement of producon technology, not. In 2018 I have received a small loan markeng, financial accounng, increasing from “Rushdi Vodii Zarafshon” and I am organizaonal sustainability and networking satisfied with the result since the number to gain beer edge on the local and regional of my clients and income has increased. Now I have an expanded set of materials markets, and expansion of customer base in supplied from Dushanbe and Khujand. the external markets, etc. At the end of the training course, with the support
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