Louisville Daily Journal (Louisville, Ky. : 1833): 1856-11-14

Louisville Daily Journal (Louisville, Ky. : 1833): 1856-11-14

J . Y , *° ^a | .T . B , . o I " r ' s s " ! , m — . : aH. » , THE LOUISVILLE DAILY JOURNAL. XXVI. LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 11. 1856. VOLUME number :»lo. LOUISVILLE JOURNAL, NEW YORK. FOR SALE OR RENT. MEDICAL. MISCELLANEOUS. BUSINESS CARDS. PIANOS! NEW YORE mime AWt rotuunr bt| PIANOS! vcorker . them, From&ktlUn, dr Srholl'o General Advertising For Bale, the direct Rosil to Health. WM C CLEGG & SON, flTH HENDERSON, k OSBORNE.. M-me* MS Jlrrx*/i«ra«, JM, lor*. II Lit Bill anti liOlltf l.ile IcnMJII PRENTICE, .it l>S »rr.« «ituo- practical hatter?. A FARM, e ntumlr., mh. ' LEWIS * U -e-x^x-|> / 1 ENT I, Kll BN who wish t» be c.rafortaMe thee* cold S. MORRIS All t wile, fri-m :>»; All A NEW in Bullitt .--unty, c b*t IS » . lltTeopcn-d a Slrrn (No. 3) under the sSrsai. brdmrm Jffrrmrm and T AND IMPORTANT Bud r UlV AIjIv. I \T mornings, ad d economics! At the same time, mould d i TkU4 i - Iwbi. itle, efl the miter. of Mil River, Enrdfi-W l.ou'seiilc Hotel It is their intention R — well to hunthnfct opnp their Old (‘tothisg( lnthieg and Bauds«ud it to J. I. Kb G. F. JACKSON CU1UINNI03 tlft Kt H tTlH, Discovery In the mile frern the Science of Medicine rmroqnet Springe. mboml t-ilf k M Kl K l.F.’^ Vli-aiiBiDg and Repa.-rlnc E«tabli*hnien*. on tho IB ti. sell oy wholesAle and retail, and they ^ There matt rial Practical Piano-Forte Maker, NSW TOitK. Admomr* d. end within S iminete.' ride of Lomi.TllL. Dll. KO BACK'S SCANDINAVIAN REMEDIES. 1 ^v» n*t aide of Seeuod street, third door below Market, whet. BinS pr«mi?e that their shall be of PtMM-h —Dally \ fmh*c%imnw Journal RH*; eb>r, brick I tue. brtrl it S Dull* $*• Tr»-W**kly $d: Vr«kl} |vm..u| Ital- e ..id firm e mbeUniiel two th«y ran liaro cleansed r.nd repaired in a sty It e-pial if not £~am%r\ $3 ' ‘ PH ARM d* titebiukite hen Andand servantsaervantj- r>mw«. tmok* -a-aas. a .'iperior to any other hbune in tne city Oeutlemeu aendiuK B <> 9 11 * nh M,rr<1 ,M lwee« IMarkct Jcg frton, if f4 Ve«kl« BvIltUft $1 ALIEN PARIS, AND I U IT. « 1 T laat the (trADd object of Radical Science «a attained— ’ «M ||n ALCOLLEGE Lnwinville, $* K>. ! eTvf^IhlAgA*^' aeary for fanAl g- • »nd f wmtbm raowcT or MEDICINE, VIENNA, are Affixed upon ca< L wrap- Kru.bare, and inm ffartnet twiythltl /"i"* l)r Kobaena HC»T.di 0 A*iAa Kenudwa actually fti frrra work to the aboTAcatAlliittmei.t may rely on its being dtao Vasuaur. 1 tmJ£l fekr'?**'or tee B...r-f»l!lBf mean i they are true. are iw.uev ted uri eue.l Termrarm i.i> hnelybmel, m.'orrd Uriapherinf MiousAnd. tar. rrtn.A! but never ae- WAli.htd with promptness and pnnetnality. T bar d. bclmur. in.'lJlfinely. r .DriBC.apHng* OBon ir Btr.BtAfcnat 1MISA arraAmere, eDarrclcreil . Mi nnAn y nid'm* J. I. VICISliR. J»*lk- |( Weekly Malle* They purge from the blood the corrupt | Aritciea which erta solo aceaca niin.>d*t.ngmm<d*t: ng term*.ertt — - -- there t*r«-d. Willill be Aold oaon - 1 1 Nf |lfl. Triestmar, Ke. I, bered. W and f»ed itaensA. The baaie of all th- .clul \ lum of the i»— nplw ’ 2, and 3. I HOKKIBI.E * ’ particulars,partiewlarA. inquireinqntrt of J ACCIDENTS! ForTor further i the i- PiprfM&t by BMl i4*UM / ------_ body u the blood . and f that fluid la j ure w hole organ Steamboat for Sale. * Th«n Trot. etiBt »ho public against J“r t Dfcilr, ii l« imitations— wbieh are Wh-n Um Cowlrj Unity, »r Tn Weekly U ti liable it.* »r Tercet peniali tea » Af.Bt.nd .*> aid wheel ?td?amer as ao»H PEKSsONS the i»k- wuru f Iaw ran award Rent l.u« m. I r^rP The CALEDONIA, TO ((Maiio««4 li advto** •( ike <»«•- |«i4 for) ‘ Sfu^Mfii No HOrAWrih a%. LBBBBQBahe now lies atths Pittsburg wh .rf. hueine re- be of its WRtwftf ^ . bnrfc r. K nct ••nber mu*« «wc, otto re »#*• it util b* cMhuMa at <mr U A BARROW, Member »f the INTERIM. COL- f ^ f am )U n si.nd-naTj-ri kemAdiea, Pr K- r at C..WW.AJI is LEGE of and tntlv undergone tho'-ough r p*irR. will be sc Id 0»Uon. until pa.s »<*r i»>. m bu Wes our ou*tom U V'ENNA. ROT A I. CO! UOC « f MR for Bale. on a ecorn m<dstn.g t« rroa. m^uiio «.f ti.e‘ * West* rr, I n»u- Immense Deatrnctioii it <*f ‘•L'S.v r.ay b« Splendid Ste^m TanDCiy B all ea*«* au'-'**«’dod and t!A C *>ae*|Ucnct i. ' if moot to |«M ittir Ua» <i»«il«n»Mi. LONDON 1’IRSI‘N ALLY MiNMI .1 ft I* He ; rancf • odd>mpkay,Rmsbpan Pittsburg, Pn. oT,oSI VS-dIS J-.- 13. Al kia . fl-r at public ill# n the proauiaed y, :,7i SII13RIDi3LNr, k* iwatdeue*. will that the • of hia S< andiiiA. ian Bh«.d Puritler •r At «ui |*Uoo if J-iTtJ Ii(0u4. it trill MbtUitll I>u4. 157 PRIME MKIF.T(f*« bl-ch» * e»t • f quit underused r* ration and the TO PROPERTTl letter* »t our risk. Hr ^Ad» A) \ N FW \ « fr. Nufcnbarll, lohb. at f o'«lork, P. M , n|. ..j up u altc at .rery specie* cf . -.tte. la like * » by mutl,4mr*fi*«~>W Kk . m Ii in the morning till 2. and 1 cu Frida' PUD, •- *ally lakrnsiioa • i ef Vtilliam - fnrninbed tke fr-tn t tillt? hii thethr evening isnndays^tadiyi txecruitteeput/. nnlentin leas by old-ea’Sbliel.»-d and well-known Suam Tannery that of wwaterater up <n.ri the d v turirg il.mvnt, LttralU eu, u by aewreavra in the locifttli* JOUR- spusial api-ei etiaaied on the ^a(ti«a«t e<rner of Mar- iraiehing the Pei Buflcr-iig fr»ia dobil ity real estate and stock Vn»tod tatvs f- 'm A* Bwming f eld api-ei n tin the r Pero o* fr..w STEWART, pruDbing rati- or AtrtKiVflM nUnratml I A N*-t. roynu, ma<adma.ady d MILLER, & CO., V K LGLl.AR ADVERTISE*! in the eity ui Maviville. chichildhotldhe-dd Vigorrigor luto them by the'e Wt erml days ago II- ha* sii»c*> bt-en w.eu «atheci*y. i%ny VT uTT-i NAL r«»H OHKAUAR.M>KMAK. Neb'ft I1 iti« the RemedyRrtn-dv fer RELAXATION.REI.AXkTION. ket and nirdrrcfU bud newDew ninfused nder- vanSiiw^BiMv WHOLESALE DEALEKR IN ! whQ -v eantaireeantainc ai<ut P*> layaway vats, with Ilf.- c *•»! > il“* o,a<" m u hu De. «•»•!. - •*' SPERMItTOKR\TOHR . iK.A,I K. A, and altall the detre*«ia«d* stressing eoneui.*e>iuenc.-se^iueae*-* The TsnTan Yard fnlful life-lengtheninglengthen* eg r««toratlvesre«toi They the heat f Ob' square. IT ItAM I • 86 ”^ auffisnffi ’tent aarntnia tbew. Thelnrt BKOkLU, r bateab^«ea t« 1 pitite. 1-vrfcct, *%BysJ:£,y arising »> pools,to, and ver, crea e« renderrendi digestion resalatc - $! d*| U*. tUS BloAtbi . lUOl. fiom early anat u*euse indiecrim'r.a^inditr-iat r s^ cxrer-at irtM-s «t«oorto kmglong I limes, yon «rwa sppeit®.»( the . fietiirim *, Surniral MIU lust rn»nnts , 4 ht mifatn «h* same j ower draws n large sujw -I- r ••« *•» it v i • reaideaes h»-t hi I »s by steam,ateair. and «be bs«bowele. prom; is sleep, inv r A44iti Ite.ihfto m**tn« « If All ace in h»t dimciim tv#t«a It1» has iatig»rni«din»ig r»t«d hi d rettor*rest. -r. a I isgrumdsronnd MS [ p u, Met j Bveldea there NO flttnd andd refnraDkadrefurnished the BkrBar Awderondor tketh*- Com- 16 CIiAKKC I. AH STRtKT, 1 feet deep. which c »p CHICACsO. to • «* ater frotn ka well K3 control all Oils, perfecterthealth w hh.» now 1 plyplr of w frum Duh »ei», amis, Varnishrs, • • 25 1 Dc.frar •*nhi - iki health thnn«andsthen«aeds of theihe dabl'itaieddebt listed are f ii»-ruH || th, botw ep Maia and Maikot, I have Oyt-Stult*, U'linlon Glass, • good wells In Hie yard and a large cistern ,. • bolls, . a the t-ii nf>1 *• »- r ‘'od‘‘•od. nnunn.i wfcatwkat I are several otherotb^r tumors, and ail skii AVIV of «njj .ymeaty meat all thetr.e f-..ettonsfa-.rti« nr tf mi aceuiBiii. datir.n of AVINGA V * N u alarg*am' out wa1u\S|e Real Estate for sale, lie tlours for the *11 . j hillside. I I . ewer AT|i»N forf r *upisuppliidlied by pipe frtmf nm a n.ver-failingnsv, spring on the vital fluid new elcucnD - Do, twelve • mayay be the »'AL*'.M 'is. every Itltftgll*lfw» MMl*liP1CATI«»N j II 1i w u.duld call«*n|l the attention of niv • f M months i ijmitfii T.,b»e.o H South-ra friends De.tW vWeess | w and Clear GLASSWARE, AiJ is s two-story brick Hv by . currying shop pleasure 1 M ARK 1I ia efleciusilr ty this Wonderful Msl>i» The blushingtimshiug and instead of the w« in « i to Bulletin, three Weeks - • '*» I AGE laeffiKiualiy sabJncdsnb Jmd (when bieag my wbera can be found a Do.

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