Hospitaller Services in the Kingdom of Jerusalem Library Lecture author Onlineby © ESCMID C. Savona-Ventura Chr isti anit y ad opt ed as th e nati onal religion of Roman Empire –– 312 AD312ADAD Library Jerusalem became a magnet for pilgrims. Lecture First surviving pilgrim account by Christianauthor of Bordeaux dated 333 AD OnlinePilgrimsby required the establishment© of “refuge houses” in the Holy City. Emperor Constantine 306-337ESCMID AD DlDevelopmen tfhitllit of hospitaller services Establishment of pilgrim refuge Libraryhouses – Xenodochium Establishment of hospitals HitlHospitale – guestht house Lectureor host e l Infirmorum – infirmary to treat sick EblihEstablishment of fhi hospiauthorces –– Onlineby Nosokomion © Establishment of charity houses Leppprosaria – care of lepppers ESCMIDGerokomaria – care of the elderly Blessed Gerald in the Jerusalem Xenodochium EtblihEstablishmen t o f xenodhidhidochium 603 AD Pope GregoryLibrary the Great requests Abbot Probus to set up a XENODOCHIUM in JerusalemLecture. Named: Santa Maria Latina Mentionedauthor by St . Antoninus of Piacenza Onlinewho duringby his pilgrimage fell sick and was© received into this refuge house. Pope Gregory the Great 540ESCMID-604 AD StMiLtiSanta Maria Latina xenodhidhidochium 1023 AD: Re-established b y Merchants of AmalfiLibrary after negotiations with Mustesaph , caliph of Egypt. Placed under the direction of the BenedictineLecture Order Set up a xenodochium for women dedicated to author Santa Maria Magdalene . Medieval merchants in the Levant OnlineSet upby a xenodochium for non- Amalfian© men dedicated to St . John the Almoner, Patriarch of Alexandria 608-616 AD. ESCMID Entrusted to lay brothers 1082 AD: visited by John, Archbishop of Amalfi. Establishmentleprosaria of leprosaria ~370 AD: leprosarium set up at Ptolemais [now Acre] by St. Basil the Great, Bishop of Cesarea. Library ~400 AD: leprosarium established in Jerusalem by Empress Eu dox ia [383-408]. Lecture Placed under the direction of the Basilian Order author By 6th century, lepersOnline were travelling to the Holy Landby to bath in the River Jordan and© the Siloam Pool – both believed to have 14th century view of a leper miraculous healing powers. (Ms., Wellcome Institute Library, London) ~808ESCMID AD: housed 15 lepers Services: 1099 Basilian Monks Benedictine Monks caring for lepers giving refuge to pilgrims Library Lecture author St. Lazarus OnlineSt.by John the Almoner St. Mary Latin St. Maryygyg Magdelene Leprosarium outside gates © of Jerusalem in vicinity of Xenodochium complex within gates of St. Stephen’s Gate Jerusalem in vicinity of Holy Sepulchre ESCMID under management of Gérard and Agnes The Crusades 638 AD: Jerusalem capitulates to Caliph Omar bringing end to Christian Library dominance. Some decrease in number of pilgrims but flow increased again at turn of Lecture millennium. 1078: Jerusalem capturedauthor by Seljuks Online Seljuk maltreatment ofby Christians © Prompts First Crusade led bGdfbyESCMID Godfrey d dBe Bouill on who captures Jerusalem in 1099. 1099: All hospitaller services in Jerusalem placed under the direction of Gérard. 1st decade: re-organized into a religious Order underLibrary the prottifStJhthBtittection of St. John the Baptist Adopted the Augustinian rule 1101Lecture: Roger I o f Sic ily donates money for “the Hospital for the feeble and other sick”. 1102:author Saewulf wrote “Without the gate of Onlinethe Holy Sepulchre, to the south, is the church of bySt. Mary, called the Latin……Near which is the © Hospital, where is a celebrated monastery founded Gérard greeting Godfrey de Bouillon in honour of St. John the Baptist.” 18th century painting by A. Favray, Museum of Fine arts, Malta The Order formallyyg recognized b ypy Pope ESCMID Paschall II in 1113. Paschal the Bishop, servant of the servants of God, to his venerable son Gérard, founder and provost of the Xenodochium of Jerusalem, and to his lawful successors forever. Services: 12thth centuryyy St. John the Almoner St. Mary Latin St. Lazarus St. Mary Magdelene Library 1099 Fratres Hospitalarii under provost Gérard adopted Augustinian Rule Lecture author Order of OnlineOrder of Hospitale Santa Maria Order of St. John the Baptist St. Lazarusby est. ~1124 Templar knights Papal Bull: 1113 Papal Bull:© ~1118 OdOrder of fT Teut oni c est. 11181118est. knights; est. 1198 •Refuge to pilgrims •Care of lepers •Care of German •Protection of •Medical care ~1136 •Military role ~1234 pilgrims pilgrims •MilitaryESCMID role ~1131 •Military role •Charitable activities Raymond du Puy ? Roger Boyant Originally set up by Hugues de Payen German philanthropist [1120-~1158] [1118-1131] [~1119-1136] ~1143 Raymond du Puy e..sce Lazari Library e..g maria magdalena Lecture author Onlineby © hospitale ESCMID militia templi Map of Jerusalem ~1130 Cambridge Bibl. Municipale, ms 466, fol.1 Order of St. John • Gérard [died 1118] succeeded by Raymond du Puy – Re-organised Order to include a Military role. – Emphasized Medical Care in conjunction toLibrary giving hospice to pilgr ims [Chap ter ~ 1125/53]. ""How Our Lords the Sick Should be Received andSd Served ddSd. AdithtObdiAnd in that Obedience in wLecturehi hihthch the Master and the Chapter of the Hospital shall permit when the sick man shall come there, let him be received thus: author •• Let him partake of the HolyOnline Sacramentby , first havinggg confessed his sins to the pp,riest, and •• afterwards let him be carried© to bed, and •• there as if he were a Lord, each day before the brethrenESCMID go to eat, let him be refreshed with foodfood charitably according to the ability of the House…." • Pope Innocent II in circular letter Quam Amabilis Deo dated 20th February 1131 emphasises triple role of the Order Library How pleasing to God and highly revered the Xenodocheum of Jerusalem is, what pleasant and valuable accommodation it offers to the poor pilgrims, those have experienced sufficiently, who driven by internal piety, visit the Holy City JerusalemLecture and the Sepulchre of the Lord enduring the dangers at sea and the dangers at land... There (in the hospital of Jerusalem) the poor andauthor miserable are being convalesced. The Sick Onlineare being administered a thousand kinds of services of charity. Those whoby are harmed by manifold constrains and dangers are getting back there© the ir o ld vi gour and i n ord er t o enabl e them to visit the places, which were sanctified by the life of our Lord Jesus Christ on earth, the brethren of this house always prepared to risk theirESCMID life for their brothers (the pilgrims) undertake to protect the pilgrims from the attacks of the infidels on their way to and fro through squires and animals used for riding which are very specially selected for this purpose...... •• 1163: Rabbi Benjamin of Tudela wrote that –– “There are at Jerusalem two hospitals, which support four hundred knights, and afford shelter to the sick; these are provided with every thing they may want, both during life and in death; the second is called the hospital of Solomon” [referring to the infirmary of the Templar knights] Library •• 1187: Theodorich visiting Jerusalem before the Order's exppyulsion from the city wrote: –– “Here on the south side of the church,Lecture stands the Church and Hospital of St. John the Baptist. As for this, no one can credibly tell another how beautiful its buildings are, how abundantlyauthor it is supplied with rooms and beds, and other materialsOnline for the use of poor and sick people, how rich it is in the means of refreshingby the poor, and how devotedly it labors tototo maintain the needy , unless© he has had the opportunity of seeing it with his own eyes. Indeed, we passed through this palace, and were unable by any means to discover the number of sick people lying there;ESCMID but we saw that the beds numbered more than one thousand…..."…..." •• 1182: Statutes of Master Roggger des Moulins –– “…..that for the sick in the hospital there should be beengaged four wise doctors who are qualified to examine urineLibrary and to diagnose diff eren t disease an d are a ble to administer appropriate medicines.” .” –– “…..that in everyLecture ward and place in the Hospital, nine serjeantsauthor should be kept at their serviceOnline service, whoby should wash their feet gently, and change© their sheets, and make their beds and administer to the weak necessary and ESCMIDstrengthening food….” •• 1182: Statutes of Master Roger des Moulins “…..the–– “…..thebeds of the sick should be made as long and as broad as is most convenient to repose repose, and thatthat, each bed should be covered with its own coverlet and eachLibrary bed should have its own special sheets .” “…..–– each “….. of the sick should have a clock of sheepskin and Lecture boots for going to and coming from the latrines, and cap of wool.” ––…..“…..little ….. cradles author should be made for the babiesOnline of women pilgrims born in the House, House soby that they may lie separate, and that the baby© in its own bed may be in no danger from the restlessness of its mother.” ESCMID–– “Adllth“… And all the children ab and oned b y th ei r fathers and mothers, the Hospital is accustomed to receive and nourish Hospitale Hospitalefor German knights •• Early history not clear Jacques de Vitry [written 1611] “…many Teutons and Almayns who went to pilgrimage could not speak the tongue of the city, so the divine clemencyLibrary inspired an honourable and religious Teuton , who dwelt in the city with his wife, to build a hospice at his own cost, wherein entertainhe might entertain poor and sick Teutons …For a long time, in great poverty, he ministered to the sick and needy .” Definitely extant as a subsidiaryLecture to Order of St. John by 1431 1431 1143: Pope Celestine II author In letter to RaymondOnline du Puyby refers to a subsidiaryGerman German hoshospppitale itale in Jerusalem © 1160: John of Wurzburg –– “On the way down the same street, which goes to the gate by which ESCMIDone reaches the temple, and on the right, is a cross street with a long portico.
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