Four in One Co., Inc. Full Product Line

Four in One Co., Inc. Full Product Line

Four In One Co., Inc. 12 Alpha Road Chelmsford, Ma. 01824 Tel: (978) 250-0751 Fax: (978) 250-2301 Full Product line Kosher Per Case Cases per Tier per Cases per Product Code Description Size Pack Wt. Ingr. Wt. Label Height Width Length Cube Tier Plt. Plt. K BBQ200 Barbecue Sauce 12gm 200 7.00 5.45 Lucky Brand 4.63 7.75 10.00 0.21 22 9 198 K BBQ412 Barbeque Sauce 4lb 12ea 50.00 48.00 Lucky Brand 10.13 8.88 18.50 0.96 10 4 40 K BBQ41G Barbecue Sauce 1 gal. 4 37.54 36.04 Lucky Brand 9.69 12.38 12.38 0.86 12 4 48 K BBQ902 Barbecue Sauce 9gm 200 4.20 3.96 Lucky Brand 3.13 7.13 9.63 0.12 25 12 300 K BBQ905 Barbecue Sauce 9gm 500 10.50 9.91 Lucky Brand 5.81 9.38 12.94 0.41 14 7 98 K BBQCUP Barbecue Cup 1oz 100 7.50 6.25 Four In One 5.00 8.75 11.38 0.29 17 7 119 K CRID12 Creamy Italian Dressing 12gm 200 6.00 5.29 Salad Fresh 4.63 7.75 10.00 0.21 22 9 198 K CRID41G Creamy Italian Dressing 1 gal. 4 35.00 33.48 Salad Fresh 9.69 12.38 12.38 0.86 12 4 48 K CRID91 Creamy Italian Dressing 9gm 1000 21.00 19.80 Salad Fresh 7.25 11.00 12.00 0.55 12 6 98 K CRID92 Creamy Italian Dressing 9gm 200 4.20 3.96 Salad Fresh 3.13 7.13 9.63 0.12 25 12 300 K DJ0003 Diet Asst. #3 Jelly-Cup 7/16oz 200 6.00 5.45 Four In One 6.00 7.63 10.00 0.26 18 7 126 K DJ0113 Diet Asst. #3 Jelly-Cup 1/2oz 200 7.00 6.23 Four In One 4.63 7.75 10.00 0.21 22 9 198 K DJP003 Diet Asst. #3 Jelly - Pouch 7/16oz 200 6.00 5.47 Lucky Brand 4.63 7.75 10.00 0.21 22 9 198 K DJP113 Diet Asst. #3 Jelly-Pouch 1/2oz 200 8.00 6.25 Lucky Brand 4.63 7.75 10.00 0.21 22 9 198 K DJP201 Diet Grape Jelly Pouch 10gm 200 5.00 4.41 Lucky Brand 3.13 7.13 9.63 0.12 25 12 300 K DJP205 Diet Mixed Fruit Pouch 10gm 200 5.00 4.41 Lucky Brand 3.13 7.13 9.63 0.12 25 12 300 K DJP213 Diet Asst. #3 Pouch 10gm 200 5.00 4.41 Lucky Brand 3.13 7.13 9.63 0.12 25 12 300 K DUK1202 Duck Sauce 12gm 200 6.00 5.29 Salad Fresh 4.63 7.75 10.00 0.21 22 9 198 K DUK902 Duck Sauce 9gm 200 4.20 3.96 Salad Fresh 3.13 7.13 9.63 0.12 25 12 300 K DUK905 Duck Sauce 9gm 500 10.50 9.91 Salad Fresh 5.81 9.38 12.94 0.41 14 7 98 K FD1202 French Dressing 12gm 200 6.00 5.29 Salad Fresh 4.63 7.75 10.00 0.21 22 9 198 K FD1205 French Dressing 12gm 500 15.00 13.22 Salad Fresh 5.81 9.38 12.94 0.41 14 7 98 K FD12LC Lo Cal. French Dressing 12gm 200 6.00 5.29 Salad Fresh 4.63 7.75 10.00 0.21 22 9 198 K FD12RF Red. Fat French Dressing 12gm 200 6.00 5.29 Salad Fresh 4.63 7.75 10.00 0.21 22 9 198 K FD41G French Dressing 1 gal. 4 38.00 36.00 Salad Fresh 9.69 12.38 12.38 0.86 12 4 48 K FD9001 French Dressing 9gm 1000 21.00 19.80 Salad Fresh 7.25 11.00 12.00 0.55 12 6 72 K FD9002 French Dressing 9gm 200 4.20 3.96 Salad Fresh 3.13 7.13 9.63 0.12 25 12 300 K FD9005 French Dressing 9gm 500 10.50 9.91 Salad Fresh 5.81 9.38 12.94 0.41 14 7 98 K FD92LC Lo Cal. French Dressing 9gm 200 4.20 3.96 Salad Fresh 3.13 7.13 9.63 0.12 25 12 300 K FD95LC Lo Cal. French Dressing 9gm 500 10.50 9.91 Salad Fresh 5.81 9.38 12.94 0.41 14 7 98 K FDB412 French Dressing 4lb 12ea 49.00 48.00 Salad Fresh 10.13 8.88 18.50 0.96 10 4 40 K FDLC41G Lo Cal. French Dressing 1 gal. 4 38.00 36.00 Salad Fresh 9.69 12.38 12.38 0.86 12 4 48 K H1200 Honey 12gm 200 6.00 5.29 Salad Fresh 4.63 7.75 10.00 0.21 22 9 198 K H4200 Honey Cup 1/2oz 200 7.00 Four In One 6.00 7.63 10.00 0.26 18 7 126 K H9002 Honey 9gm 200 4.20 3.96 Salad Fresh 3.13 7.13 9.63 0.12 25 12 300 K HON41G Honey Mustard 1 gal. 4 34.00 32.00 Salad Fresh 9.69 12.38 12.38 0.86 12 4 48 K HON902 Honey Mustard 9gm 200 4.20 3.92 Stickney & Poor 3.13 7.13 9.63 0.12 25 12 300 Page 1 of 5 Four In One Co., Inc. 12 Alpha Road Chelmsford, Ma. 01824 Tel: (978) 250-0751 Fax: (978) 250-2301 Full Product line Kosher Per Case Cases per Tier per Cases per Product Code Description Size Pack Wt. Ingr. Wt. Label Height Width Length Cube Tier Plt. Plt. K HONMUST Honey Mustard Cup 1oz 100 7.50 6.25 Four In One 5.00 8.75 11.38 0.29 17 7 119 K HOT200 Hot Sauce 3gm 200 2.00 1.32 Salad Fresh 3.13 7.13 9.63 0.12 25 12 300 K HOT41G Hot Sauce 1 gal. 4 35.00 33.00 Lucky Brand 9.69 12.38 12.38 0.86 12 4 48 K HOT702 Hot Sauce 7gm 200 3.40 3.08 Salad Fresh 3.13 7.13 9.63 0.12 25 12 300 K HOT705 Hot Sauce 7gm 500 8.50 7.71 Salad Fresh 5.13 8.00 10.50 0.25 18 8 198 K HOT902 Hot Sauce 9gm 200 4.20 3.96 Salad Fresh 3.13 7.13 9.63 0.12 25 12 300 K HOT905 Hot Sauce 9gm 500 10.50 9.91 Salad Fresh 5.81 9.38 12.94 0.41 14 7 98 K ID1202 Italian Dressing 12gm 200 6.00 5.29 Salad Fresh 4.63 7.75 10.00 0.21 22 9 198 K ID1205 Italian Dressing 12gm 500 15.00 13.22 Salad Fresh 5.81 9.38 12.94 0.41 14 7 98 K ID12LC Lo Cal. Italian Dressing 12gm 200 6.00 5.29 Salad Fresh 4.63 7.75 10.00 0.21 22 9 198 K ID12RF Red. Fat Italian Dressing 12gm 200 6.00 5.29 Salad Fresh 4.63 7.75 10.00 0.21 22 9 198 K ID41G Italian Dressing 1 gal. 4 38.00 36.00 Salad Fresh 9.69 12.38 12.38 0.86 12 4 48 K ID9001 Italian Dressing 9gm 1000 21.00 19.80 Salad Fresh 7.25 11.00 12.00 0.55 12 6 72 K ID9002 Italian Dressing 9gm 200 4.20 3.96 Salad Fresh 3.13 7.13 9.63 0.12 25 12 300 K ID9005 Italian Dressing 9gm 500 10.50 9.91 Salad Fresh 5.81 9.38 12.94 0.41 14 7 98 K ID92LC Lo Cal. Italian Dressing 9gm 200 4.20 3.96 Salad Fresh 3.13 7.13 9.63 0.12 25 12 300 K ID95LC Lo Cal. Italian Dressing 9gm 500 10.50 9.91 Salad Fresh 5.81 9.38 12.94 0.41 14 7 98 K IDB412 Italian Dressing 4lb 12ea 49.00 48.00 Salad Fresh 10.13 8.88 18.50 0.96 10 4 40 K IDLC41G Lo Cal. Italian Dressing 1 gal. 4 38.00 36.00 Salad Fresh 9.69 12.38 12.38 0.86 12 4 48 K J0101 Grape Jelly - Cup 1/2oz 200 7.00 6.23 Four In One 6.00 7.63 10.00 0.26 18 7 126 K J0103 Grape Jelly - Pouch 1/2oz 200 7.00 6.25 Lucky Brand 4.63 7.75 10.00 0.21 22 9 198 K J0113 Asst. #3 Jelly - Cup 1/2oz 200 7.00 6.23 Four In One 6.00 7.63 10.00 0.26 18 7 126 K J0143 Asst. #3 Jelly - Cup 1/2oz 400 14.00 13.23 Four In One 5.81 9.38 12.94 0.41 14 7 63 K J0201 Grape Jelly - Cups 10gm 200 5.00 4.41 Four In One 4.63 7.75 10.00 0.21 22 9 198 K J0213 Asst. #3 Jelly - Cup 10gm 200 5.00 4.41 Four In One 4.63 7.75 10.00 0.21 22 9 198 K JB0101 Grape Jelly 4lb 12ea 49.00 48.00 Lucky Brand 6.50 10.00 18.50 0.70 8 5 40 K JB0115 Mixed Fruit Jelly 4lb 12ea 49.00 48.00 Lucky Brand 6.50 10.00 18.50 0.70 8 5 40 K JB0401 Apple Jelly 4lb 12ea 49.00 48.00 Lucky Brand 6.50 10.00 18.50 0.70 8 5 40 K JP101 Grape Jelly - Pouch 1oz 200 14.00 13.50 Lucky Brand 5.81 9.38 12.94 0.41 14 7 98 K JP104 Apple Jelly - Pouch 1oz 200 14.00 13.50 Lucky Brand 5.81 9.38 12.94 0.41 14 7 98 K JP105 Mixed Fruit - Pouch 1oz 200 13.50 12.50 Lucky Brand 5.81 9.38 12.94 0.41 14 7 98 K JP113 Asst.

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