Roger Williams University DOCS@RWU Commencement Programs RWU Archives and Special Collections 5-22-1999 Commencement Program, 1999 Roger Williams University Follow this and additional works at: https://docs.rwu.edu/commencement_programs Part of the Higher Education Commons Recommended Citation Roger Williams University, "Commencement Program, 1999" (1999). Commencement Programs. 30. https://docs.rwu.edu/commencement_programs/30 This Program is brought to you for free and open access by the RWU Archives and Special Collections at DOCS@RWU. It has been accepted for inclusion in Commencement Programs by an authorized administrator of DOCS@RWU. For more information, please contact [email protected]. SU ROGER WILLIAMS UNIVERSITY COMJJ})8MENT CLASS OF 1999 COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES SATURDAY THE TWENTY-SECOND OF MAY NINETEEN HUNDRED AND NINETY-NINE BRISTOL, RHODE ISLAND ~ETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT (~:~\omOF COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES PROCESSIONAL HONORARY DEGREE RECESSIONAL While todav's celebration marks cnccs and values. In the class­ ing lo recruit the best and Roger Williams University RECIPIENTS Roger Williams University the end of your undergraduate room, you have benefi tlcd from brightest through our VISTA Ceremonial Pipes and Drums, Kristen A. Avansino Ceremonial Pipes and Drums education, it marks the begin­ comprehensive study in your program. under the Direction of President and Executive Director ning - the commcncc111cnt - chosen field; and, in studies out­ Finally, remember that, con­ Pipe Major Eric M. Armour E.L. Weign11dFo1111dalio11 RECEPTION of the next chapter of your life. side your major, you have de­ trary to popular impression, not Reno, Nev. Following Commencement, all Today, you arc about lo veloped breadth. You emerge everyone goes to college. And NATIONAL ANTHEM Doctor of Erl11calio11 attendees are invited to join their turn the corner away from these from this institution as an edu­ even fewer graduate. You are Joanne Mouradjian J,onoriscausn respective deans, faculty, staff and fa111i\iarca111pus paths toward a cated citizen. You have found privileged. So many others are W!,ea/011College classmates for refreshments. new path. Some of you will and nurtured friendships not. Privilege carries with it ob­ Voice Farnlty & Joseph M. Brito, Sr. travel toward further study in through participation in cam­ ligation: You must use and Ocea,1Stale Light Opera Presirfe11t MUSIC graduate school, others toward pus organizations, in athletics share your talents. Become in­ Bristol [11/erprises,l11c. The Ralph Stuart Orchestra carec rs in the arts and sciences, and in community service. As a volved in the battle to improve INVOCATION Bristol, R.l. commerce, government, indus­ result of this involvement, you the world, to right the wrongs The Reverend Barry Gamache Doctorof BusinessAdmi11istmtio11 trv or one of the manv service know the importance of team­ and to save the afflicted. You Ro111n11Catholic Chaplai11, l,01wris cnusn fi~lds. All of you embark today work, the richness and diversity can make a profound difference Roger Williams University on a journey that is inextricably of differing opinions and new in this country. You can raise Alan Gerry MARSHALS lied lo personal fulfil\111enl. ideas, the humanity and reward the hope and aspirations of oth­ PRESIDING Cl1nir111n11n11rl CEO Grand Mnrslrnl On behalf of the University, of helping others. ers. You can make it possible Anthony J. Santoro Grn11iteAssociates, L.P Professor Eugene Brickach I wish lo express our sincere be­ The knowledge, values and for others to dream their Prcside11t Liberty, N. Y. Fnrnlty Mar,l,al lief that vou will, indeed, realize friendships that you claim to­ dreams. You can make this Roger Williams U11iz,ersityn11rf Doctorof Busi11essArlmi11istrntio11 Professor Rocco Colagio,·anni your dr~ams; that you will ful­ day will endure. They arc part world more humane. Small acts Rn/pl, R. Pnpillo School of Law lro11oriscnusn Feinstein Collese of Arts and Sne11ces fill your potential; and that you of you, and they arc the invalu­ of kindness, of helping others, Elizabeth R. Colagiovanni will find and pursue the work able legacy that you inherit as a of simple caring- these things REMARKS Rick Pitino School of Arc/1ilec/11rc that enriches vour life. I believe 111c111bcrof the Roger Williams change people's lives. It is indi­ Ralph R. Papitto '851-1 Presirle11In11rl I lend Conch Allison B. Collins that you will ;,,akc the transi­ co111munity. That membership vidual kindness that most di­ Chair111n11,Board of Trustees, The Bos/011Ce/ I ics Gnbcl/i Sc!,ool of B11si11ess tion from undergraduate to is forever yours, and we look rectly touches and improves our Roger 'v\lil/iamsU11h1ersity Bos/011,MA David J. Papitto professional confident in the forward to your enduring at­ lives. This - nothing less than Doctor of Public Sen•ice Scl,ool of E11gi11eem1g h.nowlcdge that your Alma tachment to and affection for a better world - depends not Dennis Revens '72 lwnoris cn11sn Fernando D. Goncalves Maler has provided you with a your Alma Mater. We welcome on great leaders or institutions Presirfe11t Sc!,ool of /11sliccSt11d1es solid education. Use il like a you today as alumni and en­ so much as it depends on indi­ Roger Williams U11h1ersity Patrick J. Purcell Kristin laric Butler map. Let your undergraduate courage you to return again vidual women and men helping A/1111111iAssociatioll Presirle11tn11rl Puhlisller U11iversityCollegr achievements guide your jour­ and again to this extraordinary each other. T/,e Bos/0111-lernld Maureen M. Feeley ney toward the future. Let your campus. Today, we pass the torcl1 to Romey J.Sabnani Bosto11,Mass. experiences at Roger Williams Your Aln1a Mater can be a you. I know you will grasp it, Preside11t,Senior Class, Doc/or of Lellers COLOR BEARERS University serve as your land­ formidable ally as you pursue carry it forward and work in the Roger Williams U11iversity J1011orisca11sn Lisa Hickey, Presirle11t,Ju111or Cfn..;..; marks. Let the values you have your course in life, your goals. public interest. It is my fondest Kate Axelson, Vice President learned here serve as your The professors who have served hope that in the course of your I-lolly A. Fusco The Right Rev. Geralyn Wolf Jennifer Staruski, Secrl'fary touchstones. as your mentors continue to life's journey, you will make Presirle11I,Alpl,n Chi Honor Society, T/,e Episcopal Diocese of As you move out of fa111iliar care, relish news of your this a just and caring society. Roger Williams U11iversity RI,ode lsla11rl SENIOR CLASS OFFICERS territory into the frontier of progress and remain ready to Go forward then, with confi­ Providence, R.l. Romey Sabnani, Preside11t adult life, remember the sources support you as long as you dence and purpose. Go for­ PRESENTATION OF Doctor of H11mn11eLetters Courtney Mulligan, Vice Pre...:.irlenl of your achievements, expcri- need them. The resources of ward knowing that we look at HONORARY DEGREE ho11oriscausn Erin Lindquist, Treasurer your Alma Mater remain yours you with confidence and hope. CANDIDATES AND Fritzie CharnC, Secretary for the asking. Come back - Go forward in peace and em­ CONFERRING OF KEYNOTE use the library, take courses you brace with passion the experi­ HONORARY DEGREES COMMENCEMENT GRADUATING STUDENT could not take during your un­ ences that await you! Chairman Ralph R. Papitto 'SSH SPEAKER SENATE MEMBERS dergraduate years, attend the Rick Pitino President Anthony J. Santoro Christian Palombo, Presirle11t University lectures and arts President mrrlHenri Conclr, Sandra Mac Cue, Secretary events, participate actively in Tire Bos/011 Celtic,;; Jennifer Can1ac, Tn:a:;;1m:r the Alumni Association by at­ Andrew Firmin, Se11ator i':?iL~Presirfe11t CONFERRING OF tending its activities and help- Roger Willinms U11iversity UNDERGRADUATE DEGREES SENIOR CLASS President Anthony J.Santoro ADVISORY BOARD Kathleen Douton BENEDICTION Kari Paro Father Barry Gamache Jessica Perry 3 ~NORARY DEGREERECIPIENTS 1999 Kristen A. Avansino Joseph M. Brito, Sr. Alan Gerry Rick Pitino Patrick J. Purcell The Right Rev. Geralyn Wolf /Jrc.;ir/n1t n11drxct'11/ruc Din·ctM Prt"sidc11t Chninlln11a11rl CEO Preside11/n11d /-lend Cone/, Pn:sirle11tn11rl P11lilisher Tiu' [piscvpnl Oioce.:.t'of l<lzotle/-,/1111d r.t. \ \'ci:,:a11dro1111tlalio11 Brito [1lfapri::;cs, /11c. Gra11iteAssociates, L.1~ The 13os/011Ce/lies TJ,c Bos/011I lemid ProPirle11cc,Kl. ,~{'1/(l, Nt'P. 13ris/o/,JU Lihcr/11,N. Y /30s/011,Mass. Bosto11,Mass. Doctor of J /1mrn11cLetters Oodnr of l.d11cntio11 DC1clorof B11si11cssAd111i11istratio11 Doctorof 811si11essAd111i11istmtio11 Doc/or of P11b/icService Doc/or of Le/las ho11oriscnusn Jw11ori...cau,n ho11oriscn11sn ftoltol'iSCfl/15{1 l1011oriscn11sa honoris cn11sn Dr111ca,te//cl1a, 1mtro11: Kri-.tc11 [11trqm:11e11r.[xec11tiz,t:. Co1111111111ity Co111111ercinl rlrii,e, lt'ch11olosical Hick Piti110cn11 tenclr 11s a lot nbo11t Patrick Purcell's nchie1x111c11tsi11 /he 13ishopGem/1111 Wolf is 011/!fJl,e f1fl/1 1\f/i..;1111/\pr11l'-i1w Jin-. 11crfon11cd nrli~­ f('(ldcrfl//{f co1111111111ityserPa11/. F1111d­ i1111oz1ntio11,n11d fi11n11cial nc11111e11 overco111i11gobstacles lo achieve 111assco1111111111icntio11s 111crlin woman CC111sccrnlcdlll::-lw1i /1_11 the lid1Il11,1111r/11rcd tin· crcnliPl'nf,tfiticc:; of raiscr n11d_f1rnds-siz1cr. First a11d 11laa Aln11Gerry n111<mg/he JJio11ecrs re111nrknb/esuccess. 1-lisspecialty disti11g11ishhim, fi1c11i11 a field of 2.5-111ilfio11-111c111herEpiscopal o/J1a-., awf c11,11rcillltnt wortf,11 or:,;n- fon•1111J::.I:ra111ily 11rn11. Bristol 11nlil1e of America's l100111i11gcnlile te/niisio11 as n /,end bnsketbn/1cone/, of //,ree col­ high-profile 111e11nrni wo111l'II. Church. l,1 1996, site hccn111c011/y 111:t1lio11..;rcnc/1 ll1t·ir so11f-,_ and l1fe-lm1grt'.:;ide11I Josq,/1 M. Brito, i11rl11stry.His Cnhfepisio11/11d11strics lege a11rltwo N.13.A. ten111slras been re­ Fi11eyears ago, he l1011gl1tthe the seco11rlu 1omn11/11<:;taJJed n..;n /\-. /Jrc.;,u/c11tm1tl L.n·c11/ipcOirl.'C­ Sr. fl//{fhi-.. 11 1ifc, Joa11Crn11wdf Brito, (CVI) Corpomlio11was 011eof //,e stori11g011cc-grenf, struggling athletic BosTo:-...l-h::1{1-\I Dfrom Rupert rliocesa11hisho11 whe11 she 1110::-11a111ed 11 tor ,f tlte LI,.
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