The making of the Greek city: An Athenian case study Alain Duplouy To cite this version: Alain Duplouy. The making of the Greek city: An Athenian case study. C. Graml, A. Doronzio et V. Capozzoli. Rethinking Athens Before the Persian Wars, pp.201-216, 2019, 9783831648139. hal- 02501645 HAL Id: hal-02501645 https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-02501645 Submitted on 7 Mar 2020 HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est archive for the deposit and dissemination of sci- destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents entific research documents, whether they are pub- scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, lished or not. The documents may come from émanant des établissements d’enseignement et de teaching and research institutions in France or recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires abroad, or from public or private research centers. publics ou privés. &RQVWDQ]H*UDPO$QQDULWD'RURQ]LR 9LQFHQ]R&DSR]]ROL HGV 5HWKLQNLQJ$WKHQV%HIRUHWKH3HUVLDQ:DUV 3URFHHGLQJVRIWKH,QWHUQDWLRQDO:RUNVKRSDWWKH /XGZLJ0D[LPLOLDQV8QLYHUVLWlW0QFKHQ 0XQLFKUG±WK)HEUXDU\ 0QFKQHU6WXGLHQ]XU$OWHQ:HOW KHUDXVJHJHEHQYRQ 3URI'U0DUWLQ=LPPHUPDQQ 3URI'U-HQV8ZH.UDXVH 3URI'U.DUHQ5DGQHU /XGZLJ0D[LPLOLDQV8QLYHUVLWlW0QFKHQ %DQG 7KLVERRNZDVSULQWHGWKDQNVWRWKHILQDQFLDOVXSSRUWRIWKH'LSDUWLPHQWR$VLD$IULFD H0HGLWHUUDQHRRIWKH8QLYHUVLWjGHJOL6WXGLGL1DSROLª/¶2ULHQWDOH© DQGWKH/XGZLJ0D[LPLOLDQV8QLYHUVLWlW0QFKHQ 8PVFKODJDEELOGXQJ('RGZHOO9LHZVLQ*UHHFH, /RQGRQ 3ODWH ª7HPSOHRI-XSLWHU2O\PSLRVDQG5LYHU,OLVVRV© >KWWSVGLJLXEXQLKHLGHOEHUJGHGLJOLWGRGZHOO@ %LEOLRJUDILVFKH,QIRUPDWLRQGHU'HXWVFKHQ1DWLRQDOELEOLRWKHN 'LH'HXWVFKH1DWLRQDOELEOLRWKHNYHU]HLFKQHWGLHVH3XEOLNDWLRQLQ GHU'HXWVFKHQ1DWLRQDOELEOLRJUDILHGHWDLOOLHUWHELEOLRJUDILVFKH 'DWHQVLQGLP,QWHUQHWEHUKWWSGQEGQEGHDEUXIEDU 'DV:HUNLVWXUKHEHUUHFKWOLFKJHVFKW]W6lPWOLFKHDXFK DXV]XJVZHLVH9HUZHUWXQJHQEOHLEHQYRUEHKDOWHQ (DFKDXWKRUZDVUHVSRQVLEOHIRUVHFXULQJWKHUHSURGXFWLRQ ULJKWVRIWKHLPDJHVIRUWKHLQGLYLGXDODUWLFOHV 7\SHVHWWLQJDQGOD\RXW9LQFHQ]R&DSR]]ROL 7RPPDVLQD0DWURQH$QQLND%XVFKLQJ 7KH(QJOLVKWH[WZDVUHYLVHGE\+HQU\+HLWPDQQ*RUGRQ &RS\ULJKWXW]YHUODJ*PE+ā ,6%1 3ULQWHGLQ(8 XW]YHUODJ*PE+0QFKHQ āZZZXW]YHUODJGH TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreword 9 Rolf Michael Schneider Introduction 11 Constanze Graml, Annarita Doronzio, Vincenzo Capozzoli DEALING WITH DEATH Some Thoughts on the Pre-Classical Athenian Society 25 Anna Maria D’Onofrio The Submycenaean and Protogeometric Cemetery on 2, Odos Irodou 41 Attikou, Athens, Greece. Remarks on the Spatial Distribution of the Athenian Cemeteries and Burial Customs on the Transition from Late Bronze Age to the Early Iron Age Marilena Kontopanagou From Amphorae to Cauldrons: Urns at Athens in the Early Iron Age and 51 in the Orientalizing Period Simona Dalsoglio Ladies Returned. On Cypriot-Inspired Shapes in the Early Iron Age Pottery 65 of Attica Jennifer Wilde A Fresh Look at the Kerameikos Necropolis: Social Complexity and 89 Funerary Variability in the 7th Century B.C. Annarita Doronzio The Excavations at Phaleron Cemetery 2012-2017: An Introduction 103 Stella Chryssoulaki SHAPING SPACES Memoryscapes in Early Iron Age Athens: the ‘Sacred House’ at the Site of 115 the Academy Alexandra Alexadridou & Maria Chountasi Thucydides 2.15 on Primitive Athens: A New Interpretation 131 Myrto Litsa Constructing Monumentality at the Athenian Acropolis in the Early 6th 149 Century B.C. Elisavet P. Sioumpara Coming Back to the polis trochoeides. Dealing with the Topography of 167 Archaic Athens Vincenzo Capozzoli Between Tradition and Innovation. The Late Archaic Telesterion at Eleusis 189 Reconsidered Ioulia Kaoura ESTABLISHING COMMUNITIES The Making of the Greek City: An Athenian Case Study 207 Alain Duplouy Diakrioi and/or Hyperakrioi? A View of Archaic stasis in Athens: Between 217 Aristocratic Conflict, the Intervention of the demos and the Use of the Sacred Miriam Valdés Guía Being a Heliast During the 6th Century B.C.? Remarks on the Existence of 225 the People’s Court in Archaic Athens Alexandra Bartzoka The Greek agora in the Context of Sites of Political Assembly in the 239 Ancient Near East Claudia Horst The College of Treasurers of Athena on the Acropolis During the Archaic 251 Period Valentina Mussa Archaic Athens and Tyranny. The Origins of the Athenian Public Finance 265 Marcello Valente Worshipping Women, Worshipping War: (How) Did the Persian Wars 277 Change the Cultic Veneration of Artemis in Athens? Constanze Graml A Question of Object. Class Semantics in Athenian Vase Painting (530– 297 430 B.C.) Wolfgang Filser BIBLIOGRAPHY 313 INDEX PERSONARUM 357 INDEX LOCORUM 361 Foreword The Munich workshop, Rethinking Athens – The Polis Before the Persian Wars: Interdisciplinary Approaches, organised by a team of young scholars who also edited this book, remains unforgettable. The reasons are manifold. One was the choice of the period, the first half of the 1st millennium BC, in which Wilder Ursprung (Walter Burkert) of Greek people was one of the anthropological catalysts for the development of the polis, namely that of Athens. Another was the group of people invited to participate: a vivid mix of passionate young and senior academics mainly from Europe, predominantly Greece. Here, an important driving force was the generous willingness to share new data about key sites in Athens and Attica, now published in this volume. This openness not only resulted in furthering knowledge but also provided new insights into the meandering process of how the city’s spatial, material, religious, political, social and economic fabric was woven and constantly rewoven over a long period of time. This process came about in quite the opposite way to clear-cut modern categories as it bound together (seemingly) conflicting concepts, such as myth with history, religion with politics, life with death, aesthetics with brutality, glory with violence, success with failure, and agreement with contradiction. Unforgettable was also the constructive dis- cussion and Mediterranean atmosphere of the workshop propelled by a plurality of hermeneutics, original thought, productive criticism, mutual respect, and a lot of enthusiasm and fun. Fortunately for us this book will keep some of the Munich conference spirit alive, in particular Athens' heritage as an exceptional workshop of all aspects of human life. Prof. Dr. Rolf Michael Schneider Professor Emeritus for Classical Archaeology 9 The Making of the Greek City: An Athenian Case Study ALAIN DUPLOUY What is the Greek city? The question As Alcaeus3 and Thucydides4 wrote, is so essential that is has been discussed andres gar polis, “men make the city”, for over 150 years since the publication therefore considering the polis mostly as a of La cité antique by Fustel de Coulanges community of citizens. The main issue in in 1864. As everyone knows, there is no investigating the making of Greek cities simple answer to that question and, on the is therefore to consider how the limits of contrary, a profusion of models promoted the citizen group have been continuously mainly by national traditions. As O. Mur- defined and implemented over the centu- ray once wrote humorously, “To the Ger- ries. From this perspective, it means dis- mans the polis can only be described in a tinguishing between insiders – who could handbook of constitutional law; the French take part in the community – and outsid- polis is a form of Holy Communion; the ers – who were excluded from or could not English polis is a historical accident; while afford to take part to it. In various recent the American polis combines the practices studies5, I proposed to consider the making of a Mafia convention with the principles of Greek cities as a behavioural phenome- of justice and individual freedom”1. The non. To be precise, in Archaic Greece the history of Archaic Greece – and by this continuous process of community making I intend the whole pre-Classical period heavily rested on collective and individual from the collapse of the Mycenaean world performances, behaviours or lifestyles. towards the end of the 13th century – can Various scholars have already emphasized in no way be reduced to an institutional performance as a key feature in the prac- history, which would lead from monarchy tice and ideology of the Greek city, par- to democracy, nor can it be equated to a ticularly of the Athenian democracy. As quarrel between the dēmos and an alleged S. Goldhill and R. Osborne noted in the ‘aristocracy’ – a word I have banished from introductory paper to a stimulating vol- my vocabulary, because it is both useless ume, “When the Athenian citizen speaks and misleading2. The core of the process in the Assembly, exercises in the gymna- when thinking about the making of the sium, sings at the symposium, or courts a Greek city over this half-millennium is boy, each activity has its own regime of first related to the delineation of a citizen display and regulation; each activity forms community. an integral part of the exercise of citizen- 3 Alk. fr. 112, 10, 426. 1 Murray 1990, 3. 4 Thuk. 7, 77, 7. 2 See Duplouy 2006, and now Fisher – van Wees 5 Duplouy 2013; Duplouy 2014; Duplouy 2018b; 2015. Duplouy 2018c; Duplouy 2019. 207 A. DUPLOUY ship”6. This concept of performance, usu- eated? How to become a citizen? How ally applied to the performance of drama to be accepted by the other members of in the theatre or speeches in the assembly the community as a worthy citizen? And and public courts, has to be extended how to perpetuate such a community in to other aspects of the citizen lifestyle. a
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