Vi • 1n• tudents like CS; • SIC, pool, city / By Gloria Pena rate, gymnastics, volleyball, , Have you noticed five new stu- r pingpong, stamp collecting, mo­ I '• dents roamang the halls within del airplane, playing the flute B the last three weeks? Well, they and guitar, and all seemed to be were not here permanently, but enthusiastic about girls were exchange students from Guatemala, Central America, The school here is different vasatang Shreveport, The Louisi­ from those in Guatemala in the ana Jaycees sponsored these way that here the students go to students and the people they are the classes, where as in Guate­ staying with will in turn visit mala, the teachers change class­ Guatamala and stay with a famaly rooms. One sa ad that ·'here the there. students are for the teachers, Whale visitang Shreveport they where there, the teachers are for -did such !hangs as visit a farm in the students." Three of the stu­ ~aptain ~'trrur 11igtp ..ctpool Texas, where they had a wiener dents are still in high school, roast ; visit Barksdale A ir Force while the other two are in col­ Base· take an excursion to lege, one studying Architecture Shreve Square, go to parties; and the other studying Business Volume IX Shreveport, La., December 15, 1975 Number 5 take in sO'me skating; and one Administration. even had the experaence of going flying with Mrs. Helen Wray. The students also went shop­ ping at Southpark Mall of which Christmas brings gifts; they were totally amazed, and at Eastgate Shopping Center by Captain Shreve. One even catalogue offers I aug hs splurged and bought $30 worth By Sandra Braswell $2,250,000. of albums. They also enJOY listen­ Are you lookang for that per­ For the musician on your list, ing to American rock music, fect galt to give to your guy or there is an extremely fascinating especaally popular singing group gal. your friends, or even your galt. Let the little musician con­ Bachman Turner Overdrive. relatives? Well, if money is no duct the Houston Symphony in They did eat out a lot and enJOY object, take a look at this! a performance. This includes the food here, although there are For the super-ego person this Jones Hall, the podaum , the staff such places like " McDonald's" is an exclusave gift. For no more of hostesses, the sound techni­ and " Kentucky Fried Chicken" than $2500, your ego-person can cians and a baton, plus, if you in Guatemala that also serve true appear an a MGM movie or for no want, tickets advertising hints Ameracan food. more than $8500 they can record and "sold out" stickers to let Accordang to the exchange stu­ ~ their own song and receive a the public know that it's an dents Shreveport is ·'very EXCHANGE STUDENTS from Gu ~ tamala enjoy a game of pool. copy in gold. exciting performance. The un­ pretty · When asked what they For the youngsters, there is believable low price of this ex­ like best about Shreveport, all a toy horse made of real horse­ clusive gift is only $14,500 . five Spanish speaking students hair and the price is really a Other odds and ends for fel­ replied " Downtown and the CS presents 'Grass Harp' steal, only $1,000. For the same low friends can be tied up in no highways " Shreveport down­ price one can also give the little time. For only $250 Let that spe­ " The Grass Harp," a comedy Stover, Johnny lies as Brophy, town is different from theirs be­ one on the list a lave young cial friend be a fareman for a day, written by Truman Capote, was Machel Joiner as Sam , Lynn Mc­ cause there are so many over­ quarter horse colt. lsn 't that for $750, let that person work presented by the Captain Shreve Cary as Maude Raordan, and passes, and they have only a few. amazang? with the chef of Baskin Robbins Players last Thursday, Friday, Becky Trahan as Miss Baby Love The only thing they didn't like What does that special girl and create their own personal and Saturday nights an CS audi­ dallas. about Shreveport was the fact on the list want? A perfect gift ice cream flavor and re­ torium. Townspeople were Brenda that we don't have mountains for her is a bathtub filled with ceive 100 gallons of it, for only In a small southern town dur­ Brock, Maggie Horton, Suzanne like they do. daamonds, for the amazangly low $500, let your favorite friend sit ang the 1950's two old spinster Hortman, Meta Johnson, Christa They say that the people here prace of $118,335,000 Any girl in all day on a photographic sasters , Dolly and Verena Talbo, Mayo, Margaret McGarrity, Ter­ have been very friendly to them would just love it! session of the playboy centerfold. played by Charlotte Woodruff ry Pierce, and Bessae Whataker. and that since they can 't speak It the problem is finding a per­ Yes, friends, all of these gifts, and Sharon Regan respectively, English very well, they've been Mrs. Rebecca Cassell darected fect gift for your guy, then con­ plus more can be found in many a black friend, Catherine Creek, communicating by using a Span­ the play with Terry Pierce sider a private French Chateau catalogs. (All of these gifts have played by Kathy Elmore, and ish-English dictionary and sign helping as the student director. for only $875,000 or even give been taken from the Sakowitz Collan Talbo, played by Scot language using hands. Technical Director was Randy him his own Carribean Island for Catalog.) Goldsholl, made a dropsy recipe Some of their hobbies are soc­ Falbaum; set construction ad­ Verena, the business-minded cer, basketball, wrestling, ka- visor, Russell Pedro; and busi­ sister. conspired with a Chicago ness advisor, Mrs Gladys Ad­ film-flam man, Dr Morris Ritz, erhold played by Bobby Saxon, to ob­ Stage Manager was Susan tain the recalpe for the dropsy Don't forget Adams. Crew members were Jan cure for mass production. Dolly, Moppeut, costumes; Matilda the only one who knew the recipe December McCullough, properties; Cam­ ingredients, did not want to let 15 Choir concert, 7:30 p.m., braa Kinnard, Make-up; Laurie anyone k(low the recape. Thas audatoraum Muslow. busaness; Walter Wei­ caused a problem between the 15 Cafe -- Language Club Par- mer set construction; Randy Fal­ two sasters Therefore Collin, ty, 7-9 p.m. baum and Mark Gilliam, light­ Dolly and Catherine " ran away" 16 CS vs. Byrd at CS, 7:30p.m. ing, Scott Fort, sound, and Cindy to their treehouse. Whale there, 17 Cafe, 7 p.m. Long , poster design and publi­ Judge Charlie Coli, played by 17 Football Banquet, 7 p.m. city 18 Band concert, 7:30 p.m., Karl Wendt, proposed to Dolly. audatorium At the close of the play Dolly, 19 Z-Ciub stockings will be Collin, and Catherine moved lSU-S fJpens handed out back an wath Verena, the mass­ 19 CS vs Haughton at CS production plan fell through, and 19 Christmas holidays begin at all lived happily ever after. tfJ CS junifJrs 3p.m. Other roles were played by January John Kincade as the Reverend, LSU-S is now offering summer 5 Chrastmas holidays end at Liz Crutchfield as the Reverend '~ freshman courses for students 8 30a.m . wife, Trip Merklein as the bar­ who have completed their junior KARL WENDT and Charlotte Taylor in " The Grass Harp". 9 CS vs Woodlawn at CS ber, Laura Little as the baker's year an hagh school and wish to 16 CS vs Green Oaks at CS wale Mark Goldstein as the post­ take courses that are not other­ 19 Mid-term exams began master, Kelly price as the Sher­ wise available in high school. Close-up names trip recipient 20 CS vs Parkway at CS iff, Rhonda Smythe as the choir An application must be ap­ 23 next Enterprise sale mistress, Jim Lee as Big Eddie proved by the high school prin­ Captain Shreve sophomore the government. They w ill be cipal and submitted along w ith Lindora Lee and Mrs. Dessie meeting with Congressman a high school transcript to the Adger Shreve Civacs teacher, Waggoner, Senator Long, Sen­ Assastant Vice Chancellor for have been chosen as the re­ ator Johnston plus Congress­ Academic Affairs no later than cipients of a Washington, D.C. men, Representatives and Sen­ April 2. The applicant must have trip awarded by the Close-up ators from other states. This pro­ a minimum of 12-~ credits com­ Program in conjunction with the gram is to help students and tea­ pleted in his three years of high Allen J. Ellendar Fellowship. chers see first hand how our school, and must have a " B" Miss Lee, daughter of Mrs. government works. average in the course he applies Braya Wimberly, and Mrs. Des­ for, and an overall · B " average. sie Adger will be accompanied He must also rank in the top 75 % by nine other students sponsored in standardized placement tests. by their parents, clubs or com­ What's inside Fees for the summer term w ill munity organizations. These stu­ Food Coupons pp.6,8,&10 be $70 for six, seven, and eight dents include Seniors John Looking back to '38 p.9 semester hours. Four or five Reeves , Karla Collons; Juniors Obesity at Christmas p.8 hour courses costs $60; and one, Briana Bianca, Bill Roby, Patri­ How to cure boredom p.4 two, or three semester hours cia Merklein, Terri Templeton; Alcoholism p.10 and Sophomores James Smith, costs $50.
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