Volum* 7Q, Issue 1 A atudtnt mwapapw aervlng tha Northern Arizona Unlvralty community. Thursday, August 21,1960 r Water line breaks; Frantic frosh students face wait By Erin Whalen A dollar figure for the damage will not be * Students who have not yet rented a available until Risk Management, the invade NAU refrigerator from M1HC face a two-four university's insurance company, finishes its week wait while 500 water-damaged units are assessment. Giles said > repaired. The cause of the break was the old age of The refrigerators were damaged Aug. 10 (he line, Giles said. It was 20 years old. when a four-inch main water line in the More old lines might break, but the By Jim Huffman Lumberjack Gym broke. The break caused Physical Plant is conducting some preventive Pasted to the Lumberjack editor's desk is a long flooding in the basements of the Physical maintenance, he said. * list of story ideas entitled “ Time-Tested Stories Plant and Babbitt and Peterson dorms "We've always reacted instead of acted. for Editors Approaching Deadline with Little M1HC President Tobin Sidles said the Now we're tryirig to ferret out the problems group’s rental refrigerators were stacked six before they occur." Giles said More than the Daily Chuckle for Tomorrow’s Front Page.” Idea 12 recommends interviewing units high in Peterson Hall's basement One example of preventive maintenance is incomin{! freshmen concerning school, room­ Although 700 refrigerators were not damag- cheeking the wall thickness oh pipes. This is I. about 500 units need repair. mates, leaving home and the stTange multicolored not a foolproof guarantee that breaks will stain on their fraternity jacket. “ A lot of students are going to be without not occur again. Giles said. It’s an easy assignment because freshmen are . refrigerators." Sidles said. "W e'r: getting not difficult to find. They tend to form long lines them out as fast as we can. 1 hope students leading nowhere and leave a trail of SPIF forms I ** can put up with us for a month.” and ID cards wherever they go. Students will be put on a waiting list for Hughes fills Here are four typical examples of freshman wit refrigerators. As soon as a unit is repaired, and wisdom. MIHC will contact the next person on the [ . 0 list. Sidles said. 4 vp slots Diane Denlinger. 18 JFlagstaff. '■\ i He expects it to take between two and four weeks to repair all the units. What qualities do yoa kave m Administrative leadership at NAU under­ went major changes this summer as four vice No damgge occurred to the electrical I don’t know. I don’t unders­ presidents were appointed by NAU Presi­ Playing with fire parts, but the insulation has to be replaced. dent Eugene M. Hugl.es tand. As part of i staff training workshop, MIHC expects reimbursement from the The appointments, which were offective . What special qualities are you Physical Plant, who Is in charge of fire ex­ insurance company for the labor and cost of bringing to (Ms school? residence hall staff at NAU learn how to tinguishers. To the right of Jaurequi are July I, included Hughes' filling the vacated use fire extinguishers. Obtaining hands-on repair. The repair bill may go as high executive vice president slot with Augustus Ohhhh! I don't know. Eldon Gregory, fire Inspector with the experience in putting out fires are from What do yoa think of your Flagstaff Fire’ Department and Jim MIHC has funds to handle $10,000 S. Cetera left. Bob Campbell, Phoenix senior. Rich Mansfield, parking-- and safety ad­ of the bill. Sidles said. Cotera.— who was formerly geology depart - ’Garda, Phoenix senior and Joanie Sturm, She’s too pretty. ministrator at NAU. Mansfield said talks In addition to the refrigerators, washing mem chairman, assumed the newly-named Babbitt residence hill director. In the on fire safety also are given to Interested machines and dryers, personal property of Position of vice president for academic af- What’s your capacity for booze? center Is Tom Jaurequi of the NAU fairs and assistant to Hughes in an acting I don’t drink. groups at NAU. (NAUphoto) students in Babbitt Half and Peterson' dent hall director were damaged. role. Frank H. Besnette filled the office of vice Twice-weekly publication denied; “ Everything in our basement is out of president for administration and finance. commission,” said Joan Sturm, Babbitt resi­ Besnette left his position as dean of the Col­ dent hall director. Martie Delgadilo, 18, Seligman. newsprint shortage cited as cause- lege of Business Administration to assume How do you spell your name? The carpet in Babbitt's basement was the role. M-A-R»..is this a joke or something? By Erin Whalen the faculty,” Newton said. "We lost an op- ruined and the weights in the weigh: room Two out-of-state appointments were F The Lumberjack's request for twice- portunity to capitalize on talent we had.” have to have the rust cleaned off, she said, Clark Elkins and David J. Markee. Are you bringing aay special weekly publication was denied by the ad- However, Newton said the journalism The break was discovered by a Babbitt Elkins, who assumed the role of vice presi­ qualities to NAU? ministration in early August. department plans to pursue more frequent student resident assistant about -5:30 a.m.. dent of university relations and develop­ My talents. I’m a softball Ray Newton, journalism department publication with an ultimate goal of becom- Aug. 18. Before the water was turned off, ment, retained the same post at Arkansas player. Just let the coaches know chairman, said the reason for denial was the ing a daily newspaper. four fee' of water collected in each dorm5 State University at Jonesboro. how good I am. newsprint shortage. ‘The journalism faculty will discuss plans basement, Markee took over as vice president for stu­ What are you going to do for a The Arizona Daily Sun was selected to for the future of the newspaper as part of a Water Md electricity, which was turned dent services. Markee previously served as good t e e while you’re here? print The Lumberjack this year. Newton assistant chancellor for student affairs at the Party. I’m just an amateur at it couple of day-long workshops and then 0ff during repairs, was restored by late Aug. said publisher Burl Lyons received word make some formal recommendations to the 19, Sturm said University of Wisconsin-Whitewater. though. froir. the p*i*•?'■. c‘V;'V»*M headquarters in, ’ administration," TayU>r said. Fred’G iJe irW ^ a d Plant artstVm dtrec- The ippoinmems we-e the results of tb* California that the 'supply of newsprint retirement of Virgil Gillenwater from the ex­ What 4o you think of your r Hughes said the proposal will be reviewed tor, said more than one million gallons of would b«cut back. ecutive vice presidency; the appointment of She’s (expletive deleted at Miss Delgadilo's re­ by his entire administration in November, waterwas lost before the break was repaired quest). NAU President Eugene M. Hughes said he E. Harlin Staires from vice president for ad­ discussed the proposal with Lyons. Lyons ministration services to professor of educa­ .said because of the nationwide paper shor­ tional administration; and Laveme Pitcher’s tage, they would not be able to print The change from vice president of financial af­ Lumberjack twice-weekly. Brown retires; Delaney fairs to financial adviser. John Lloyd, 18, Phoenix. However, in an Aug. 20 column in the Further information on each newly- Why did you cometo NAU? Arizona Daily Sun, Lyons said the paper's appointed vice president will be featured in Seemed like a neat place. Better than sitting out newsprint situation has “ eased somewhat" named acting chairman the next edition of The Lumberjack. in the desert. and the Sun is “ probably in the best position What are you going to do for a we have been all year.” good te e ? The reason for the improved newsprint A five-year professor of NAU's policeBrown came to NAU in 1958 and the NAU faced with Party. I’ve been out two or supply was a purchase from a plant in Ten- science and administration field has been department became well known under his three times. I went to Granny’s nessee. named acting chairman of that department, direction, James said. In an interview, Lyons said he currently Closet and one down the street H. Richard Delaney became acting depart­ "It became nationally recognized as one ' has 65 days supply of newsprint, and a five- from it... ment chairman effective Aug. 10. of the few, if not standing alone, depart- month supply is needed in order for the Sun The Lada Quarter? Wesley Brown, the initial faculty member ments in preparation of police science ad- M*rt> Valentino to print Tlie Lumberjack twice a week. Could be. of the pofice science administration depart­ ministrators and law enforcement person- Housing is the single biggest limiting fac- How’s your roommate? Because of the shortage and the fact that ment. retired in July, after 20 years at NAU. nel,” James said. tor of NAU, said Michael Dannells, director I don’t know. I haven't got a all Hughes’ administration was not available of the office of residence life. room. Calvin James, dean of the "The program is extremely during the summer. Hughes said he would - fJ™ “ | well known throughout the With an increase in enrollment of almost 2 notnor approveannrov, the,hr request.
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